30,058 research outputs found

    Analysis of Balmer Profiles of early type stars

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    The spectral energy distribution (SED) of recent star formation regions is dominated by the more massive and early stars (O and B types). These stars show large and very significant absorption features, the most prominent being the recombination lines of H, HeI and HeII. In particular, the shape of their profiles are very dependent on the luminosity of the star. We have explored the potential use of high resolution profiles to discriminate between different luminosity classes and spectral types, by using profiles of the He and Balmer lines. We have calculated growth curves for each of the lines and their dependence on gravity and effective temperature. We show some of these theoretical growth curves and our preliminary conclusions are analyzed and discussed.Comment: 1 pag, Contribution to the conference "Cosmic Evolution and Galaxy Formation: Structure, Interactions and Feedback", Nov. 1999 (Puebla, Mexico), to be published in ASP. Conf. Series, Eds. J. Franco, E. Terlevich. O. Lopez-Cruz, I. Aretxag

    Spin and abelian electromagnetic duality on four-manifolds

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    We investigate the electromagnetic duality properties of an abelian gauge theory on a compact oriented four-manifold by analysing the behaviour of a generalised partition function under modular transformations of the dimensionless coupling constants. The true partition function is invariant under the full modular group but the generalised partition function exhibits more complicated behaviour depending on topological properties of the four-manifold concerned. It is already known that there may be "modular weights" which are linear combinations of the Euler number and Hirzebruch signature of the four-manifold. But sometimes the partition function transforms only under a subgroup of the modular group (the Hecke subgroup). In this case it is impossible to define real spinor wave functions on the four-manifold. But complex spinors are possible provided the background magnetic fluxes are appropriately fractional rather that integral. This gives rise to a second partition function which enables the full modular group to be realised by permuting the two partition functions, together with a third. Thus the full modular group is realised in all cases. The demonstration makes use of various constructions concerning integral lattices and theta functions that seem to be of intrinsic interest.Comment: 29 pages, Plain Te

    V, R, I and Halpha photometry of circumnuclear star forming regions in four galaxies with different levels of nuclear activity

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    V,R,I continuum bands and Halpha + [NII] photometry for circumnuclear star forming regions (CNSFR) is presented, for galaxies with different kinds of nuclear activity: NGC 7469 (Sy 1), NGC 1068 (Sy 2), NGC 7177 (LINER) and NGC 3310 (Starburst). Their Halpha luminosities (0.02 - 7x10**40 erg/s; uncorrected for internal extinction), are comparable to those observed in other galaxies. No systematic differences in the broad band colours are found for the CNSFR in the different galaxies, except for those in NGC 3310 which are considerably bluer, partially due to a younger stellar population. Using theoretical evolutionary synthesis models some colours can be reproduced by single populations (between 7 and 300 Myr) and extinction 0.5-1.5 mag). However, in many cases, the observed equivalent width of Halpha, require a younger population. NGC 1068, 7177 and 7469, are fitted by a two-burst population model at solar metallicity; the age difference between both populations is around 5-7 Myr and the younger burst involves 3 - 61% of the total mass of the cluster,consistent with the younger burst being originated by supernova activity from the previous one. NGC 3310, requires younger ionizing population ages and lower metallicity. An excess (R-I) observed/predicted, not consistent with a normal reddening law can be atributted to red supergiants present in the older population, and not properly accounted for by the models. The two-population scenario seems to show a trend of the evolutionary state of the CNSFR with the nuclear type of the parent galaxy that remains to be explored.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 22pages, 11 figure

    A Quantitative Exploration of the Golden Age of European Growth

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    Income per capita in some Western European countries more than tripled in the two and a half decades that followed World War II. The literature has identified several factors behind this outstanding growth episode, specifically; structural change associated with large migrations from agriculture to nonagricultural sectors, the Marshall Plan combined with the public provision of infrastructure, the surge of intra-European trade, and the reconstruction process that followed the devastation of the war. This paper is an attempt to formalize and quantify the direct contribution of each one of these factors to growth during the European Golden Age. Our results highlight the importance of reconstruction growth and structural change, and point to the limited role of the Marshall Plan, and the late contribution of intra-European trade.Economic Growth, European Economic History 1913-, Computable General Equilibrium Models.

    Diagnóstico de áreas degradadas e plano-piloto de recuperação do rio São Francisco no Bioma Caatinga.

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    A recuperação de áreas degradadas ciliares ao longo do Rio São Francisco é necessária e deve ter caráter prioritário nas políticas públicas. Não se pode postergar esta responsabilidade, cabendo à sociedade o dever de recuperar as margens do rio, garantindo a sustentabilidade e a qualidade de vida das gerações futuras. A observação da paisagem das margens do Rio São Francisco, fornece uma aproximação dos problemas de degradação ambiental que vêm ocorrendo nas últimas décadas. Tais problemas estão diretamente relacionados à ação antrópica. É notória a exploração das matas ciliares para fins energéticos e, após sua retirada, abre-se espaço para atividade agropecuária, sendo esta uma das mais impactantes, pois utiliza o solo até a sua completa exaustão, deixando-o exposto às intempéries ambientais. Além da atividade agropecuária nota-se que as margens do rio próximas às áreas urbanas estão sendo utilizadas para fins imobiliários (construção de chácaras e condomínios), configurando um desrespeito às áreas de preservação permanente (APPs), que nas margens do Rio São Francisco equivalem a 500 m. Muitas iniciativas de recuperação mostraram-se ineficientes porque consideraram que apenas o plantio de espécies seria suficiente para a recuperação das áreas degradadas e não observaram que qualquer projeto de recuperação destas margens deve levar em consideração as comunidades ribeirinhas e sua relação com o ri

    Atmospheric refraction correction for Ka-band blind pointing on the DSS-13 beam waveguide antenna

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    An analysis of the atmospheric refraction corrections at the DSS-13 34-m diameter beam waveguide (BWG) antenna for the period Jul. - Dec. 1990 is presented. The current Deep Space Network (DSN) atmospheric refraction model and its sensitivity with respect to sensor accuracy are reviewed. Refraction corrections based on actual atmospheric parameters are compared with the DSS-13 station default corrections for the six-month period. Average blind-pointing improvement during the worst month would have amounted to 5 mdeg at 10 deg elevation using actual surface weather values. This would have resulted in an average gain improvement of 1.1 dB

    Class-Weighted Convolutional Features for Visual Instance Search

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    Image retrieval in realistic scenarios targets large dynamic datasets of unlabeled images. In these cases, training or fine-tuning a model every time new images are added to the database is neither efficient nor scalable. Convolutional neural networks trained for image classification over large datasets have been proven effective feature extractors for image retrieval. The most successful approaches are based on encoding the activations of convolutional layers, as they convey the image spatial information. In this paper, we go beyond this spatial information and propose a local-aware encoding of convolutional features based on semantic information predicted in the target image. To this end, we obtain the most discriminative regions of an image using Class Activation Maps (CAMs). CAMs are based on the knowledge contained in the network and therefore, our approach, has the additional advantage of not requiring external information. In addition, we use CAMs to generate object proposals during an unsupervised re-ranking stage after a first fast search. Our experiments on two public available datasets for instance retrieval, Oxford5k and Paris6k, demonstrate the competitiveness of our approach outperforming the current state-of-the-art when using off-the-shelf models trained on ImageNet. The source code and model used in this paper are publicly available at http://imatge-upc.github.io/retrieval-2017-cam/.Comment: To appear in the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), September 201
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