64 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Impact of Industries on Senegal’s Economy

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    In this study, the researcher seeks to use empirical data to analyze the impact of industries on the Senegalese economy. The paper used secondary data from the World Bank and Senegal's National Statistics and Demography Agency (ANSD) and covered the period between 1960 to 2016.The research employed the specification model and selected variables underlying the hypotheses for the study in prior expectations. The methodology used for the study is descriptive analysis. At the end of this study, it was be concluded that the methodology adopted was the participatory method, which is an interactive research model based on both theoretical and empirical analyzes. The ARDL most revealed short-and long-term correlations between variables were also used to determine the impact of the industrial sector on Senegalese economic growth as well as the factors that influence it. Between 1980-2016, empirical research was conducted to examine the industrial sector and its impact on economic growth. Keywords:Senegal, Industrialization, Economy, Growth, development DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/15-12-01 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Metasurface enhanced ultra-wideband multifunctional antenna arrays and Fabry-Perot antennas

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.In recent years, the demand for ultra-wideband (UWB) antennas and arrays has escalated due to their flexibility and high data rate capabilities. This demand is driven by bandwidth intensive applications such as radio telescopes, satellite communications, and advanced radar systems. Wideband antennas enable the incorporation of multiple steerable beams, polarizations, and frequency bands onto a single multifunctional aperture. Two of the main obstacles to truly multifunctional tightly coupled antenna arrays (TCAAs) is the problem of impedance mismatch at the aperture–air boundary and the need for a wideband and fully integrated feed network. The high cost and losses in the feed networks of TCAAs renders them impractical for some applications. In these cases, the low-cost and highly efficient Fabry-Perot antenna (FPA) provides a possible solution. In the first part of this thesis, we present the design, analysis, and practical implementation of a 10x10 wideband TCAA with a very high figure of merit. The array figure of merit is a single number which takes into account the bandwidth, profile, polarization, scan range, and overall complexity of the array. An improved design of the fabricated array has a performance that approaches the fundamental limits of low profile arrays with a bandwidth of 5.5:1, a maximum scan range of 80° along the E-plane, and a profile of ~λL/12. This excellent performance is enabled by a newly introduced feed network that is simple, inexpensive, and extremely wideband; in conjunction with a novel ultra-thin metasurface superstrate for wideband wide angle impedance matching. The usual method of enhancing the gain bandwidth of FPAs involve the use of multi-layered superstrate structures which increase their profile and complexity. In the second part of this thesis, we develop a new approach to FPA gain bandwidth enhancement. Using this new approach, a small foot print, wideband, and low-profile FPA empowered by a single multi-resonant metasurface superstrate is designed, fabricated and tested. Due to the small foot print of this FPA, it can be easily employed as an element in an active array setting without the introduction of grating lobes. At the same time, the number of active elements will be significantly reduced compared to the dense TCAAs leading to substantial cost reductions

    La micro finance en Guinée : articulations entre finance formelle et informelle et lutte contre la pauvreté au Fouta Djalon

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    This research focusing on micro finance covers the Middle Guinea area or Fouta Djalon, one of the four natural regions of Guinea. The main objective is to review how micro finance helps to articulate formal finance (banks) and informal finance (tontines, village banks, etc.) in order to provide sustainable financial services in rural areas and to examine the effect on the fight against poverty. At both regional (West Africa) and national levels (Guinea), we noted that the various financial sectors operate in a relatively flexible partitioned context. The micro finance sector, the latest financial sector, is now a strong alternative in the collection of savings and financing of local activities through innovative mechanisms established mainly on the basis of the proximity to local populations. However, we have shown how two visions of micro finance are continuing to compete: the social one, based on the goodwill of donors, so heavily dependent on donors; and the other, commercial, institutional one, based on the willingness to build a real functional autonomy of the MFI technically, financially and in human terms. In addition, we have shown how the debate on the relationship between micro finance and poverty is not yet settled, as the impact on the field is challenging for researchers and funders regarding the effectiveness of micro finance as a tool for effective poverty reduction. The question remains how micro finance can be an element of de-partitioning through an articulation between formal finance and informal finance. To answer this question, we identified two arguments which are the two parts of the thesis. The first part outlines the diversity of modes of financing in West Africa, articulating the link between micro finance and poverty, repeating the theoretical debates that continue to clash on this issue, and presents the challenge in articulating financial services as a solution for breaking down barriers and improving the provision of such services. The second part shows empirical examples of nexus between banking, micro finance and informal finance through the practices of users, but states some concerns about the future of this activity in the region.Cette recherche qui porte sur la micro finance a comme zone d’étude la Moyenne Guinée ou Fouta Djallon, une des quatre régions naturelles de la Guinée. L’objectif principal est d’analyser la façon dont la micro finance contribue à articuler la finance formelle (banques) et la finance informelle (tontines, banques villageoises, etc.) pour fournir des services financiers durables en milieu rural et d’étudier son incidence sur la lutte contre la pauvreté. Tant au plan régional (Afrique de l’Ouest) qu’au plan national guinéen, nous avons souligné que les différents secteurs financiers fonctionnent dans un contexte de cloisonnement relativement souple. Le secteur de la micro finance, le dernier né des secteurs financiers, constitue aujourd’hui une alternative forte dans la collecte de l’épargne et le financement des activités locales à travers des mécanismes novateurs établis essentiellement sur la base de la proximité avec les populations locales. Pourtant, nous montrons comment deux visions de la micro finance continuent à s’affronter : l’une sociale, fondée sur le bon vouloir des donateurs, donc fortement dépendante des bailleurs de fonds; l’autre, commerciale, institutionnelle, fondée sur la volonté de construire une véritable autonomie fonctionnelle de l’IMF, à la fois aux plans, technique, financier et humain. Par ailleurs, nous avons montré comment le débat sur le lien entre micro finance et pauvreté n’est pas encore tranché, tant les impacts sur le terrain interpellent les chercheurs et les bailleurs de fonds sur l’efficacité de la micro finance comme outil de réduction effective de la pauvreté. La question demeure de voir comment la micro finance peut être un élément de décloisonnement à travers une articulation entre finance formelle et finance informelle. Pour répondre à cette question, nous avons identifié deux arguments qui constituent les deux parties de la thèse. La première partie expose la diversité des modes de financement en Afrique de l’Ouest, fait le lien entre micro finance et pauvreté, en reprenant les débats théoriques qui continuent à s’affronter sur cette question et présente la problématique de l’articulation entre services financiers comme solution de décloisonnement et d’amélioration de la fourniture des dits services. La deuxième partie montre des exemples empiriques d’articulation entre banque, micro finance et finance informelle à travers les pratiques des usagers et formule quelques préoccupations sur le devenir de cette activité dans la région

    Évaluation du Risque Cardiovasculaire Absolu Chez les Patients Hémodialysés Diabétiques et Non diabétiques au Centre National d’Hémodialyse de Donka Conakry

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    Le risque cardiovasculaire chez les hémodialysés semble varier en fonction du statut diabétique ainsi que d’autres facteurs associés et constitue un problème de santé publique en Afrique en général et particulièrement en Guinée. Dans ce sens, l’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer le risque de survenue d’une pathologie cardiovasculaire absolu chez les patients hémodialysés diabétiques, par rapport aux patients hémodialysés non diabétiques. La présente, étude transversale, descriptive et analytique a été réalisée entre le 1 ier avril et le 30 juin 2019 au Centre National d’Hémodialyse de Donka. L’étude a inclus les 140 patients hémodialysés durant la période. Le recrutement était exhaustif et concernait tous les patients hémodialysés répondant aux critères de sélection. Les données ont été recueillies prospectivement chez les patients hémodialysés puis compilées et traitées dans Epi info. Un questionnaire semi-administré a été utilisé à ce fin. Pour évaluer le risque cardiovasculaire chez les patients le FRAMINGHAM RISK SCORE (FRS) a été aussi utilisé. L’enquête a concerné 140 individus dont 91 (65,00%) étaient des hommes, contre 49 (35,00%) de femmes, soit un sex- ratio de 1,86 soit 2 hommes pour une femme. L’âge moyen était de 41 ± 4,1 ans avec des extrêmes de (30 ; 74) ans. On notait une prédominance chez les hommes des facteurs de risque, pour le tabagisme. L’étude a trouvé 39 diabétiques contre 101 non diabétiques. Le risque était élevé chez 23 diabétiquessur 39 ; et 25 sur 101 des patients non diabétiques. L’étude montre qu’un patient sur quatre aurait un risque absolu élevé chez les patients non diabétiques et un patient sur deux chez les patients diabétiques. Ce risque est majoré par d’autres facteurs associés. Introduction: Cardiovascular risk in hemodialysis appears to vary depending on diabetic status and other associated factors and is a public health problem in Africa in general and particularly in Guinea. The objective of this study was to assess the risk of absolute cardiovascular disease in diabetic hemodialysis patients, compared to non-diabetic hemodialysis patients. Methods: Between April 1 and June 30, 2019, a descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study was conducted at the National Hemodialysis Centre in Donka. The study included 140 hemodialysis patients during the period. Recruitment was comprehensive and involved all hemodialysis patients meeting the selection criteria. The data were collected prospectively in hemodialysis patients and then compiled and processed in Epi info. A semi-administered questionnaire had been used. To assess cardiovascular risk in patients, FRAMINGHAM RISK SCORE (FRS) was used. Results: The survey involved 140 individuals, 91 of whom (65.00%) 49 (35.00%) were men. sex ratio of 1.86 or 2 men per woman. The average age was 41-4.1 years with extremes of (30; 74) years. There was a predominance among men of risk factors for smoking. The study found 39 diabetics versus 101 non-diabetics. The risk was high in 23 out of 39 diabetics; and 25 out of 101 non-diabetic patients. Conclusion: The study shows that one in four patients would have a high absolute risk in diabetic and non-diabetic patients and also confirms the association of other factors that increase this risk. The survey involved 140 individuals, 91 of whom (65.00%) 49 (35.00%) were men. sex ratio of 1.86 or 2 men per woman. The average age was 41-4.1 years with extremes of (30; 74) years. There was a predominance among men of risk factors for smoking and diabetes. In our series, most of our patients had a low risk level of 56 (40%). Conclusion: This survey finds a low risk in this hemodialysis population. This should lead to strengthening strategies for preventing cardiovascular disease in this at-risk population

    QIPs Financing of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) and Milk Production:Case of Bazi Haoussa in the Ansongo Circle in Mali

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    The objective of this article is to analyze the impact of QIPs funding from the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) on the receipts and profitability of dairy product sales in the village of BaziHaoussa in the circle of Ansongo in Mali.Data collected using questionnaires from 35 randomly selected dairy farmers in the village of BaziHaoussa was analyzed quantitatively and information was summarized using percentages and averages in tables and graphs.The t-tests for paired samples and for independent samples were also used to compare the average revenues and profitability between and within groups before and after the establishment of the production unit.Our results show that all respondents produce milk (fresh and/or curdled) and among them 88.6% also produce liquid butter and/or cheese, 71.5% have taken training in financial management and management techniques production.The receipts and financial returns of the dairy producers who benefit from the financing and who have taken the training are strictly higher than those of the producers who have not taken the training before and after the establishment of the production unit.The results of this study could help MUNISMA to strengthen its participation in economic recovery in areas affected by the security crisis and may constitute an interesting contribution to the scientific literature. Keywords: Profitability, Milk production, BaziHaoussa, QIPS financing, MINUSMA DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/15-12-07 Publication date:June 30th 2023

    Hidden action problems: The case of insurers and business policyholders in the Egyptian car insurance market

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    QIPs Financing of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) and Agriculture: Case of the Commune of Bourem Sidi Amar in the Timbuktu Region of Mali

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    The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of QIPs funding from the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) on the yields per hectare of certain crops and on the incomes of farmers in the commune. of Bourem Sidi Amar in the region of Timbuktu in Mali.Data collected through questionnaires from 52 QIPS-funded farmers were analyzed quantitatively and information was summarized using averages in tables.The one-sample t-test was used to compare yields per hectare and the average benchmark yield per crop. The paired-samples t-test was also used to compare farm operator incomes before and after funding.At the 5% significance level, our results show that the average yields per hectare of rice, wheat, onion, and anise crops are higher than the average reference yields of these same crops per hectare. This means that the average yields of these crops increased after the financing. The average income after funding is higher than the average income before funding. So the farmer's income increased after the financing.The results of this study could help MUNISMA and the Malian State to strengthen their participation in economic recovery in areas affected by the security crisis and may constitute an interesting contribution to the scientific literature. Keywords: Yield, Crops, QIPS Funding, MUNISMA, Bourem Sidi Amar, Timbuktu. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/15-12-02 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Analysis of the Impact of the Personal Finances of the Promoter on the Cash Flow of His High School: Case of Mali

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    The main objective of this study is to analyze the impact of the personal finances of the promoter of a high school on the cash-flow of his establishment. A multiple linear regression model was used to analyze data collected from 53 randomly selected private high schools at the right bank academy in Bamako.Our results show that on the one hand, the promoter’s personal expenses and investments have a negative impact on the high school’s cash flow, personnel costs and running costs ; on the other hand, the budgetary management, the incomes and the relationship with the promoter’s personal bank have a positive impact on them.The results of this study could help high school promoters to find a balance between managing their high school’s cash-flow and their personal finances. They could also contribute to the scientific literature on the subject. Keywords: Private high school, Treasury, Personal finance, Promoter DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/15-10-01 Publication date:May 31st 202
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