13 research outputs found


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    Abstract.This article is devoted to studying style tendencies in Mâris Nazirov's creativity - the brightrepresentative of a modern Tatar literary galaxy of Bashkortostan. Style tendencies in his creativity were practically not investigated as a complete subsystem. In this key article promotes more correct statement and the solution of some fundamental, national and scientifically significant problems. The relevance of a research is defined by insufficient study of style tendencies in M. Nazirov's poetry and their originalities. During the research it is claimed that in works of the poet synthesis of two style tendencies is observed: increase of interest in socio-political problems, to a subject of fate of the nation; strengthening of the philosophical beginning. At the same time it is proved that typologically similar to the similar phenomena in the Tatar literature style in works of the poet, distinctive features caused by influence of a local cultural substratum and an originality of poetic thinking tend. For our research the hermeneutical approach directing receptive activity of the reader to the analysis of the principles and receptions of the image, determination of typological similarities and an originality of the art search which is coinciding and having differences in different verbal arts is fundamental. Also during the research the method of the comparative and comparative analysis of texts is productively used. In this key style tendencies and their poetic originality in Mâris Nazirov's creativity come to light.Keywords and phrases: Tatar poetry, style tendency, motive, poem, self-identification

    Air purification from process emissions from electroplating baths

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    Electroplating technology is an important technological process at production facilities of various profiles. The electroplating baths are a source of hazardous emissions of toxic vapors and aerosols. In factories with electroplating sites, the crucial task is to eliminate hazardous emissions by applying an effective exhaust ventilation and air purification system for subsequent air discharge into the atmosphere. In this article two basic schemes for cleaning process emissions from electroplating baths were developed: a scheme with purification in scrubbers; a scheme with purification in scrubbers with pre-filtration. The advantages and disadvantages of each scheme were considered. Based on the amount of hazardous emissions and their dispersed composition, the purification efficiency of each scheme was calculated using the probabilistic method. In view of the calculations, a scheme for cleaning process emissions from the electroplating line with the highest purification efficiency has been identified

    Biotehnološka primjena kvasca Yarrowia lipolytica uzgojenog u uvjetima nedostatka tiamina

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    During the cultivation of a thiamine-auxotrophic yeast strain Yarrowia lipolytica VKM Y-2412 on ethanol, the growth limitation by thiamine leads to the production of α-ketoglutaric acid. The α-ketoglutaric acid synthesis has been studied in dependence on pH, oxygen supply and ethanol, zinc and iron concentrations. Under optimal conditions, Y. lipolytica produced 88.7 g/L of α-ketoglutaric acid. The culture broth containing α-ketoglutaric acid was subjected to chemical treatment with hydrogen peroxide, which led to the formation of succinic acid in significant quantities (71.7 g/L). Further direct esterification of succinic acid with excess absolute ethanol yielded diethyl succinate. Biomass of Y. lipolytica, a superproducer of α-ketoglutaric acid, was characterized by a high content of protein and essential amino acids, free amino acids, and unusually large amount of γ-aminobutyric acid. The unique amino acid composition of the producer makes it possible to use this biomass as a component of parenteral nutrition mixtures and as a basis for neuroleptics.Auksotrofni kvasac Yarrowia lipolytica VKM Y-2412 uzgojen je na podlozi s etanolom u uvjetima nedostatka tiamina, što je dovelo do nastajanja α-ketoglutarne kiseline. Ispitana je ovisnost njezine sinteze o pH-vrijednosti, opskrbljenosti kisikom i etanolom, te koncentracijama cinka i željeza. U optimalnim je uvjetima kvasac Y. lipolytica proizveo 88,7 g/L α-ketoglutarne kiseline. Podloga za uzgoj koja je sadržavala α-ketoglutarnu kiselinu kemijski je obrađena vodikovim peroksidom, što je dovelo do nastajanja značajne koncentracije sukcinske kiseline (71,7 g/L). Daljnjom izravnom esterifikacijom sukcinske kiseline uz suvišak apsolutnog etanola dobiven je dietil sukcinat. Biomasu kvasca Y. lipolytica, koji proizvodi velike količine α-ketoglutarne kiseline, karakterizira veliki udjel proteina i esencijalnih aminokiselina, slobodnih aminokiselina i neuobičajeno velika količina γ-aminomaslačne kiseline. Jedinstveni aminokiselinski sastav kvasca omogućuje njegovu primjenu u intravenoznoj prehrani i pri liječenju pacijenata antipsihoticima

    Роль мультиспиральной компьютерной томографии толстой кишки в диагностическом алгоритме хронического запора

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    The purpose: approbation of the method of multislice computed tomography colonography in the diagnosis of chronic colostasis. Materials and methods. Multislice computed tomography colonography, using the Philips Brilliance 64 (collimation 1,5 mm; 120 kV; 50 mAs, total duration of procedure - 18 seconds, equivalent dose-14 mSv), had been evaluated during clinical examination of 26 patients with decompensated forms of chronic constipation. Results. We have received encouraging results from a pilot study of multislice computed tomography colonography, allowing to obtain three-dimensional volumetric image of the colon with abnormal architectonics and unusual location in the abdominal cavity were noted. Method objectively reflects the characteristics of colonic structure, the anatomical and topographical relationships of its various parts, degenerative changes in the wall, the localization of stasis of intestinal contents and allows us to visualize the rare forms of colonic anomalies, due to the peculiarities of the colonic structure and the anatomic-topographic changes in the pelvic cavity. Diagnosis of pathological mobility of the gut by this method is difficult and requires additional clarification by other radiological methods. Conclusions. Multislice computed tomography colonography is a promising method of study the large intestine. It expands the range of diagnostic methods of chronic constipation and allows making a differentiated choice of proper type of treatment. The method can be considered as an alternative to the barium enema - the traditional diagnostic method of congenital and acquired anomalies of structure and position of the colon in the abdominal cavity.Цель исследования: апробация метода мультиспиральной компьютерно-томографической колонографии в диагностике хронического колостаза. Материал и методы. При обследовании 26 пациентов с декомпенсированной формой хронического запора проводили мультиспиральную компьютерно-томографическую колонографию с использованием аппарата Philips Brilliance 64 (коллимация 1,5 мм, 120 кВ, время исследования 18 с, эквивалентная доза 14 мЗв). Результаты. Получены обнадеживающие результаты пилотного исследования мультиспиральной компьютерно-томографической колонографии, дающие возможность построить трехмерное объемное изображение толстой кишки с аномальной архитектоникой и необычным расположением в брюшной полости. Метод объективно отражает особенности строения толстой кишки, анатомо-топографические взаимоотношения различных ее отделов, дистрофические изменения ее стенки, локализацию стаза кишечного содержимого, а также позволяет визуализировать редкие формы толстокишечных аномалий, обусловленных особенностями строения толстой кишки и анатомо-топографическими изменениями в полости малого таза. Диагностика же патологической подвижности органа с ее помощью затруднена и требует уточнения по результатам других лучевых методов исследования. Выводы. Мультиспиральная компьютерно-томографическая колонография является перспективным методом исследования толстой кишки, расширяющим диапазон диагностических методик при хроническом запоре и способствующим правильному выбору варианта лечения. Методику можно рассматривать в качестве альтернативы ирригоскопии - традиционному методу диагностики врожденных и приобретенных аномалий строения и положения толстой кишки в брюшной полости

    Air purification from process emissions from electroplating baths

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    Electroplating technology is an important technological process at production facilities of various profiles. The electroplating baths are a source of hazardous emissions of toxic vapors and aerosols. In factories with electroplating sites, the crucial task is to eliminate hazardous emissions by applying an effective exhaust ventilation and air purification system for subsequent air discharge into the atmosphere. In this article two basic schemes for cleaning process emissions from electroplating baths were developed: a scheme with purification in scrubbers; a scheme with purification in scrubbers with pre-filtration. The advantages and disadvantages of each scheme were considered. Based on the amount of hazardous emissions and their dispersed composition, the purification efficiency of each scheme was calculated using the probabilistic method. In view of the calculations, a scheme for cleaning process emissions from the electroplating line with the highest purification efficiency has been identified

    Tatar-Russian bilinguаl dictionаries compiled by missionaries in Xixth century

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    One of the valuable sources for historical linguistic research is bilingual dictionaries. They allow to provide the documented proof concerning the role and the place of certain languages in the history of culture during certain historical periods, the relationship of these languages, including their connection with third languages. At the same time, dictionaries are the indicator of linguistic modification, i.e. the innovations that appear in the language under the influence of religious, social factors, manifested as linguistic variability at different linguistic levels of the language, including lexicographic one. The bilingual Tatar-Russian dictionaries of the XIXth century are considered as the objects of two cultures: Tatar and Russian, as well as the modification of the language content. Studying bilingual dictionaries, the authors set the goal to determine the role of dictionaries compiled by missionary societies in the development of modern Tatar literary language, to characterize the lexical composition of dictionaries. In the linguistic aspect, the study of Tatar-Russian and Russian-Tatar dictionaries is associated with the analysis of Tatar language vocabulary development patterns, including literary language, dialects and professional terminology. On the basis of this specific linguistic material, the origins and the stages of evolution can be established, they can determine the chronological framework for the emergence and the transformation of individual words or the whole groups and categories of words in the Tatar language. Keywords: dictionary, bilingual dictionary, lexicography, Tatar language, modification, missionary

    Hamletianism And Unmasking In German Literature Of The Xx Century

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    A large number of research works all over the world is devoted to the questions of Shakespeare study and reception of Shakespeare in Germany which once again proves high scale of his works and their influence on world artistic consciousness. The present article studies the change in the perception of the image of Hamlet in Germany in different historic periods whilst the main emphasis is put on the evolution of motives of self-condemnation and unmasking used by German writers of the XX century alongside with identification of the main character with the image of Hamlet.   the works written after World War II the motive of guilt has particularly historical interrelation. Later on Hamlet’s motive of guilt transforms into accusations (M. Walser “The Black Swan” (“Der Schwarze Schwan”, 1964)) and by the end of 1970s the central character identified with Hamlet diminishes and loses its former scale, tragedy of Hamlet’s image, pathos of unmasking and humanistic vector of development.  

    Sinteza sukcinske kiseline s pomoću kvasaca uzgojenih na podlozi s etanolom

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    The synthesis of succinic acid in ethanol-containing media has been tested in 32 yeasts of different genera (Debaryomyces, Candida, Pichia, Saccharomyces, Torulopsis). The capability of succinic acid synthesis was revealed in 29 strains, from which two most effective producers were selected. When grown in a fermentor under high aeration in mineral medium with pulsed addition of ethanol, the strain Candida catenulata VKM Y-5 produced succinic acid up to 5.2 g/L with mass yield of 32.6 % and energy yield of 14.8 %; the other strain, Candida zeylanoides VKM Y-2324, excreted 9.4 g/L of succinic acid with mass and energy yields of 39 and 17.8 %, respectively. It was indicated that succinic acid formation in the yeasts was accompanied by the synthesis of considerable amounts of malic acid, which was apparently due to a high activity of the glyoxylate cycle. Growth characteristics of both strains were studied in dependence on the concentrations of ethanol, zinc ions and nitrogen in the medium.Ispitana je sinteza sukcinske kiseline s pomoću 32 vrste kvasaca različitih rodova (Debaryomyces, Candida, Pichia, Saccharomyces i Torulopsis), uzgojenih na podlozi s etanolom. Otkriveno je da 29 vrsta ima sposobnost sinteze sukcinske kiseline, od kojih su izdvojene dvije najučinkovitije. Uzgojem na podlozi s mineralnim tvarima, u bioreaktoru s pojačanom aeracijom uz dodatak etanola, soj Candida catenulata VKM Y-5 proizveo je 5,2 g/L sukcinske kiseline, s masenim iskorištenjem od 32,6 % i energetskim od 14,8 %, a soj Candida zeylanoides VKM Y-2324 izlučio je 9,4 g/L sukcinske kiseline, s masenim iskorištenjem od 39 % i energetskim od 17,8 %. Utvrđeno je da uz sukcinsku kiselinu nastaje znatna količina malonske kiseline, vjerojatno zbog veće aktivnosti enzima koji sudjeluju u glioksilatnom ciklusu. Ispitane su značajke rasta oba soja ovisno o koncentraciji etanola, cinkovih iona i dušika u podlozi