3,854 research outputs found

    Employing wavelength diversity to improve SOA gain uniformity

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    In this paper, we propose a wavelength diversity technique for the semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) to improve the gain uniformity for ultra-high speed optical routers. In such routers, fast SOA gain recovery is required to ensure the minimum gain standard deviation and thus leading to reduction in the system power penalty. The SOA is modeled using a segmentation technique and the detailed theoretical analysis for the model is presented. A direct temporal analysis of the impact of the signal wavelength on the SOA gain is investigated. The SOA gain profile when injected with a burst of input Gaussian pulses for a single wavelength and the proposed wavelength diversity technique are investigated. The operation principle is simulated and the results show a reduction in the gain standard deviation (at 1 mW input power) of 13.1, 11, 8.1, 6.2 and 4.8 dB for the data rates of 10, 20, 40, 80 and 160 Gb/s, respectively

    Optimizing the Role of Parents in Internalizing the Islamic Education Values of the Alpha Generation in the Digital Era

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    Technological advances have created its own challenges for parents in educating their children. The number of child abductions accompanied by the excessive use of gadgets by the alpha generation children, poses a challenge for parents to be able to choose methods or ways to internalize Islamic educational values that are able to attract the attention of their children.  This article discusses alternative models for internalizing the values of Islamic education by prioritizing optimizing the role of parents. The digital era is troubling many parents who are not familiar with technology. The method in this research is using qualitative research with a phenomenological approach starting from observations in the Medali Village environment, interviews with 2 parents, 2 children, and documentation. The results obtained are in line with expectations which show that Alphan generation children are able to internalize the value of politeness towards adults, peers and the surrounding community, children obey their parents' orders by playing with cellphones at least and the harmony of a child becomes visible and real. The aim of this research is to optimize the important role of parents in the Medali village community in terms of internalizing the values of Islamic education through the values of politeness and harmony in the Alpha generation

    Optimisation of the key SOA parameters for amplification and switching

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are composed of small, low cost, resource-constrained computing nodes equipped with low power wireless transceivers. Generally, they are embedded in their environment to perform some specific monitoring and/or control function. Unlike wired networks that have dedicated routers for network connectivity and message forwarding, every node in a WSN can act as a router in a multi-hop network. A WSN can offer a cheap, applicationspecific solution in a variety of situations including military and disaster response scenarios, where other approaches are not viable. Due to their unattended nature and deployment in possibly hostile environmental conditions, there are many challenges in ensuring that a WSN is formed effectively and survives long enough to fulfil its function. Securing a WSN against attack is a particular challenge. Traditional encryption mechanisms are resource hungry and are not sufficient alone to provide a complete solution. This project is concerned with secure routing protocols. Formal methods are used to model and analyse the design of existing protocols and to demonstrate some previously unreported weaknesses

    Knowledge, Attitude and Clinical Management of Orthodontically - Induced External Root Resorption Among Lebanese Orthodontists.

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge, attitude, and clinical management orthodontically induced external root resorption (OIERR) among Lebanese orthodontists of varying years of experience. Methods: An online validated survey of 22 questions regarding OIERR was done among a randomly selected registered sample of 145 male and female Lebanese orthodontists. Results: Significant differences were found among orthodontists with different years of experience for factors leading to further investigation, the stage at which additional screening measures were taken, periodic follow up assessment method, and clinical management in case of generalized root loss of one-third or more than 4 mm, with p-values 0.035, Conclusion: Lebanese orthodontists had knowledge on potential risk factors, screening methods and period for OIERR. Those with more experience should depend on evidence based literature for clinical management of OIERR Keywords: External root resorption, diagnosis, orthodontics, classification, risk factors, clinical management Abstrait: Objectif: Le but de cette étude était d\u27évaluer les connaissances, l\u27attitude et la prise en charge clinique de l\u27OIERR parmi les orthodontistes libanais ayant différentes années d\u27expérience. Méthodes: Une enquête validée en ligne de 22 questions concernant l\u27OIERR a été réalisée auprès d\u27un échantillon enregistré sélectionné au hasard de 145 orthodontistes libanais, mâles et femelles. Résultats: Des différences significatives ont été constatées entre les orthodontistes ayant différentes années d\u27expérience pour les facteurs conduisant à une enquête plus approfondie, le stade auquel des mesures de dépistage supplémentaires ont été prises, la méthode d\u27évaluation de suivi périodique et la prise en charge clinique en cas de perte radiculaire généralisée d\u27un tiers ou plus. 4 mm, avec des valeurs p de 0,035, respectivement. Conclusion: Les orthodontistes libanais avaient des connaissances sur les facteurs de risque potentiels, les méthodes de dépistage et la période d\u27OIERR. Ceux qui ont plus d\u27expérience devraient s\u27appuyer sur la littérature fondée sur des preuves pour la prise en charge clinique de l\u27OIERR


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    This paper reveals that the unification between various kinds of science is very important for scientific development itself. The union between the science of religion and science is a new breakthrough for existing science. However, the application is still lacking in a more productive domain. UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta is a pioneer of Educational Institutions that implement integration and interconnection in their environment. There are various kinds that can be seen, namely the curriculum, teaching staff and even the building. The existence of openness between one knowledge and another makes it a continuous flow of knowledge and influence between one another. Therefore, applying scientific integration and interconnection needs to be applied in other educational institutions in both higher education institutions and primary, secondary and upper education institutions to formal and nonformal educational institutions. This aims to dismantle the wall of scientific dichotomy which still shackles existing scientific developments. The concept of integration-interconnection is illustrated in the "Theoantropocentric-Integralistic Spider Web of Science in State Universities" which is often called a web spider. The purpose of the web spider is essentially the inter-knowledge between one and the other interlocking (integrationinterconnection). The ethos and breath of the scientific epistemology reintegration of the UIN era were developed, there are three things, including Hadarah al-Nash (buffer of Bayani text culture), Hadarah al-lmIlm (technique, communication) and Hadarah al-Falsafah (ethics). The three breaths are used as a reference for the UIN scientific field and a foothold in developing it

    Towards Generalization of Deep Learning-Based Plant Disease Identification Under Controlled and Field Conditions

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    Identifying corn diseases under field conditions is crucial for implementing effective disease management systems. Deep learning (DL)-based plant disease identification using deep neural networks (DNN) has been successfully implemented in recent years. Recent work suggests DL models trained on lab-acquired image data do not generalize to similar accuracy levels for identifying diseases in the field. Additionally, most studies have not evaluated the generalizability of DL models for identifying plant diseases from various datasets and diverse imaging conditions. This study evaluates how well DL models generalize across different datasets and environmental conditions for identifying plant diseases using five datasets consisting of foliar disease images in corn: namely PlantVillage, PlantDoc, Digipathos, northern leaf blight (NLB) dataset, and a custom acquired CD&S dataset. Multiple DL-based image classification models were trained and evaluated using different dataset combinations. Transfer learning was utilized using five different pre-trained DNN architectures: InceptionV3, ResNet50, VGG16, DesneNet169, and Xception, for conducting four different experiments. After training the models, images for distinct corn diseases from different datasets were used as testing data for evaluating the generalization ability of each DL model. It was observed that the DenseNet169 model performed the best. The highest generalization accuracy of 81.60% was observed when the DenseNet169 model was trained using red, green, blue, and alpha (RGBA) images from CD&S corn disease dataset with removed backgrounds. In addition, 77.50% to 80.33% accuracy was achieved for the PlantVillage dataset when combined with field-acquired images from either the PlantDoc or the CD&S dataset. The results suggest that background removal using RGBA images from CD&S dataset or augmentation of field and lab data improves the generalization performance of DL models and could be used for developing field-deployable disease management systems


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    Orthodontic treatment as a risk factor for the development of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) has been a controversy in literature. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of TMD, as defined in the Diagnostic Criteria (DC)/TMD Axis II, among orthodontic patients. A cross-sectional study (N=180) consisted of 3 groups: 60 control patients seeking orthodontic consultation, 60 patients undergoing orthodontic treatment for 3-5 months, 60 patients undergoing orthodontic treatment for 10-14 months. Patients answered a structured questionnaire that rated their oral parafunctions according to the Oral Behavior Checklist (OBC), pain intensity levels according to the Graded Chronic Pain Scale (GCPS), jaw functional limitations according to the Jaw Functional Limitation Scale 20 (JFLS-20), psychosocial factors (PHQ-9) and somatization levels (PHQ-15). The Chi Square test showed a statistically significant difference p-value=0.001 among both active orthodontic groups (3-5 months/10-14 months) regarding masticatory limitation (53.3%), vertical mobility limitation (41.7% for 3-5 months and 55.0% 10-14 months) and verbal & emotional expression limitation (53.3% 3-5 months and 66.7% 10-14 months). The findings revealed that as orthodontic treatment progresses, the limitation increases. Moreover, no statistical significance was observed between the three groups regarding oral parafunctional habits, chronic pain levels, psychosocial status and somatization. Orthodontic treatment is not a major factor associated with the symptoms of the TMD. Further prospective studies are needed to evaluate the true role of orthodontic treatment in the development of TMD

    Impact of signal wavelength on the semiconductor opticalamplifier gain uniformity for high speed optical routers employing the segmentation model

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    This paper investigates the impact of a train of input Gaussian pulses wavelength on semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) gain uniformity for high speed applications. In high speed applications, the linear output gain of the input pulses is necessary in order to minimize the gain standard deviation and power penalties. A segmentation model of the SOA is demonstrated to utilize the complete rate equations. The SOA gain profile when injected with a burst of input signal is presented. A direct temporal analysis of the effect of the burst wavelength on the SOA gain and the output gain standard deviation is investigated. The output gain uniformity dependence on the input burst power and wavelength within the C-band spectrum range is analyzed. Results obtained show the proportionality of the peak-gain conditions for the SOA on the nonlinearity of the output gain achieved by the input pulses