5 research outputs found

    (Trans)cribing History: The Oral Histories of Transgender Clergy in America

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    Popular American rhetoric around religion and LGBTQ issues puts the two at odds. The Bible has been the center of many debates over sexuality, gender identity, and faith. However, very few conversations have included or revolved around the authentic experiences of LGBTQ people of faith. Nine participants from various Protestant backgrounds shared their narratives with me and spoke on issues of gender and faith. This report is an in-depth summary of a short oral history project of transgender clergy (as well as candidates for ordination or exemplary church members)

    Evaluation of the peripheral blood T and B cell subsets and IRF-7 variants in adult patients with severe influenza virus infection.

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    Background and Aims: Influenza virus is one of the leading infections causing death among human being. Despite known risks, primary immune deficiency due to Interferon Regulatory Factor-7 (IRF7) gene defect was reported as a possible cause of the risk factors for complicated influenza. We aimed to investigate the changes in peripheral T and B cell subsets in adult patients with severe seasonal influenza virus infection and the investigation of variants of IRF7 gene. Methods: In this study, 32 patients, hospitalized due to influenza infection-related acute respiratory failure were included. Results: The median age of the patients was 76 years (26-96), and 13/32 (40.6%) were in the intensive care unit. Central memory Th, effector memory Th, TEMRA Th, cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), central memory CTL of the patients were found to be increased, naive CTL were decreased. There was a significant increase in the percentage of effector memory Th, and a decrease in the percentage of naive CTL in patients ≥65 years-old compared to patients G; p.Lys179Glu (K179E) and c584A > T; p.His195Leu (H195L), located in the fourth exon of the IRF7 gene. Discussion: The increases in central and effector memory Th, central memory CTL and decrease of naive CTLs may be secondary to the virus infection. K179E (rs1061502) and H195L (rs139709725) variants were not reported to be related with susceptibility to an infection yet. It is conceivable to investigate for novel variants in other genes related to antiviral immunity

    Herpes simplex virus encephalitis: Clinical manifestations, diagnosis and outcome in 106 adult patients

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    WOS: 000335738000006PubMed ID: 24768322Background: Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is one of the most common causes of sporadic encephalitis worldwide. Objective: We aimed to determine clinical characteristics and prognosis of HSV encephalitis (HSVE) cases reviewed retrospectively from several collaborating centers. Study design: We searched hospital archives of the last 10 years for patients with HSVE diagnosis, i.e. clinical presentation compatible with encephalitis and brain involvement on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and/or detection of HSV DNA in the cerebrospinal fluid by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Clinical characteristics were noted and patients were phone-interviewed. HSVE cases were grouped and analyzed as proven and probable, based on virological confirmation by PCR. Univariate and multivariate analyses were used to determine factors associated with prognosis. Results: A total of 106 patients (63 males and 43 females; mean age, 44 years; range, 18-83 years) were included. Most common symptoms were changes in mental status, fever, headache, and seizure. HSV PCR was positive in 69% of patients tested, while brain involvement was detected on MRI in 95%. Acyclovir was started mostly within five days of main symptom and continued for >= 14 days. Case fatality rate was 8%, while 69% of patients recovered with sequelae. Favorable prognosis was observed in 73% of patients. Multivariate analysis identified the duration of disease before hospital admission (odds ratio (OR) = 1.24) and the extent of brain involvement on MRI at the time of admission (OR = 37.22) as two independent risk factors associated with poor prognosis. Conclusions: Although HSVE fatality regressed considerably with acyclovir treatment, many patients survive with sequelae. Our results emphasize the importance of early diagnosis and prompt treatment of HSVE

    Hacettepe Health Cohort (HU-CoVaCS): Study Design, Baseline Characteristics and the First 3-Month-Follow Up of COVID-19 Vaccinated Students Hacettepe Sağlık Kohortu (HU-CoVaCS): Çalışma Tasarımı, Başlangıç Viziti Değerlendirmesi ve COVID-19 Aşılıların İlk Üç Aylık Takip Verileri

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    Objective: This study included participants from Hacettepe University 4th, 5th, and 6th-grade students of Medical School and 4th and 5th-grade students of Dental School; and aimed to evaluate the general health status, COVID-19 history, vaccination status, and SARS-CoV-2 antibody levels of the participants to support their physical and social health, during the pandemic period. Methods: A prospective cohort study was conducted with an integrated, matched, nested case-control study. Sociode-mographic characteristics, life habits, COVID-19 history, vaccination status, compliance with mask-distance-hygiene rules, and risks (if any) for COVID-19 were inquired via online questionnaires. Physical examinations, complete blood count, biochemistry tests, and anti-SARS-CoV-2 anti-spike antibody tests were conducted for all consenting partici-pants. All analyses were established using depersonalized data. Results: Of the 778 participants completing the baseline visit in June-July 2021, the percentages of those vaccinated with at least one, two, and three/more doses of COVID-19 vaccine were 99.1%, 98.0%, and 11.7%, respectively; one had four doses. The median (minimum-maximum) time since the last vaccination was 134 (34-166) days for those vaccinated with two doses [CoronaVac (Sinovac Life Sciences, Beijing, China)] and 25 (14-56) days for those vaccinated with three doses [two doses of CoronaVac and a last dose of Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine (Comirnaty®). The third dose was applied at a median of 164 (151-202) days after the second dose, and all were heterologous in type. The median (minimum-maximum) antibody level for the overall group was 53.55(0-5680) BAU/mL: 47.19 BAU/mL in those who received two doses, with a more than 100 times increase after a third dose (4943.64 BAU/mL). Of the 522 participants followed up to October 1, 2021, 6 PCR-positive symptomatic participants were diagnosed with COVID-19: the incidence rate was 4/1000 person-months. Conclusion: A 100-fold neutralizing antibody level following the third dose demonstrated the importance of a booster dose. Given the time lag between doses, antibody measurements of BioNTech recipients should be repeated in the upcoming months. Booster selection should involve antibody level, variant sensitivity of the vaccine, and individual characteristics of the recipient

    Hacettepe Dahiliye Ders Kitabı 1

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    Ondokuzuncu yüzyılın tıp literatürü, korku filmi gibidir. Hekimlerin, ellerine geçirdikleri her şeyi, akıllarına gelen her yöntemi tedavi için kullandıkları görülür. Bilgiye değil, kulaktan dolma duyumlara dayanan, “içten doğma” uydurma fikirlerle hastaların yelken kürek tedavi edilmeye çalışıldığı bir dönemdir. Litrelerce kan alınır, barsaklar yüksek basınçlı lavmanlarla delik deşik edilir, hastalar buzlu sulara yatırılıp uzuvlar gangren olana dek dondurulur, dondurmak işe yaramazsa kaynar kazanlara sokulur, deriyi kabartan bitkisel merhemlerle epidermis eritilir, terkibi ikinci kez asla tutturulamayan envai çeşit bitkisel karışımlarla organlar iflas ettirilirdi. Yirminci yüzyılın başında, modern tıbbın kurucusu sayılan Dr. William Osler öncelikle bu “palavra tıbba” rest çekmiş, yeni bir çağı aralamıştır. Çağdaşı olan bazı hünerli hekimlerle birlikte, önümüze gelen her hastayı, elimize geçirdiğimiz her şeyle, bu şekilde rastgele tedavi edemeyiz, öncelikle hastalıkları tanımamız gerekir diyerek, tıbbın önceliğini tanıya yöneltmişler, kendilerine kadar olan eski devirlerden miras iki ilaç (digoksin ve morfin) dışındaki tüm o ilkel tedavi yöntemlerini reddetmişlerdir. Akıldışı eski tedavileri reddederek, yerine henüz yeni bir tedavi seçenekleri de olmadığından; yalnızca (doğru) tanı koymaya çalışan ve hastanın prognozunu tayin etmeye odaklanmış, tepkisel ve aslında bir bakıma muhafazakar yeni bir tıbbı başlatmışlardır. Tıp eğitimini de bu doğrultuda değiştirip, çalakalem ilaç ve tedavi veren hekimler yerine; hastanın hastalığını kavramaya çalışan, doğru tanı koyan hekimler yetiştirmeye yönelmişlerdir. Tıp eğitimindeki “hasta başı vizitler” bizzat Dr. William Osler tarafından başlatılmıştır. Bu ekol, 1900’ların başında cesur bir kararla, neyi tedavi ettiğini bilmeyen eski hekimlik pratiğini kapatıp, öncelikle hastalıkları kavramaya, hastalarına titizlikle isabetli bir tanı koymaya odaklanmıştır. Bu devir, tıbbın rönesansı sayılır. Kuruluşundan itibaren çağdaşı modern tıp dünyasının bir takipçisi ve aktörü olan Hacettepe Tıp Fakültesi; hünerli hekimler, iyi klinisyenler yetiştirmeyi amaçlamıştır. Prof. Dr. Şeref Zileli’nin kurucusu olduğu İç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalımız, mezuniyet öncesi tıp eğitiminde yatay ve dikey entegrasyon modeliyle klinik eğitim aşamasında, öğrencilerimize “dahiliye nosyonu” kazandırmayı hedeflemiştir. Dahiliye nosyonu, hastaya saçından tırnağına bir bütün olarak bakabilmeyi; hastanın sorunlarını rasyonel bir klinik denklem haline getirebilmeyi; semptomlarından başlayıp, fizik muayene ve isabetli tetkik seçimiyle en doğru tanıyı koyabilmeyi ve hastaya en az zarar verecek en uygun tedaviyi planlayabilmeyi gerektirir. Mezuniyet öncesi İç Hastalıkları Klinik Eğitim programımızın öğrenim hedefleriyle, içeriği ve ulusal çekirdek müfredatımız gözetilerek hazırlanan bu kitap; İç Hastalıkları, Kardiyoloji, Göğüs Hastalıkları, İnfeksiyon Hastalıkları ve Klinik Mikrobiyoloji anabilim dallarımız öğretim üyelerinin ortaklaşa titiz bir çalışmasıdır