1,623 research outputs found

    Estudio palinológico de Ornithopus L. (leguminosae) en la Península Ibérica

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    Se estudia mediante microscopia óptica y el ectrónica el polen de los taxones ibéricos del género Ornithopus L.In this paper the pollen of the Iberian taxa of Orní t hopus L. i s st udied by light and scanning electron microscop

    L'avaluació de l'alumnat a la universitat

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    En les últimes dècades, en el camp de l'avaluació en general i, en particular, en el de l'avaluació dels aprenentatges, s'hi reflecteixen importants transformacions. Moltes raons justifiquen aquests canvis projectats en l'àmbit universitari. Podem indicar-ne com a rellevants els següents: a) La incorporació ineludible de nous objectius d'aprenentatge que la societat de la informació requereix dels professionals universitaris: capacitat de transferència, de treballar en grup i en xarxa; habilitats per seleccionar informació i per autoformar-se; saber desenvolupar comportaments d'autonomia, etc. Tots aquests objectius d'aprenentatge són competències que van més enllà del que ofereixen els tradicionals procediments d'avaluació. b) El desenvolupament de noves estratègies d'avaluació (mapes conceptuals, portafolis, etc.) que posen en joc habilitats complexes i processos metacognitius, més d'acord amb les noves competències professionals i personals. A l'article s'analitzen diferents plantejaments d'avaluació de l'alumnat en l'àmbit universitari, distingint diferents modalitats i presentant tècniques, tant de tipus tradicionals com noves.The main aim of this article is to explore the relationships between the two primary activities in higher education institutions: teaching and research. This task could be done from different perspectives. Due to opportunity and interest reasons I have focused the content of this article in two broad and complementary issues. The first one deals with the meaning of interdependencies between research and teaching, its coincidences and divergences, and its influence in the improvement of both activities. The second one, explores to what extend higher education institutions and those who work in them use research results about how people learn and the nature of knowledge to organise teaching and learning environments to enhance the improvement of teaching. In recent decades there have been important transformations in the field of evaluation in general, and in particular in the field of learning evaluation. The projected changes in the university context can be justified in many ways. We draw special attention to the following: a) The continuous incorporation on new learning objectives which are necessary for the university in the context of the information society: transferable skills, working in groups and in networks, capacities for selecting information and self-education, knowing how to develop autonomous behaviour patterns, etc. All these learning objectives are competences which go beyond those offered by traditional evaluation procedures. b) The development of new evaluation strategies (conceptual maps, portfolios, etc.) which involve complex skills and metacognitive processes which are more in harmony with the new personal and professional competences. The article analyses different approaches to student evaluation in the university context, identifying a number of possible formats and offering evaluation techniques both traditional and innovative.En las últimas décadas, en el campo de la evaluación en general y en particular, en el de la evaluación de los aprendizajes, se reflejan importantes transformaciones. Muchas razones justifican estos cambios en el ámbito universitario. Podemos indicar como relevantes los siguientes: a) La incorporación ineludible de nuevos objetivos de aprendizaje que la sociedad de la información requiere de los profesionales universitarios: capacidad de transferencia, de trabajar en grupo y en red; habilidades para seleccionar información y para autoformarse; saber desarrollar comportamientos de autonomía, etc. Todos estos objetivos de aprendizaje son competencias que van más allá de lo que ofrecen los tradicionales procedimientos de evaluación. b) El desarrollo de nuevas estrategias de evaluación (mapas conceptuales, portafolios, etc.) que ponen en juego habilidades complejas y procesos metacognitivos, más acordes con las nuevas competencias profesionales y personales. En el artículo se analizan diferentes planteamientos de evaluación del alumnado en el ámbito universitario, distinguiendo diferentes modalidades y presentando técnicas, tanto de tipo tradicional como novedosas


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    Els nous ensenyaments de la Facultat de Pedagogia: un tema obert

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    Andrew SPENCER, Morphological theor


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    Quantum Key Distribution Over Quantum Repeaters with Encoding: Using Error Detection as an Effective Postselection Tool

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    We propose a postselection technique, based on quantum error detection, for quantum key distribution (QKD) systems that run over quantum repeaters with encoding. In such repeaters, quantum error-correction techniques are used for entanglement distillation. By developing an analytical approach to study such quantum repeaters, we show that, in the context of QKD, it is often more efficient to use the error-detection, rather than the error-correction, capability of the underlying code to sift out cases where an error has been detected. We implement our technique for three-qubit repetition codes by modeling different sources of error in crucial components of the system. We then investigate in detail the impact of such imperfections on the secret key generation rate of the QKD system, and how one can use the information obtained during entanglement swapping and decoding stages to maximize the rate. For benchmarking purposes, we specify the maximum allowed error rates in different components of the setup below which positive key rates can be obtained

    Characterizations of inner product structures involving the radius of the inscribed or circumscribed circumference

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    summary:We define the radius of the inscribed and circumscribed circumferences in a triangle located in a real normed space and we obtain new characterizations of inner product spaces