8 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Daya Saing UMKM melalui Financial Technology dan Digital Marketing

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    The research purpose is to produce a model for increasing the competitiveness of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) through financial technology and digital marketing in Pangkalpinang City. 60 SMEs were selected as a sample using accidental sampling. Data was collected through observation and interview methods. Data analysis used a mixed method which is a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, including validity and reliability tests, descriptive analysis, qualitative data analysis, and important performance analysis (IPA). The results show that the performance of MSMEs in implementing financial technology and digital marketing has met expectations, so that MSMEs can improve their service quality dimensions. This research is expected to contribute ideas to Pangkalpinang City government regulations in increasing the competitiveness of MSMEs in the current and future Covid-19 pandemic era

    Eksplorasi-Karakterisasi Morfologi Kopi Robusta Lokal di Pulau Bangka

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    Genetik tanaman merupakan faktor yang memengaruhi keberhasilan pengembangan tanaman kopi.  Eksplorasi-karakterisasi akan mempermudah penyediaan materi genetik untuk pengembangan kopi robusta lokal di Bangka. Karakterisasi berguna mendapatkan ciri atau karakter morfologi dari aksesi, klon, dan/atau varietas untuk menentukan tingkat keragaman sifat kualitatif maupun kuantitatif. Eksplorasi dan karakterisasi morfologi ditujukan untuk identifikasi keragaman kopi lokal Bangka sebagai upaya meningkatkan efisiensi pemanfaatan materi genetik lokal. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode eksplorasi dengan pengambilan sampel secara langsung dan sengaja (purposive sampling) terhadap tiga tanaman kopi yang sehat dan vigour pada tiap-tiap kebun petani. Eksplorasi untuk memperoleh passport tanaman kopi terdiri dari nomor aksesi, nama aksesi, lokasi asal, nama pemilik, umur tanaman dan luas lahan. Sementara itu, karakterisasi untuk memperoleh identitas karakter morfologi bersifat kualitatif dan kuantitatif dari daun, bunga, buah, dan biji mengacu pada “Descriptors for Coffee (Coffea spp. and Psilanthus spp.)” by the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute. Hasil eksplorasi-karakterisasi mendapatkan sepuluh aksesi kopi robusta lokal Bangka, yaitu aksesi Melabun, Lampur, Munggu, Celuak, Puput, C1, Pading, Petaling Banjar, Mengkubung, dan Paku. Karakter morfologi sepuluh aksesi kopi robusta lokal Bangka tersebut cukup beragam. Karakter morfologi kuantitatif sepuluh aksesi kopi robusta lokal di Bangka memiliki variabilitas genetik dan fenotipe yang sempit. Cluster kopi robusta lokal Bangka terbagi dalam dua grup utama, yaitu Grup I terdiri atas aksesi Melabun, C1, Pading, dan Mengkubung, sementara Grup II terdiri atas aksesi Lampur, Munggu, Petaling Banjar, Paku, Celuak, dan Puput


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    Abstract: Sub-District government as one of the unitslocal government organization has a strategic position being at the forefront of dealing directly with community needs many different background and demand of the ever changing and envolving.Therefore South Bangka Regency Government began to improve immediately public service especially in the areas of health, education and licensing which is seen as something that relates direcly to the public. Form of this is to measure of community satisfaction index.The purpose of this study is excepted to be taken info consideration to establish a policy with the goal of increasing the service element that quality still needs improvement and drivers of each unit of service providers to increase service quality especially public service unit at South Bangka Regency. The result of community satisfasction index survey on the implementation of public service through community satisfaction index on Eigth Districts at South Bangka Regency year 2014 overall reach 72.22 or categories of service quality in the category “B” or service performance “GOOD”.Value of Community satisfaction index the highest achieved by Districs Toboali  with achievement 77.92 and service quality “B” (good performance), and the IKM lowest value obtained by Simpang Rimba Districts with IKM Value 66.35.3 Units of the Service from 8 districts at South Bangka Regency has IKM Value above the average IKM value that is: Districts Toboali, Districts Kepulauan Pongok, dan Districts Air Gegas.There are stil some units of service needs to be improved, so it is recommended their advanced studiesor surveys on each unit of service to determine the problem lies deeper.Generally the ideal condition excepted by the public is improving the quality of service bureaucracy by creating procedures and working mechanism that is easy, simply, brief, facilitate the service requirements that are not directly speed up service time, the certainty of schedule, improving the ability of service personal and repair clarity, discipline, as well as the presence of service personnel in place.People also expect the change to the element of convenience in the form of environmental service office, parking facilities, suggestion boxes, complaint means, a lounge area, as well as concerning the equipment, and facilities infrastructure for public services.Keywords: Public Service, South Bangka Regency, Community Satisfaction Index (IKM), Kep/25/M.Pan/2/2004,

    Literatur Review: Pengaruh Pendapatan Daerah Terhadap Kinerja dan Kemandirian Keuangan Daerah

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of regional income (PAD, transfer funds, and other legal regional income) on regional financial performance and regional financial independence. This research uses the type of research with the Literature Review method, taking 30 articles from nationally accredited journals through Google Scholar. The results of the study concluded that PAD simultaneously has a positive and significant effect on regional financial performance and on regional financial independence, but partially its effect on regional financial performance and financial independence is influenced by the elements studied. Transfer funds simultaneously have a significant negative effect on financial performance and on regional financial independence, as well as partially the effect on financial performance and regional financial independence is influenced by the elements studied. There are no researchers who make Other Legitimate Regional Revenues as research variables in the selected articles, so the effect on financial performance and on regional financial independence cannot be concluded.     ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh Pendapatan Daerah (PAD, Dana Transfer, dan Lain-lain Pendapatan Daerah yang Sah) terhadap kinerja keuangan daerah dan kemandirian keuangan daerah. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian dengan metode Literatur Reviu, mengambil 30 artikel dari jurnal terakreditasi nasional melalui Google Scholar. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa PAD secara simultan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja keuangan daerah maupun terhadap kemandirian keuangan daerah, namun secara parsial pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja keuangan dan kemandirian keuangan daerah dipengaruhi oleh elemen yang diteliti. Dana transfer secara simultan berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap kinerja keuangan maupun terhadap kemandirian keuangan daerah, demikian juga secara parsial pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja keuangan dan kemandirian keuangan daerah dipengaruhi oleh elemen yang diteliti. Tidak adanya peneliti yang menjadikan Lain-lain Pendapatan Daerah yang Sah sebagai variabel penelitian pada artikel yang dipilih maka pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja keuangan maupun terhadap kemandirian keuangan daerah tidak dapat disimpulkan

    Board Diversity And Risk-Taking: Empirical Evidence Of Indonesian Banking Industry

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    Goals of this research to prove influence board_diversity on the risk-taking behaviour of Indonesian banks. Sample is used 53 bank commercial with periode from 2000-2018. We find  effect positive from board diversity on risk taking commercial bank in Indonesia. Size of the diversified role of the board of directors significant effect on risk. Our study provides significant findings with respect to the development of risk-taking model behavior of Indonesian banks.Keywords:

    Board Diversity and Risk-Taking: Empirical Evidence of Indonesian Banking Industry

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    Goals of this research to prove influence board_diversity on the risk-taking behaviour of Indonesian banks. Sample is used 53 bank commercial with periode from 2000-2018. We find effect positive from board diversity on risk taking commercial bank in Indonesia. Size of the diversified role of the board of directors significant effect on risk. Our study provides significant findings with respect to the development of risk-taking model behavior of Indonesian banks