105 research outputs found

    Editorial 22/2

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    Editorial 21/2

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    15. InteruniversitÀres Doktorandenseminar Wirtschaftsinformatik der UniversitÀten Chemnitz, Dresden, Freiberg, Halle-Wittenberg, Jena und Leipzig

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    Das zum dreizehnten Male durchgefĂŒhrte interuniversitĂ€re Doktorandenseminar der UniversitĂ€ten Chemnitz, Dresden, Freiberg, Halle-Wittenberg, Jena und Leipzig reprĂ€sentiert eine Kooperation mehrerer Wirtschaftsinformatik-Professoren. Es hat sich als Forum des fruchtbaren Austausches zu Forschungsthemen etabliert, die gemĂ€ĂŸ der BrĂŒckenfĂŒnktion der Wirtschaftsinformatik ein breites Spektrum zwischen Betriebswirtschaft und Technik aufspannen.:1. Model Driven Logistics Integration Engineering 2. Using Semantic Web Technologies for Classification Analysis in Social Networks 3. RealTime and Anytime Supply Chain Planning 4. Zeitplanung fĂŒr Patientenpfade unter BerĂŒcksichtigung von Betten-, BehandlungskapazitĂ€ten und Fairnesskriterien 5. Automatic Editing Rights Management in Wikipedia 6. Konzeption eines Auswahlverfahrens zur Datenanalyse im Einzelhandel am Beispiel einer Einkaufsverhaltensanalyse im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel 7. Generating Graphical User Interfaces for Software Product Lines: A Constraint-based Approac

    Self-Assembly of Oriented Antibody-Decorated Metal–Organic Framework Nanocrystals for Active-Targeting Applications

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    Antibody (Ab)-targeted nanoparticles are becoming increasingly important for precision medicine. By controlling the Ab orientation, targeting properties can be enhanced; however, to afford such an ordered configuration, cumbersome chemical functionalization protocols are usually required. This aspect limits the progress of Abs-nanoparticles toward nanomedicine translation. Herein, a novel one-step synthesis of oriented monoclonal Ab-decorated metal–organic framework (MOF) nanocrystals is presented. The crystallization of a zinc-based MOF, Zn2(mIM)2(CO3), from a solution of Zn2+ and 2-methylimida-zole (mIM), is triggered by the fragment crystallizable (Fc) region of the Ab. This selective growth yields biocomposites with oriented Abs on the MOF nanocrystals (MOF*Ab): the Fc regions are partially inserted within the MOF surface and the antibody-binding regions protrude from the MOF surface toward the target. This ordered configuration imparts antibody–antigen rec-ognition properties to the biocomposite and shows preserved target binding when compared to the parental antibodies. Next, the biosensing performance of the system is tested by loading MOF*Ab with luminescent quantum dots (QD). The targeting efficiency of the QD-containing MOF*Ab is again, fully preserved. The present work represents a simple self-assembly approach for the fabrication of antibody-decorated MOF nanocrystals with broad potential for sensing, diagnostic imaging, and targeted drug delivery

    Chemoenzymatic surface decoration of Nisin-shelled nanoemulsions: novel targeted drug-nanocarriers for cancer applications

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    Nisin, a peptide used as a natural food preservative, is employed in this work for the development of a novel nanocarrier system. Stable and uniform nisin-shelled nanoemulsions (NSNE) with a diameter of 100 Â± 20 nm were successfully prepared using 20 kHz flow-through ultrasonication technique. The NSNE showed limited toxicity, high bactericidal activity and high drug loading capacity (EE 65 % w/w). In addition, the nisin shell was exploited for the site-specific attachment of a recombinantly produced cancer targeting ligand (αHER2LPETG IgG). Employing a unique two phases (bio-click) approach which involved both Sortase A mediated Azide Bioconjugation (SMAB) and Strain Promoted Azide Alkyne Cycloaddition (SPAAC) reactions, targeted NSNE (NSNEDOX-αHER2 IgG) were successfully assembled and loaded with the chemotherapeutic drug Doxorubicin (DOX). Finally, NSNEDOX-αHER2 IgG showed cancer-specific binding and augmented cytotoxicity to HER2 expressing tumour cells

    Low expression of galectin-3 is associated with poor survival in node-positive breast cancers and mesenchymal phenotype in breast cancer stem cells

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    Background Galectin-3 (Gal3) plays diverse roles in cancer initiation, progression, and drug resistance depending on tumor type characteristics that are also associated with cancer stem cells (CSCs). Recurrence of breast carcinomas may be attributed to the presence of breast CSCs (BCSCs). BCSCs exist in mesenchymal-like or epithelial-like states and the transition between these states endows BCSCs with the capacity for tumor progression. The discovery of a feedback loop with galectins during epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) prompted us to investigate its role in breast cancer stemness. Method To elucidate the role of Gal3 in BCSCs, we performed various in vitro and in vivo studies such as sphere-formation assays, Western blotting, flow cytometric apoptosis assays, and limited dilution xenotransplant models. Histological staining for Gal3 in tissue microarrays of breast cancer patients was performed to analyze the relationship of clinical outcome and Gal3 expression. Results Here, we show in a cohort of 87 node-positive breast cancer patients treated with doxorubicin-based chemotherapy that low Gal3 was associated with increased lymphovascular invasion and reduced overall survival. Analysis of in vitro BCSC models demonstrated that Gal3 knockdown by small hairpin RNA (shRNA) interference in epithelial-like mammary spheres leads to EMT, increased sphere-formation ability, drug-resistance, and heightened aldefluor activity. Furthermore, Gal3negative BCSCs were associated with enhanced tumorigenicity in orthotopic mouse models. Conclusions Thus, in at least some breast cancers, loss of Gal3 might be associated with EMT and cancer stemness-associated traits, predicts poor response to chemotherapy, and poor prognosis

    Timing return-to-competition: a prospective registration of 45 different types of severe injuries in Germany’s highest football league

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    Introduction Many professional football players sustain at least one severe injury over the course of their career. Because detailed epidemiological data on different severe injuries in professional football have been missing so far, this study describes the frequency and return-to-competition (RTC) periods of different types of severe football injuries. Material and methods This epidemiological investigation is a prospective standardised injury analysis based on national media longitudinal registration. Injuries were classified according to the consensus statement by Fuller et al. (2006). The analysis includes injuries sustained by players of the first German football league during the seasons 2014–2015 to 2017–2018. Level of evidence: II. Results Overall, 660 severe injuries were registered during the four seasons (mean 165 per season; 9.2 per season per team; incidence in 1000 h: 0.77). The body region most frequently affected by severe injury was the knee (30.0%; 49.5 injuries per season/SD 13.2) followed by the thigh (26.4%; 43.5 injuries/SD 4.2) and the ankle (16.7%; 27.5 injuries/SD 5.0). The distribution of injuries over the course of a season showed a trend for ACL ruptures to mainly occur at the beginning of a season (45.8%), overuse syndromes such as achillodynia (40.9%) and irritation of the knee (44.4%) during the winter months and severe muscle and ankle injuries at the end of a season. ACL ruptures showed the longest RTC durations (median 222 days). Conclusion This study presents detailed epidemiological data on severe injuries in professional football. The body region most frequently affected by severe injuries was the knee. Several types of severe injuries showed a seasonal injury pattern. The appropriate timing of RTC after an injury is one of the most important and complex decisions to be made. This study provides information on the typical time loss due to specific severe football injuries, which may serve as a guideline

    Functional brush poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazine)s : synthesis by CROP and RAFT, thermoresponsiveness and grafting onto iron oxide nanoparticles

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    Brush polymers are highly functional polymeric materials combining the properties of different polymer classes and have found numerous applications, for example, in nanomedicine. Here, the synthesis of functional phosphonate‐ester‐bearing brush polymers based on poly(2‐oxazine)s is reported through a combination of cationic ring‐opening polymerization (CROP) of 2‐ethyl‐2‐oxazine and reversible addition‐fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization. In this way, a small library of well‐defined (Đ ≀ 1.17) poly(oligo(2‐ethyl‐2‐oxazine) methacrylate) P(OEtOzMA)n brushes with tunable lower critical solution temperature (LCST) behavior and negligible cell toxicity is prepared. Upon deprotection, the phosphonic acid end‐group of the P(OEtOzMA)n brush enables the successful grafting‐onto iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs). Colloidal stability of the particle suspension in combination with suitable magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) relaxivities demonstrates the potential of these particles for future applications as negative MRI contrast agents

    No increased injury incidence in the German Bundesliga after the SARS-CoV-2 virus lockdown

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    Introduction The coronavirus lockdown in 2020 resulted in a worldwide suspension of professional sports. The first major professional football league to restart after the lockdown was the German Bundesliga. This study investigates whether the injury incidence increased after the restart of the season with only 9 days of regular preparation time and without any friendly matches in comparison to three control periods. Materials and methods In a prospective cohort study, injury analysis (at least 1 day of absence from official football matches or training sessions) of the German Bundesliga registry was standardised according to HĂ€gglund et al. (Br J Sports Med 39:340–346, 2005) and Fuller et al. (Clin J Sports Med 16:97–106, 2006) for data collection and to previous publications for the validated use of media sources for injury registration. The study period after the lockdown in May and June of the 2019–2020 season was compared to three control periods: the period directly before the lockdown, the beginning of the 2019–2020 season and the 2018–2019 season final. Results The nine match days after the restart of the 2019–2020 season showed an overall injury incidence of 4.9 per 1000 h football. This rate was significantly lower than that of the previous season final (9 last match days, overall injury incidence: 6.9 per 1000 h football; p  0.05) or the winter break (8 match days; incidence: 5.6/1000 h, p > 0.05). Conclusion The period after the unexpected break in the 2019–2020 season due to the coronavirus lockdown and the rapid return to competition showed no increase in the injury rate compared to the pre-lockdown period and a lower injury rate than in the previous season final. The unintentional mid-season rest with its potential for physical recovery and individual fitness training seems to have had a positive effect on injury occurrence

    An engineered nanosugar enables rapid and sustained glucose-responsive insulin delivery in diabetic mice

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    Glucose-responsive insulin-delivery platforms that are sensitive to dynamic glucose concentration fluctuations and provide both rapid and prolonged insulin release have great potential to control hyperglycemia and avoid hypoglycemia diabetes. Here, biodegradable and charge-switchable phytoglycogen nanoparticles capable of glucose-stimulated insulin release are engineered. The nanoparticles are "nanosugars" bearing glucose-sensitive phenylboronic acid groups and amine moieties that allow effective complexation with insulin (approximate to 95% loading capacity) to form nanocomplexes. A single subcutaneous injection of nanocomplexes shows a rapid and efficient response to a glucose challenge in two distinct diabetic mouse models, resulting in optimal blood glucose levels (below 200 mg dL(-1)) for up to 13 h. The morphology of the nanocomplexes is found to be key to controlling rapid and extended glucose-regulated insulin delivery in vivo. These studies reveal that the injected nanocomplexes enabled efficient insulin release in the mouse, with optimal bioavailability, pharmacokinetics, and safety profiles. These results highlight a promising strategy for the development of a glucose-responsive insulin delivery system based on a natural and biodegradable nanosugar
