783 research outputs found

    Visualization of high dynamic range images

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    A novel paradigm for information visualization in high dynamic range images is presented in this paper. These images, real or synthetic, have luminance with typical ranges many orders of magnitude higher than that of standard output/viewing devices, thereby requiring some processing for their visualization. In contrast with existent approaches, which compute a single image with reduced range, close in a given sense to the original data, we propose to look for a representative set of images. The goal is then to produce a minimal set of images capturing the information all over the high dynamic range data, while at the same time preserving a natural appearance for each one of the images in the set. A specific algorithm that achieves this goal is presented and tested on natural and synthetic data

    Using semantics for automating the authentication of Web APIs

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    Recent technology developments in the area of services on the Web are marked by the proliferation of Web applications and APIs. The implementation and evolution of applications based on Web APIs is, however, hampered by the lack of automation that can be achieved with current technologies. Research on semantic Web services is there fore trying to adapt the principles and technologies that were devised for traditional Web services, to deal with this new kind of services. In this paper we show that currently more than 80% of the Web APIs require some form of authentication. Therefore authentication plays a major role for Web API invocation and should not be neglected in the context of mashups and composite data applications. We present a thorough analysis carried out over a body of publicly available APIs that determines the most commonly used authentication approaches. In the light of these results, we propose an ontology for the semantic annotation of Web API authentication information and demonstrate how it can be used to create semantic Web API descriptions. We evaluate the applicability of our approach by providing a prototypical implementation, which uses authentication annotations as the basis for automated service invocation

    Financial analysis ("Sell-Side"): CISCO Systems, Inc.

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    Cisco Systems, Inc. es una empresa estadounidense que cotiza en el mercado de valores NASDAQ y est? incluida en los ?ndices S&P 500, DJIA y NASDAQ-100. La empresa se constituy? en California en 1984 y opera en el sector de las tecnolog?as de la informaci?n (tambi?n denominado "TI"), compitiendo principalmente en el mercado de los equipos de redes y comunicaciones. El sector en el que opera Cisco es el de las redes inform?ticas, un sector afectado por la pandemia, dada la necesidad de redise?ar forzosamente la forma de trabajar de las empresas, pasando del trabajo de oficina al teletrabajo. De esta manera, se reduce la necesidad de hardware y software necesario en las oficinas para comunicarse con el personal y todo se desarrolla a distancia. El an?lisis del valor de las acciones de la empresa se ha realizado mediante dos m?todos: el m?todo del flujo de caja descontado y el m?todo de los m?ltiplos. El resultado de estos modelos indica que el valor de la acci?n de la empresa deber?a estar entre 40,83 y 45,12 d?lares, valores que comparados con el valor actual de la acci?n (abr-2021) 51,50 d?lares, indicar?an que el mercado est? pagando una prima por tener la acci?n de la empresa, lo que indica que es una acci?n sobrevalorada y deber?a ser vendida

    Inspección eléctrica según el Retie y la NTC 2050 en el edificio de eléctrica de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

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    En general, la utilización y dependencia tanto industrial como doméstica de la energía eléctrica ha traído consigo la aparición de accidentes por contacto con elementos energizados o incendios, los cuales se han incrementado cada vez más. El número de accidentes sigue al avance de electrificación de un país. La mayor parte de los accidentes con origen eléctrico se presentan en los procesos de distribución y utilización. A medida que el uso de la electricidad se extiende se requiere ser más exigentes en cuanto a la normalización y reglamentación. De acuerdo a las definiciones dadas en el RETIE y la NTC ISO 9000, se puede decir que INSPECCION es “La evaluación de conformidad de la instalación eléctrica a través de mediciones, pruebas o comparaciones con requisitos específicos dados por el RETIE y sobre la base de un juicio profesional”(1) Un proceso de inspección se divide en dos actividades: la primera tiene que ver con el conocimiento y reconocimiento del proyecto a inspeccionar, tiene que ver con la revisión y el estudio del diseño. La segunda etapa del proceso se realiza directamente en obra y consiste en comprobar que todo lo encontrado en la etapa de caracterización esté debidamente instalado en obra, siguiendo los lineamientos del diseñador, condiciones de instalación de aparatos y equipos de acuerdo a lo establecido en el RETIE

    Measuring the Impact of Agile Coaching on Students’ Performance

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    Agile methods have been in the cutting-edge of software engineering as a means to improve management of software development processes. The widespread use of such methods in professional contexts has encouraged their integration into software engineering training and undergraduate courses. Although there are several research works that have focused on teaching Scrum through simulating a software development project, they have covered only the learning of practices within a Scrum team, and a few of them have tackled non-technical skills beyond the development practices. Thus, we claim that it is necessary to help students understand Scrum rules, clear project obstacles and tackle non-technical issues such as management and teamwork.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    From software architecture descriptions to object-oriented designs

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    Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is becoming a dominant approach for developing distributed enterprise-wide applications. One of the reasons for SOA’s extended use is its capacity to rapidly build applications by assembling alreadyimplemented and Internet-accessible services, which allows software organizations to hasten development of distributed applications and their consequent time-tomarket. However, this approach to develop SOA applications results unsuitable for particular organizations with high-priority and critical demands of internal control, security, flexibility, confidentiality and data integrity of their services, since the development of core functionality may be jeopardized by either uncertainty or changing environment. Although many efforts have focused mainly on facilitating discovering of services, and the outsourcing and reuse of them in SOA-based applications, little attention has been paid to aiding designers in developing services associated with business goals and quality-attribute properties. Moreover, quality-attribute properties of the service assemblies have been disregarded, which often leads to mismatches between the quality-attribute behavior prescribed by the SOA and the one resulting after its implementation. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen)Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Measuring the Impact of Agile Coaching on Students’ Performance

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    Agile methods have been in the cutting-edge of software engineering as a means to improve management of software development processes. The widespread use of such methods in professional contexts has encouraged their integration into software engineering training and undergraduate courses. Although there are several research works that have focused on teaching Scrum through simulating a software development project, they have covered only the learning of practices within a Scrum team, and a few of them have tackled non-technical skills beyond the development practices. Thus, we claim that it is necessary to help students understand Scrum rules, clear project obstacles and tackle non-technical issues such as management and teamwork.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    From software architecture descriptions to object-oriented designs

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    Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is becoming a dominant approach for developing distributed enterprise-wide applications. One of the reasons for SOA’s extended use is its capacity to rapidly build applications by assembling alreadyimplemented and Internet-accessible services, which allows software organizations to hasten development of distributed applications and their consequent time-tomarket. However, this approach to develop SOA applications results unsuitable for particular organizations with high-priority and critical demands of internal control, security, flexibility, confidentiality and data integrity of their services, since the development of core functionality may be jeopardized by either uncertainty or changing environment. Although many efforts have focused mainly on facilitating discovering of services, and the outsourcing and reuse of them in SOA-based applications, little attention has been paid to aiding designers in developing services associated with business goals and quality-attribute properties. Moreover, quality-attribute properties of the service assemblies have been disregarded, which often leads to mismatches between the quality-attribute behavior prescribed by the SOA and the one resulting after its implementation. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen)Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO