7,504 research outputs found

    Impact parameters related to bruising in selected fruits.

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    Impact testing with an instrumented free-fallingmass (50.4 g) device was applied to three varities of pears and two varieties of apples, forincreasing ripeness stages and impact energy (2 to 20 cm drops). Impact parameters were studied in relation to bruise and to ripeness, establishing relations between them and with the different characteristics of the fruits

    Origin of slow magnetic relaxation in Kramers ions with non-uniaxial anisotropy

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    Transition metal ions with long-lived spin states represent minimum size magnetic bits. Magnetic memory has often been associated with the combination of high spin and strong uniaxial magnetic anisotropy. Yet, slow magnetic relaxation has also been observed in some Kramers ions with dominant easy-plane magnetic anisotropy, albeit only under an external magnetic field. Here we study the spin dynamics of cobalt(II) ions in a model molecular complex. We show, by means of quantitative first-principles calculations, that the slow relaxation in this and other similar systems is a general consequence of time-reversal symmetry that hinders direct spin–phonon processes regardless of the sign of the magnetic anisotropy. Its magnetic field dependence is a subtle manifestation of electronuclear spin entanglement, which opens relaxation channels that would otherwise be forbidden but, at the same time, masks the relaxation phenomenon at zero field. These results provide a promising strategy to synthesize atom-size magnetic memories

    Thiol ene click chemistry towards easy microarraying of half-antibodies

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    [EN] A UV light-induced thiol-ene coupling reaction (TEC) between half-antibodies (hIgG) and vinyl functionalized glass surfaces was run for biosensing in the microarray format. The accomplished performance improved that obtained with whole antibodies.The authors acknowledge the funding from the European Commission through the project H2020-634013-PHOCNOSIS. This work was also partly supported by MINECO CTQ/2013/45875-R, CTQ/2016/75749-R, FEDER, and GVA PROMETEO II 2014/40.Alonso Ruiz, R.; Jimenez-Meneses, P.; García-Rupérez, J.; Bañuls Polo, M.; Maquieira Catala, A. (2018). Thiol ene click chemistry towards easy microarraying of half-antibodies. Chemical Communications. 54(48):6144-6147. https://doi.org/10.1039/c8cc01369aS61446147544

    From non-symmetric particle systems to non-linear PDEs on fractals

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    We present new results and challenges in obtaining hydrodynamic limits for non-symmetric (weakly asymmetric) particle systems (exclusion processes on pre-fractal graphs) converging to a non-linear heat equation. We discuss a joint density-current law of large numbers and a corresponding large deviations principle.Comment: v2: 10 pages, 1 figure. To appear in the proceedings for the 2016 conference "Stochastic Partial Differential Equations & Related Fields" in honor of Michael R\"ockner's 60th birthday, Bielefel

    Glycogen synthase in mantle tissue of Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819

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    Glycogen synthase (GS) from Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819 mantle tissue is primarily in G6P-dependent form, whose activity is four times that of the G6P-independent form. Both forms present higher activity to pH: 7, but the D-form mantains 60 % of its maximum activity at extreme pH values, whereas that of the I-form drops to 25 %. The optimum temperature is 30-35 ºC for both forms, but the I-form is more stable between 30 and 40 ºC. Kinetic data on both enzymatic forms indicate the existence of cooperative effects with regard to the substrate and effector. The I-form affinity constant for the substrate UDPG is 1.9-2.3 mM and that of the D-form is 0.9-1.3 mM. Moreover, the D-form shows an activation constant for the efector G6P of 5.2-5.6 mM.La enzima glucógeno sintasa del tejido del manto de Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819 se encuentra principalmente en su forma dependiente (D) de G6P, con una actividad cuatro veces mayor que la forma independiente (I) de G6P. Ambas formas presentan la mayor actividad a pH:7, pero la forma D mantiene el 60 % de su actividad a valores extremos de pH, donde la forma I disminuye la suya al 25 %. La temperatura óptima está entre 30 y 35 ºC en ambos casos, pero la forma I es más estable entre 30 y 40 ºC. Los datos cinéticos de ambas formas enzimáticas indican la existencia de efectos cooperativos respecto al sustrato y el efector. La constante de afinidad de la forma I para el sustrato UDPG es 1,9-2,3 mM y la de la D es 0,9-1,3 mM. La forma D muestra, además, una constante de activación de 5,2-5,6 mM para el efector G6P.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Use of aequorin-based indicators for monitoring Ca2+ in acidic organelles

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    Over the last years, there is accumulating evidence that acidic organelles can accumulate and release Ca2+ upon cell activation. Hence, reliable recording of Ca2+ dynamics in these compartments is essential for understanding the physiopathological aspects of acidic organelles. Genetically encoded Ca2+ indicators (GECIs) are valuable tools to monitor Ca2+ in specific locations, although their use in acidic compartments is challenging due to the pH sensitivity of most available fluorescent GECIs. By contrast, bioluminescent GECIs have a combination of features (marginal pH sensitivity, low background, no phototoxicity, no photobleaching, high dynamic range and tunable affinity) that render them advantageous to achieve an enhanced signal-to-noise ratio in acidic compartments. This article reviews the use of bioluminescent aequorin-based GECIs targeted to acidic compartments. A need for more measurements in highly acidic compartments is identified

    LimberJack.jl: auto-differentiable methods for angular power spectra analyses

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    We present LimberJack.jl, a fully auto-differentiable code for cosmological analyses of 2 point auto- and cross-correlation measurements from galaxy clustering, CMB lensing and weak lensing data written in Julia. Using Julia's auto-differentiation ecosystem, LimberJack.jl can obtain gradients for its outputs up to an order of magnitude faster than traditional finite difference methods. This makes LimberJack.jl greatly synergistic with gradient-based sampling methods, such as Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, capable of efficiently exploring parameter spaces with hundreds of dimensions. We first prove LimberJack.jl's reliability by reanalysing the DES Y1 3×\times2-point data. We then showcase its capabilities by using a O(100) parameters Gaussian Process to reconstruct the cosmic growth from a combination of DES Y1 galaxy clustering and weak lensing data, eBOSS QSO's, CMB lensing and redshift-space distortions. Our Gaussian process reconstruction of the growth factor is statistically consistent with the Λ\LambdaCDM Planck 2018 prediction at all redshifts. Moreover, we show that the addition of RSD data is extremely beneficial to this type of analysis, reducing the uncertainty in the reconstructed growth factor by 20%20\% on average across redshift. LimberJack.jl is a fully open-source project available on Julia's general repository of packages and GitHub.Comment: Prepared for OJA. Fixed minor typos. Comments welcomed
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