787 research outputs found

    Experimental assessment of RRM techniques in 5 GHz dense WiFi networks using REMs

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    “© 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.”The increasing acceptance of WiFi has created unprecedented levels of congestion in the unlicensed frequency bands, especially in densely populated areas. This results mainly because of the unmanaged interference and uncoordinated op- eration between WiFi access points. Radio Environment Maps (REM) have been suggested as a support for coordination strategies that optimize the overall WiFi network performance. In this context, the main objective of this experiment is to assess the benefit of a coordinated management of radio resources in dense WiFi networks at 5 GHz band, using REMs for indoor scenarios. It was shown that REMs can detect the presence of interfering links on the network or coverage holes, and a suitable coordination strategy can use this information to reconfigure Access Points (AP) channel assignment and re-establish the client connection, at a cost of diminishing the aggregate throughput of the network. The technique of AP hand-off was tested to balance the load from one AP to another. Using REMs, the Radio Resource Management (RRM) strategy could reconfigure the network to optimize the client distribution among available APs. Although the aggregate throughput is lower after load balancing, the RRM could increase the throughput of the overloaded AP.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fractional CO2 laser versus fractional radiofrequency for skin striae treatment: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Striae are common dermal lesions associated with physiological and psychological alterations, affecting the quality of life. This proposed randomized controlled trial protocol will evaluate the clinical efficacy and treatment safety of fractional CO2 laser versus fractional radiofrequency (FRF) in clinical trials. We will randomly allocate 60 subjects who present abdominal striae into two different groups for the treatment, which will be performed once a month for a 3-month period. The results will be assessed by quartile scoring criteria; by comparing digital photos taken before and after each treatment; and also, by the measurement of cutaneous temperature, skin pH, and elasticity before and after the treatment. This paper describes the rationale and the design of the randomized controlled trial, which may provide evidence for clinical application of the methodology and the quality related to the efficacy and safety of fractional CO2 laser versus the FRF protocol for striae treatment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Satisfation and loyalty of customers of a financial institution: a case of study

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    The present study aims to observe and evaluate the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty of Caixa de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo da Região de Bragança e Alto Douro. With this analysis is intended that the administration of the institution identify and assess strengths and weakness that may be able to improve. Thus, applying the European Customer Satisfaction Index model a survey was carried out by questionnaire to customers of financial institution object of study , where the size of the sample was 1705 customers. From the results obtained based on descriptive and inferential analyses as well as logistic regression models, was possible to verify the existence of statistically significant relationships between latent variables of the model in study.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Satisfação e lealdade dos clientes e sua relação com indicadores económico-financeiros. O caso da CCAM da região de Bragança e Alto Douro

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    Com o presente estudo pretende-se observar e avaliar a satisfação e lealdade dos clientes da Caixa Crédito Agrícola Mútuo da Região de Bragança e Alto Douro e relaciona-la com indicadores económico-financeiros. Desta forma, aplicando o modelo ECSI - European Customer Satisfaction Index, foi efetuado um inquérito por questionário aos clientes da Caixa Crédito Agrícola Mútuo da Região de Bragança e Alto Douro. Dos resultados obtidos pode concluir-se que existem de facto relações entre a satisfação dos clientes e alguns indicadores económico-financeiros da instituição, assim como se observou que existem diferenças no índice de satisfação ao longo dos anos e entre agências.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Satisfaction and loyalty of customers of a financial institution: a case study

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    The present study aims to observe and evaluate the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty of Caixa de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo da Região de Bragança e Alto Douro. With this analysis is intended that the administration of the institution identify and assess strengths and weakness that may be able to improve. Thus, applying the European Customer Satisfaction Index model a survey was carried out by questionnaire to customers of financial institution object of study, where the size of the sample was 1705 customers for the period 2011-2013. From the results obtained based on descriptive and inferential analyses as well as logistic regression models, was possible to verify the existence of statistically significant relationships between latent variables of the model in study.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A narrative review of current striae treatments

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    Striae (striae cutis distensae) are a common disfiguring skin condition, characterised by the appearance of linear bands on the skin, with an atrophic look. The striae development is still unknown, being more common in women than in men. The prevalence of this condition ranges from 50% to 90%. Regarding treatment, there are various treatment strategies currently available for stretch marks, including topical preparations such as tretinoin and glycolic acid, and also laser. The goal of this work is to discover the main treatments available for striae management. For that, a search was performed based on the definition of specific scientific keywords, by exploring PubMed, ScienceDirect and Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS). MeSH thesaurus (Medical Subject Headings) descriptors were used. The results indicate that, to date, no treatment is fully effective. More clinical trials are needed to validate the efficacy of these therapies and their long-term use in this type of skin lesion.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A nova administração pública : um modelo de gestão de desempenho para as forças armadas portuguesas

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    No âmbito de uma “nova” administração pública, têm surgido novos movimentos teóricos, procurando dar resposta aos atuais desafios. Esses desafios vão desde as restrições orçamentais, à rápida mudança tecnológica, à satisfação dos interesses dos cidadãos, bem como à necessidade de melhoria do desempenho público. As Forças Armadas portuguesas, pela sua capacidade de influência do ambiente, quer externo, quer interno, deverão também possuir elevado desempenho, devendo constituir-se como uma política pública fundamental a seguir. Esse desempenho só será possível, através de uma adequada gestão das capacidades militares, vistas como o produto produzido (output) pelas Forças Armadas. Para esse efeito, é fundamental implementar sistemas de gestão que permitam medir o seu desempenho, constituindo-se como uma ferramenta fundamental no apoio à tomada de decisão.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O planeamento operacional na GNR : como adaptar o planeamento OTAN à realidade nacional da GNR

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    O trabalho focaliza-se no planeamento operacional na GNR: como adaptar o planeamento da Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte (OTAN) à realidade nacional da GNR. Os estudos nesta área potenciam a capacidade integrada de comando e controlo da GNR, sendo catalisadores da necessária interoperabilidade com outras Forças e Serviços de Segurança e com as Forças Armadas. O método seguiu o raciocínio indutivo, segundo uma estratégia de investigação mista e desenho de investigação, do tipo estudo de caso. A amostra integrou 94 Oficiais (tendo sido implementado um questionário a 76 respondentes e entrevistas semiestruturadas aos restantes 18). Como principais resultados da investigação surge a possibilidade de se adaptar o OPP OTAN ao planeamento de Grandes Operações Policiais da GNR, concluindo-se pela implementação de medidas ao nível das estratégias genética, estrutural e operacional. A implementação do OPP na GNR representa um imperativo para colocar a Instituição, ao nível do que melhor se faz nas Forças Armadas. Fortalece a posição de vanguarda da Guarda no seio das Polícias, em prol de um Sistema de Segurança Nacional estruturalmente mais coerente e operacionalmente mais eficaz e representa um contributo relevante para um Portugal seguro no plano interno e prestigiado no contexto internacional.The present work is focused on the GNR operational planning process: How to adapt North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) operational planning process to the GNR national reality. Studies within this subject enhance GNR integrated command and control capability, being catalysts of the necessary interoperability with other Security Forces and Services and with the Armed Forces. The method followed an inductive reasoning supported by a mixed research strategy and a case study research design. The study sample comprised 94 senior Officers (76 responded to a questionnaire and 18 to semi-structured interviews). As part of the main results of the research arises the possibility of adapting the NATO OPP to GNR Major Police Operations planning and the conclusions highlight the measures that should be implemented at the level of the genetic, structural and operational strategies. The OPP implementation in GNR is an imperative to place the Institution at the level of the Armed Forces best practices. It strengthens the GNR leading position within the FSS, paving the way for a structurally more coherent and operationally more effective National Security System. It also embodies a relevant contribution to the goal of guaranteeing Portugal as a safe and secure country at the internal level as well as a prestigious actor in the international context.N/

    Abordagem de cálculo do coeficiente de localização usado na avaliação patrimonial tributária

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    Esta dissertação aborda o cálculo do coeficiente de localização usado na avaliação patrimonial tributária, com especial incidência em zonas onde o mercado imobiliário é muito condicionado, deprimido ou nulo. Aborda-se o desenvolvimento de duas metodologias de cálculo, uma para zonas onde não existem valores de transações de imóveis, mas existem valores de arrendamento e a outra metodologia de cálculo para zonas onde não existem valores de transações, nem de arrendamento de imóveis. A metodologia adotada no estudo envolveu o recurso aos dados do Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE) para fazer a analise do setor de atividade imobiliária numa perspetiva nacional e regional, nomeadamente a evolução do parque habitacional, operações sobre prédios urbanos, evolução do número de contratos de compra e venda de prédios urbanos, o valor médio dos prédios transacionados em Portugal e os dados referentes ao inquérito à avaliação bancária na habitação. A pesquisa bibliográfica compreendeu, também, a revisão de literatura nacional e internacional relacionada com os métodos de avaliação imobiliária e os procedimentos utilizados nos diferentes segmentos de mercado, o estudo e análise do Código do Imposto Municipal sobre Imóveis, que é o quadro legal relacionado com a tributação do património imobiliário nacional. Uma análise comparativa do coeficiente de localização obtido pelo método de rendimento e pelo método de custo foi efetuada após a delimitação da zona objeto de estudo, a nível geográfico, demográfico, urbanístico e de mercado. A conclusão geral do estudo, com uma proposta de desenvolvimento futuro finaliza o trabalho. Este estudo sugere que o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de cálculo do coeficiente de localização usado na avaliação patrimonial tributária afigura-se fundamental, uma vez que é através deste coeficiente que se aproxima o valor da avaliação patrimonial tributária do valor efetivo de mercado dos imóveis.This dissertation deals with the calculation of the location coefficients used for determining the taxable patrimonial value of immovable properties, with a special focus on areas where the property market is too conditioned, depressed or inexistent. Two approaches for the calculation of the coefficients of location were devised: one for areas where there are no data on the value of property transactions but data on renting property are available; another approach for those areas where neither of those data do exist. The methodology adopted in the study comprises the review of the relevant data obtained from the National Statistics Institute with the aim to analysis the property market sector, both at a national and regional perspectives, namely the evolution of the housing stock, number of purchase and sale agreements, average value of property transactions and data from the Bank Evaluation Surveys. The literature review also involves national and international reference works related with property valuation methods and procedures used in different market segments, and the study and analysis of the Immovable Property Taxation Code. A comparative analysis between the approaches (income approach and cost replacement approach) for calculating the location coefficients was undertaken and followed the delimitation of the study area at geographic, demographic, urbanistic and market levels. A concluding comment finalises the study. This study suggests that further development in the methodology for calculating the location coefficients is needed, for it is through these coefficients that the taxable patrimonial value of properties tend to match the market value