69 research outputs found

    Narratives in student nurses' knowledge development : A hermeneutical research study

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    Author's accepted version (post-print).Available from 07/02/2020.Background: Knowledge development, and how student nurses learn to be nurses, is essential in nurse education and has implications for quality of care. There is a lack of research concerning how student nurses' knowledge development is expressed through narratives and how they deal with challenges in patient situations in professional learning. Objectives: To clarify the usefulness of narratives in student nurses' knowledge development and the narratives implications for learning in clinical training. Design and methods: The study has a qualitative design with field methodology. Data consisted of observations, interviews, and fieldnotes. The data was analysed, and narratives were developed using Gadamer's hermeneutical circle. Participants and settings: Seven first- and second-year student nurses from a bachelor programme were closely followed in different patient situations during their eight weeks of clinical studies in nursing homes. Results: In a sample narrative, a student nurse explained how she reflected on her actions and decisions made when she shielded a patient who was in a difficult situation. Conclusion: Narratives are useful for the development of student nurses' knowledge in clinical training. Student nurses' decisions and actions in the patient situation are made evident through narratives. Nursing educators and student nurses awareness of the relevance of this knowledge for understanding student nurses learning processes is of importance in professional education. Nursing educators should be more open minded to narratives as a starting point for reflection. Increased use of narratives in professional education will contribute to development of knowledge so that student nurses can manage to face patient situations as long as the situation themselves demands. Areas for further studies are other professional educations, for examples, doctor, physiotherapist, and occupational therapist.acceptedVersio

    Matching the Needs in an Emerging Market: An Investigation of Multinational Companies’ Marketing Strategies by Using the 4As Framework

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    Making the multinational companies’ (MNCs) products attractive among the low- and the high-income consumers is challenging in an emerging market. This study uses the 4As framework (affordability, accessibility, acceptability and awareness) to investigate the marketing activities that three Western companies from the industries such as telecoms, brewery and decorative paint implemented to match the needs in the Indian market. By proposing to split affordability into three categories, the study extends the 4As framework. Three general strategies emerged, each one composed of six 4As marketing activities. The strategies, one for each industry, show different approaches to how companies could develop the demand for their products. Each strategy is linked to one of the three categories of affordability: (a) Serving consumers across economic classes (affordable to everyone). (b) Serving consumers looking for an international lifestyle (affordable to the mainstream and the premium segments). (c) Serving consumers seeking a higher level of materialism (affordable to the premium segment). The study presents theoretical and managerial implications, and suggestions for future research

    Erfaring som kilde til kunnskapsutvikling i helseforskning

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    Følelser er fornuft : sykepleierutdanningen mellom gjerning og tekst

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    Bygger på forfatterens avhandling (Ph.D.) – Høgskolen i Bodø, 2010I denne studien undersøker jeg forholdet mellom den teoretiske og den praktiske opplæringen i sykepleieutdanningen. Jeg fokuserer på studentenes læringsprosess og deres erfaringer og utfordringer med å integrere ulike kunnskapsformer i yrkesutøvelsen. Sentralt i studien står forholdet mellom følelser og fornuft i studentenes læringsprosess. For å utdype begrepene følelser og fornuft og for å forstå forholdet mellom følelser og fornuft i studentenes læringsprosess støtter jeg meg teoretisk i særlig grad til Aristoteles og Nussbaum. Det er særlig deres forsøk på å gå opp grensene mellom kunnskapsformene episteme (teoretisk kunnskap), techne (ferdighetskunnskap ) og fronesis (praktisk kunnskap) jeg støtter meg til. Jeg gjorde feltarbeid ved fire sykehjem og fulgte syv sykepleierstudenter mens de hadde praksis der. Etter observasjonene hadde jeg samtaler med studentene om deres erfaringer og utfordringer i praksis. Som sykepleielærer er jeg godt fortrolig med sykepleiefagets oppbygging i grunnutdanningen. Jeg var, før studien ble gjennomført, fortrolig med de vanskelighetene studentene har med å integrere teori og praksis i studiet og i læringsprosessene. Fokuset i denne studien er derfor særlig orientert mot denne utfordringen og studentenes håndtering av den. Denne studien oppfatter jeg som et innspill til diskusjonen om sykepleierutdanningens form og oppbygging. Den sentrale utfordringen er å tilpasse studentenes læringsprosess til den erfaringen de gjør i sine egne anstrengelser med å integrere teori og praksis i spenningsfeltet mellom tekst og gjeming. Et sentralt anliggende i studien er at studentenes personlige opplevelser med pasientene må få større oppmerksomhet i sykepleiestudiet. Et underliggende spørsmål er derfor: Hvordan kan studentenes "stemme" bli synlig innenfor et utdanningssystem hvor sykepleie i hovedsak læres og utøves med grunnlag i teori

    NĂĄr helsehjelpen oppleves stigmatiserende

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    Rehabilitation of the frail older adults in primary healthcare in rural areas: a scoping review protocol

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    Introduction Frail older adults are particularly vulnerable to functional decline and adverse outcomes because they lack the necessary resistance and ability to cope. Rehabilitation services for the frail older adults are thus vital and require clarification. The aim of this review is to identify and map the scope and breadth of literature regarding rehabilitation of the frail older adults to develop a holistic rehabilitation service in primary healthcare in rural areas. The concept of rehabilitation, how rehabilitation services are organised, how patients and next of kin are involved in planning and evaluating services during rehabilitation, as well as reported results will be identified and mapped. Methods and analysis This scoping review will be conducted based on the methodology developed by Arksey and O’Malley. The search strategy will aim to locate both published and unpublished studies in relevant databases. Key information sources include CINAHL, MEDLINE, Embase, ProQuest and Google Scholar. Data will be extracted from papers that all three reviewers have chosen to include in the review. All three reviewers will participate in screening, assessment and selection of studies against the inclusion criteria for the review and work in teams of two. The full text of selected citations will be assessed in detail against the inclusion criteria by the same teams. Data will be extracted from papers included in the scoping review by two of the reviewers. Modifications will be detailed in the full review report. Any disagreements that arise between two reviewers will be resolved through discussion or with the third reviewer’s mediation. A narrative summary of the findings will be presented accompanied by tables that reflect the objective of the review. Ethics and dissemination Data will be obtained only from already publicly available materials. Special ethical approval is, therefore, not required.publishedVersio

    Et tidsskrift med mangfold

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    Anerkjennelse av det norske sprĂĄket i vitenskapelige artikler

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    Caring for a home-dwelling older parent with mental health problems : a narrative analysis of family caregivers’ experiences

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    Purpose: To gain knowledge regarding family caregivers of home-dwelling older adults with mental health problems and the meaning-making of the caregiver’s role. Design An explorative qualitative study involving narrative analysis. Methods: Semi-structured individual interviews were conducted among eight adult children. Interview data were analysed using narrative analysis. The reporting adhered to consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative studies. Results: Each participant narrated unique and nuanced stories of the caregiver role, but their stories also revealed prominent themes across participants’ experiences and meaning-making. The analysis revealed three themes: family relationships through a long life, a demanding and difficult caregiver role, and reconstructing the caregiver’s role by leaving the responsibility to healthcare services. Conclusion: Family caregivers experienced the role as purposeful and demanding. Mostly, psychological reactions to behaviour symptoms and duration of caregiving were considered difficult and demanding. They described that they lacked knowledge of the illness and how to perform care. Sharing care responsibility with healthcare services had the potential to ease family caregivers’ burden. However, based on a long life as caregivers, some experienced difficulties when reconstructing and adjusting the role to their life situation.publishedVersio
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