113 research outputs found

    Protocolo de exame físico para a coluna toracolombar de equinos

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    Thoracolumbar injuries represent a challenge to the veterinarian that seeks to eliminate the pain, reinstitute the athletic use of the horse and minimize economic losses. The percentage of lost training days due to orthopedic conditions in race horses is of 72.1% and within those conditions is back pain, whicht represents from 4.35% to 20% of the lameness cases. The present study searched to establish a protocol based on score points for the thoracolumbar physical exam, by which it is able to determine the possible affected areas and the seriousness of the injuries. Along with the physical exam, it was performed an ultrasonographic exam of the thoracolumbar region to characterize and classify the injuries found, as to accompany its evolution after treatment. It was observed a clear reduction in the physical exam score sum in all animals between the exam days being that the exam of most of the animals presented a zero score at 60 days after the treatment. Relating the evolution of the clinical exam with the ultrasonography image tests, there was a positive association between the reduction score in the severity scale and the evolution of the ultrasonographic image of the evaluated structures. Thus, it can be concluded that gradation of the physical exam showed to be efficient and allowed the monitoring of the clinical evolution, as the answer of the injuries to the suggested treatment. Besides that, the results showed that 60 days is the ideal time for the first reevaluation of the animal after the treatment.As enfermidades toracolombares representam um desafio ao veterinário, que busca eliminar a dor, restituir o uso atlético do cavalo e minimizar perdas econômicas. A porcentagem de dias de treino perdidos devido a afecções ortopédicas em cavalos de corrida é de 72,1% e dentro destas afecções estão as lombalgias, que representam de 4,35% a 20% dos casos de claudicação. O presente estudo procurou estabelecer um protocolo baseado em pontuação por escores para o exame físico da região toracolombar, por meio do qual se consiga determinar as possíveis regiões afetadas e a gravidade das lesões. Juntamente com o exame físico, foi realizada a ultrassonografia da região toracolombar, para caracterizar e classificar as lesões encontradas, assim como acompanhar sua evolução após o tratamento. Foi observada uma evidente redução na soma dos escores do exame físico em todos os animais entre os dias de exame, sendo que o exame da maioria dos animais apresentou escore zero aos 60 dias após o tratamento. Relacionando a evolução do exame clínico com os escores ultrassonográficos houve associação positiva entre a redução do escore na escala de severidade e a evolução da aparência ultrassonográfica das estruturas avaliadas. Sendo assim, pôde-se concluir que a gradação do exame físico se mostrou eficiente e permitiu o acompanhamento da evolução clínica, assim como da resposta das enfermidades ao tratamento proposto. Além disso, os resultados mostraram que 60 dias é o tempo ideal para a primeira reavaliação do animal após a realização do tratamento

    Protocolo de exame físico para a coluna toracolombar de equinos

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    Peritoneal Response to Abdominal Surgery: The Role of Equine Abdominal Adhesions and Current Prophylactic Strategies

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    Intra-abdominal adhesions constitute a significant clinical and surgical problem that can lead to complications such as pain and bowel occlusion or subocclusion. These adhesions are frustrating and potentially fatal, representing a major postoperative complication in abdominal surgery. It is estimated that 32% of horses undergoing laparotomy will present clinical symptoms due to adhesions, but the true prevalence is not known because a large proportion of animals with postoperative recurrent colics are medically treated or submitted to euthanasia without necropsy. Adhesions are highly cellular, vascularized, dynamic structures that are influenced by complex signaling mechanisms. Understanding their pathogenesis could assist in applying better therapeutic strategies and in developing more effective antiadhesion products. Currently, there are no definitive strategies that prevent adhesion formation, and it is difficult to interpret the results of existing studies due to nonstandardization of an induction model and evaluation of their severity. The best clinical results have been obtained from using minimally traumatic surgical techniques, anti-inflammatory agents, antimicrobials, anticoagulants, and mechanical separation of serosal surfaces by viscous intraperitoneal solutions or physical barriers. This paper aims to review adhesion formation pathogenesis, guide the understanding of major products and drugs used to inhibit adhesion formation, and address their effectiveness in the equine species

    Mechanical, Corrosion, and Ion Release Studies of Ti-34Nb-6Sn Alloy with Comparable to the Bone Elastic Modulus by Powder Metallurgy Method

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    [EN] The development of a Ti-34Nb-6Sn alloy by the powder metallurgy method, employing two different compaction conditions, A (100 MPa) and B (200 MPa), was carried out. To evaluate the feasibility of the Ti-34Nb-6Sn alloy as an implant biomaterial, microstructural and mechanical characterizations, as well as corrosion susceptibility and ion release tests, were performed. Results indicated microstructures dominated by the presence of -Ti phase and a lower percentage of -Ti and Nb phases. The porosity percentage decreased when the compaction pressure increased. Both conditions presented a good match between the elastic moduli of the alloy (14.0 to 18.8 GPa) and that reported for the bone tissue. The Ti, Nb and Sn ions released for both compaction conditions were within the acceptable ranges for the human body. Condition B showed higher corrosion resistance in comparison with condition A. Based on the obtained results, the produced porous Ti-34Nb-6Sn alloys are feasible materials for orthopedic implant applications.This research was funded by the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) (grant: 2017/13876-2; 2019/24237-6), by the Ministerio Español de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, with Grant RTI2018-097810-B-I00, and by the Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo (IPT-SP). L.R.-R. acknowledges CONACyT for the PhD scholarship with number 465504.Correa Rossi, M.; Romero-Resendiz, L.; Leal Bayerlein, D.; Garcia Alves, AL.; Segovia-López, F.; Amigó, V. (2022). Mechanical, Corrosion, and Ion Release Studies of Ti-34Nb-6Sn Alloy with Comparable to the Bone Elastic Modulus by Powder Metallurgy Method. Powders. 1(1):3-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/powders10100023171

    Deep digital flexor tenotomy and Distal Phalanx realignment for the treatment of Chronic Laminitis in horses: a literature review: Tenotomia do flexor digital profundo e realinhamento da Falange Distal para o tratamento de Laminite Crônica em equinos: revisão de literatura

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    Laminitis is the second most common cause of death from disease in horses and causes great suffering in the animal and economic and emotional losses for the people involved. Several therapeutic modalities are used in the treatment of this disease, but their results are not consistently described in the literature. In this scenario, deep digital flexor (DDF) tenotomy is a therapeutic modality that can be used for the treatment of chronic laminitis, releasing the traction force that the DDF tendon exerts on the distal phalanx, which helps with realignment of the latter. The objective of this study was to address the important factors of DDF tenotomy and distal phalanx realignment for the treatment of horses with chronic laminitis. The results of the above analysis suggest that DDF tenotomy and realignment of the distal phalanx is a therapeutic option that should be learned by veterinarians and that it can produce benefits to horses with chronic laminitis

    Glossopharyngeal and vagus neuropathy associated to stylopharyngeus muscle compression in horse guttural pouch – case report

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    As neuropatias do glossofaríngeo e vago são frequentemente associadas com enfermidade das bolsas guturais. A ocorrência desta lesão secundária a compressão pelo músculo estilofaríngeo não é reportada. Relata-se o caso de uma égua quarto de milha, 8 anos de idade, 450 kg, apresentando dispneia, ruído respiratório e perda de peso. No exame clínico observou-se dispnéia mista, taquicardia, disfagia, sialorréia, crepitação pulmonar e linfadenopatia submandibular e parotídea. Ao exame endoscópico identificou-se condrite aritenóide direita, colapso nasofaríngeo, edema generalizado da laringe e deslocamento dorsal do palato mole. Na avaliação da bolsa gutural direita identificou-se aumento de volume na origem do músculo estilofaríngeo com consequente compressão dos nervos cranianos XII, X e IX. Foi realizada traqueotomia, tratamento sistêmico com corticosteróides e antibióticos. Nenhuma resolução foi observada, após 16 dias o animal apresentou piora clínica, pleuropneumonia, uveíte, sepse grave, insuficiência renal aguda e foi submetido à eutanásia. A neuropatia mista resultou em rápida deterioração clínica do animal, devido à dificuldade de deglutição e processos respiratórios associados. Salienta-se a importância de se avaliar a origem do músculo estilofaríngeo em casos de colapso nasofaríngeo associado a disfagia em cavalos, dada a possibilidade de que alterações estruturais nesse músculo possam resultar em neuropatia laríngea.Neuropathies of pharyngeal branches of glossopharyngeal and vagus are often associated with guttural pouches diseases; however, these branches of injury due to stylopharyngeus muscle compression are not reported. A case was reported of a quarter horse mare, 8 years old, 450 kg, presenting dyspnea and respiratory noise associated with weight loss. Clinical examination observed mixed dyspnea, tachycardia, dysphagia, sialorrhea, lung crackles and submandibular and parotid lymphadenopathy. Endoscopic exam showed right arytenoid chondritis, nasopharyngeal collapse, generalized larynx edema and dorsal displacement of the soft palate. Right guttural pouch evaluation showed swelling in the origin of stylopharyngeus muscle with consequent compression of the XII, X and IX cranial nerves. Tracheotomy, systemic treatment with corticosteroids, beta lactams and aminoglycosides antibiotics were performed. No resolution was observed and, after 16 days, the animal showed clinical worsening, developed pleuropneumonia, uveitis, severe sepsis, acute renal failure and was euthanized. The mixed neuropathy resulted in rapid clinical deterioration of the animal, due to the difficulty in swallowing and consequent associated respiratory processes. This report emphasizes the importance of evaluating stylopharyngeus muscle origin in cases of nasopharyngeal collapse associated with dysphagia in horses, given the possibility that structural changes in this muscle can result in laryngeal neuropathy

    Mineral density and bone elasticity determination after extracorporeal shock waves application in third metacarpus of athlete equines

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    The porpoise of this study was to evaluate the effects of extracorporeal shock waves in third metacarpus bone from healthy horses by determination of bone elasticity. It were used 20 Thoroughbred horses, male and female, with two years old, on top of training and selected as the state healthy. At the beginning of the experiment (D0), all animals were submitted for evaluation of bone elasticity held in the third metacarpus bone. The animals were divided into two groups (Control Group - CG and Experimental Group - EG). The application of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) was performed on the right forelimb of the animals in the experimental group in the same place evaluated for bone elasticity and was used apparatus for extracorporeal therapy of waves with 0.15 mJ/mm² energy flux density and 2000 pulses with E6R20 probe, with focus feature of the shock wave of 20 mm. The ESWT were repeated every 21 days, a total of three sessions (D0, D21 and D42). The analysis of bone elasticity determination was realized at D21, D42 and D72. The average of speed ultrasound differed between groups at D21, D42 and D72, and the animals from EG had lower bone mineral density after applications of ESWT. There was also difference in the analysis of bone mass (Z-Score) between the groups at D21 and D42, which animals from EG showed a significant decrease in bone mass. The risk of fracture was higher in animals from experimental group at D21. It was concluded that ESWT is able to promote change in bone mineral density.Objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar os efeitos da aplicação de ondas de choque extracorpóreas (ESWT) no terceiro metacarpiano de equinos hígidos através da determinação da elasticidade óssea. Foram utilizados 20 equinos Puro Sangue Inglês, machos e fêmeas, com dois anos de idade, em início de treinamento e selecionados quanto ao estado de higidez. No início do experimento (D0), todos os animais foram submetidos à avaliação da elasticidade óssea do terceiro metacarpiano. Os animais foram divididos em dois grupos (Grupo Controle - GC e Grupo Experimental - GE). A aplicação das ESWT foi realizada no membro torácico direito dos animais do GE, na região coincidente à da avaliação da elasticidade óssea. Foi utilizado aparelho para terapia de ondas extracorpóreas com densidade de fluxo de energia de 0,15mJ/mm² e 2000 pulsos com probe E6R20, com característica do foco da onda de choque de 20 mm. A ESWT foi repetida a cada 21 dias totalizando três sessões (D0, D21 e D42). A análise da determinação da elasticidade óssea foi realizada no D0, D21, D42 e D72. A média da velocidade ultrassonográfica diferiu entre os grupos no D21, D42 e D72, sendo que os animais do GE apresentaram menor densidade mineral óssea após as aplicações das ESWT. Houve igualmente, diferença na massa óssea entre os grupos no D21 e D42, parâmetro onde os animais do GE apresentaram diminuição significativa da massa óssea. O risco de fratura apresentou-se maior nos animais do GE no D21. Concluiu-se que, a ESWT é capaz de promover alteração da densidade mineral óssea

    Associação da ceftriaxona intraperitoneal, gentamicina intravenosa e do metronidazol oral no tratamento de abscesso abdominal e peritonite em equino: relato de um caso

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    O tratamento conservativo dos abscessos abdominais em equinos requer antibioticoterapia prolongada e apresenta variadas taxas de sucesso. Foi atendido um cavalo de seis anos de idade, com histórico de cólica e múltiplas punções abdominais por agulha para esvaziamento de gás. Na admissão, foram observados taquicardia, taquipnéia, hipertermia, congestão mucosa, desidratação e marcha rígida. A associação do exame físico, achados laboratoriais e ultrassonográficos permitiu o diagnóstico de peritonite e abscesso abdominal. Foi realizado tratamento suporte e antibioticoterapia de amplo espectro: ceftriaxona intraperitoneal diária (25 mg/kg, 7 dias); gentamicina intravenosa diária (6,6 mg/kg, 7 dias); metronidazol oral três vezes ao dia (15 mg/kg, 12 dias), seguido de mesma dose duas vezes ao dia, por mais 33 dias, totalizando 45 dias de tratamento. O fibrinogênio plasmático e o exame ultrassonográfico foram os recursos mais eficazes para a avaliação da evolução do abscesso. Após 24 horas do início do tratamento foi constatada a normalização do exame fisico, regressão progressiva da contagem de células nucleadas no líquido peritoneal, do fibrinogênio plasmático e do tamanho do abscesso. No 10° dia de tratamento o animal recebeu alta hospitalar, mantendo-se a terapia oral com metronidazol a cada 12 horas (15 mg/Kg). Em retorno, ao 30° dia, observou-se regressão do tamanho do abscesso, entretanto, não houve resolução, tendo sido mantida a terapia com metronidazol. No 45º dia de tratamento, realizou-se nova avaliação hospitalar, onde foi observada a resolução do abscesso e a admnistração do metronidazol foi suspensa. Destaca-se, que a associação terapêutica utilizada no tratamento de infecção abdominal e abscesso resultou em rápida resposta clínica.Medical management of abdominal abscesses in horses requires prolonged antibiotic therapy and presents varied success rates. A 6-year-old male horse with a history of colic and multiple abdominal punctures to relieve gas was attended. At admission, tachycardia, tachypnea, hyperthermia, mucosal congestion, dehydration, and rigid gait were observed. The association of physical examination, laboratory and ultrasonographic findings allowed the diagnoses of peritonitis and abdominal abscess. Supporting treatment plus broad spectrum antibiotic therapy was performed: daily intraperitoneal ceftriaxone (25 mg/kg, 7 days); daily intravenous gentamicin (6.6 mg/kg, 7 days); per os metronidazole three times a day (15 mg/kg 12 days), followed by the same dose twice a day (15 mg/kg 33 days), totaling 45 days of treatment. Plasma fibrinogen and ultrasonographic examination were the most effective tools to evaluate abscess evolution. There was normalization of the physical examination 24 h after beginning the treatment, consecutive regression of the nucleated cell count in the peritoneal fluid, and regression of plasma fibrinogen and size of the abscess. On the 10th treatment day, the animal was discharged from the hospital, maintaining oral therapy with metronidazole every 12 h (15 mg / kg). When the animal returned on the 30th day, an abscess size regression was observed. However, there was no resolution, and therapy with metronidazole was maintained. On the 45th day of treatment, a new hospital evaluation was performed, where the abscess resolved, and metronidazole was suspended. It is highlighted that the therapeutic association used in the treatment of abdominal infection and abscess resulted in a rapid clinical respons

    Functional restoration of the long digital extensor tendon in horses after parcial tenectomy: gross, histopathologycal and ultrasonographic evaluation

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    The objective of this work was to study the macroscopic, ultrasonographic and histopathologic aspects from the newly formed cicatricial tissue at the site of the partial resection of the long digital extensor tendon in 10 equines at the moment of functional restoration of the limb with the animal in walk locomotion. The macroscopic exam was performed every 48 hours, the planimetric mensuration every 10 days, the ultrasonographic exam every 15 days and the histopathologyc exam at the end of the study. The wounds showed granulation tissue in retraction, without total lesion epithelization, and the aspects ultrasonographics revealed wound healing with newly formed tissues with variable density and high neovascularization without tendon structural reorganization. The histopathology showed newly formed vascularized tissue, with leukocytic infiltrate and collagenous deposition without full epithelization. The cicatrization tissue formed in the resection region of the tendon, immature and without the structural organization of the normal tendon, showed to be able to functional restoration of the operated limb.Objetivou-se estudar os aspectos macroscópicos, ultra-sonográficos e histopatológicos do tecido neoformado no local da ressecção parcial do tendão extensor digital longo em 10 eqüinos, no momento do restabelecimento funcional do membro com o animal em locomoção à passo. O exame macroscópico foi realizado a cada 48 horas, o planimétrico das feridas a cada 10 dias, o ultra-sonográfico a cada 15 dias e o histopatológico no final do experimento. As feridas mostraram tecido de granulação em retração e exuberante, sem epitelização total, com aspectos ultra-sonográficos desorganizados diferentes do tendão íntegro e os exames histopatológicos revelaram tecido cicatricial em formação. O restabelecimento funcional médio foi de 45,9 dias, com o tecido neoformado na região da tenectomia permitindo o restabelecimento funcional do membro operado

    Lombalgia em eqüinos

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    Back pain, whether they have a primary or secondary origin, is a important cause to the drop of the equine performance , but the size and the complex biomechanics make it difficult to diagnosis and treat the injury. As it is, the knowledge of this anatomic site is of great importance to the thoracolumbar examination. The diagnosis of back pain is done through physical examination and complementary exams, represented by the image methods of diagnosis, such as radiography, ultrasonography and thermography. The most important lesions that cause the back pain in an equine are impingement of the dorsal spinous processes, desmopathy of the supraespinous ligament, osteoarthritis of the articular processes and lesions of the vertebral discs and body. The most common treatments to back pain are the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, local injections, acupuncture, physiotherapy, training management and surgery.As lombalgias, sejam elas de origem primária ou secundária, são uma causa importante para a queda de desempenho atlético em eqüinos, mas o tamanho e a biomecânica complexa dificultam o diagnóstico e tratamento desta enfermidade. Sendo assim, o conhecimento da anatomia desta região é de grande importância para a semiologia toracolombar. O diagnóstico das lombalgias se faz por meio do exame físico e dos exames complementares, representados pelos métodos de diagnóstico por imagem, tais como a radiografia, a ultra-sonografia e a termografia. As principais afecções causadoras das lombalgias nos eqüinos são o contato entre processos espinhosos, a desmite supraespinhosa, a osteoartrite dos processos articulares e lesões dos corpos e discos vertebrais. Os principais tratamentos utilizados para estas lesões são os antiinflamatórios não esteroidais, infiltrações locais, acupuntura, fisioterapia, manejo do treinamento e cirurgia