619 research outputs found

    On Amplify-and-Forward Relaying Over Hyper-Rayleigh Fading Channels

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    Relayed transmission holds promise for the next generation of wireless communication systems due to the performance gains it can provide over non-cooperative systems. Recently hyper-Rayleigh fading, which represents fading conditions more severe than Rayleigh fading, has received attention in the context of many practical communication scenarios. Though power allocation for Amplify-and-Forward (AF) relaying networks has been studied in the literature, a theoretical analysis of the power allocation problem for hyper-Rayleigh fading channels is a novel contribution of this work. We develop an optimal power allocation (OPA) strategy for a dual-hop AF relaying network in which the relay-destination link experiences hyper-Rayleigh fading. A new closed-form expression for the average signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at destination is derived and it is shown to provide a new upper-bound on the average SNR at destination, which outperforms a previously proposed upper-bound based on the well-known harmonic-geometric mean inequality. An OPA across the source and relay nodes, subject to a sum-power constraint, is proposed and it is shown to provide measurable performance gains in average SNR and SNR outage at the destination relative to the case of equal power allocation

    Error Analysis of Fixed-Gain AF Relaying with MRC Over Nakagami-m Fading Channels

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    This article investigates the error performance of wireless communication systems that employ binary modulations and Amplify-and-Forward (AF) relaying over flat Nakagami-m faded links with maximum ratio combining (MRC) at destination. Specifically, we derive a simple yet accurate closed-form approximation for the average bit error probability (ABEP) and closed-form expressions for its tight upper and lower bounds. The effect of power imbalance between the relayed links is also studied. Numerical investigations show good agreement between proposed theoretical results and simulations whereas our performance bounds are shown to be tighter than previously proposed bounds for the case of unbalanced relayed links

    Peran intellectual capital terhadap market to book value dan return on assets dengan research and development sebagai pemoderasi

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    This study aims to support the role of Research and Development on Intellectual Capital on market value (MtBV) and corporate financial performance (ROA).  Using the Pulic model - Intellectual Value Coefficient (VAIC), this study examines the relationship between value added (VAIC) of the three main corporate resources (ie Physical Capital, Human Capital and Structural Capital), the company's market value (MtBV) and corporate finance ( ROA), and also Research and Development (R&D).  The data is gathered from 43 selected banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013-2017.  Data analysis uses multiple regression.  The results show that Intellectual Capital (VAIC) does not affect to market value (MtBV), but the compilation of Intellectual Capital (VAIC) developed by Research and Development (R&D) as full moderation can support market value.  Intellectual Capital (VAIC) affects financial performance (ROA), as well as Intellectual Capital (VAIC) supported by Research and Development (R & D) as a quasi-moderation which also strengthening the financial performance (ROA).Keyword : Intellectual Capital (IC), Market to Book Value (MtBV), Financial Performance (ROA), Research and Development (R&D)

    Korelasiantara Vitalitas Psikis Dan Kompetensipsikomotor Dengan Kompetensi Kognitif Mata Pelajaran Biologi SMA Negeri 2 Sragen (Relationship Among the Psychological Vitality and Psycomotor Competence with the Cognitive Competence on Biology of Sman 2 Sragen)

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    This research was carried out upon the X grade student of SMA Negeri 2 Sragen. This research wereaimed to find the correlation between psychic vitality and cognitive, correlation between psychological competence and psychomotor competence with cognitive competence on biological learning and the dominant contribution for each independent variable to cognitive competence on biological learning. This is a descriptive-quantitative research with ex post facto. The population of the study is the X grade of SMA Negeri 2 Sragen in academic year of 2004/2005. The sampling technique used is Simple Random Sampling. Sample was taken on 40 students within 8 classes. The data was then analyzed by using MultipleLinear Regretions.The result of research showed that there is positive correlation between psychological vitality and cognitive competence on biological learning of the X grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Sragen (r,ty = 0.424 with Fstatistic = 8\u27325 ) Ftabte (1,38; 0.0, = 4.10). Positive correlation was obtqin betyveen psychomotor competence and cognitive competence onbiological learning(r,zy=0.346withF,so,;,,ir=5.163 )Ftabte(1,38;0.0s)=4.10. Thereis positive correlation between psychological vitality and psychomotor competence with cognitive competence on biological learning (R = 0.5036 with F,r,;,,i, = 6.285 ) Ftabte (2,37;0.05) = 3.25). psychic vititity is the iidependent variable giving a dominant cantribution to cognitive competence on biological with contribution of O2.St Vo

    Peningkatan Keaktifan Diskusi Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Biologi melalui Penerapan Prinsip Arcs pada Kelas RSBI (Rintisan Sekolah Berstandar Internasional)

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Meningkatkan keaktifan diskusi siswa dalam pembelajaran biologi melalui penerapan prinsip Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction ARCS di kelas RSBI sebagai sebuah bentuk inovasi pembelajaran.Penelitian merupakan Classroom Action Research dilakukan di dua lokasi dengan dua inovasi pembelajran berbeda tetapi masing-masing menerapkan prinsip ARCS dalam komponen-komponennya. Kedua lokasi yaitu 1)kelas RSBI SMA Negeri 1 Surakarata melalui penerapan prinsip ARCS dalam pembelajaran aktif tipe cardsort dan 2)kelas RSBI SMA MTA Surakarta dengan penerapan ARCS disertai LKS. Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Data berupa hasil observasi, wawancara, angket keaktifan diskusi siswa dan angket performance guru. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik triangulasi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan prinsip ARCS di kelas RSBI dpat meningkatkan keaktifan diskusi siswa. Besar peningkatan rata-rata 3.19% dari siklus I 73.12% ke siklus II 76.41%

    Curative Effects of Triphala Extract against Swim Stress-Induced Gastric Ulcers via Reduced Ulcer Index, Strengthened Gastric Mucosa and Improved Redox State in Rats

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    Recently, the percentage of Peptic ulcer disease not linked to either Helicobacter pylori or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs has increased and signifies the prominent role of psychophysiological stress in the establishment and advancements of gastric ulcers and other peptic ulcer diseases. The current study was intended not only to develop post-treatment swim stress-induced peptic ulcer disease rat model but also to analyze the curative effects of hydro-alcoholic extract of Triphala in swim stress-induced peptic ulcer disease model. A post-treatment swim stress-induced peptic ulcer disease rat model was developed followed by therapeutic intervention of hydro-alcoholic extract of Triphala. The gross evaluation of gastric tissues showed that swim stress induces significant gastric ulcers in rats that could clearly be observed after 21 d of self-healing. Further, the findings of our interventional investigations revealed that hydro-alcoholic extract of Triphala exerts significant gastro-protective activity in swim stress-induced peptic ulcer disease via decreasing the ulcer index and increasing the protective gastric mucus content, whereas, the level/activities of catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione and malondialdehyde were also ameliorated after the administration of Triphala extract in experimental peptic ulcer disease model. In addition, the findings from our biochemical investigations are also well corroborated by histopathological observations. In conclusion, the current study demonstrates that swim-stress results in the development of gastric ulcers and damages the gastric mucosa along with the altered redox homeostasis in rats and Triphala extract exerts significant curative effects in posttreatment swim-stress-induced peptic ulcer disease rat model and may later be investigated and promoted for human clinical application

    First-order symmetrizable hyperbolic formulations of Einstein's equations including lapse and shift as dynamical fields

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    First-order hyperbolic systems are promising as a basis for numerical integration of Einstein's equations. In previous work, the lapse and shift have typically not been considered part of the hyperbolic system and have been prescribed independently. This can be expensive computationally, especially if the prescription involves solving elliptic equations. Therefore, including the lapse and shift in the hyperbolic system could be advantageous for numerical work. In this paper, two first-order symmetrizable hyperbolic systems are presented that include the lapse and shift as dynamical fields and have only physical characteristic speeds.Comment: 11 page

    Pertanggungjawab Pidana Rumah Sakit Terkait Dengan Tindak Pidana Lingkungan Hidup Yang Dilakukan Pegawai Rumah Sakit

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    Health as one of the elements of the common welfare must be realized through a variety of health in the context of the development of a comprehensive and integrated health supported by a national health system.. In terms of obtaining the authorization for hospital waste treatment there are also requirements that include environmental health efforts (UKL), environmental monitoring efforts (UPL), and or environmental impact assessment (EIA) which is regulated in the Act no.44 of 2009 on hospital. However, if the hospital does not have a license as referred to in Article 25 paragraph (1) it will be subject to criminal sanctions in accordance with Article 62 of Law No. 44 Year 2009 In violation Enviromental Law. Hospital sued in violation of Article 102 Enviromental Law. Then the responsibility of the administrator in the event of environmental contamination associated with hospital waste hospital administrators the responsibility associated with environmental crime in accordance with Article 117 which states that if criminal charges are filed with the leader giving the order or a criminal offense in this case was referred to committee in Article 116 paragraph (1) letter b, then a sentence of imprisonment and imposed a fine is increased by one third. Enviromental Law itself regarding criminal liability of legal entities pollutant / destroyer of the environment which is as set out in Article 116, which is well within the legal person as well as against those who gave the order or who acts as a leader in an action (destroy / pollute the environment) or against both. Accountability of hospitals associated with environmental crime set in Article 119 Enviromental Law that the entity may be subject to additional criminal or disciplinary action. Hospital administrators and accountability related to environmental crime under Article 116 paragraph (1) letter a and b


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    Borang Dossier UNESCO merupakan satu borang pengajuan untuk mendapatkan status kota sebagai predikat yang diusulkan sesuai kompetensi kota dan skim pengajuan. Borang ini sudah direncanakan dari tahun 2017 semenjak gerakan literasi kota dicanangkan oleh Pemerintahan Daerah. Namun, baru pada tahun 2021 pembuatan ini dapat dilaksanakan dan diselesaikan. Pengajuan ini diusulkan berdasarkan penilaian strategis bahwa pengusulan, terlepas dari lulus atau tidak lulus boring pengajuan sudah terwujud dan ini dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar dalam penataan ekosistem kota baik dalam bidang literature ataupun bidang kebudayaan. Pelaksanaan  Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PkM) Penyusunan Borang Dossier UNESCO City Of Literature Kota Padangpanjang dilaksanakan di Kota Padangpanjang. Tempat yang digunakan antara lain; Ruang VIP Balaikota Padangpanjang, Rumah Gadang Gajah Maaram PDIKM Padangpanjang, dan Kantor Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Kota Padangpanjang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penyusunan ini adalah melakukan komparasi terhadap borang Dossier yang telah didapatkan, dan borang Dossier dari kota Literature dunia. Menggunakan data kualitatif dan kuantitatif yang didapatkan selama pengumpulan data, artikel ini diuraikan sebagai pemadatan dari boring yang telah disusu