8 research outputs found

    Uso didáctico de la historia de la matemática y el diseño de líneas del tiempo a través de las TIC

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    Entre algunas de las necesidades detectadas en el ámbito educativo, destaca la de impulsar el desarrollo de prácticas innovadoras en torno al uso de las tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC) en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Diversos autores sugieren que, para la enseñanza de la matemática, se necesita diseñar actividades que involucren el uso de las TIC bajo estándares pedagógicos bien definidos. Por otra parte, el contenido matemático a enseñar en un salón de clases puede ir siendo develado por medio de una práctica docente sustentada en la utilización de la historia de la matemática. Un modo de hacerlo es a través de la creación de líneas del tiempo con el apoyo de herramientas tecnológicas propias de la Web 2.0. Es por ello que, en el presente reporte se realiza la descripción de una actividad formativa que tuvo como objetivo diseñar líneas del tiempo digitales como recurso para la divulgación y aprendizaje de la matemática a través de su historia, y que fueron elaboradas por 5 estudiantes para profesores de matemática de la UPEL-Maracay que han participado en un proceso de capacitación en el uso de las TIC para la enseñanza de la matemática. Los fundamentos teóricos son la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la matemática basada en su historia, las líneas del tiempo como organizadores gráficos de la información, y la Web 2.0. Metodológicamente se trata de un proyecto de acción desarrollado en el marco del paradigma socio-crítico, apoyado en una revisión documental y un trabajo de campo. Los resultados reflejan que las líneas del tiempo poseen un potencial didáctico para ser utilizados en la enseñanza de la matemática a través de su historia y los participantes en el plan de capacitación manifiestan interés en el uso de este recurso en su contexto laboral a futuro

    Neuronal cell-based high-throughput screen for enhancers of mitochondrial function reveals luteolin as a modulator of mitochondria-endoplasmic reticulum coupling

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    Background: Mitochondrial dysfunction is a common feature of aging, neurodegeneration, and metabolic diseases. Hence, mitotherapeutics may be valuable disease modifiers for a large number of conditions. In this study, we have set up a large-scale screening platform for mitochondrial-based modulators with promising therapeutic potential. Results: Using differentiated human neuroblastoma cells, we screened 1200 FDA-approved compounds and identified 61 molecules that significantly increased cellular ATP without any cytotoxic effect. Following dose response curve-dependent selection, we identified the flavonoid luteolin as a primary hit. Further validation in neuronal models indicated that luteolin increased mitochondrial respiration in primary neurons, despite not affecting mitochondrial mass, structure, or mitochondria-derived reactive oxygen species. However, we found that luteolin increased contacts between mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum (ER), contributing to increased mitochondrial calcium (Ca2+) and Ca2+-dependent pyruvate dehydrogenase activity. This signaling pathway likely contributed to the observed effect of luteolin on enhanced mitochondrial complexes I and II activities. Importantly, we observed that increased mitochondrial functions were dependent on the activity of ER Ca2+-releasing channels inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (IP3Rs) both in neurons and in isolated synaptosomes. Additionally, luteolin treatment improved mitochondrial and locomotory activities in primary neurons and Caenorhabditis elegans expressing an expanded polyglutamine tract of the huntingtin protein. Conclusion: We provide a new screening platform for drug discovery validated in vitro and ex vivo. In addition, we describe a novel mechanism through which luteolin modulates mitochondrial activity in neuronal models with potential therapeutic validity for treatment of a variety of human diseases

    Cdk5-mediated JIP1 phosphorylation regulates axonal outgrowth through Notch1 inhibition

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    Abstract Background Activated Cdk5 regulates a number of processes during nervous system formation, including neuronal differentiation, growth cone stabilization, and axonal growth. Cdk5 phosphorylates its downstream substrates located in axonal growth cones, where the highly expressed c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)-interacting protein1 (JIP1) has been implicated as another important regulator of axonal growth. In addition, stringent control of the level of intracellular domain of Notch1 (Notch1-IC) plays a regulatory role in axonal outgrowth during neuronal differentiation. However, whether Cdk5-JIP1-Notch1 cooperate to regulate axonal outgrowth, and the mechanism of such joint contribution to this pathway, is presently unknown, and here we explore their potential interaction. Results Our interactome screen identified JIP1 as an interactor of p35, a Cdk5 activator, and we sought to explore the relationship between Cdk5 and JIP1 on the regulation of axonal outgrowth. We demonstrate that JIP1 phosphorylated by Cdk5 at Thr205 enhances axonal outgrowth and a phosphomimic JIP1 rescues the axonal outgrowth defects in JIP1−/− and p35−/− neurons. Axonal outgrowth defects caused by the specific increase of Notch1 in JIP1−/− neurons are rescued by Numb-mediated inhibition of Notch1. Finally, we demonstrate that Cdk5 phosphorylation of JIP1 further amplifies the phosphorylation status of yet another Cdk5 substrate E3-ubiquitin ligase Itch, resulting in increased Notch1 ubiquitination. Conclusions Our findings identify a potentially critical signaling axis involving Cdk5-JIP1-Itch-Notch1, which plays an important role in the regulation of CNS development. Future investigation into the way this pathway integrates with additional pathways regulating axonal growth will further our knowledge of normal central nervous system development and pathological conditions

    PFTK1 kinase regulates axogenesis during development via RhoA activation

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    Abstract Background PFTK1/Eip63E is a member of the cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) family and plays an important role in normal cell cycle progression. Eip63E expresses primarily in postnatal and adult nervous system in Drosophila melanogaster but its role in CNS development remains unknown. We sought to understand the function of Eip63E in the CNS by studying the fly ventral nerve cord during development. Results Our results demonstrate that Eip63E regulates axogenesis in neurons and its deficiency leads to neuronal defects. Functional interaction studies performed using the same system identify an interaction between Eip63E and the small GTPase Rho1. Furthermore, deficiency of Eip63E homolog in mice, PFTK1, in a newly generated PFTK1 knockout mice results in increased axonal outgrowth confirming that the developmental defects observed in the fly model are due to defects in axogenesis. Importantly, RhoA phosphorylation and activity are affected by PFTK1 in primary neuronal cultures. We report that GDP-bound inactive RhoA is a substrate of PFTK1 and PFTK1 phosphorylation is required for RhoA activity. Conclusions In conclusion, our work establishes an unreported neuronal role of PFTK1 in axon development mediated by phosphorylation and activation of GDP-bound RhoA. The results presented add to our understanding of the role of Cdks in the maintenance of RhoA-mediated axon growth and its impact on CNS development and axonal regeneration

    Systems biology analysis identifies impairment of mitochondrial and glycolytic metabolism in a genetic model of Alzheimer\u2019s disease.

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    Mitochondrial dysfunction is implicated in most neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer\u2019s disease (AD). We here combined experimental and computational approaches to investigate mitochondrial health and bioenergetic function in neurons from a double transgenic animal model of AD (PS2APP/B6.152H). Experiments in primary cortical neurons demonstrated that AD neurons had reduced mitochondrial respiratory capacity. Interestingly, the computational model predicted that this mitochondrial bioenergetic phenotype could not be explained by any defect in the mitochondrial respiratory chain (RC), but could be closely resembled by a simulated impairment in the mitochondrial NADH flux. Further computational analysis predicted that such an impairment would reduce levels of mitochondrial NADH, both in the resting state and following pharmacological manipulation of the RC. To validate these predictions, we utilised fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) and autofluorescence imaging and confirmed that transgenic AD neurons had reduced mitochondrial NAD(P)H levels at rest, and impaired power of mitochondrial NAD(P)H production. Of note, FLIM measurements also highlighted reduced cytosolic NAD(P)H in these cells, and extracellular acidification experiments showed an impaired glycolytic flux. The impaired glycolytic flux was identified to be responsible for the observed mitochondrial hypometabolism, since bypassing glycolysis with pyruvate restored mitochondrial health. This study highlights the benefits of a systems biology approach when investigating complex, non-intuitive molecular processes such as mitochondrial bioenergetics, and indicates that primary cortical neurons from a transgenic AD model have reduced glycolytic flux, leading to reduced cytosolic and mitochondrial NAD(P)H and reduced mitochondrial respiratory capacity

    Systems biology identifies preserved integrity but impaired metabolism of mitochondria due to a glycolytic defect in Alzheimer's disease neurons

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    Mitochondrial dysfunction is implicated in most neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease (AD). We here combined experimental and computational approaches to investigate mitochondrial health and bioenergetic function in neurons from a double transgenic animal model of AD (PS2APP/B6.152H). Experiments in primary cortical neurons demonstrated that AD neurons had reduced mitochondrial respiratory capacity. Interestingly, the computational model predicted that this mitochondrial bioenergetic phenotype could not be explained by any defect in the mitochondrial respiratory chain (RC), but could be closely resembled by a simulated impairment in the mitochondrial NADH flux. Further computational analysis predicted that such an impairment would reduce levels of mitochondrial NADH, both in the resting state and following pharmacological manipulation of the RC. To validate these predictions, we utilized fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) and autofluorescence imaging and confirmed that transgenic AD neurons had reduced mitochondrial NAD(P)H levels at rest, and impaired power of mitochondrial NAD(P)H production. Of note, FLIM measurements also highlighted reduced cytosolic NAD(P)H in these cells, and extracellular acidification experiments showed an impaired glycolytic flux. The impaired glycolytic flux was identified to be responsible for the observed mitochondrial hypometabolism, since bypassing glycolysis with pyruvate restored mitochondrial health. This study highlights the benefits of a systems biology approach when investigating complex, nonintuitive molecular processes such as mitochondrial bioenergetics, and indicates that primary cortical neurons from a transgenic AD model have reduced glycolytic flux, leading to reduced cytosolic and mitochondrial NAD(P)H and reduced mitochondrial respiratory capacity.</p