22 research outputs found

    Presentación del Congreso

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    Presentación por Jesús Altuna del Congreso de Antropología enmarcado dentro del Congreso Mundial Vasc

    Barandiarango Jose Migel, ikertaldeen sortzaile = D. José Miguel de Barandiarán, creador de equipos de investigación

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    Artículo en defensa de Barandiarán. Algunas personas consideran que fue un investigador solitario, que no dejo escuela ni tuvo discípulos y su trabajo quedó sin continuidad. El autor no está de acuerdo y da ejemplos de lo contrarioArticle in defence of Barandiarán. Some persons consider that it was a solitary researcher, that I do not leave school neither had disciples and their work remained without continuity. The author does not be in agreement and gives examples of the contrar

    Tuyo y de todos ; 8

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    La obra comienza mostrando algunos de los utensilios de hueso más antiguos del Paleolítico Superior del País Vasco, en especial de Gipuzkoa, para resumir después la gran cantidad de útiles existentes en los tramos finales del mismo, en especial en el Magdaleniense. No se trata aquí de dar un catálogo de los mismos. Se trata más bien de mostrar algunos ejemplos de cada tipo de instrumento

    Isotopic evidence of strong reliance on animal foods and dietary heterogeneity among Early-Middle Neolithic communities of Iberia

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    Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope research on past populations in the Iberian Neolithic has emphasized the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts. This study provides the first isotopic insights into the diet and subsistence economy of Early and Middle Neolithic populations from open-air sites in interior north-central Iberia. We present bone collagen carbon (?13C) and nitrogen (?15N) isotope ratios for 44 humans and 33 animals recovered from six cemeteries of the Ebro valley and the northern Iberian Plateau. The results obtained are consistent with the C3 terrestrial diets typical of other contemporary south-western European populations, but the spacing between human and herbivore values from Los Cascajos and Paternanbidea sites is higher than expected, and a significant positive correlation is identified between the ?13C and ?15N human values at both. Moreover, the results clearly differ from those of the Late Neolithic/Early Chalcolithic in the same region, which show significantly lower ?13C and ?15N values. These findings contribute to an understanding of the implementation of an agro-pastoral economy in interior Iberia, suggesting a stronger reliance on animal foods among the first Neolithic groups of inner Iberia than in subsequent periods as well as differential access to some resources (possibly suckling herbivores) in the diet, which may point to the existence of early social or economic inequalities that do not seem to be linked to age and sex parameters or to mortuary treatment.This research was funded by the Basque Government (POS_2013_1_147; POS_2014_2_24; POS_2015_2_ 0001) and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (project ‘Coastal societies in a changing world: A diachronic and comparative approach to the Prehistory of SWEurope from the late Palaeolithic to the Neolithic (CoChange)’ (HAR2014-51830-P)). The study has also been supported by a Newton International Fellowship funded by the British Academy (NF170854); the Basque Government (IT542/10); the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) (UFI11/09); and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (projects ‘Los Caminos del Neolítico’ (HAR2009-09027) and ‘Los Caminos del Neolítico II’ (HAR2013-46800-P))

    Chronological reassessment of the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition and Early Upper Paleolithic cultures in Cantabrian Spain

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    Abstract: Methodological advances in dating the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition provide a better understanding of the replacement of local Neanderthal populations by Anatomically Modern Humans. Today we know that this replacement was not a single, pan-European event, but rather it took place at different times in different regions. Thus, local conditions could have played a role. Iberia represents a significant macro-region to study this process. Northern Atlantic Spain contains evidence of both Mousterian and Early Upper Paleolithic occupations, although most of them are not properly dated, thus hindering the chances of an adequate interpretation. Here we present 46 new radiocarbon dates conducted using ultrafiltration pre-treatment method of anthropogenically manipulated bones from 13 sites in the Cantabrian region containing Mousterian, Aurignacian and Gravettian levels, of which 30 are considered relevant. These dates, alongside previously reported ones, were integrated into a Bayesian age model to reconstruct an absolute timescale for the transitional period. According to it, the Mousterian disappeared in the region by 47.9?45.1ka cal BP, while the Châtelperronian lasted between 42.6k and 41.5ka cal BP. The Mousterian and Châtelperronian did not overlap, indicating that the latter might be either intrusive or an offshoot of the Mousterian. The new chronology also suggests that the Aurignacian appears between 43.3?40.5ka cal BP overlapping with the Châtelperronian, and ended around 34.6?33.1ka cal BP, after the Gravettian had already been established in the region. This evidence indicates that Neanderthals and AMH co-existed <1,000 years, with the caveat that no diagnostic human remains have been found with the latest Mousterian, Châtelperronian or earliest Aurignacian in Cantabrian Spain.This research has been supported by the European Commission through FP7-PEOPLE-2012-CIG (Ref: 322112), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (HAR2012-33956 and RYC-2011-00695), Cantabria Campus International and University of Cantabria to ABMA. The Instituto Internacional de Investigaciones Prehistóricas de Cantabria is sponsored by the University of Cantabria, the Government of Cantabria and Banco Santander

    Situación actual de los estudios arqueológicos pre- y protohistóricos en el País Vasco

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    Se estudia la situación de la investigación arqueológica. Se analizan los centros de investigación, sus actividades distribuidas en Paleolítico y Mesolítico, Neolítico, Eneolítico y Edad del Bronce, y por último Edad del Hierro. Se hace una reflexión sobre el futuro de la investigación y de la conservación del patrimonioThe author studies the situation of archaeologic research. He also analyses the existing research centres, their activities distributed in Paleolithic and MesolithicNeolithic, Eneolithic periods, Bronze Ageand finally, Iron Age headings. The author also reflects on the future of the research and patrimony conservatio

    Bases de subsistencia en los pobladores del yacimiento de Ekain a lo largo de su ocupación.

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    Breve resumen de las investigaciones llevadas a cabo sobre los materiales obtenidos en campañas de excavaciones realizadas en la cueva de Ekain. Esta cueva tiene gran importancia dentro de la prehistoria europea, por sus figuras rupestres, y sus moradores vivieron bajo una economía de caza, en la que al final aparece la pesca, aunque en menor proporció

    La sección de prehistoria de la sociedad de ciencias Aranzadi

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    Se hace un breve resumen histórico sobre la Sección de Prehistoria de la Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi, sus orígenes, el desarrollo de la Sección, algunos de los trabajos realizados y su situación actua

    Economías prehistóricas cazadoras y ganaderas en el País Vasco y resto de la región cantábrica

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    Se hace un estudio sobre el mundo animal que rodeaba al hombre prehistórico tanto en comunidades ganaderas como cazadoras, desde el Musteriense hasta nuestra Era. Se concluye con un estudio sobre la evolución de la ganaderíaThe author makes a study on the animal world that surrounded prehistoric mankind both in cattle-raising and in hunting communities, from the Musteriensic period to the present day. The study is concluded with a study on the evolution of cattle-raisin

    Chauvet, J.M., Brunel-Deschamps, E. y Hillaire, C., con un apéndice de Clottes, J. La grotte Chauvet à Vallon-Pont-d' Arc

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    Reseña bibliográfica sobre el estudio de la Cueva Chauvet, uno de los grandes descubrimientos del arte parietal