220 research outputs found

    3D Seismic reflection evidence for lower crustal intrusions beneath the Faroeā€“Shetland Basin, NE Atlantic Margin

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    Lower crustal intrusion is considered to be a common process along volcanic or magma-rich passive margins, including the NE Atlantic Margin, where it is thought to have occurred during phases of Paleogene magmatism, both prior to and during continental break-up between NW Europe and Greenland. Evidence of Paleogene magmatism is prevalent throughout the sub-basins of the Faroeā€“Shetland Basin as extensive lava flows and pervasive suites of igneous intrusions. However, in contrast with other areas located along the NE Atlantic Margin, no lower crustal reflectivity indicative of lower crustal intrusion has been documented beneath the Faroeā€“Shetland Basin. The nearest documentation of lower crustal reflectivity and interpretation of lower crustal intrusion to the Faroeā€“Shetland Basin is NW of the Fugloy Ridge, beneath the Norwegian Basin of the Faroese sector. Despite this, the addition of magma within the lower crust and/or at the Mohorovičić discontinuity is thought to have played a part in Paleogene uplift and the subsequent deposition of Paleoceneā€“Eocene sequences. Advances in sub-basalt seismic acquisition and processing have made significant improvements in facilitating the imaging of deep crustal structures along the NE Atlantic Margin. This study used broadband 3D seismic reflection data to map a series of deep (c. 14ā€“20ā€…km depth) high-amplitude reflections that may represent igneous intrusions within the lower crust beneath the central-northern Corona Ridge. We estimate that the cumulative thicknesses of the reflections may be >5ā€…km in places, which is consistent with published values of magmatic underplating within the region based on geochemical and petrological data. We also estimate that the total volume of lower crustal high-amplitude reflections within the 3D dataset may be >2000ā€…km3. 2D gravity modelling of a seismic line located along the central-northern Corona Ridge supports the interpretation of lower crustal intrusions beneath this area. This study provides evidence of a potential mechanism for Paleogene uplift within the region. If uplift occurred as a result of lower crustal intrusions emplaced within the crust during the Paleogene, then we estimate that c. 300ā€…m of uplift may have been generated within the Corona Ridge area

    Genomic analysis reveals key aspects of prokaryotic symbiosis in the phototrophic consortium "<em>Chlorochromatium aggregatum</em>"

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    BACKGROUND: ā€˜Chlorochromatium aggregatumā€™ is a phototrophic consortium, a symbiosis that may represent the highest degree of mutual interdependence between two unrelated bacteria not associated with a eukaryotic host. ā€˜Chlorochromatium aggregatumā€™ is a motile, barrel-shaped aggregate formed from a single cell of ā€˜Candidatus Symbiobacter mobilisā€, a polarly flagellated, non-pigmented, heterotrophic bacterium, which is surrounded by approximately 15 epibiont cells of Chlorobium chlorochromatii, a non-motile photolithoautotrophic green sulfur bacterium. RESULTS: We analyzed the complete genome sequences of both organisms to understand the basis for this symbiosis. Chl. chlorochromatii has acquired relatively few symbiosis-specific genes; most acquired genes are predicted to modify the cell wall or function in cell-cell adhesion. In striking contrast, ā€˜Ca. S. mobilisā€™ appears to have undergone massive gene loss, is probably no longer capable of independent growth, and thus may only reproduce when consortia divide. A detailed model for the energetic and metabolic bases of the dependency of ā€˜Ca. S. mobilisā€™ on Chl. chlorochromatii is described. CONCLUSIONS: Genomic analyses suggest that three types of interactions lead to a highly sophisticated relationship between these two organisms. Firstly, extensive metabolic exchange, involving carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur sources as well as vitamins, occurs from the epibiont to the central bacterium. Secondly, ā€˜Ca. S. mobilisā€™ can sense and move towards light and sulfide, resources that only directly benefit the epibiont. Thirdly, electron cycling mechanisms, particularly those mediated by quinones and potentially involving shared protonmotive force, could provide an important basis for energy exchange in this and other symbiotic relationships

    Centriole movements in mammalian epithelial cells during cytokinesis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In cytokinesis, when the cleavage furrow has been formed, the two centrioles in each daughter cell separate. It has been suggested that the centrioles facilitate and regulate cytokinesis to some extent. It has been postulated that termination of cytokinesis (abscission) depends on the migration of a centriole to the intercellular bridge and then back to the cell center. To investigate the involvement of centrioles in cytokinesis, we monitored the movements of centrioles in three mammalian epithelial cell lines, HeLa, MCF 10A, and the p53-deficient mouse mammary tumor cell line KP-7.7, by time-lapse imaging. Centrin1-EGFP and Ī±-Tubulin-mCherry were co-expressed in the cells to visualize respectively the centrioles and microtubules.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we report that separated centrioles that migrate from the cell pole are very mobile during cytokinesis and their movements can be characterized as 1) along the nuclear envelope, 2) irregular, and 3) along microtubules forming the spindle axis. Centriole movement towards the intercellular bridge was only seen occasionally and was highly cell-line dependent.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These findings show that centrioles are highly mobile during cytokinesis and suggest that the repositioning of a centriole to the intercellular bridge is not essential for controlling abscission. We suggest that centriole movements are microtubule dependent and that abscission is more dependent on other mechanisms than positioning of centrioles.</p

    Collaborative International Research in Clinical and Longitudinal Experience Study in NMOSD

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    OBJECTIVE: To develop a resource of systematically collected, longitudinal clinical data and biospecimens for assisting in the investigation into neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) epidemiology, pathogenesis, and treatment. METHODS: To illustrate its research-enabling purpose, epidemiologic patterns and disease phenotypes were assessed among enrolled subjects, including age at disease onset, annualized relapse rate (ARR), and time between the first and second attacks. RESULTS: As of December 2017, the Collaborative International Research in Clinical and Longitudinal Experience Study (CIRCLES) had enrolled more than 1,000 participants, of whom 77.5% of the NMOSD cases and 71.7% of the controls continue in active follow-up. Consanguineous relatives of patients with NMOSD represented 43.6% of the control cohort. Of the 599 active cases with complete data, 84% were female, and 76% were anti-AQP4 seropositive. The majority were white/Caucasian (52.6%), whereas blacks/African Americans accounted for 23.5%, Hispanics/Latinos 12.4%, and Asians accounted for 9.0%. The median age at disease onset was 38.4 years, with a median ARR of 0.5. Seropositive cases were older at disease onset, more likely to be black/African American or Hispanic/Latino, and more likely to be female. CONCLUSION: Collectively, the CIRCLES experience to date demonstrates this study to be a useful and readily accessible resource to facilitate accelerating solutions for patients with NMOSD

    Genomic diversity of bacteriophages infecting Microbacterium spp

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    The bacteriophage population is vast, dynamic, old, and genetically diverse. The genomics of phages that infect bacterial hosts in the phylum Actinobacteria show them to not only be diverse but also pervasively mosaic, and replete with genes of unknown function. To further explore this broad group of bacteriophages, we describe here the isolation and genomic characterization of 116 phages that infect Microbacterium spp. Most of the phages are lytic, and can be grouped into twelve clusters according to their overall relatedness; seven of the phages are singletons with no close relatives. Genome sizes vary from 17.3 kbp to 97.7 kbp, and their G+C% content ranges from 51.4% to 71.4%, compared to ~67% for their Microbacterium hosts. The phages were isolated on five different Microbacterium species, but typically do not efficiently infect strains beyond the one on which they were isolated. These Microbacterium phages contain many novel features, including very large viral genes (13.5 kbp) and unusual fusions of structural proteins, including a fusion of VIP2 toxin and a MuF-like protein into a single gene. These phages and their genetic components such as integration systems, recombineering tools, and phage-mediated delivery systems, will be useful resources for advancing Microbacterium genetics

    Centrioles: active players or passengers during mitosis?

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    Centrioles are cylinders made of nine microtubule (MT) triplets present in many eukaryotes. Early studies, where centrosomes were seen at the poles of the mitotic spindle led to their coining as ā€œthe organ for cell divisionā€. However, a variety of subsequent observational and functional studies showed that centrosomes might not always be essential for mitosis. Here we review the arguments in this debate. We describe the centriole structure and its distribution in the eukaryotic tree of life and clarify its role in the organization of the centrosome and cilia, with an historical perspective. An important aspect of the debate addressed in this review is how centrioles are inherited and the role of the spindle in this process. In particular, germline inheritance of centrosomes, such as their de novo formation in parthenogenetic species, poses many interesting questions. We finish by discussing the most likely functions of centrioles and laying out new research avenues

    Cellular and humoral sensitivity to gluten fractions in patients with treated nontropical sprue

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    The presence of circulating antibodies and lymphocyte response to gliadin and fraction III were measured in three groups of 12 patients each. Group I consisted of patients with nontropical sprue maintained on a gluten-free diet; Group II contained patients with other gastrointestinal diseases manifesting malabsorption and Group III was composed of normal controls. Rabbits immunized to both antigens provided positive controls for each method of antibody determination. Results agree with those previously reported in that negligible antibody titers were present to either antigen in normals, patients with other forms of malabsorption or patients with nontropical sprue maintained, for some time, on a gluten-free diet. Lymphocyte stimulation failed to occur with either gluten fraction although the hyporesponsiveness to phytohemagglutinin, previously reported by others, was not observed. Further studies are needed in patients with nontropical sprue following controlled antigenic challenge. Antibody levels in jejunal fluid should also be studied. Until such studies are carried out, evaluation of immunologic factors in the pathogenesis of nontropical sprue will be incomplete.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/44378/1/10620_2005_Article_BF02232292.pd
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