25 research outputs found

    Evolutionary and Pulsational Properties of Ultra-massive White Dwarfs. The Role of Oxygen-Neon Phase Separation.

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    The 21st European Workshop on White Dwarfs was held in Austin, TX from July 23rd to 27th of 2018Ultra-massive hydrogen-rich white dwarf stars are expected to harbour oxygen/neon cores resulting from semidegenerate carbon burning when the progenitor star evolves through the super asymptotic giant branch (S-AGB) phase. These stars are expected to be crystallized by the time they reach the ZZ Ceti domain. We show that crystallization leads to a phase separation of oxygen and neon in the core of ultra-massive white dwarfs, which impacts markedly the pulsational properties, thus offering a unique opportunity to infer and test the process of crystallization and phase separation in white dwarf stars.Astronom

    An upper limit to the secular variation of the gravitational constant from white dwarf stars

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    A variation of the gravitational constant over cosmological ages modifies the main sequence lifetimes and white dwarf cooling ages. Using an state-of-the-art stellar evolutionary code we compute the effects of a secularly varying G on the main sequence ages and, employing white dwarf cooling ages computed taking into account the effects of a running G, we place constraints on the rate of variation of Newton's constant. This is done using the white dwarf luminosity function and the distance of the well studied open Galactic cluster NGC 6791. We derive an upper bound G'/G ~ -1.8 10^{-12} 1/yr. This upper limit for the secular variation of the gravitational constant compares favorably with those obtained using other stellar evolutionary properties, and can be easily improved if deep images of the cluster allow to obtain an improved white dwarf luminosity function.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in JCA

    J0526+5934: a peculiar ultra-short-period double white dwarf

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    Context. Ultra-short-period compact binaries are important sources of gravitational waves. The class of short-period compact binaries includes, for example, the progenitors of type Ia supernovae and the progenitors of merger episodes that may lead to massive and magnetic single white dwarfs. J0526+5934 is one such example: it is an unresolved compact binary star with an orbital period of 20.5 min. Aims. The visible component of J0526+5934 was recently claimed to be a hot sub-dwarf star with a CO white dwarf companion. Our aim is to provide strong observational and theoretical evidence that the primary star is instead an extremely low-mass white dwarf, although the hot sub-dwarf nature cannot be completely ruled out. Methods. We analysed optical spectra together with time-series photometry of the visible component of J0526+5934 to constrain its orbital and stellar parameters. We also employed evolutionary sequences for low-mass white dwarfs to derive independent values of the primary mass. Results. From the analysis of our observational data, we find a stellar mass for the primary star in J0526+5934 of 0.26 ± 0.05 M⊙, which perfectly matches the 0.237 ± 0.035 M⊙ independent measurement we derive from the theoretical evolutionary models. This value is considerably lower than the theoretically expected and generally observed mass range for hot sub-dwarf stars, but falls well within the mass limit values of extremely low-mass white dwarfs. Conclusions. We conclude J0526+5934 is the sixth ultra-short-period detached double white dwarf currently known

    Comparing the asteroseismic properties of pulsating extremely low-mass pre-white dwarf stars and

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    We present the first results of a detailed comparison between the pulsation properties of pulsating Extremely Low-Mass pre-white dwarf stars (the pre-ELMV variable stars) and δ Scuti stars. The instability domains of these very different kinds of stars nearly overlap in the log Teff vs. log g diagram, leading to a degeneracy in the classification of the stars. Our aim is to provide asteroseismic tools for their correct classification

    Comparing the asteroseismic properties of pulsating extremely low-mass pre-white dwarf stars and δ Scuti stars

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    We present the first results of a detailed comparison between the pulsation properties of pulsating Extremely Low-Mass pre-white dwarf stars (the pre-ELMV variable stars) and δ Scuti stars. The instability domains of these very different kinds of stars nearly overlap in the log Teff vs. log g diagram, leading to a degeneracy in the classification of the stars. Our aim is to provide asteroseismic tools for their correct classification

    Fingering convection in accreting hydrogen white dwarfs

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    The accretion of heavy material from debris disk on the surface of hydrogen-rich white dwarfs induces a double diffusivity instability known as the fingering convection. It leads to an efficient extra mixing which brings the accreted material deeper in the star than by considering only mixing in the surface dynamical convection zone, in a time scale much shorter than that of gravitational settling. We performed numerical simulations of a continuous accretion of heavy material having a bulk Earth composition on the two well studied DAZ and ZZ Ceti pulsators GD 133 and G 29-38. We find that the existence of fingering convection implies much larger accretion rates to explain the observed abundances than previous estimates based on the standard mixing length theory and gravitational settling only

    Evolution and Asteroseismology of Pulsating Low-Mass White Dwarfs

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    The 21st European Workshop on White Dwarfs was held in Austin, TX from July 23rd to 27th of 2018Many low-mass white dwarfs are being discovered in the field of our galaxy and some of them exhibit g-mode pulsations, comprising the extremely low-mass variable (ELMV) stars class. Although it is generally believed that these stars are characterized by thick H envelopes, the existence of low-mass WDs with thin H envelopes is also possible from stellar evolution considerations. We have performed detailed asteroseismological fits to all the known ELMVs to search for a representative model by employing a set of fully evolutionary models that are representative of low-mass He-core white dwarf stars with a range of stellar masses [0.1554-0.4352]M , effective temperatures [6000 - 10000] K, and also with a range of H envelope thicknesses -5:8 ~< log(MH/M*) ~< -1.7, hence expanding the space of parameters. We found that some of the stars under analysis are characterized by thick H envelopes, but others are better represented by models with a thin H envelope.Astronom

    Blue Large-Amplitude Pulsators (BLAPs): Possible Origin, Evolutionary Status, and Nature of their Pulsations

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    The 21st European Workshop on White Dwarfs was held in Austin, TX from July 23rd to 27th of 2018The Blue Large-Amplitude Pulsators (BLAPs) constitute a new class of pulsating stars. They are hot stars with effective temperatures of Teff ~ 30000 K and surface gravities of log g ~ 4.9, that pulsate with periods in the range 20 - 40 min. In Romero et al. (2018), we proposed that BLAPs are hot low-mass He-core pre-white dwarf (WD) stars that pulsate either in high-order non-radial g(gravity) modes or low-order radial modes, including the fundamental radial mode. The theoretical modes with periods in the observed range are unstable due to the k mechanism associated with the Z bump in the opacity at log T ~ 5.25. In this work, we extend the study of Romero et al. (2018) by assessing the rate of period changes of nonradial g modes and radial modes and comparing them with the values measured for BLAPs, in an attempt to validate the proposed evolutionary scenario, and to discern whether the observed modes are high-order g modes or radial modes.Astronom