8 research outputs found

    Employing biomimicry in urban metamorphosis seeking for sustainability: case studies

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    Objective: The current study has aimed to develop the framework of biomimicry involvement in urban metamorphosis for sustainability. This research has engaged four objectives to achieve the aim. Objective one is to explore the rudiment interaction between human and nature through interrogating history, nature’s design. Objective two is to excavate the biomimicry in emulating nature’s genius. Objective three is to investigate the association between biomimicry and sustainable development, focusing on architectural features. Objective four is to develop the framework based on the biomimicry rules for human evolution and survival in the natural environment. Methodology: To achieve objective one, the grounded theory method was applied for scrutinizing human development and human awareness about their natural environment. To achieve objective two, an evidence study was conducted on the biomimicry emulation of nature’s genius. To achieve objective three, a critical literature review was conducted using content analysis method to identify the biomimicry focus and architectural features. Through matrix development method, the focus and architectural features were tabulated. To achieve objective four, the waterfall framework design method and case studies were conducted to plot this framework. Conclusions: This research gained a better understanding of biomimicry-based on theories of the evolution of organisms, including humans in the urban context, as measurement against sustainable benchmarks. It followed the paths of ecological researcher and urban philosophers, such as Freya Mathews and Moore, by re-versioned the human relationship with nature and the surrounding environment and observing human actions and development about life principles. In particular, the research found out that biomimicry is an approach that recently becomes the focus of many researchers of different disciplines seeking a solution for human problems.The biomimicry has been merged with sustainable architecture design through specific features; included, form and function, geometry, metaphor, movement, material, pattern, proportion, sustainability, and technology. Furthermore, biomimicry is an approach that involves nature as a model, mentor, and measure for inspiration, which converges law, principles, and strategies in the context of biomimicry-based on human evolution. Originality: The findings allowed architects and urban designers to enhance people’s awareness of their natural environment and provide a better perception of biomimicry in the application of human world, whether founded because of base instinct or a strategic view derived from the life’s principle

    Assessing the Environment, Regulation, and Selected Problems of Securities Markets: A Comparison of the United Kingdom with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates

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    The main objective of this thesis is to review, contrast and compare some of the key equity market regulations emanating from the United Kingdom, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The thesis has researched several key themes in each of these markets in an attempt to pinpoint the key regulatory frameworks that are either lacking or under-represented with specific relevance to KSA and the UAE. The thesis has studied disclosure & transparency issues in the three chosen jurisdictions as well as the role played by the capital market regulator in each of them. This study intends to provide a regulatory analysis to influence those regulations that should be implemented to adjust market practices as they affect the Saudi and the UAE capital markets. The capital market regulations and rules passed by the governments in these countries are instrumental in the overall direction that a market takes. The thesis examines the role of the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) compared to that of Saudi Arabia's Capital Market Authority (CMA) and the United Arab Emirates Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA). The research has found that key financial regulations such as those relating to market abuse, market conduct, transparency and corporate governance must be cognizant of the norms of the nation in which they apply. Furthermore, Saudi Arabia and to a larger extent, the UAE, have successfully emulated some of the key rules and regulations enacted in the UK to boost and build investor confidence. Having researched the rules and regulations in both Saudi and the UAE, the thesis finds that any perceived or actual lack of prevention of violations may be related to the financial authorities lack of intervention. Regulators in the GCC do not appear to move as swiftly nor take the necessary preventative measures as the UK's FCA does. With this in mind, the thesis concludes with recommendations including the reforms of capital market regulations in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and with particular emphasis on transparency and disclosure, corporate governance and market abuse practices as well as the eventual adoption of the Twin Peaks model of regulatory reform which was recently championed by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK

    Light Rail Transit and Land Use in Qatar: An Integrated Planning Strategy for the Impelmentation of West Bay Al Sadd Al Wakra Tod'S

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    The research study aligns with the social sciences, art and humanities, themes of the main research priority areas of the four ARC'18 pillars (The Context) Recent Transit oriented development in Qatar embodies transportation and land use planning strategies targeting a cardinal improvement based on shifting from a car dependent era-associated with intense traffic congestion and environmental impacts- to public transport dependent era. The correlation between practicality of form, use, and density in transit driven urban development goes far beyond environmental influence; it also acts as a stimulus for livability, cultural stability, mobility, and socioeconomic performance. (The problem) Transit Oriented Developments (TODs) does not automatically generate better livability. The absence of a well-planned mediating element between complexity of transit stations and surrounding developments can result in TOD exclusion and decay. The comprehensive planning of multifaceted relations between built environment, mobility network and social interactions is the key to TODs revitalizing the sources of the city. (The Objective) This research study aims to form alternate integration strategies related to how public transit systems and land use fit into the larger challenge of urban transformation and regeneration, particularly focusing on the TODs of Alwakrah, Alsadd, West bay). Three governance arrangements are distinguished at the station, corridor and neighborhood levels as a catalyst for progressive sustainable urbanism and smart growth around transit stations in Qatar. (The research Design) Subsequent to a comprehensive discussion of existing literature on TODs' spatial urban form towards the improvement of livability by enhancing social interactions and capital, a thorough analysis of Alwakrah, Westbay and Alsadd transit urban zones is performed based data collected from surveys, in-depth interviews of key personal in planning authorities and site analysis documentation. (The findings and contribution to knowledge) The three primary cases are investigated and discussed individually to evaluate possible conceptual integration strategies of TODs in Qatar. The identification of ultimate relations between the morphology of single urban development features into the overall TOD environment, whilst considering social and cultural stability as a doctrine in means to resemble the incremental prototypical model of development strategies and policy making in TOD future vision of Qatar, will contribute to define measuring tools for the contemporary development of transit urban villages, where a sense of heritage, community and livability are enhanced by well-connected physical urban arrangements.qscienc

    Doha Metro System in the State of Qatar: The Metamorphosis of Al Sadd District

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    The State of Qatar has been undergoing radical transformation, coordinated by the national development planning strategy, to realise the aims of Qatar National Vision 2030 (QNV-2030). Efforts towards sustainable urban growth and development have included the establishment of a new transportation system, as well as transitoriented developments (TODs), which significantly enhanced pedestrians‘ access to amenities and facilities, particularly during major events. This research study aims to develop alternative design strategies for public transit systems and land use amidst the larger challenge of urban metamorphosis focused on boosting sustainability by enhancing liveability. The Al Sadd district was selected as a case study due to (1) its significance as one of the oldest mixed-use districts in Qatar, with a significant role in the economic development of Doha; (2) its many layers, which have overlapped; and (3) its lack of heritage significance. Data, gathered from both primary and secondary sources, consisted of questionnaires, site visits, walk-through observations, focus groups and structured interviews. The use of these research methods facilitated the exploration of the physical forms and sociocultural characteristics of the area, enhancing understanding of the urban quality, and providing inputs for a strategy to enhance the urban sustainability and liveability of the district.1)- Qatar University 2)- Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF, a member of Qatar Foundation) UREP-22-005-5- 00

    Ús del biomimetisme a la metamorfosi urbana a la recerca de sostenibilitat: estudi de casos

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    Objetivo: El presente estudio ha tenido como objetivo desarrollar el marco de la implicación biomimética en la metamorfosis urbana para la sostenibilidad. Esta investigación ha comprometido cuatro objetivos para lograr el objetivo. El objetivo uno es explorar la interacción rudimentaria entre el ser humano y la naturaleza a través de la historia de interrogación, el diseño de la naturaleza. El segundo objetivo es excavar la biomimetismo para emular el genio de la naturaleza. El objetivo tres es investigar la asociación entre biomimetismo y desarrollo sostenible, centrándose en las características arquitectónicas. El objetivo cuatro es desarrollar el marco basado en las reglas de biomimetismo para la evolución humana y la supervivencia en el entorno natural. Metodología: Para lograr el objetivo uno, se aplicó el método de la teoría fundamentada para examinar el desarrollo humano y la conciencia humana sobre su entorno natural. Para lograr el objetivo dos, se realizó un estudio de evidencia sobre la emulación biomimética del genio de la naturaleza. Para lograr el objetivo tres, se realizó una revisión crítica de la literatura utilizando un método de análisis de contenido para identificar el enfoque biomimético y las características arquitectónicas. A través del método de desarrollo matricial, se tabularon el enfoque y las características arquitectónicas. Para lograr el objetivo cuatro, se llevaron a cabo el método de diseño del marco de cascada y los estudios de caso para trazar este marco. Conclusiones: Esta investigación obtuvo una mejor comprensión de la biomimética basada en teorías de la evolución de los organismos, incluidos los seres humanos en el contexto urbano, como medida frente a puntos de referencia sostenibles. Siguió los caminos de investigadores ecológicos y filósofos urbanos, como Freya Mathews y Moore, re-versionando la relación humana con la naturaleza y el entorno circundante y observando las acciones humanas y el desarrollo de los principios de la vida. En particular, la investigación descubrió que la biomimetismo es un enfoque que recientemente se ha convertido en el foco de muchos investigadores de diferentes disciplinas que buscan una solución para los problemas humanos.La biocinética se ha fusionado con el diseño de arquitectura sostenible a través de características específicas; Incluye, forma y función, geometría, metáfora, movimiento, material, patrón, proporción, sostenibilidad y tecnología. Además, la biomimetismo es un enfoque que involucra a la naturaleza como modelo, mentor y medida de inspiración, que converge ley, principios y estrategias en el contexto de la biomimetismo basada en la evolución humana. Originalidad: Los hallazgos permitieron a los arquitectos y diseñadores urbanos aumentar la conciencia de la gente sobre su entorno natural y proporcionar una mejor percepción de la biomimetismo en la aplicación del mundo humano, ya sea por un instinto básico o una visión estratégica derivada de los principios de la vida.Objectiu: L'estudi actual té com a objectiu desenvolupar el marc de la implicació de la biomimetisme en la metamorfosi urbana per a la sostenibilitat. Aquesta investigació ha implicat quatre objectius per aconseguir l’objectiu. L’objectiu és explorar la interacció de rudiments entre l’home i la natura a través d’interrogar la història, el disseny de la natura. El segon objectiu és excavar la biomimetria en emular el geni de la natura. L’objectiu tres és investigar l’associació entre biomimetisme i desenvolupament sostenible, centrant-se en les característiques arquitectòniques. L'objectiu quatre és desenvolupar el marc basat en les regles de biomimetisme per a l'evolució i la supervivència humanes en el medi natural. Metodologia: Per assolir l’objectiu, s’ha aplicat el mètode de la teoria fonamentada per examinar el desenvolupament humà i la consciència humana sobre el seu entorn natural. Per aconseguir l’objectiu dos, s’ha dut a terme un estudi de l’evidència sobre l’emulació de la biomimètica del geni de la natura. Per aconseguir l'objectiu tres, es va realitzar una revisió crítica de la literatura mitjançant el mètode d’anàlisi de contingut per identificar l’enfocament biomètric i les característiques arquitectòniques. Mitjançant el mètode de desenvolupament de les matrius, es van tabular els focus i les característiques arquitectòniques. Per aconseguir l'objectiu quatre, es van dur a terme el mètode de disseny del marc de cascada i els estudis de casos per dibuixar aquest marc. Conclusions: Aquesta investigació va obtenir una millor comprensió de la biomimètica basada en teories de l'evolució dels organismes, inclosos els humans en el context urbà, com a mesura contra punts de referència sostenibles. Va seguir els camins de l’investigador ecològic i dels filòsofs urbans, com Freya Mathews i Moore, per remodelar les relacions humanes amb la natura i el seu entorn i observar les accions humanes i el desenvolupament dels principis de la vida. En particular, la investigació va descobrir que la biomimetisme és un enfocament que recentment es converteix en el focus de molts investigadors de diferents disciplines que busquen una solució per als problemes humans.La biomimètica s'ha fusionat amb el disseny d’arquitectura sostenible a través de característiques específiques; inclosos, forma i funció, geometria, metàfora, moviment, material, patró, proporció, sostenibilitat i tecnologia. A més, la biomimetisme és un enfocament que implica la naturalesa com a model, mentor i mesura d'inspiració, que convergeix la llei, els principis i les estratègies en el context de la biomimètica basada en l'evolució humana. Originalitat: Els resultats van permetre als arquitectes i dissenyadors urbans millorar la consciència de la gent sobre el seu entorn natural i proporcionar una millor percepció de la biomimètica en l’aplicació del món humà, ja sigui fundat per l’instint base o per una visió estratègica derivada dels principis de la vida.Objective: The current study has aimed to develop the framework of biomimicry involvement in urban metamorphosis for sustainability. This research has engaged four objectives to achieve the aim. Objective one is to explore the rudiment interaction between human and nature through interrogating history, nature’s design. Objective two is to excavate the biomimicry in emulating nature’s genius. Objective three is to investigate the association between biomimicry and sustainable development, focusing on architectural features. Objective four is to develop the framework based on the biomimicry rules for human evolution and survival in the natural environment. Methodology: To achieve objective one, the grounded theory method was applied for scrutinizing human development and human awareness about their natural environment.  To achieve objective two, an evidence study was conducted on the biomimicry emulation of nature’s genius. To achieve objective three, a critical literature review was conducted using content analysis method to identify the biomimicry focus and architectural features. Through matrix development method, the focus and architectural features were tabulated. To achieve objective four, the waterfall framework design method and case studies were conducted to plot this framework. Conclusions: This research gained a better understanding of biomimicry-based on theories of the evolution of organisms, including humans in the urban context, as measurement against sustainable benchmarks. It followed the paths of ecological researcher and urban philosophers, such as Freya Mathews and Moore, by re-versioned the human relationship with nature and the surrounding environment and observing human actions and development about life principles. In particular, the research found out that biomimicry is an approach that recently becomes the focus of many researchers of different disciplines seeking a solution for human problems.The biomimicry has been merged with sustainable architecture design through specific features; included, form and function, geometry, metaphor, movement, material, pattern, proportion, sustainability, and technology. Furthermore, biomimicry is an approach that involves nature as a model, mentor, and measure for inspiration, which converges law, principles, and strategies in the context of biomimicry-based on human evolution. Originality: The findings allowed architects and urban designers to enhance people’s awareness of their natural environment and provide a better perception of biomimicry in the application of human world, whether founded because of base instinct or a strategic view derived from the life’s principles.Peer Reviewe

    An integrated urban-transport smart growth model around metro stations: A case of Qatar

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    Urban growth strategies are incorporated for land-use planning and transportation to facilitate people's movement towards a mass transit system. This requires transport demand analysis of a particular area so that, if possible, urban re-planning can be done to support long-term sustainable use of the transportation system. The paper focuses on the study of transportation demand analysis in some stations of the recently opened metro system in Qatar. The study uses hypothetical scenarios of land use density to analyze transportation demand. A regression model is used to assess the relationship between the generated transport demand from each type of land use, which shows that the land-use type can substantially impact the ridership of a mass transit system. Based on the analysis conducted in this paper, it can be concluded that if ridership in a particular area is to be increased, its development for mixed land use might be a good option. The proposed mixed-use planning and the insights developed in the paper are expected to help urban planners in different countries with similar urban growth and development situations

    Exacerbation of Influenza A Virus Disease Severity by Respiratory Syncytial Virus Co-Infection in a Mouse Model

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    Influenza A virus (IAV) and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are leading causes of childhood infections. RSV and influenza are competitive in vitro. In this study, the in vivo effects of RSV and IAV co-infection were investigated. Mice were intranasally inoculated with RSV, with IAV, or with both viruses (RSV+IAV and IAV+RSV) administered sequentially, 24 h apart. On days 3 and 7 post-infection, lung tissues were processed for viral loads and immune cell populations. Lung functions were also evaluated. Mortality was observed only in the IAV+RSV group (50% of mice did not survive beyond 7 days). On day 3, the viral loads in single-infected and co-infected mice were not significantly different. However, on day 7, the IAV titer was much higher in the IAV+RSV group, and the RSV viral load was reduced. CD4 T cells were reduced in all groups on day 7 except in single-infected mice. CD8 T cells were higher in all experimental groups except the RSV-alone group. Increased airway resistance and reduced thoracic compliance were demonstrated in both co-infected groups. This model indicates that, among all the infection types we studied, infection with IAV followed by RSV is associated with the highest IAV viral loads and the most morbidity and mortality

    The Factors Affecting CO Emission in the European Union Countries: A Statistical Approach to Sustainability across the Food Industry

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    The research investigates four prime factors influencing CO2 emission levels associated with the food production industry in the European Union (EU) member states. The prime factors, namely population size, percentage of urbanization, percentage of agricultural land, and average years of schooling, were used in the analysis. The research further examines the existing policies that regulate carbon emission in EU states. The analysis covers 25 EU member countries for the years from 2000 till 2019. The relationship between the prime factors and CO2 emissions were identified using a simple linear regression model, confirming the significance of this relation. The strength of these relations was numerically measured using a clustered analysis. The results indicate that a negative impact on CO2 emission was found in relation to the increase in population and urbanization based on the survival requirements and sustainability in social and urban settings. The effect of the factor 'average years of schooling' on CO2 emission is relatively negligible when compared to the other chosen factors. The findings provide sufficient information to develop and support suggestions for enhancing the available policies in EU member states