53 research outputs found

    Mean-field Matsubara dynamics: analysis of path-integral curvature effects in rovibrational spectra

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    It was shown recently that smooth and continuous ‘Matsubara’ phase-space loops follow a quantum-Boltzmann-conserving classical dynamics when decoupled from non-smooth distributions, which was suggested as the reason that many dynamical observables appear to involve a mixture of classical dynamics and quantum Boltz- mann statistics. Here we derive a mean-field version of this ‘Matsubara dynamics’ which sufficiently mitigates its serious phase problem to permit numerical tests on a two-dimensional ‘champagne-bottle’ model of a rotating OH bond. The Matsubara- dynamics rovibrational spectra are found to converge towards close agreement with the exact quantum results at all temperatures tested (200–800 K), the only significant discrepancies being a temperature-independent 22 cm−1 blue-shift in the position of the vibrational peak, and a slight broadening in its lineshape. These results are compared with centroid molecular dynamics (CMD) to assess the importance of non- centroid fluctuations. Above 250 K, only the lowest-frequency non-centroid modes are needed to correct small CMD red-shifts in the vibrational peak; below 250 K, more non-centroid modes are needed to correct large CMD red-shifts and broaden- ing. The transition between these ‘shallow curvature’ and ‘deep curvature’ regimes happens when imaginary-time Feynman paths become able to lower their actions by cutting through the curved potential surface, giving rise to artificial instantons in CMD.G.T. acknowledges a University of Cambridge Vice-Chancellor’s award and support from St. Catharine’s College, Cambridge. S.C.A. acknowledges funding from the UK Science and Engineering Research Council

    An alternative derivation of ring-polymer molecular dynamics transition-state theory.

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    In a previous article [T. J. H. Hele and S. C. Althorpe, J. Chem. Phys. 138, 084108 (2013)], we showed that the t → 0+ limit of ring-polymer molecular dynamics (RPMD) rate-theory is also the t → 0+ limit of a new type of quantum flux-side time-correlation function, in which the dividing surfaces are invariant to imaginary-time translation; in other words, that RPMD transition-state theory (RMPD-TST) is a t → 0+ quantum transition-state theory (QTST). Recently, Jang and Voth [J. Chem. Phys. 144, 084110 (2016)] rederived this quantum t → 0+ limit and claimed that it gives instead the centroid-density approximation. Here we show that the t → 0+ limit derived by Jang and Voth is in fact RPMD-TST.We acknowledge funding from the UK Science and Engineering Research Council. TJHH also acknowledges a Research Fellowship from Jesus College, Cambridge.This is the author accepted manuscript. It is currently under an indefinite embargo pending publication by the American Institute of Physics

    Improved torque estimator for condensed-phase quasicentroid molecular dynamics

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    We describe improvements to the quasicentroid molecular dynamics (QCMD) path-integral method, which was developed recently for computing the infrared spectra of condensed-phase systems. The main development is an improved estimator for the intermolecular torque on the quasicentroid. When applied to qTIP4P/F liquid water and ice, the new estimator is found to remove an artificial 25 cm1^{-1} red shift from the libration bands, to increase slightly the intensity of the OH stretch band in the liquid, and to reduce small errors noted previously in the QCMD radial distribution functions. We also modify the mass-scaling used in the adiabatic QCMD algorithm, which allows the molecular dynamics timestep to be quadrupled, thus reducing the expense of a QCMD calculation to twice that of Cartesian centroid molecular dynamics for qTIP4P/F liquid water at 300 K, and eight times for ice at 150 K

    Testing the quasicentroid molecular dynamics method on gas-phase ammonia.

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    Quasicentroid molecular dynamics (QCMD) is a path-integral method for approximating nuclear quantum effects in dynamics simulations, which has given promising results for gas- and condensed-phase water. In this work, by simulating the infrared spectrum of gas-phase ammonia, we test the feasibility of extending QCMD beyond water. Overall, QCMD works as well for ammonia as for water, reducing or eliminating blue shifts from the classical spectrum without introducing the artificial red shifts or broadening associated with other imaginary-time path-integral methods. However, QCMD gives only a modest improvement over the classical spectrum for the position of the symmetric bend mode, which is highly anharmonic (since it correlates with the inversion pathway). We expect QCMD to have similar problems with large-amplitude degrees of freedom in other molecules but otherwise to work as well as for water