45 research outputs found

    Investigating precursor lesions of cancer of the uterine cervix in a town in Rio Grande do Norte

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    Objective: To identify the types of precursor lesions of cervical cancer more prevalent in women living in a rural area of São José de Mipibu, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Method: This study is of an exploratory-descriptive nature, designed in the form of documentary research. The sample comprised women who underwent oncotic cytology in the Health Unit of the studied community, 2005 to 2009, totaling 782 women. Results: considerations were made about the microbiology, diagnosis and descriptive of cellular atypia distributed by age found in the results of oncotic cytology, with subsequent reflections on the role of nurses in the prevention of cervical cancer. Conclusion: We conclude that the prevention of cervical cancer still remains a challenge for women's health

    The systematization of nursing care for children who are victims of bullying

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    Objective: the objective is to characterize the profile of child victims / targets of bullying, as well as perform the same SAE, using both the Diagnostics and Nursing Intervention CIPESC® resulting from the experience of Curitiba. Method: This is a reflective study, funded by research in databases BDENF, LILACS, SciELO and MEDLINE and other sources. We used the descriptors bullying; nursing process, public health nursing, professional practice and primary health care. Results: Were defined four diagnoses and thirty-eight interventions, all guided by the recommendations of this International Classification of Nursing Practice in Collective Health. Conclusion: it is understood that the SAE, articulated the CIPESC® is an invaluable tool for the professional nurse since strengthened its autonomy, nursing as a science and, above all, allows the consolidation of resolutive shares

    Playful education in health: report of an experience of "luminescent nurses"

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    Objective: To describe an account of playful practices of health education Extension Project "Nurses Luminescent" Course of Nursing FACEX. Method: This is a report of experience in the practice of health education fostered by students and teachers of the Extension Project "Luminescent Nurses", which is a study of type action research, in the form of collective intervention. Results: The systematic description of the practices developed by "Luminescent Nurses" is organized into three pillars: 1) educate through theater, 2) educating through enchanted tales, and 3) educating queries on Growth and Development (CD) humanescents. Conclusion: Play activities should continue aiding the perpetuation of nursing care and groundbreaking new ideas, (re) directing traders to look for a new subject, understanding them and rescuing the luminescence and humanescence

    Patient safety in intravenous therapy in the intensive care unit

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    Objective: to identify the scientific evidence on Patient Safety (PS) in intravenous therapy in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Method: integrative review conducted in the Theses Database Higher Education Personnel Improvement Coordination (CAPES) and the WHO Collaborating Centre for Quality of Care and Patient Safety (PROQUALIS) portal. Results: there were 21 productions, seven studies cited to intravenous therapy. The studies, categorized into levels of evidence 1, 2 and 7, include structural, materials and professional performance of the steps of prescription, dispensing, preparation and administration of medications aspects. The productions have low levels of evidence, and therefore do not exhibit strong degree of recommendation. Conclusion: it is believed that the establishment and maintenance of PS in intravenous therapy in ICU greater investment is needed in research with higher levels of evidence and professional preparation to act as the recommended practices

    Estratégias de coleta de dados online nas pesquisas qualitativas da área da saúde: scoping review

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    RESUMOObjetivo: Identificar e mapear as estratégias de coleta de dados online utilizadas nas pesquisas qualitativas da área da saúde.Métodos: Trata-se de scoping review norteada pelos pressupostos do Joanna Briggs Institute segundo Preferred Reporting Items forSystematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). Foram analisados artigos, teses e dissertações,identificados a partir de 12 bases de dados. A análise se deu por estatística descritiva simples.Resultados: A amostra final constituiu-se de 121 pesquisas. Verificou-se que as publicações acentuaram-se nos últimos cinco anos,com predominância de estudos do Reino Unido, as áreas de destaques foram psicologia (28,1%), medicina (25,6%) e enfermagem(12,4%). Foram utilizadas 10 estratégias de coleta de dados online: questionário online, fórum online, facebook, sites, blogs, e-mail,grupo focal online, twitter, chats e youtube.Conclusões: Pode-se afirmar que as estratégias de coleta de dados online estão em constante expansão e utilização na área da saúde.Palavras-chave: Pesquisa qualitativa. Ciências da saúde. Internet. Acesso à internet. Redes sociais online. Mídias sociais

    Everyday stress in the university: coping strategies of health teachers

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    Objective: To investigate the stress coping strategies developed by teachers in the Center of Health Sciences of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Method: This is an exploratory, descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Data collection occurred from May 2013 to April/2012 with 37 teachers from semistructured interviews, and the data were analyzed through content analysis, using the method of thematic analysis. Results: From the speech of teachers were structured the categories: "Leisure Activities"; "Admittedly scant leisure activities"; "Coping with stressful situations in the university environment"; "Perception and the need for change". Conclusion: It could be observed from this study that teachers identify stressful situations related to work and leisure activities to reduce tensions, which, however, they do not practice. It is suggested greater institutional support and individual commitment in developing strategies that promote the welfare of teachers

    Signs and symptoms of stress in nursing professionals who worked in the fight against covid-19 / Sinais e sintomas do estresse em profissionais da enfermagem que atuaram no combate a covid-19

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    Objective: identify the signs and symptoms of stress prevalent in nursing professionals who worked in the fight against COVID-19. Method: cross-sectional quantitative study, conducted in a university hospital in northeastern Brazil, during the first half of 2021. Results: 47% of professionals presented occupational stress. And, among the prevalent symptoms in nursing professionals it was observed that among the physical ones, the most accentuated were 43 (10.1%) muscle tension, 37 (8.7%) feeling of physical weariness, 33 (7.7%) problems with memory, 27 (6.3%) constant tiredness and insomnia 27 (6.3%) and the psychological ones stood out 28 (11.3%) excessive tiredness, 20 (8.1%) daily anguish or anxiety, 20 (8.1%) excessive emotional sensitivity and irritability without apparent cause 17 (6.9%). Conclusion: it was evidenced that stress was present in nursing professionals, a large amount inserted in the resistance phase and then exhaustion, consequently the emergence of various symptoms of physical and psychological character.Objetivo: identificar los signos y síntomas de estrés prevalentes en los profesionales de enfermería que trabajaron en la lucha contra el COVID-19. Método: estudio cuantitativo transversal, realizado en un hospital universitario del noroeste de Brasil, durante el primer semestre de 2021. Resultados: el 47% de los profesionales presentaban estrés laboral. Y, entre los síntomas prevalentes en los profesionales de enfermería se observó que entre los físicos, los más acentuados fueron 43 (10,1%) tensión muscular, 37 (8,7%) sensación de desgaste físico, 33 (7,7%) problemas de memoria, 27 (6,3%) cansancio constante e insomnio 27 (6,3%) y los psicológicos destacan 28 (11,3%) cansancio excesivo, 20 (8,1%) angustia o ansiedad diaria, 20 (8,1%) sensibilidad emocional excesiva e irritabilidad sin causa aparente 17 (6,9%). Conclusión: se evidenció que el estrés está presente en los profesionales de la enfermería, en gran cantidad insertados en la fase de resistencia y en la de seguimiento de la exacerbación, con el consiguiente surgimiento de diversos síntomas de carácter físico y psicológico.Objetivo: identificar os sinais e sintomas do estresse prevalentes em profissionais da enfermagem que atuaram no combate a COVID-19. Método: estudo quantitativo transversal, realizado em um hospital universitário do nordeste do Brasil, durante o primeiro semestre de 2021. Resultados: 47% dos profissionais apresentaram estresse ocupacional. E, dentre os sintomas prevalentes em profissionais da enfermagem observou-se que entre os físicos, os que mais se acentuaram foram 43 (10,1%) tensão muscular, 37 (8,7%) sensação de desgaste físico, 33 (7,7%) problemas com a memória, 27 (6,3%) cansaço constante e insônia 27 (6,3%) e os psicológicos se destacaram 28 (11,3%) cansaço excessivo, 20 (8,1%) angústia ou ansiedade diária, 20 (8,1%) sensibilidade emotiva excessiva e Irritabilidade sem causa aparente 17 (6,9%). Conclusão: evidenciou-se que o estresse esteve presente nos profissionais da enfermagem, grande quantidade inseridos na fase de resistência e em seguida de exaustão, consequentemente o surgimento de diversos sintomas de caráter físicos e psicológicos.

    Análise do Conceito “Tecnologia Educacional” na Área da Saúde

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    This article aimed to analyze the concept of “educational technology” on evolutionary perspective of Rodgers. As a methodology, this research was conducted by the descriptive study using mixed approach. Data collection was conducted in September 2020 accessing Dissertations and Thesis Catalog from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES foundation), using the descriptor “educational technology”. Fully available Brazilian productions related to health field courses were included. Quantitative and qualitative data were respectively analyzed using simple descriptive statistics and lexicographical analysis with similitude method on IRAMUTEQ software. Total sampling accounted for 107 studies. The concept “educational technology” was presented to only 43 (40.2%) and at its conceptual analysis it was found the following words: Process, learning, knowledge, educational and set. “Educational technology” was conceptualized as a planned and designed tool based on scientific knowledge to be used as an educative material for teaching and learning process, involving a set of digital and non-digital devices targeting teachers and students under a creative and proactive process for teaching and learning. It will favor terminology standardization for researchers and education professionals. language.     Keywords: Health sciences. Health education. Concept formation. Hypermedia. Educational technology.   O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar o conceito “tecnologia educacional” na perspectiva evolucionária de Rodgers. Como metodologia, esta pesquisa foi conduzida por um estudo de natureza descritiva, com abordagem mista. A coleta de dados foi realizada em setembro de 2020 no Catálogo de Teses e Dissertações da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), mediante o uso do descritor “tecnologia educacional”. Foram incluídas produções brasileiras disponíveis na íntegra que faziam parte de cursos da área da saúde. Os dados quantitativos e qualitativos foram analisados, respectivamente, usando estatística descritiva simples e análise lexicográfica com método de similitude no software IRAMUTEQ. A amostragem final contabilizou 107 estudos. O conceito “tecnologia educacional” foi apresentado em apenas 43 (40,2%) trabalhos e em sua análise conceitual foram encontrados os seguintes vocábulos: processo, aprendizagem, conhecimento, educacional e conjunto. Conceituou-se “tecnologia educacional” como uma ferramenta planejada e desenvolvida com base em conhecimentos científicos para ser utilizada como material educativo que facilita o processo ensino-aprendizagem, englobando um conjunto de dispositivos - digitais e não digitais – que buscam envolver discentes e docentes de forma criativa e proativa no processo de ensinar e aprender. Almeja-se favorecer a uniformização no que diz respeito ao uso deste termo por pesquisadores e profissionais educadores.    Palavras-chave: Ciências da saúde. Educação em saúde. Formação de conceito. Hipermídia. Tecnologia educacional


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    RESUMO Objetiva-se refletir sobre a comunicação efetiva à luz da Teoria do Agir Comunicativo, de Jürgen Habermas. Trata-se de estudo reflexivo conduzido pela questão: como se caracteriza a comunicação efetiva à luz da Teoria do Agir Comunicativo, de Jürgen Habermas? O estudo é construído a partir dos pilares teóricos apresentados por Habermas e discorrido na sessão: comunicação efetiva em Enfermagem e a interface com o agir comunicativo de Habermas. Concluiu-se que as concepções sobre a comunicação efetiva em Enfermagem revelam faces teóricas consoantes com os pressupostos do agir comunicativo. A comunicação efetiva, portanto, é entrelaçada ao entendimento mútuo, cooperação dos atores, compreensão dos contextos individuais e ao posicionamento do receptor frente ao ato da fala

    Integrative and complementary practices in oncologic treatment and the role of nursing

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    Objective: characterizing the Integrative and Complementary Practices (PICs) used in cancer treatment, and the role of nursing in this context. Method: it was conducted an integrative review of the literature in the months of june and july 2012, in databases MEDLINE, BDENF, LILACS, SciELO and CINAHL through the crossing controlled descriptors cancer and complementary therapies and complementary therapies and nursing. Results: Obtained 34 studies, being the year 2009 the most expressive of publications, being the United States and Brazil the main contributors. The bio-based therapy is the main PIC used in cancer treatment. It was revealed that nursing acts incipiently this scenario. Conclusion: thus, it is expected to instigate health professionals, especially nurses, to seek new knowledge about the object of study, as well as reflect on the paths needed for the most professional approach of PICs