2,267 research outputs found

    Energetic metabolism in fasting sheep: regularization of metabolic profile by treatment with oral glucose, with prior handling of gastric groove

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate a possible corrective measure against negative metabolic states, as occurs in the advanced stage of gestation in ewes, and that sometimes produces a disease called pregnancy toxaemia. In the present research, we found that the joint administration of i.v. lysine-vasopressin (0.08 IU/kg body weight, BW) and an oral glucose solution (50 g) produces an increase in blood glucose, which persists for some time (up to 6 h); therefore, it could be used in the treatment of pregnancy toxaemia. This therapy is based on the fact that lysine-vasopressin induces gastric groove closure in adult ruminants, enabling orally administered glucose to reach the abomasum directly, from where it rapidly passes into the intestine and is immediately absorbed. We can say that the tested treatment causes a significant increase in blood glucose in ewes affected by toxaemia caused by fasting, which, although less marked than conventional therapy with intravenous drip glucose, remains longer, regularizing other parameters indicative of energy metabolism in fasting ewes

    Sant Jordi “el Vellet”

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    REINA at RepLab2013 Topic Detection Task: Community Detection

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    [EN]Social networks have become a large repository of comments which can extract multiple information. Twitter is one of the most widespread social networks and larger and is therefore an important source for detecting states of opinion, events and happenings before even the mainstream media. Topic detection is important to discover areas of interest that arise in the tweets. We have used classical systems for a similarity matrix and we have used community detection techniques. The results have been good and allows us to study new possibilities

    Scientific culture: Public perception of Science and Technology in Spanish Wikipedia

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    [ES]La presentación recoge las relaciones existentes dentro de los artículos de ciencia y tecnología de la Wikipedia aplicando técnicas de Análisis de las redes sociales

    Science and Technology in Social Networks: Twitter

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    [ES]El uso de Internet como fuente principal de búsqueda de información científica se ve reforzado con el uso de los redes sociales. Esta situación requiere un estudio y estandarización del contenido obtenido por esta vía. A través del estudio de los perfiles de twitter que difunden información científica se pueden identificar los temas principales y la cantidad y calidad de la información científica compartida

    REINA at CLEF 2007 Robust Task

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    Describe el trabajo que el Grupo de Investigación REINA de la Universidad de Salamanca presentó en CLEF 2007 sobre sistemas de recuperación de información monolingüe (Inglés, Francés y Portugués) y bilingüe (Inglés al Francés). Muestra los resultados obtenidos en las evaluaciones aplicando técnicas de expansión local.This paper describes our work at CLEF 2007 Robust Task. We have participated in the monolingual (English, French and Portuguese) and the bilingual (English to French) subtask. At CLEF 2006 our research group obtained very good results applying local query expansion using windows of terms in the robust task. This year we have used the same expansion technique, but taking into account some criteria of robustness: MAP, GMAP, MMR, GS@10, P@10, number of failed topics, number of topics bellow 0.1 MAP, and number of topics with P@10=0. In bilingual retrieval experiments threemachine translation programs were used to translate topics. For the target language, translations were merged before performing a monolingual retrieval. We also applied the same local expansion technique. This year the results were disappointing. We think out that the reason is the difficulty to select the best measurement for robustness. Perhaps the problem is that all measurements are average results over all topics, but thehard topics are inherently hard and must be analyze separately. This year all our runs also ends up in good ranking, both base runs and expanded ones. We think that the reason is that we used a good information retrieval system, and the expansion technique is robust because it does not deteriorate significantly the retrieval performance

    Estudio a corto plazo en artroplastia total de cadera no cementada con par de fricción cerámica-cerámica

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    Se revisan 38 prótesis con par de fricción cerámica-cerámica en 31 pacientes intervenidos durante los años 2000 a 2003. La edad media era de 47,3 años. La valoración clínica con la escala de Harris pasó de 53 puntos de media en el preoperatorio a 97 en el postoperatorio lo que permitió establecer un 76,3% de resultados excelentes y un 23,7 de buenos. No hemos podido constatar ninguna complicación asociada al par cerámica-cerámica. Los resultados iniciales con el par cerámica-cerámica son superponibles a otras pares de fricción, su utilización en implantes que han demostrado su eficacia con otros pares de fricción, la mejoría en la fabricación y la estricta observación de la técnica quirúrgica permite obviar el riesgo de fractura. Merced a su baja incidencia de desgaste y buen comportamiento biológico representa una alternativa real para su implantación en pacientes jóvenes o con una actividad elevada.From 2000 to 2003, 38 patients underwent ceramic on ceramic bearing total hip artrhoplasty. Mean age was 47.3 years. Clinical evaluation with the harris hip score increased from 53 points preoperatively to 97 postoperatively. There were no complications associated with ceramic on ceramic bearing.Initial results are similar to those found with others bearing surfaces. The use of ceramics in implants that have shown their effectiviness with others bearing surfaces, improvement in manufactured of the ceramics and a carefull surgery decreased the risk os fracture. Low incidence of wear debris and biological caracteristics makes ceramics a real alternative in young or high activity patients

    Solvent-free synthesis of cyclic carbonates from CO2 and epoxides catalyzed by reusable alumina-supported zinc dichloride

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    There is an ongoing interest to advance in the production of cyclic carbonates from carbon dioxide and epoxides under sustainable conditions. The ZnCl2/Al2O3-TBAI system has evinced to be a cheap, simple, readily accessible and reusable catalyst for the reaction of carbon dioxide with aromatic, aliphatic, cyclic and fluorinated epoxides with a low metal loading under solvent-free and mild conditions. This system has been also shown to be adequate for the reaction of epoxides with carbon disulfide to form the sulfur-containing cyclic carbonate analogs.This study was generously supported by the Russian Science Foundation [project no. 14-23-00186 P], the M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University Program of Development, the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades [MICIU; grant no. CTQ2017-88171-P] and the Generalitat Valenciana [GV; grant no. AICO/2017/007]

    Optimization of a Steam Reforming Plant Modeled with Artificial Neural Networks

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    The objective of this research is to improve the hydrogen production and total profit of a real Steam Reforming plant. Given the impossibility of tuning the real factory to optimize its operation, we propose modelling the plant using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). Particularly, we combine a set of independent ANNs into a single model. Each ANN uses different sets of inputs depending on the physical processes simulated. The model is then optimized as a black-box system using metaheuristics (Genetic and Memetic Algorithms). We demonstrate that the proposed ANN model presents a high correlation between the real output and the predicted one. Additionally, the performance of the proposed optimization techniques has been validated by the engineers of the plant, who reported a significant increase in the benefit that was obtained after optimization. Furthermore, this approach has been favorably compared with the results that were provided by a general black-box solver. All methods were tested over real data that were provided by the factory.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades PGC2018-095322-B-C22Comunidad de Madrid P2018/TCS-4566Unión Europea P2018/TCS-456

    Resultados en recambios de cotilo mediante la técnica de Sloof: nuestra experiencia

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    Objetivos: osteolisis es un importante problema para el cirujano en los recambios de cotilo. Hoy en día existen múltiples técnicas para intentar subsanar este defecto. Una de ellas es la Técnica de Sloof. Hemos querido mostrar nuestros resultados con esta técnica. Material y métodos: Se revisaron 20 pacientes entre 1999 y octubre 2003 clasificados con la escala de Paprosky intervenidos con esta técnica. Se valoraron resultados en cuanto a mejoría del dolor, funcionalidad, actividad y consolidación radiológica, usando para ello las escalas de Harris. Resultados: La mayoría de los pacientes obtuvieron una mejoría significativa del dolor y una función suficiente como para realizar su vida de forma independiente, consiguiéndose la incorporación del injerto en todos los casos.Aim: The osteolysis of the pelvis is an important problem for the surgeon associated with acetabular revision. Nowadays there are many techniques which try to solve such a defect. One of them is the Sloof’s technique. We have shown our results using this technique. Materials and Methods: Study of 20 patients from 1999 to October 2003 who were treated with this technique. Results related to pain-free, functionality, activity and radiology consolidation, have been valued using Harris scale. Results: Most of patients got a significant pain diminution and a function enough to achieve their lives in a self- sufficiency way. We have obtained the graft incorporation in all the cases