10 research outputs found

    A Potencial use of edible mushrooms Pleurotus ostreatoroseus Singer (Pleurotaceae) and Lentinus sajor-caju (Fr.) Fr. (Polyporaceae) in metal remediation processes.

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    Increased heavy metal pollution generated through anthropogenic activities into the environment required the need for environmental recovery strategies, such as mycoremediation. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of iron (Fe) in the mycelial growth of Pleurotus ostreatoroseus Singer and Lentinus sajor-caju (Fr.) Fr. The growth response was evaluated on Potato Dextrose Agar medium with varying concentrations (0 ppm, 10 ppm, 20 ppm, 40 ppm and 80 ppm) of the iron metal. Ferrous sulfate heptahydrate (FeSO4.7H2O) were evaluated in this study. The daily mycelia growths were measured and compared. The biomass production was determined using the same plates of the evaluation of the growth of mycelia. Results revealed that the growth of mycelia of P. ostreatoroseus occurs slowly in medium containing different iron concentrations, but in relationship to L. sajor-caju was able to produce the largest mycelial dry mass. Overall this study suggests that P. ostreatosroseus can be used as promising option for removal of iron metal in bioremediation strategies

    Determinação dos efeitos de dois suplementos alimentares em Drosophila melanogaster

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    Pleurotus spp. are considered extremely rich mushroom species from the nutritional pointof view, providing immune-enhancement effects when consumed. However, few mushroomshave been tested for their phenotypic and genotypic responses in animal modelsto ensure the proper dosage for their use. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of twomushroom species on the reproductive capacity of Drosophila melanogaster. Pleurotuscitrinopileatus Singer and Lentinus sajor-caju (Fr.) Fr. were provided separately, in specificconcentrations, as feed supplements to the fruit flies. The total numbers of developedlarvae, pupae, and adults were then measured for each treatment. Inter simple sequencerepeats marker analysis was carried out to infer genotypic changes in the mushroom-fedflies. Our results suggest that Pleurotus spp. can cause positive changes to the flies’ reproductivecapacity, since Pleurotus citrinopileatus in particular accelerated the life cycle andrevealed a higher genetic dissimilarity of the diet-supplemented flies.Keywords: fruitflies, reproductive fitness, edible mushrooms.Pleurotus spp. são consideradas espécies de cogumelo extremamente ricas do ponto de vista nutricional, proporcionando reforço imunológico quando consumidas. No entanto, poucos cogumelos foram testados quanto à sua interferência fenotípica e genotípica em modelos animais para garantir a dosagem adequada para seu uso. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos de duas espécies de cogumelos sobre a capacidade reprodutiva de Drosophila melanogaster. Pleurotus citrinopileatus Singer e Lentinus sajor-caju (Fr.) Fr. foram fornecidos separadamente, em concentrações específicas, como suplementos alimentares às moscas da fruta. O número total de larvas, pupas e adultos desenvolvidos foram então avaliados para cada tratamento. Análises de marcadores moleculares do tipo Inter simple sequence repeats foram realizadas para inferir mudanças genotípicas nas moscas alimentadas com os cogumelos. Nossos resultados sugerem que Pleurotus spp. podem causar mudanças positivas na capacidade reprodutiva das moscas, uma vez que Pleurotus citrinopileatus, em particular, acelerou o ciclo de vida e revelou uma maior dissimilaridade genética das moscas suplementadas com esse fungo em sua dieta.Palavras-chave: moscas das frutas, estímulo reprodutivo, cogumelos comestíveis

    Chlorophyllum Massee e Macrolepiota Singer (Agaricaceae) em área do bioma Pampa, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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    This work reports the occurrence of fungi species of the genera Chlorophyllum Massee and Macrolepiota Singer, the latter not yet registered for São Gabriel, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. The study area is located in the Pampa biome, being the samplings conducted between April 2011 and May 2012. The micobiota studied in the area is represented until this moment by five species, as follows: Macrolepiota gracilenta (Krombh) Wasser, Macrolepiota fuligineosquarrosa Malençon, Macrolepiota procera (Scop.) Singer, Chlorophyllum rachodes (Vittad.) Vellinga and Chlorophyllum molybdites (G. Mey.) Massee. Identification keys for these species and two new occurrences of Macrolepiota for, respectively, Brazil and Rio Grande do Sul, are presented.Keywords: mycodiversity, taxonomy, Basidiomycota.Este trabalho relata a ocorrência de espécies de fungos dos gêneros Chlorophyllum Massee e Macrolepiota Singer, este último ainda não registrado para São Gabriel, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. A área de estudo está localizada no Bioma Pampa, sendo as coletas realizadas entre abril de 2011 e maio de 2012. Os resultados indicam que a micobiota da área é representada por cinco espécies, como segue: Macrolepiota gracilenta (Krombh) Wasser, Macrolepiota fuligineosquarrosa Malençon, Macrolepiota procera (Scop.) Singer, Chlorophyllum rachodes (Vittad.) Vellinga e Chlorophyllum molybdites (G. Mey.) Massee. Dessa forma, são apresentadas chaves para a identificação dessas espécies e registradas duas novas ocorrências de Macrolepiota, respectivamente, para o Brasil e Rio Grande do Sul.Palavras-chave: micodiversidade, taxonomia, Basidiomycota

    Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Three Endolichenic Isolates of Xylaria (Xylariaceae), from Cladonia curta Ahti & Marcelli (Cladoniaceae)

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    Endophyte biology is a branch of science that contributes to the understanding of the diversity and ecology of microorganisms that live inside plants, fungi, and lichen. Considering that the diversity of endolichenic fungi is little explored, and its phylogenetic relationship with other lifestyles (endophytism and saprotrophism) is still to be explored in detail, this paper presents data on axenic cultures and phylogenetic relationships of three endolichenic fungi, isolated in laboratory. Cladonia curta Ahti & Marcelli, a species of lichen described in Brazil, is distributed at three sites in the Southeast of the country, in mesophilous forests and the Cerrado. Initial hyphal growth of Xylaria spp. on C. curta podetia started four days after inoculation and continued for the next 13 days until the hyphae completely covered the podetia. Stromata formation and differentiation was observed, occurring approximately after one year of isolation and consecutive subculture of lineages. Phylogenetic analyses indicate lineages of endolichenic fungi in the genus Xylaria, even as the morphological characteristics of the colonies and anamorphous stromata confirm this classification. Our preliminary results provide evidence that these endolichenic fungi are closely related to endophytic fungi, suggesting that the associations are not purely incidental. Further studies, especially phylogenetic analyses using robust multi-locus datasets, are needed to accept or reject the hypothesis that endolichenic fungi isolated from Xylaria spp. and X. berteri are conspecific

    Geographic distribution of epilithic diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) in Antarctic lakes, South Shetland Islands, Maritime Antarctica Region

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    Organisms adapt to the environment by establishing themselves in suitable locations. Adaptation to the harsh Antarctic environment is no different. In this work the communities of epilithic diatoms in ice-free areas of water systems of five Antarctic islands are studied. The samples were oxidized, and permanent sheets were later prepared for analysis of the material. They were examined using an optical microscope and mounted on stubs for identification of the taxon in an electron microscope. Fifty-nine species distributed in 28 genera were collected. Only four species were observed in all study areas. Deception Island had unique species in comparison with those on other islands. Knowing the diatom community is a first step in understanding the systems that they inhabit. The polar environment is challenging due to the difficulty of sampling and low diversity and abundance

    First Record of Juncaceicola as Endophytic Fungi Associated with Deschampsia antarctica Desv.

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    In the current study, we present the molecular characterization of an endophyte fungus associated with the leaves of Deschampsia antarctica Desv. (Poaceae), a monocot species native to Antarctica. The isolate was obtained from 90 leaf fragments from two distinct collection sites, both located on Half Moon Island, South Shetland Islands and Maritime Antarctica. The internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) was sequenced and the endophytic fungus was identified as belonging to the genus Juncaceicola Tennakoon, Camporesi, Phook and K.D. Hyde (99% nucleotide sequence identity). When compared to all fungi of the genus Juncaceicola deposited in data base, our isolate showed greater proximity with Juncaceicola typharum, however, because it presents a low bootstrap value to be considered a new species, we treat it as Juncaceicola cf. typharum. Moreover, the identification of our isolate as belonging to the genus Juncaceicola makes this the first occurrence of a species of this genus to be associated with the leaves of Antarctic plants. This work is considered as a starting point for other studies with fungi of this genus associated with leaves of Deschampsia antarctica, as it presents results from two collection points on a single Antarctic island, suggesting that new sites and new Antarctic islands should be explored

    Distribution of aerophilous diatom communities associated with terrestrial green macroalgae in the South Shetland Islands, Maritime Antarctica.

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    The establishment of diatom communities depends on environmental factors such as the type of substrate and geographic conditions that influence the dispersal processes of these organisms. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the similarity between diatom communities associated with the macroalgae Prasiola crispa (Lightfoot) Kützing in relation to spatial distance from six sampled sites located in the South Shetland Islands, Maritime Antarctica. The diatom flora associated with Prasiola crispa was represented by 23 species distributed in 15 genera. Pinnularia australoschoenfelderi Zidarova, Kopalová & Van de Vijver, Luticola austroatlantica Van de Vijver, Kopalová, S.A.Spaulding & Esposito, Luticola amoena Van der Vijver, Kopalová, Zidarova & Levkov, Pinnularia austroshetlandica (Carlson) Cleve-Euler and Psammothidium papilio (D.E. Kellogg et al.) Kopalová & Zidarova were the most abundant species in our samples, together they represented 68% of the total number of individuals collected. There was great similarity and abundance of the diatom communites among the sampled points, which resulted in the absence of a linear relationship pattern with distance between sampling points. We conclude that distance was not a factor of differentiation of Antarctic diatom communities associated with terrestrial green macroalgae. This suggests that Antarctic environments may have unique characteristics with homogeneous abiotic factors, at least in relation to this substrate

    Cryptogamic organisms are a substantial source and sink for volatile organic compounds in the Amazon region

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    <jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Cryptogamic organisms such as bryophytes and lichens cover most surfaces within tropical forests, yet their impact on the emission of biogenic volatile organic compounds is unknown. These compounds can strongly influence atmospheric oxidant levels as well as secondary organic aerosol concentrations, and forest canopy leaves have been considered the dominant source of these emissions. Here we present cuvette flux measurements, made in the Amazon rainforest between 2016–2018, and show that common bryophytes emit large quantities of highly reactive sesquiterpenoids and that widespread lichens strongly uptake atmospheric oxidation products. A spatial upscaling approach revealed that cryptogamic organisms emit sesquiterpenoids in quantities comparable to current canopy attributed estimates, and take up atmospheric oxidation products at rates comparable to hydroxyl radical chemistry. We conclude that cryptogamic organisms play an important and hitherto overlooked role in atmospheric chemistry above and within tropical rainforests.</jats:p&gt