26 research outputs found
The Relation Between Organizational Culture and Strategy in Hospitals: Mini-Review
Regardless of how people define culture, most experts believe that having a strong culture is beneficial to any organization. Hospital X devised and executed a new organizational strategy in order to become prospective. During this procedure, hospitals’ management paid less attention to organizational culture, leading to the assumption that hospital’s culture is incompatible with the strategy. However, in order to make a successful transformation and implement a strategy, a suitable culture must be established. Based on a comparison of the strategic enablers with the cultural dimensions, it appears that the six cultural dimensions proposed by Cameron and Quinn should contain the necessary cultural circumstances. In order for the intended hospital’s strategy to be more successful and efficient, it must be implemented in accordance with the intended organizational culture. To assess the impact of culture on hospital’s strategy, it must concentrate on strategic enablers. It is predicted that focusing on strategic enablers will suffice in identifying a comprehensive strategy concept. The cultural circumstances of the factors that drive each strategic enabler possibly will be added to each strategic dimension. In order to attain the strategic enabler, these conditions must be met. As a result, a more culturally aware hospital’s strategy will emerge
The Advantages and the Challenges of Adopting IFRS into UAE Stock Market
This paper aims to assess the benefits gained and the challenges experienced by companies listed on the UAE
stock market following the introduction of IFRS. Since the announcement by the European Union to adopt IFRS
by listed companies, many countries have followed suit, hoping to gain competitive edge in attracting the
Foreign Direct Investment to boost their economic growth. This study focuses on examining the advantages and
challenges faced by companies listed on the UAE stock market listed companies as a result of adopting IFRS.
The framework used in this analysis will be based on the identification and assessment of key drivers
influencing companies listed on the UAE stock market. To what extent are these factors internal or external to
the financial sector, but which have a direct bearing on the overall economic environment? The views and
perceptions of the Chief Financial Officers’ (CFOs) for Dubai and Abu Dhabi listed companies, financial
analysts of the financial statements in the two listed companies and auditors will be analysed.
Methodology: Questionnaires were used as the main method of data collection. Questionnaire were distributed
in both Dubai and Abu Dhabi markets, The data obtained through the questionnaires have been imported into
software for analysis, namely, the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).
Findings: The results clearly show that the benefits of adopting IFRSs in UAE inevitably far outweigh the
difficulties and costs. The findings also reveal that adoption of IFRSs in UAE stock markets has improved the
overall standard of the quality of financial reporting, which help in attracting investors to invest in the UAE
stock markets. However, many respondents were still apprehensive that effective and professional financial
reporting decisions will be affected by the level of education of accounting users, the methods provided by some
IFRSs, and the inadequate enforcement mechanisms.
Keywords: IFRS, advantage, accounting standards, challenge, UA
Digital intervention for public health: searching for implementing characteristics, concepts and recommendations: scoping review
Studying the impact of digital interventions on public health can help ensure that the offered services produce the desired results. In order to address these factors, the subsequent study uses a scope review to evaluate the state of the field while concentrating on ideas and suggestions that represent factors that have been crucial in the management of digital intervention for public health. To shed light on the traits, ideas and suggestions related to public health digital intervention, a scoping review was carried out. Five electronic databases were used to locate pertinent research that were published before February 2022. All texts were examined, and study abstracts were scrutinized to determine their eligibility. The last analysis of this study included fifteen publications; five reviews, four qualitative studies, two quantitative studies, one viewpoint study, one mixed-method study, one perspective study, and one interventional study. The key ideas for digital interventions in population management and health studies are presented in this overview. Many concepts, implementation characteristics and recommendations have been raised which highlight the future role of these interventions to enhance public engagement and health equity
Audit firm size and quality: Does audit firm size influence audit quality in the Libyan oil industry?
This study examines the relation between size of audit firm and audit quality, and the choice of accrual measures for a large sample of firms. In relation to the impact of different sizes of audit firms on audit quality, a clear majority of oil companies and audit firms agreed that Big Four firms are superior to their non-Big Four counterparts in all of the reputation issues presented to them, and that the size of the audit firm is positively associated with audit quality. Such superiority is seen in terms of resources and audit technology, and the consequent motivation to perform as professionally as possible. A questionnaire was used to collect data. To confirm and support the questionnaire findings, semi-structured interviews were conducted. The data used for this study were collected from two sources: the demand side (Libyan oil companies) and the supply side (audit firms working in Libya). The data for the Libyan oil companies were gathered from three different types of respondents: internal auditors, financial managers and accounts managers. For the audit firms, data were gathered from employees at all levels in the firm: managing partners, audit supervisors and auditors
The impact of adopting IFRS on profitability and stock performance in listed firms at Abu Dhabi and Dubai stock exchanges
This study aimed to investigate the main impact of adopting the International Financial Report Standards (IFRSs) on the users of financial reports in both the Dubai Financial Market (DFM) and the Abu Dhabi stock exchange (ADX). The study has also examined the impact of adopting the ·IFRS on profitability of firms and stock performance in the two stock markets. In addition, the study has investigated the different challenges that adopting the IFRS had in both Dubai and Abu Dhabi markets following the compulsory adoption of IFRS and whether the implementation of IFRS would have different impacts on the DFM from those in the ADX. One of the most important developments in the literature related to accounting and finance at the beginning of this century is concerned with the compulsory adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) in Europe. With the introduction of IFRSs, there is the promise of the provision of financial statements that are more accurate and transparent and, therefore, the expectation of more value-relevance to investors when compared to local GAAP. Following the announcement that IFRSs were to be adopted by listed firms in the European Union in 2005, the accounting systems in developing countries have been affected, with countries, such as the United Arab Emirates (UAB), also announcing their desire to adopt the IFRS. However, as the nature of the business environment in the UAE is significantly different from that in western countries, serious argument arose between the users of financial reports in the UAB over whether the adoption of IFRSs was appropriate for their financial statements. The study has used two main methods to collect and analyse the primary data. Firstly, questionnaires were used to gauge how the preparers and users of financial reports view the adoption of IFRSs, in both DFM and ADX, and how this transition to IFRSs has affected their decision making. SPSS was used to analyse the collected data of the questionnaires using different tests such as t-test, ANOV A test, and Correlation test. Secondly, this study used the secondary data analysis to investigate the primary effects of adopting IFRS upon share performance and profitability of listed firms in the two stock exchanges. For the second data collection method, several multiple regression models were used based on the Ohlson and modified Ohlson models. The main findings of the study from the questionnaire indicate that most of users of the financial reports were in favour of the adoption of IFRSs in the UAB, however many of the users argued that the transition to IFRSs ought to be given careful consideration as it had negative effects on the accounting system of companies and raised the issue of lack of readiness and lack of competence of employees who are ill prepared for IFRSs. The findings of the questionnaire have also showed that the preparers at the banking sector were more satisfied with the adoption of IFRSs than was the case in other sectors. The results from the analysis of secondary data showed that the adoption of IFRSs had value-relevance for both the DFM and the ADX, with the greater relative impact being at the former. In addition, the analysis of results showed that the adoption of IFRSs had an impact on some financial indicators and this impact was higher in the ADX than it was in the DFM. The analysis also indicated that the adoption of IFRSs had a great impact on the trading volume of shares in both of the stock markets, with the impact being significantly higher in the ADX. In conclusion, as the main focus of the study was to examine the challenges and the impact of the recent adoption of IFRSs in one of the countries of the Middle East, this study has made a contribution to the literature on value-relevance in terms of stock performance and financial indicators. It has also shed light on an area of research which has been overlooked particularly in the Middle East
Estudio del comportamiento tribológico y consumo energético de recubrimientos NiCrBSi con adición de alúmina depositados mediante proyección térmica por oxy-fuel
Treball final de Màster Universitari en Enginyeria Industrial. Codi: SJA020. Curs acadèmic: 2020/2021En el presente proyecto se va a modificar la composición de un recubrimiento de
NiCrBSi para mejorar el comportamiento tribológico, así como disminuir el consumo
energético de los pares rozantes que poseen elementos que han sido rociados con este
recubrimiento modificado. Para ello, se añadirá alúmina micrométrica en un
recubrimiento comercial de NiCrBSi (10%Cr) en una proporción del 10% del peso total
del recubrimiento de forma que se analizará el efecto que tiene la incorporación de la
alúmina sobre los dos aspectos anteriormente citados, el comportamiento tribológico y
el consumo energético por fricción.
Por una parte, se estudiará como ha afectado la alúmina en el comportamiento
tribológico de superficies en contacto con movimiento relativo entre sí, por lo que se
analizará la variación del coeficiente de rozamiento en dos pares rozantes, uno con el
recubrimiento NiCrBSi comercial y otro con el de NiCrBSi+alúmina. La mejora del
comportamiento tribológico se refleja en una disminución del rozamiento de los
elementos en contacto, lo que permite prolongar la vida de las piezas al reducir el
desgaste de estos. Con estos datos se llevará acabo la modelización de la curva de
Stribeck de cada uno de los pares rozantes, lo que permite definir el comportamiento
tribológico de dichos pares rozantes y así poder identificar las mejoras que produce la
modificación del recubrimiento. Un mejor comportamiento tribológico implica obtener
elementos con mayor vida útil y de menor mantenimiento.
Además, con el fin de relacionar el comportamiento tribológico de las muestras
analizadas con la composición de sus recubrimientos se realizará un análisis de la
microestructura de los recubrimientos. Analizar la microestructura de ambos
recubrimientos permite la identificación de las fases formadas en la microestructura,
tamaño, morfología, distribución de precipitados duros sobre la matriz blanda de Ni-Cr
y concentración de los constituyentes de las fases formadas. De esta forma será posible
comprender los valores de dureza y rozamiento de los recubrimientos, relacionándolos
con la microestructura de cada muestra.
Por otra parte se ha llevado un estudio de consumo energético para analizar la
influencia de la incorporación de la alúmina sobre este parámetro. Menores pérdidas
por fricción supone obtener máquinas más eficientes y de menor impacto
Simultaneous Determination of Piroxicam and Codeine Phosphate Hemihydrate in a Pharmaceutical Dosage Form Using Validated HPLC Method
تم تطوير وتوثيق طريقة تحليلية من أجل التعيين المتواقت لمادتي البيروكسيكام والكودئين فوسفات باستخدام كروماتوكرافيا العمود السائلة عالية الأداء (HPLC) حيث تتمتع هذه الطريقة بالبساطة، الانتقائية والدقة. حُقّق الفصل الاستشرابي بواسطة استخدام عمود الفصل C18 من نوع (BDS Hypersil 5μ, 150 mm x 4.6 mm) واستُخدم الميتانول: وقاء فُسفاتي (4:6 حجم/حجم، pH=2.3) كطور متحرك بمعدل جريان 1.1 مل/دقيقة واستخدم طول موجة مكشاف 214 نانومتر. أُجريت اختبارات ملاءمة النظام لتقييم مدى ملاءمة وفعالية النظام الاستشاربي بأكمله. حُسب زمن احتباس مادتي البيروكسيكام والكودئين فوسفات فكانتا 3.95 و1.460 دقيقة، على التوالي. وأجُري التحقق من مصدوقية الطريقة التحليلية المطورة من حيث الخطية والدقة والمضبوطية والنوعية وحد الكشف وحد التقدير الكمي. حيث كان حد الكشف وحد الكم لمادة البيروكسيكام 1.92 مكغ/مل و6.336 مكغ/مل، على التوالي. أما حد الكشف وحد الكم لمادة الكودئين فوسفات فكانتا 0.29 مكغ/مل و0.95 مكغ/مل، على التوالي. أظهرت كلا المادتين الدوائيتين استجابة خطية ضمن المجال 5-50 مكغ/مل. تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تطوير طريقة تحليلية باستخدام جهاز الاستشراب عالي الأداء والتحقق من مصدوقيتها، ويمكن استخدام الطريقة المقترحة لتقدير هذه الأدوية في الأشكال الجرعية التوليفية لها.An easy, eclectic, precise high-Performance Liquid Chromatographic (HPLC) procedure was evolved and validated to estimate of Piroxicam and Codeine phosphate. Chromatographic demarcation was accomplished on a C18 column [Use BDS Hypersil C18, 5μ, 150 x 4.6 mm] using a mobile phase of methanol: phosphate buffer (60:40, v/v, pH=2.3), the flow rate was 1.1 mL/min, UV detection was at 214 nm. System Suitability tests (SSTs) are typically performed to assess the suitability and effectiveness of the entire chromatography system. The retention time for Piroxicam was found to be 3.95 minutes and 1.46 minutes for Codeine phosphate. The evolved method has been validated through precision, limit of quantitation, specificity, limit of detection linearity and accuracy. (LOD) was 1.92 mg/mL and (LOQ) was 6.336 mg/mL for Piroxicam, whereas (LOD) for Codeine phosphate was 0.29 mg/mL and (LOQ) was 0.95 mg/mL. Piroxicam and Codeine phosphate showed a linear signal in the domain of 5-50 µg/mL for each compound. This research presided to evolve and validate an HPLC method, and the proposed procedure can be used to estimate these drugs in their combined dosage forms
Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Effective Leadership: Opportunities and Challenges
Abstract: The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into leadership practices is transforming organizational dynamics and This decision-making processes. paper explores how AI can enhance leadership effectiveness by providing data-driven insights, optimizing decision-making, and automating routine tasks. It also examines the challenges leaders face in adopting AI, including ethical considerations, potential biases in AI systems, and the need for upskilling. By analyzing current applications of AI in leadership and discussing future trends, this study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the opportunities AI presents for effective leadership and the strategies required to address its associated challenges
Effect of levothyroxine plus liothyronine combination therapy on hypothyroid patients quality of life
BackgroundLiothyronine combination with Levothyroxine(T4-T3) has been tried to improve the quality of life among hypothyroid patients on levothyroxine immunotherapy and normal thyroxine stimulating hormone levels. However, the efficacy of such a combination is unknown. The current review aimed to assess the effects of T4-T3 combination therapy on quality of life.AimsThe current review aimed to compare levothyroxine mono-therapy versus T4-T3 combination therapy on quality of life among hypothyroid patients.Methods The Pub Med and Google Scholar databases were systematically searched for relevant articles. Articles published in the English language from the first available article up to March 2020 were approached. The terms hypothyroidism, levothyroxine, and liothyronine were used. Out of hundred and eight articles retrieved, only six fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria.Results In majority of randomized control trials (4 out of 6 RCTs), T4/T3combination therapy fail to show superiority over the standard levothyroxine mono-therapy.ConclusionLevothyroxine remain the standard of care in hypothyroid patient