151 research outputs found

    UNITAID can address HCV/HIV co-infection

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    This book is a guide to the law that applies in the three international criminal tribunals, for the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone, set up by the UN during the period 1993 to 2002 to deal with atrocities and human rights abuses committed during conflict in those countries. Building on the work of an earlier generation of war crimes courts, these tribunals have developed a sophisticated body of law concerning the elements of the three international crimes (genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes), and forms of participation in such crimes, as well as other general principles of international criminal law, procedural matters and sentencing. The legacy of the tribunals will be indispensable as international law moves into a more advanced stage, with the establishment of the International Criminal Court. Their judicial decisions are examined here, as well as the drafting history of their statutes and other contemporary sources

    Microrna response of primary human macrophages to Arcobacter Butzleri infection

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    The role of microRNAs (miRNAs) in infectious diseases is becoming more and more apparent, and the use of miRNAs as a diagnostic tool and their therapeutic application has become the major focus of investigation. The aim of this study was to identify miRNAs involved in the immune signaling of macrophages in response to Arcobacter (A.) butzleri infection, an emerging foodborne pathogen causing gastroenteritis. Therefore, primary human macrophages were isolated and infected, and miRNA expression was studied by means of RNAseq. Analysis of the data revealed the expression of several miRNAs, which were previously associated with bacterial infections such as miR-155, miR-125, and miR-212. They were shown to play a key role in Toll-like receptor signaling where they act as fine-tuners to establish a balanced immune response. In addition, miRNAs which have yet not been identified during bacterial infections such as miR-3613, miR-2116, miR-671, miR-30d, and miR-629 were differentially regulated in A. butzleri-infected cells. Targets of these miRNAs accumulated in pathways such as apoptosis and endocytosis — processes that might be involved in A. butzleri pathogenesis. Our study contributes new findings about the interaction of A. butzleri with human innate immune cells helping to understand underlying regulatory mechanisms in macrophages during infection

    Divergent Antibody Subclass and Specificity Profiles but Not Protective HLA-B Alleles Are Associated with Variable Antibody Effector Function among HIV-1 Controllers

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    Understanding the coordination between humoral and cellular immune responses may be the key to developing protective vaccines, and because genetic studies of long-term HIV-1 nonprogressors have associated specific HLA-B alleles with spontaneous control of viral replication, this subject group presents an opportunity to investigate relationships between arms of the adaptive immune system. Given evidence suggesting that cellular immunity may play a role in viral suppression, we sought to determine whether and how the humoral immune response might vary among controllers. Significantly, Fc-mediated antibody effector functions have likewise been associated with durable viral control. In this study, we compared the effector function and biophysical features of HIV-specific antibodies in a cohort of controllers with and without protective HLA-B alleles in order to investigate whether there was evidence for multiple paths to HIV-1 control, or whether cellular and humoral arms of immunity might exhibit coordinated profiles. However, with the exception of IgG2 antibodies to gp41, HLA status was not associated with divergent humoral responses. This finding did not result from uniform antibody responses across subjects, as controllers could be regrouped according to strong differences in their HIV-specific antibody subclass specificity profiles. These divergent antibody profiles were further associated with significant differences in nonneutralizing antibody effector function, with levels of HIV-specific IgG1 acting as the major distinguishing factor. Thus, while HLA background among controllers was associated with minimal differences in humoral function, antibody subclass and specificity profiles were associated with divergent effector function, suggesting that these features could be used to make functional predictions. Because these nonneutralizing antibody activities have been associated with spontaneous viral control, reduced viral load, and nonprogression in infected subjects and protection in vaccinated subjects, understanding the specific features of IgGs with potentiated effector function may be critical to vaccine and therapeutic antibody development

    High Epstein-Barr Virus Load and Genomic Diversity Are Associated with Generation of gp350-Specific Neutralizing Antibodies following Acute Infectious Mononucleosis

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    The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) gp350 glycoprotein interacts with the cellular receptor to mediate viral entry and is thought to be the major target for neutralizing antibodies. To better understand the role of EBV-specific antibodies in the control of viral replication and the evolution of sequence diversity, we measured EBV gp350-specific antibody responses and sequenced the gp350 gene in samples obtained from individuals experiencing primary EBV infection (acute infectious mononucleosis [AIM]) and again 6 months later (during convalescence [CONV]). EBV gp350-specific IgG was detected in the sera of 17 (71%) of 24 individuals at the time of AIM and all 24 (100%) individuals during CONV; binding antibody titers increased from AIM through CONV, reaching levels equivalent to those in age-matched, chronically infected individuals. Antibody-dependent cell-mediated phagocytosis (ADCP) was rarely detected during AIM (4 of 24 individuals; 17%) but was commonly detected during CONV (19 of 24 individuals; 79%). The majority (83%) of samples taken during AIM neutralized infection of primary B cells; all samples obtained at 6 months postdiagnosis neutralized EBV infection of cultured and primary target cells. Deep sequencing revealed interpatient gp350 sequence variation but conservation of the CR2-binding site. The levels of gp350-specific neutralizing activity directly correlated with higher peripheral blood EBV DNA levels during AIM and a greater evolution of diversity in gp350 nucleotide sequences from AIM to CONV. In summary, we conclude that the viral load and EBV gp350 diversity during early infection are associated with the development of neutralizing antibody responses following AIM. IMPORTANCE: Antibodies against viral surface proteins can blunt the spread of viral infection by coating viral particles, mediating uptake by immune cells, or blocking interaction with host cell receptors, making them a desirable component of a sterilizing vaccine. The EBV surface protein gp350 is a major target for antibodies. We report the detection of EBV gp350-specific antibodies capable of neutralizing EBV infection in vitro The majority of gp350-directed vaccines focus on glycoproteins from lab-adapted strains, which may poorly reflect primary viral envelope diversity. We report some of the first primary gp350 sequences, noting that the gp350 host receptor binding site is remarkably stable across patients and time. However, changes in overall gene diversity were detectable during infection. Patients with higher peripheral blood viral loads in primary infection and greater changes in viral diversity generated more efficient antibodies. Our findings provide insight into the generation of functional antibodies, necessary for vaccine development

    Differential responses of plasmacytoid dendritic cells to influenza virus and distinct viral pathogens.

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    Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) are key components of the innate immune response that are capable of synthesizing and rapidly releasing vast amounts of type I interferons (IFNs), particularly IFN-α. Here we investigated whether pDCs, often regarded as a mere source of IFN, discriminate between various functionally discrete stimuli and to what extent this reflects differences in pDC responses other than IFN-α release. To examine the ability of pDCs to differentially respond to various doses of intact and infectious HIV, hepatitis C virus, and H1N1 influenza virus, whole-genome gene expression analysis, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, and flow cytometry were used to investigate pDC responses at the transcriptional, protein, and cellular levels. Our data demonstrate that pDCs respond differentially to various viral stimuli with significant changes in gene expression, including those involved in pDC activation, migration, viral endocytosis, survival, or apoptosis. In some cases, the expression of these genes was induced even at levels comparable to that of IFN-α. Interestingly, we also found that depending on the viral entity and the viral titer used for stimulation, induction of IFN-α gene expression and the actual release of IFN-α are not necessarily temporally coordinated. In addition, our data suggest that high-titer influenza A (H1N1) virus infection can stimulate rapid pDC apoptosis. IMPORTANCE Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) are key players in the viral immune response. With the host response to viral infection being dependent on specific virus characteristics, a thorough examination and comparison of pDC responses to various viruses at various titers is beneficial for the field of virology. Our study illustrates that pDC infection with influenza virus, HIV, or hepatitis C virus results in a unique and differential response to each virus. These results have implications for future virology research, vaccine development, and virology as a whole

    Preference versus performance: Investigating the dissociation between objective measures and subjective ratings of usability for schematic metro maps and intuitive theories of design

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    Three experiments are reported in which objective measures and subjective ratings of schematic metro map usability were investigated. Experiment 1 used a within-subjects design to compare octolinear and curvilinear Paris Metro maps. This replicated and extended Roberts et al. (2013); the curvilinear map was associated with faster journey planning times, and yet preference between the two was unrelated to this measure. In Experiment 2, nine matched versions of the London Underground map were rated for usability and attractiveness, and a clear octolinear bias was displayed. It was also possible to identify individuals who held a simplicity theory of effective design, versus an octolinearity theory. Experiment 3 investigated the relationship between usability ratings and journey planning times for three Berlin network maps, all optimized for simplicity of line trajectories. No differences in times were found, and yet usability ratings after experience at using the maps differed significantly, in line with the findings for the London designs in Experiment 2. Overall, the dissociation between objective measures of performance and subjective ratings of usability is robust, and appears to reflect expectations and prejudices concerning effective design. The octolinearity as a gold standard conjecture for achieving optimum usability continues to be refuted

    Mortality after emergency department intubation

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    Introduction The purpose of this study is to identify the rate of emergency department (ED) intubation and the mortality associated with ED intubation. Methods We conducted a retrospective chart review of all patients intubated in the ED between 1 January 2004 an

    Breakdown in the Smart City: Exploring Workarounds with Urban-sensing Practices and Technologies

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    Smart cities are now an established area of technological development and theoretical inquiry. Research on smart cities spans from investigations into its technological infrastructures and design scenarios, to critiques of its proposals for citizenship and sustainability. This article builds on this growing field, while at the same time accounting for expanded urban-sensing practices that take hold through citizen-sensing technologies. Detailing practice-based and participatory research that developed urban-sensing technologies for use in Southeast London, this article considers how the smart city as a large-scale and monolithic version of urban systems breaks down in practice to reveal much different concretizations of sensors, cities, and people. By working through the specific instances where sensor technologies required inventive workarounds to be setup and continue to operate, as well as moments of breakdown and maintenance where sensors required fixes or adjustments, this article argues that urban sensing can produce much different encounters with urban technologies through lived experiences. Rather than propose a “grassroots” approach to the smart city, however, this article instead suggests that the smart city as a figure for urban development be contested and even surpassed by attending to workarounds that account more fully for digital urban practices and technologies as they are formed and situated within urban projects and community initiatives
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