15 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Al doped ZnO nanoparticles by aqueous coprecipitation

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    International audienceAl-doped ZnO particles were obtained by a simple route: soda addition in aqueous cationic solution. The effects of temperature, hydrolysis duration, reagent concentration and time were investigated. A non-topotactic reaction mechanism, involving firstly the precipitation of various hydroxide compounds depending on the route (low or high pH), followed by the dissolution-recrystallization of the hydroxide species into ZnO was demonstrated. The Al concentration in the final ZnO nanopowders did not exceed 0.3 at.% which correspond to the solubility limit of Al in ZnO. The different experimental conditions allow the morphology of ZnO particles to be controlled from isotropic nanoparticles of several tens of nanometers, platelets of several hundreds of nanometers or agglomerates of needle like particles

    Assemblages moléculaires photoactifs pour la limitation optique et la bio-imagerie

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    Dans cette thĂšse, nous ciblons de nouveaux absorbeurs biphotoniques pour la bio-imagerie et la limitation optique. Nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment Ă  des octupĂŽles, structures connues pour possĂ©der des propriĂ©tĂ©s intĂ©ressantes en optique non-linĂ©aire et plus particuliĂšrement en absorption Ă  deux photons. Ainsi, les cƓurs isocyanurate et 1,3,5-triazine, connus comme Ă©tant des accepteurs, mĂšnent Ă  des octupĂŽles bidimensionnels lorsqu’ils sont substituĂ©s de façon symĂ©trique. Pour lors, les isocyanurates ont Ă©tĂ© peu Ă©tudiĂ©s pour l’optique non linĂ©aire tandis que les triazines ont dĂ©jĂ  Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©es dans ce cadre et sont connues pour avoir de bonnes propriĂ©tĂ©s en absorption Ă  deux photons. Dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s Ă  la synthĂšse d’isocyanurates organiques et Ă  l’étude de leurs propriĂ©tĂ©s optiques. Nous avons plus particuliĂšrement Ă©tudiĂ© l’effet de la planarisation et de l’extension du systĂšme conjuguĂ©. Dans un deuxiĂšme temps, nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s Ă  la synthĂšse et Ă  l’étude des propriĂ©tĂ©s optiques des tristyryltriazines afin de comparer celles-ci Ă  leurs analogues tristyrylisocyanurates et d’étudier l’influence du cƓur sur les propriĂ©tĂ©s en sachant que la triazine est un cƓur plus Ă©lectroattracteur que l’isocyanurate. Puis, nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s Ă  la synthĂšse de complexes ruthĂ©nium-alkynyl trinuclĂ©aires Ă  cƓurs isocyanurates et triazines, car le ruthĂ©nium est un mĂ©tal d6 connu pour amĂ©liorer les propriĂ©tĂ©s en optique non linĂ©aire. Enfin, nous avons synthĂ©tisĂ© des dĂ©rivĂ©s hydrosolubles de composĂ©s organiques qui prĂ©sentaient les propriĂ©tĂ©s optiques les plus prometteuses pour la bio-imagerie. En collaboration avec le Dr. Gary-Bobo, nous avons pu confirmer le potentiel de ces molĂ©cules pour de telles applications.In this work, new biphotonic absorbers were targeted for applications in bio-imaging and optical limiting. We have investigated the synthesis of octupoles since these multipolar structures were often shown to lead to interesting optical properties, especially two-photon absorption. The structures studied were isocyanurate- or 1,3,5-triazine-cored star-shaped derivatives. Both cores are known to be electron-accepting units and to give rise to two-dimensional octupoles when symmetrically substituted. So far, isocyanurates have not often been studied in nonlinear optics, whereas triazines have already been screened and were shown to have good two-photon absorption properties. We first focused on the synthesis of organic isocyanurates and on the study of their optical properties. We started by studying the planarization effect of the extension of the peripheral arms on the optical properties. We then focused on the synthesis and study tristyryltriazines analogous to the previous tristyrylisocyanurates. New structure/property relationships were thus established since the triazine is more electron-attracting than the isocyanurate core. We next synthesized ruthenium-alkynyl trinuclear complexes with isocyanurate and triazine cores, since ruthenium is a d6 metal known to enhance the nonlinear optical properties. We finally studied water-soluble derivatives for bio-imaging. In collaboration with Dr. Gary-Bobo we confirmed their potential for such applications

    Radical Addition/Fluorination Sequences

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    Radical Amido‐ and Azido‐Fluorination of α‐Fluorostyrene Derivatives: An Innovative Approach Towards ÎČ‐Aryl‐ÎČ,ÎČ‐difluoroamino Motifs

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    International audienceAn innovative one-step synthesis towards ÎČ-aryl-ÎČ,ÎČ-difluorocarbamates and ÎČ-aryl-ÎČ,ÎČ-difluoroazides is presented. The described approach relies on the use of α-fluorostyrene substrates in a radical addition/fluorination reaction with N-centered radicals in the presence of SelectfluorÂź. The best results were obtained for the azidofluorination reaction. The resultant ÎČ-arylÎČ,ÎČ-difluoroazides were further transformed into Nitrogenbased heterocycles (e. g. pyrrole, triazole, and tetrazole) and in more elaborated azide derivatives