130 research outputs found

    Maximal oxygen uptake is underestimated during incremental testing in hypertensive older adults: findings from the HAEL study

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    Purpose: The present cross-sectional study aimed to investigate whether a maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) verification phase (VER) could improve the accuracy of a previous graded exercise test (GXT) to assess individual VO2max in hypertensive individuals. Methods: Thirtythree older adults with hypertension (24 women) taking part in the Hypertension Approaches in the Elderly Study (NCT03264443) were recruited. Briefly, after performing a treadmill GXT to exhaustion, participants rested for 10 min and underwent a multistage VER to confirm GXT results. Individual VO2max, respiratory exchange ratio (RER), maximal heart rate (HRmax), and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were measured during both GXT and VER tests. Mean values were compared between bouts using paired sample t-tests and VO2max was also compared between GXT and VER on an individual basis. Results: Testing was well tolerated by all participants. Both absolute (p=0.011) and relative (p=0.014) VO2max values were higher in VER than in GXT. RER (p<0.001) and RPE (p=0.002) were lower in VER, whereas HRmax (p=0.286) was not different between the two trials. Individual VO2max comparisons revealed that 54.6% of the participants (18/33) achieved a VO2max value that was ≥3% during VER (mean: 13.5%, range: from +3% to +22.1%, ES=0.062), whereas 87.9% (29/33) of the tests would have been validated as a maximal effort if the classic criteria were employed (i.e. VO2 plateau or at least two secondary criteria). Conclusion: In sedentary older individuals with hypertension, GXT to exhaustion underestimated VO2max in more than half of tested participants, even when established but criticized criteria were used to confirm whether a maximal effort was attained. Employing VER after GXT is a quick approach to assist with the verification of an individual’s VO2max

    Genetic integrity of European wildcats: Variation across biomes mandates geographically tailored conservation strategies

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    Hybridisation between domestic and wild taxa can pose severe threats to wildlife conservation, and human-induced hybridisation, often linked to species' introductions and habitat degradation, may promote reproductive opportunities between species for which natural interbreeding would be highly unlikely. Using a biome-specific approach, we examine the effects of a suite of ecological drivers on the European wildcat's genetic integrity, while assessing the role played by protected areas in this process. We used genotype data from 1217 putative European wildcat samples from 13 European countries to assess the effects of landcover, disturbance and legal landscape protection on the European wildcat's genetic integrity across European biomes, through generalised linear models within a Bayesian framework. Overall, we found European wildcats to have genetic integrity levels above the wildcat-hybrid threshold (ca. 83%; threshold = 80%). However, Mediterranean and Temperate Insular biomes (i.e., Scotland) revealed lower levels, with 74% and 46% expected genetic integrity, respectively. We found that different drivers shape the level of genetic introgression across biomes, although forest integrity seems to be a common factor promoting European wildcat genetic integrity. Wildcat genetic integrity remains high, regardless of landscape legal protection, in biomes where populations appear to be healthy and show recent local range expansions. However, in biomes more susceptible to hybridisation, even protected areas show limited effectiveness in mitigating this threat. In the face of the detected patterns, we recommend that species conservation and management plans should be biome- and landscape-context-specific to ensure effective wildcat conservation, especially in the Mediterranean and Temperate Insular biomes.Thanks are due to FCT/MCTES for the financial support to cE3c (UIDB/00329/2020), through national funds, and the co-funding by the FEDER, within the PT2020 Partnership Agreement and Compete 2020. PM was supported by UID/BIA/50027/2021 with funding from FCT/MCTES through national funds. FDR was supported by a postdoctoral contract from the University of Málaga (I Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia, call 2020). This study was partly funded by research projects CGL2009-10741, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and EU-FEDER, and OAPN 352/2011, funded by the Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales (Spain). Luxembourg sample collection has been co-funded by the Ministry of Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development of Luxembourg. We would like to thank the Bavarian Forest National Park Administration for the approval and support in collecting samples.Peer reviewe


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    A brincadeira e jogo são construções sociais e, portanto culturais. A criança ao nascer está impregnada de práticas estabelecidas nas relações com outros sujeitos, adultos e outras crianças que possibilitam o acesso aos códigos sociais estabelecidos na forma de aprendizagem social. É na brincadeira, na fantasia e posteriormente no jogo com a elaboração de regras mais complexas que a criança se apropria da organização social na qual está inserida. Como processo cultural, o acesso a brincadeira e ao jogo se dá fundamentalmente na relação com outro e com as condições de espaço, materiais e possibilidades de exploração desses elementos. Considerando a importância da brincadeira e do jogo em proposições criativas, de descobertas, elaborações ereelaborações, estamos realizando um projeto de pesquisa denominado “Oficinas do brincar: um resgate a infância por meio de jogos, brinquedos e brincadeiras”, desenvolvido com os acadêmicos da quarta fase do curso de Licenciatura em Pedagogia, do Instituto Federal Catarinense – campi Blumenau (SC), com a perspectiva de propiciar espaço de relacionamento significativo com a brincadeira, o jogo, o brinquedo e práticas corporais expressivas como elementos de acesso a cultura lúdica e, portanto de inserção num contexto social humanizador. A dinâmica do projeto compreende atividades sequenciais com os discentes, semanalmente, nos quais são utilizadas as dependências da própria instituição, que disponibiliza o espaço físico e conta com a colaboração dos estudantes ao trazerem os recursos - como brinquedos, jogos e materiais para práticas corporais e expressivas. O projeto está em fase inicial de desenvolvimento, mas vem confirmando a relevância de seus propósitos, haja visto que parte do princípio de propiciar resgate e vivências da infância, do brincar, através dos jogos, brinquedos e brincadeiras, tematizando discussões em torno da ludicidade, como processo histórico e social, capaz de proporcionar reflexão e colaborar com a formação humana pelo acesso e interação com essas formas de manifestação da cultura. Dessa forma, objetiva-se com esta oficina, propiciar espaço e oportunidades de autoconhecimento, vivências inclusivas, melhora da auto-estima, desenvolver habilidades de comunicação, expressão e interação social dos acadêmicos envolvidos no projeto com os sujeitos participantes, colaborando com a formação acadêmica dos alunos mediadores do projeto tanto no que se refere à prática pedagógica exercida sob a perspectiva de professor, intelectual-pesquisador, bem como para a comunidade envolvida, no sentido de poder recordar os jogos, brinquedos e brincadeiras de suas infâncias por meio de cantos temáticos (num estande ou sala de aula), contendo: mostra do acervo de brinquedos que fizeram parte da infância da turma; produção artesanal de brinquedos sustentáveis com matérias recicláveis; espaço do faz de conta, com oficineiros desenvolvendo atividades recreacionistas para o público visitante