46 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico de la trigliceridemia mediante el método enzimático en pacientes de ambos sexos del Policlínico de la Comisión de Tránsito del Ecuador

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    pdfLa mortalidad por enfermedades cardiovasculares va en aumento debido a la creciente prevalencia de factores de riesgo como las dislipidemias. La hipertrigliceridemia es una forma frecuente de dislipidemia que se presenta con el aumento de los niveles de triglicéridos en la sangre, por lo que es necesario realizar controles de triglicéridos para prevenir esta enfermedad y sus complicaciones. Un nivel alto de triglicéridos puede provocar ateroesclerosis, lo cual incrementa el riesgo de problemas cardiovasculares. Para la determinación del nivel de triglicéridos es necesario realizar un análisis sanguíneo precedido de 12 horas de ayuno y otras indicaciones médicas. El objetivo de esta investigación es realizar un estudio analítico de la trigliceridemia en pacientes de ambos sexo que acuden al Policlínico de la C.T.E En edades comprendidas entre 30-58 años entre enero a julio del 2013 a través de la determinación de trigliceridemia en suero por el método enzimático. El universo lo conformaron 100 pacientes con una muestra de 50 pacientes, siendo el sexo masculino el que más presentó los niveles elevados de triglicéridos en relación al sexo femenino del 50% de los pacientes con triglicéridos elevados ,el 17% tenían obesidad tipo I, el 9% obesidad tipo II , el 2% obesidad tipo III , 5% peso adecuado y el 17% sobrepeso se pudo evidenciar que este problema de hipertrigliceridemia se debe a los malos hábitos alimenticios, sedentarismo factores hereditarios y poca actividad física. Se recomienda tomar conciencia a los pacientes que presentaron niveles elevados de triglicéridos, para lo cual se formula un plan nutricional, que promuevan cambios en los estilos de vida acompañado de actividad física. y utilizar medicación necesaria solo en caso que el paciente lo amerite. Mortality from cardiovascular disease is increasing due to the increasing prevalence of risk factors such as dyslipidemia. Hypertriglyceridemia is a common form of dyslipidemia that occurs with increasing triglyceride levels in the blood, so it is necessary controls to prevent these disease triglycerides and its complications. High levels of triglycerides can lead to atherosclerosis, which increases the risk of cardiovascular problems. To determine the level of triglycerides is necessary to perform a blood test preceded by 12 hours of fasting and other medical indications. The objective of this research is to conduct an analytical study of the triglycerides in patients attending both “Policlínico de la C.T.E” In aged 30-58 years between January to July 2013 through the determination of serum triglycerides by enzymatic method. The universe was made up of 100 patients with a sample of 50 patients, with males which presented the most elevated triglyceride levels compared to females 50% of patients with elevated triglycerides, 17% were obese type I, the 9% obese type II, 2% type III obesity, healthy weight 5% and 17% overweight became evident that this problem of hypertriglyceridemia is due to poor eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, heredity and little physical activity. Awareness is recommended to patients who had elevated triglyceride levels, for which a nutritional plan, to promote changes in lifestyle accompanied by physical activity is formulated, necessary medication and use only if the patient warrants

    Prácticas de manejo de ordeño, acopio y su importancia en la calidad de la leche, Matahuasi, Concepción y Apata - Junín

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    Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Producción AnimalEl presente trabajo se realizó en la Región Junín, distritos de Concepción y Nueve de Julio, -Concepción, Matatahuasi – Matahuasi y Apata – Jauja con la participación de 4 empresas acopiadoras de leche y de 20 ganaderos productores de leche con un aproximado de 208 vacas, de los cuales 156 se encontraban en producción con un promedio de 10 litros/animal/día de distintos tipos de ganado vacuno (Simental, Holstein, Brown Swiss y criollas). Siendo los objetivos del presente trabajo identificar: 1) las labores de manejo del ganadero en el ordeño de vacas, 2) el sistema de ordeño y su influencia en la calidad composicional; higiénica y microbiológica de su leche, 3) la diferencia en la composición y calidad de la leche recogida, por el dueño de la planta y la que le entregaban los acopiadores externos a las plantas procesadoras y el efecto del deterioro de la leche por el tiempo y 4) una metodología de buenas prácticas ganaderas. Se encontró que ninguno contaba con un protocolo de rutina de ordeño; 6 ganaderos tenían ordeño mecánico y 14 ordeño manual. Se utilizó el modelo estadístico Lineal para un factor en la comparación entre grupos y pruebas no paramétricas de acuerdo al número de grupos a comparar: prueba de Kruskal-Wallis y prueba de Mann-Whitney, para evaluar la composición de la leche hallándose, los siguientes resultados, acidez (D°) 15.67, densidad (g/cm3) 1.030, grasa (%) 3.71, SNG (%) 8.19, ST (%) 11.90, proteína (%) 3.47, lactosa 4.15, y el TRAM 359 (mt) y en CCS (miles) 445. Respecto a la calidad de la leche que colecta el dueño de la empresa y la que entregan los acopiadores externos, para la planta de derivados, se hallaron diferencias significativas en la temperatura de llegada, en el tiempo de reducción del azul de metileno y en el conteo de células somáticas. En lo que refiere al deterioro (en los tres tiempos), solo se encontró diferencias significativas en el tiempo de reducción del azul de metileno. Se proponen recomendaciones de buenas prácticas ganaderas para mejorar la gestión de calidad e inocuidad de la lecheThis study was carried out in Junín Region, specifically the districts of Concepción and Nueve de Julio -Concepción, Matatahuasi - Matahuasi and Apata – Jauja, with the participation of 4 milk collection companies and 20 dairy farmers with approximately 208 cows, of which 156 were producing milk with an average production of 10 liters / cow / day. The study included different types of dairy cattle (Simental, Holstein, Brown Swiss and criollas). The objectives were: 1) to identify the dairy farmer’s management practices in the milking process, 2) the type of milking procedure (manual or mechanized), and their influence on the composition, microbiology and hygienic quality of their milk; 3) the difference in composition and quality of milk collected by the owner of the plant and that brought in by external collectors to the processing plants, and the process of milk deterioration over time, and 4) develop guidelines for good farming practices. Results show that none of the individual farmers had a routine milking protocol; 6 farmers had mechanized milking and 14 manual milking. Methods included a statistical linear model for a factor in the comparison between groups and nonparametric tests as per the number of groups to be compared (Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney test). With regards to milk composition, the following were found: Acidity (D|) 15.67, density (g / cm3), Fat (%) 3.71, SNG (%) 8.19, ST (%) 11.90, protein (%) 3.47, lactose 4.15; with respect to TRAM 359 (mt) and in CCS (thousands) 445. As for quality of the milk brought into the processing centers, there were significant differences in temperature at time of arrival, methyl blue reduction and number of somatic cells. Where deterioration is concerned (including the three variables above), only the time of methyl blue reduction showed significant differences. A set of guidelines for good farming practices were developed to improve milk quality and managementTesi

    Cuidado de enfermería y prevención de pie diabético en pacientes geriátricos con Diabetes Mellitus en el Hospital Militar Central -2016

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    El pie diabético constituye un grave problema de salud, que se incrementa año por año y que provoca grandes repercusiones sanitarias y socioeconómicas ,alterando así calidad de vida del paciente ,es una de las complicaciones más importantes de la diabetes mellitus y la principal causa de hospitalización por ulceras, infección ,gangrena o amputación .En nuestro país la Diabetes es una de las enfermedades más frecuentes se estima q la prevalencia es del 5 al 10% (Encuesta Nacional de Factores de Riesgo )en personas q oscilan entre los 60 y 70 años de edad y dentro de las complicaciones más frecuentes de esta enfermedad crónica encontramos al Pie Diabético considerado como un problema de Salud Pública . El pie diabético es el resultado de dos complicaciones crónicas q ponen en peligro su integridad, por un lado la arteriopatía periférica, q condiciona una isquemia de la integridad inferior, y por otra parte, la neuropatía que puede hacer que disminuya la sensibilidad, se pierden los reflejos musculares profundos y se altera la biomecánica del pie llegando hasta la amputación que supone una mayor carga económica y social para el paciente y familiar. Se considera el responsable de más del 50% de las amputaciones no traumáticas. Las consecuencias humanas y económicas del pie diabético son extremas debido a las distintas complicaciones diabéticas, el pie de una persona se vuelve vulnerable ,las lesiones nerviosas los problemas vasculares y la lenta curación de las heridas pueden desencadenar ulceraciones crónicas en el pie, pudiendo acabar en una amputación ,sin embargo la situación no tiene que ser tan terrible por q mediante una guía de cuidados básicos integrales, siguiendo pautas y cuidados esenciales importantes que todo paciente geriátrico con Diabetes Mellitus o familiar a cargo debe de conocer podríamos prevenir futuras lesiones en los pies que desencadenan en una amputación parcial o radical del miembro afectado.Tesis de segunda especialida

    Validez y fiabilidad del Cuestionario de Violencia Escolar para Educación Secundaria CUVE3-ESO en adolescentes peruanos

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    En: Revista de Psicología y Educación, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 142-154Tuvo como objetivo establecer evidencias de validez de contenido, estructura interna y fiabilidad del Cuestionario de Violencia Escolar para Educación Secundaria CUVE3-ESO (Álvarez-García, Núñez, y Dobarro, 2012, 2013) en estudiantes adolescentes peruanos. Participaron 683 estudiantes de nivel secundario del distrito La Esperanza de Trujillo, Perú; de ambos sexos, con edades de 12 a 18 años. El análisis de contenido reveló un amplio consenso en la valoración efectuada por los jueces, en los criterios de claridad y coherencia. La estructura interna se analizó mediante el análisis factorial confirmatorio observando índices de ajuste adecuados para el modelo de ocho factores relacionados (violencia verbal del alumnado hacia el alumnado, violencia verbal del alumnado hacia el profesorado, violencia física directa y amenazas entre estudiantes, violencia física indirecta por parte del alumnado, exclusión social, violencia a través de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, disrupción en el aula y violencia del profesorado hacia el alumnado). La confiabilidad por consistencia interna fue adecuada

    Situational analysis of the subjective well-being of university software developers in Puebla

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    Integral well-being is vital for the optimal functioning of people. The requirements for a software developer in the performance of their professional activity are varied and complex. These requirements range from working in multidisciplinary and multilingual teams, going through the challenge of technological advances of the discipline to commit to quality and innovation. To face these demands, it is essential that the developers have an optimal functioning, where the experience emotional and satisfaction with life play an important role. The objective of this article is to analyze the subjective well-being of university software developers in Puebla. The research is a quantitative cross-correlation study to identify statistically significant relationships between the different welfare variables. The study involved 47 university software developers from the city of Puebla. We use Pearson's multivariate correlation to validate the instruments and find relationships between variables, and Chi-squared statistics to calculate the dependency between them. The results reveal that the university software developers experience with higher incidence and intensity, the positive affections over the negatives. The affective balance (Net Affect), calculated as the difference of the weighted averages by duration between positive affective states and negative, was positive (mean = 1.31). "Concentrated" is the positive affective state with the highest incidence and with the highest reported intensity. "Tired" is the most experienced negative affect and highest in intensity. Developers spend 40% of their time experiencing negative affective states (U-index) and are moderately satisfied with their lives in general

    Factores Socioeconómicos Asociados a la Presencia de Malaria por Plasmodium Vivax en la Comunidad de Zungarococha, Iquitos, 2018

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    A study was conducted to determine the relationship between socioeconomic factors and the presence of malaria in the population of the community of Zungarococha during 2018. The present research was quantitative and the design was: non-experimental, transversal, descriptive and correlational. To obtain the sample, a simple probabilistic sampling was used and the interview technique with the survey was used as an instrument. For the analysis and interpretation of the results, the non-parametric free distribution test of Pearson Chi square categorical variables (X2) was chosen. A significant relationship was found between social factors (sex, age, marital status and degree of education) and economic (type of occupation, type of housing and average monthly income) with Plasmodium vivax malaria, but only male people are predictors, ages ranging from 18 to 24 years old, single, who live in a House made with materials other than noble and rustic materials, and whose monthly income is less than 930 soles.Se realizó un estudio para determinar la relación existente entre los factores socioeconómicos y la presencia de malaria en la población de la comunidad de Zungarococha durante el año 2018. La presente investigación fue de tipo cuantitativa y el diseño fue: no experimental, transversal, descriptivo y correlacional. Para obtener la muestra se utilizó un muestreo probabilístico simple y se utilizó la técnica de entrevista con la encuesta como instrumento. Para el análisis e interpretación de los resultados se eligió la prueba no paramétrica de libre distribución de variables categóricas Chi cuadrado de Pearson (X2). Se encontró relación significativa entre factores sociales (sexo, edad, estado civil y grado de instrucción) y económicos (tipo de ocupación, tipo de vivienda e ingreso promedio mensual) con la malaria por Plasmodium vivax, pero solo son predictores las personas de sexo masculino, cuyas edades oscilan entre 18 a 24 años, solteros, que viven en una Vivienda hecha con materiales distintos al material noble y rústicos, y cuyos ingresos mensuales son menores a 930 soles

    "Review: Application of Bioequivalence Testing of Medicines in Peru"

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    "This is a review of the current status of drug bioequivalence studies in Peru. A bibliographic search was conducted in PubMed (Medline database) for bioequivalence studies in Peru. Generic drugs constitute the basis of pharmacological requests in health care systems in Latin American countries. Peru has enacted laws and regulations that require bioequivalence studies of high health risk drugs and exemptions, based on international legislation, to be conducted in research centers accredited by the authority of Health. There is a list of 19 drugs that must demonstrate their therapeutic equivalence through in vivo or in vitro studies, of which 13 have shown bioequivalence in vivo, and 8 of those have shown bioequivalence in vitro. There is a challenge for health authorities to enforce the current legislation and an even greater challenge for pharmaceutical laboratories to demonstrate bioequivalence of multi-source drugs with the reference drug.

    "Bioadsorption of silver ions by calcareous chitin, chitin and chitosan"

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    "Context: Calcareous chitin, chitin, chitosan, and their modifications are used as bioadsorbents of metals and dyes that cause environmental pollution, endocrine disruption, and human diseases. Aims: To evaluate the selective bioadsorption of silver ions (Ag+ ) by calcareous chitin, chitin, and chitosan. Methods: Experimental and prospective study. The presence of functional groups of the bioadsorbents was identified by Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), 1H-NMR spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The Langmuir, Freundlich, and Elovich models were applied to describe the adsorption capacity of bioadsorbents according to granule size (20-40, 40-60, 60-80 meshes) and temperature (10, 20, and 30°C). Results: The FT-IR spectrum of calcareous chitin indicates the presence of carbonate (CO3 = 1420 cm-1 ), amide III (1313 cm-1 ), –OH groups (3441.90 cm-1 ), and pyranose structure (952.83 cm-1 ); chitin has –OH groups (3441.90 cm-1 ), NH (3268 cm-1 ), amide I (1654 cm-1 ) and II (1559 cm-1 ); chitosan has –OH groups (3419.90 cm-1 ), –NH (3200 cm-1 ), amide I (1712.18 cm-1 ), –NH2 (1654.46 cm-1 ), amide III (1317.11 cm-1 ) and pyranose structure (1070.12 cm-1 and 1031 cm-1 ). The Langmuir model indicates greater bioadsorption of Ag+ ions at smaller particle sizes (60-80 = 0.25-0.18 mm) and at a temperature of 20-30°C. Conclusions: The bioadsorption of silver ions (Ag+ ) by chitosan is greater with respect to calcareous chitin and chitin; the Langmuir model fits for the Ag+ isotherm and suggests that the process is controlled by physisorption.

    Heme iron fortified flavored milk: quality and sensory analysis

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    Abstract The fortification of dairy beverages is a widely developed strategy using non-heme or heme iron. Heme iron has a higher bioavailability. The investigation aimed to elaborate pasteurized milk with fortified chocolate flavor with heme iron that has good sensory acceptability. The preparation of the flavored milk was carried out based on the regulations and heme iron, obtained from a commercial source of whole blood of porcine origin, was added before the pasteurization process to achieve its complete dilution. The concentration of iron and chocolate flavoring was established as variables in order to evaluate the optimal formulation based on Sensory Acceptability (SA). The experimental design was a 32 factorial design in which eight formulations were established, which were sensory acceptability evaluated by a total of 35 school-age children, aged between 8 and 11 years using a five-point facial hedonic scale. The results of the analysis of variance and optimization of the response showed that SA was 4.71 (on a scale of 1 to 5) for a fortification of 6.76 mg Fe kg-1 sample and a chocolate concentration of 2.0 g kg-1 sample. The physicochemical characterization indicated a higher percentage of carbohydrates, a higher concentration of iron (9.3 mg Fe kg-1 sample) and vitamin C (349.0 mg kg-1 sample) with respect to fresh milk. According to the physicochemical and microbiological results, the approximate life time of the beverage was 5 days, which is in accordance with Peruvian regulations. These results showed a method of fortification of flavored milk that allowed the use of heme iron, whose content could contribute to the daily requirement of this mineral in children aged between 8 and 11 years old (8 mg of iron per day)

    Biophenolic compounds and metal ions associated with the antioxidant and antibacterial activity of the ethanolic extract of Heliotropium arborescens L. leaves from the Andean region of Ayacucho-Peru

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    Heliotropium arborescens (Galán de Mera et al. 2022) is a herbaceous plant that contains various biophenolic compounds that exhibit antibacterial property and antioxidant activity that could prevent diseases caused by free radicals. The objective was to study the biophenolic compounds and metal ions associated with the in vitro antioxidant and antibacterial activity of the ethanolic extract of Heliotropium arborescens L. leaves from the Andean region of Ayacucho-Peru. The total polyphenolic content (TPC) was determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu method; Total flavonoid content (TFC) was determined by spectrophotometry at 510 nm, TFC was expressed in mg quercetin/g sample (mg QE/g). Antioxidant activity by three in vitro methods; determination of metals by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (FAAS) and antibacterial activity by agar diffusion method. The values ​​obtained from the TPC were 306.80±0.05 mg GAE/g, TFC 111.53±0.25 mg QE/g. Antioxidant activity: DPPH IC50 37.55±0.04 µL and 65.64±0.10 µL, at 0.47 and 0.93 mg/mL extract, respectively; ABTS 0.20±0.01 mM TEAC/g (0.41 mg/mL extract) and 0.47±0.01 (0.82 mg/mL extract); FRAP 0.24±0.01 mM TEAC/g (0.94 mg/mL extract) and 0.46±0.02 mM TEAC/g (1.88 mg/mL extract). Correlation relationship TFC/DPPH (r=0.9994; R2 0.9989), TFC/ABTS (r = 0.9572; R2 0.9998) and TFC/FRAP (r = 09933; R2 0.9868). Calcium 1.22±0.04, copper 0.77±0.05, magnesium 851.7±3.06 and zinc 20.63±1.19 mg/100 g were found in all cases. Antibacterial activity on Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 6633) and Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923) with a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) > 400 μg/mL. It is concluded that the total biophenolic components and metals of the ethanolic extract of the leaves of H. arborescens L. show potential antioxidant activity, and moderate antibacterial activity against Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus. Graphical abstract