671 research outputs found

    Food security and import substitution: major strategic objectives of contemporary agricultural policy

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    Rural areas and the agricultural sector are currently experiencing a radically new social and economic situation which barely fits the existing national agricultural policy as a long-term instrument for stimulating the agri-food market and government’s support of the agrarian sector and, primarily, agriculture that underlies it. In the age of globalization of national agri-food markets, food supply security based on import substitution can be ensured in a macro-economic environment that favors the development of a competitive agricultural industry. The main factor preventing the industry from developing is the unequal inter-industrial exchange biased against the rural economy. The article proposes the author’s simple tried and tested schema for evaluating how inter-industry pricing relationships and governmental financial support (in the form of subsidies) to agricultural organizations affect their margins. The evaluation leads to the following conclusions: – Given its real contribution to the national economy, the agro-industry is self-sufficient for its own development, i.e. the state objectively has the potential to increase its expenses on the elimination of the negative consequences from an unequal inter-industry exchange; – Federal expenditures on such state support must secure a margin for agricultural goods producers that enables stimuli for workers’ efficiency and an affordable credit system for the technical and technological upgrade of the facilities required for the production of competitive goods; – The issues of competitive growth of agricultural products require solutions primarily on a federal scale. An essential factor of competitive growth of individual types of national food and agricultural raw materials should involve science proven EEU agricultural treaties. The article discusses the major priorities in developing a common agricultural policy in the new integration institution


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    The influence of folk dancing on the aesthetic development of preschool age children is investigated. For understanding this issue, the age peculiarities of preschool age children are examined. In the process of studying the problem, methodological and psycho-pedagogical literature is studied. Ideas and views of outstanding pedagogues and psychologists of the past on the aesthetic development of preschool age children are briefly researched. Two groups of the social tasks, typical of aesthetic education, are formed; in the process of teaching folk dances, the means of aesthetic education are disclosed and the methods of aesthetic education are characterized. The methods of teaching folk dancing at the choreography lessons are described.Keywords: folk dance, aesthetic education, children, preschool age, teacher.кандидат педагогічних наук, Алтухов В. А. Вплив народних танців на естетичний розвиток дітей дошкільного віку/ Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г.С. Сковороди, Україна, Харків Досліджено вплив народних танців на естетичний розвиток дітей дошкільного віку. Для осмислення цього питання розглянуто вікові особливості дітей дошкільного віку. У процесі дослідження заявленої проблеми була вивчена методична та психолого-педагогічна література. Коротко досліджено ідеї та погляди видатних педагогів і психологів минулого щодо естетичного розвитку дітей дошкільного віку. Сформульовано дві групи соціальних завдань, які має естетичне виховання; розкрито засоби естетичного виховання в процесі навчання народним танцям та охарактеризовані методи естетичного виховання. Схарактеризовано методи навчання народному танцю на уроках хореографії. Ключові слова: народний танець, естетичне виховання, діти, дошкільний вік, педагог.Кандидат педагогических наук, Алтухов В. А.  Влияние народных танцев на эстетическое развитие детей дошкольного возраста / Харьковский Национальный педагогический университет имени Г. С. Сковороды, Украина, ХарьковИсследовано влияние народных танцев на эстетическое развитие детей дошкольного возраста. Для осмысления этого вопроса рассмотрены возрастные особенности детей дошкольного возраста. В процессе исследования заявленной проблемы была изучена методическая и психолого-педагогическая литература. Кратко исследованы идеи и взгляды выдающихся педагогов и психологов прошлого относительно эстетического развития детей дошкольного возраста. Сформулированы две группы социальных задач, которые характерны для эстетического воспитания; раскрыты средства эстетического воспитания в процессе обучения народным танцам и охарактеризованы методы эстетического воспитания. Охарактеризовано методы обучения народному танцу на уроках хореографии. Ключевые слова: народный танец, эстетическое воспитание, дети, дошкольный возраст, педагог

    Increasing interstate integration in the agro-industrial complex of the EAEU countries

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    The article presents the analysis of the integration processes that are taking place in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), the unified agro-food policy developed by the participat-ing countries, as well as strategic measures and mechanisms for further interstate integra-tion in the field of agro-industrial production. The article pays special attention to the issues of receiving the real economic (positive) im-pact from the integration through mechanisms promoting a coordinated agrarian policy. The authors substantiate the significance of the cluster approach when creating cross-border units as one of the most effective methods of sustainable development of agricultural produc-tion in rural areas of the EAEC countries. The article proves the viability of creating joint ventures by agricultural producers and determines their basic characteristics. Working on the paper, the authors applied traditional methods of research: dialectical (from general to particular), abstract logical, monographic ones, the method of comparative anal-ysis, and expert assessments. The research findings can be used by the government agencies that work in the field of agro-industrial production and implement targeted complex programs for the development of ag-riculture and regulation of markets of agricultural products, raw materials and food, as well as social development of rural areas. The material presented in the article may be of interest to managers and experts of the agro-industrial complex, scientists, post-graduate students and students exploring the development of international relations and foreign trade.peer-reviewe

    Production of Quasicomposite Surface Layer of a Metal Material by Shock Wave Strain Hardening

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    Quite often in order to improve the performance of a product it is necessary to form a strengthened structure that will be extremely hard and have good plasticity at the same time. One way to meet this challenge is to apply shock wave mechanical hardening to produce micro- or nanocrystalline heterogeneous structures in homogeneous metals or alloys. A peculiar feature of such structure is its layer-by-layer for-mation with smooth transition between hard and plastic areas, which improves the performance of the strengthened item significantly When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3638

    Theoretical Studies of Laws Nanostructuring and Heterogeneous Hardening of Steel Samples by Wave Intensive Plastic Deformation

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    Theoretical studies and calculations, allowing to define the required parameters of the wave deformation hardening, are performed in order to obtain heterogeneous hardened surface layer in steel samples. The conditions for the effective use of impact energy for elastic-plastic deformation of the processed material and the establishment of a deep hardened surface layer are revealed

    From the Strategy of Food Independence to the Strategy of Raising the Competitiveness of Agroindustry

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    In the conditions of the globalization of national economies, the current situation in macroeconomics and, as a result, the need to improve the quality of life of the population, it is necessary to clearly outline and resolve the following three strategic tasks of the country’s agro-food industry: ensuring the country’s foodstaff independence based on import substitution; raising the competitiveness of farm products; developing the high level standard of living at the rural area based on the socio-economic development of the territories. The analysis of the government policy documents and concepts for developing the agricultural sector of the economy has revealed the following. The State Program for the Development of Agriculture and Regulation of Agricultural Commodities Markets, Agricultural Raw Materials and Foodstuff in 2013–2020 is the main active tool, a primary factor of accelerated agro-food import substitution, and a foundation for the new national agricultural policy. At the same time, the program does not answer the question, how one can really improve the competitiveness of national farm products. It does not outline the tasks and mechanisms to raise the standard of living for the rural population. The article considers the necessity to increase the competitiveness of agro-food sector as a prospective strategic direction in the government export policy. It clarifes the key factors of the influence on the competitiveness of the national farm products, namely: at the macroeconomic level—equivalence of cross-sector exchange, subsidizing and credit financing of the agro-food sector; at the sectoral level—territorial and sectoral specialization in agricultural production and the system of pro t distribution between the producers, processors and retailers of the farm products. The article outlines the possible ways of employment assistance for the rural population left without jobs as a result of improving the competitiveness of the agricultural production. It shows the expediency of the development of both the single scientifically-based interministerial document in the form of the national strategy and some relevant programs to improve the competitiveness of the country’s agro-food industry, employment and income of the rural population

    Theoretical Studies of Laws Nanostructuring and Heterogeneous Hardening of Steel Samples by Wave Intensive Plastic Deformation

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    Theoretical studies and calculations, allowing to define the required parameters of the wave deformation hardening, are performed in order to obtain heterogeneous hardened surface layer in steel samples. The conditions for the effective use of impact energy for elastic-plastic deformation of the processed material and the establishment of a deep hardened surface layer are revealed

    Modeling of Schottky Barrier Height and Volt-Amper Characteristics for Transition Metal-solid Solution (SіC)1 – x(AlN)x

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    Proposed nonlinear defect concentration model of metal-semiconductor contact. It is shown that taking into account nonlinear dependence of the Fermi energy EF defect concentration leads to higher barrier Schottky in 15-25 %. Calculated Volt-Amper characteristics of the diodes are consistent with experiment

    Revisiting the Provision of Nanoscale Precision of Cutting on the Basis of Dynamic Characteristics Modeling of Processing Equipment

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    The article deals with the issues related to the development of the processing equipment providing na-noscale precision of cutting by means of turning and milling. Building of a machine dynamic model is car-ried out to solve of this task. This allows taking into account the dynamic characteristics of the existing or designed equipment and the errors of dynamic setting of the machine and this also allows providing pro-cessing precision in nanometer range. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3634