34 research outputs found

    Volumetric dimensional changes of luting cements

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)The luting agent is a crucial factor in the outcome of cemented fixed restorations. A new water-based cement, Ceramir C&B (CM), approved to be marketed in the US, is composed of calcium aluminate and glass ionomer. CM is a luting agent indicated for permanent cementation of cast restorations, all-zirconia or all-alumina crowns, and prefabricated metal and cast dowel and cores. The manufacturer claims that the cement has demonstrated favorable biocompatibility properties when tested in vitro and in vivo and has proven to be bioactive. The objective of this study was to evaluate volumetric dimensional changes and the amount of Ca2+ released by the new luting agent. Twenty specimens of each material, namely calcium aluminate glass ionomer, resin-modified glass ionomer, and two resin luting agents, were fabricated and weighed. The 20 specimens for all materials were divided into four groups (five samples in each group) based on storage conditions: silicone oil at 22°C and 37°C and distilled water at 22°C and 37°C. Using the manufacturers’ instructions for each material, cylindrical specimens were prepared with dimensions of 7 +0.1 mm in diameter and 2 +0.1 mm in height. A 0.01-mg resolution balance was used to determine volumetric dimensional change using an Archimedean equation. Measurements were made 30 minutes after mixing, and at the time intervals of 7 days, 14 days, 21 days, and 30 days, and after total dehydration of the specimen. Chemical analyses of the solutions were performed using atomic absorption spectroscopy to determine the Ca+2 ion concentration. Moreover, the pH values were measured to determine the OH–concentration in the solutions. The results showed that CM had the most expansion among the tested luting agents in distilled water at 22°C and 37°C, and significantly increased at higher temperature. In silicone oil, resin-modified glass ionomer shrank the most and also shrank more with the high temperature. The result of the ion concentration analysis indicated that Ca+2 and OHion release increased with increasing time and also significantly with temperature rise. In conclusion, calcium aluminate-glass ionomer exhibited the most significant dimensional change when stored in water storage. The solubility of the tested luting agents should be evaluated in the future because they were not evaluated in this study. Furthermore, to evaluate the clinical effect of the dimensional changes, the impact on the gap formation at tooth-crown margins should be determined in future work

    Relationships of academic expectation stress & self-efficacy, efficacy for self-regulated learning with academic performance during Covid pandemic

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    Background: Academic expectation stress & self-efficacy and efficacy for self-regulated learning may affect academic performance. The Covid pandemic has affected the physical and psychological well-being of all, including students. However, there is a paucity of studies examining these variables in college students in Saudi Arabia. Objectives: This study was conducted to explore the levels and relationships of academic expectation stress & self-efficacy, self-regulated learning, and its relationships with academic performance in college students of ---- University during the Covid pandemic. Material and Methods: A total of 302 students were recruited in this cross-sectional study. They were assessed with sociodemographic and academic proforma designed for this study, the Academic expectation stress inventory (ASE), the Academic self-efficacy scale (AES), and the efficacy of the self-regulated learning scale (SRL). Results: Results revealed that the mean score of AES, SRL, and ASE was 29.18, 35.38, and 41.11, respectively. On linear regression analysis exam score was statistically significant positively predicted by the score on SRL, and the Score of AES was statistically significantly predicted by the score of SRL (+ve) and the score of ASE (-ve). Conclusions: It may be concluded that efficacy for self-regulated learning may mediate academic performance and academic self-efficacy during the Covid pandemic. Enhancing self-regulated learning may improve academic performance during the pandemic

    Sustainability achievement and estidama green building regulations in Abu Dhabi vision 2030

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    Abu Dhabi is the capital of the UAE country and one of seven cities that composed the United Arab Emiratis. Abu Dhabi has a master plan for the future of the city in economic development "capital 2030"under the name of Abu Dhabi economic vision 2030 and the (Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Vision 2030).Abu Dhabi Urban planning cancel (UPC) drives and supports Abu Dhabi urban development strategy and transferring the vision 2030 physical settings and develops strategic development plans that create the guide principle that cascade over critical projects designed to shape the Emirate by a sustainable program under the name of "Estidama". Estidama the Arabic world of sustainability is not only a rating method or something that people do, it`s a vision to achieve a new sustainable way of life in the UAE and Arab region. Estidama goal is to preserve and enrich Abu Dhabi physical and cultural identity and improving quality of live for residents in four equal pillars of sustainability: environment, economic, social and culture. The plan of Estidama in green building incorporates environmental considerations into every stage of building construction and focuses on design, construction, operation and maintenance phases. The aim of this paper is to review the Estidama pearl rating system (PRS) and to reveal how the green building system is suitable to develop and help the plan of Abu Dhabi (2030 vision) . It`s concluded that Estidama practice is an efficient tool in establishing the performance of residential building in the city of Abu Dhabi. Currently the research fields focus on developing a comfortable and energy efficient residential building design and also with construction sector through developing a building for the new generations

    High prevalence of an alpha variant lineage with a premature stop codon in ORF7a in Iraq, winter 2020–2021

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    Publisher Copyright: Copyright: © 2022 Al-Rashedi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Since the first reported case of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in China, SARS-CoV-2 has been spreading worldwide. Genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 has had a critical role in tracking the emergence, introduction, and spread of new variants, which may affect transmissibility, pathogenicity, and escape from infection or vaccine-induced immunity. As anticipated, the rapid increase in COVID-19 infections in Iraq in February 2021 is due to the introduction of variants of concern during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. To understand the molecular epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 during the second wave in Iraq (2021), we sequenced 76 complete SARS-CoV-2 genomes using NGS technology and identified genomic mutations and proportions of circulating variants among these. Also, we performed an in silico study to predict the effect of the truncation of NS7a protein (ORF7a) on its function. We detected nine different lineages of SARS-CoV-2. The B.1.1.7 lineage was predominant (80.20%) from February to May 2021, while only one B.1.351 strain was detected. Interestingly, the phylogenetic analysis showed that multiple strains of the B.1.1.7 lineage clustered closely with those from European countries. A notable frequency (43.33%) of stop codon mutation (NS7a Q62stop) was detected among the B.1.1.7 lineage sequences. In silico analysis of NS7a with Q62stop found that this stop codon had no considerable effect on the function of NS7a. This work provides molecular epidemiological insights into the spread variants of SARS-CoV-2 in Iraq, which are most likely imported from Europe.Peer reviewe

    A population-based study of 15,000 people on Knowledge and awareness of lung cancer symptoms and risk factors in Saudi Arabia

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    Background: Lung cancer is currently the most fatal form of cancer worldwide, ranking as the fourth most prevalent type in Saudi Arabia, particularly among males. This trend is expected to increase with growing population, lifestyle changes, and aging population. Understanding the awareness of the Saudi population regarding the risk factors and symptoms of lung cancer is necessary to attenuate the predicted increase in cases. Method: A cross-sectional, population-based survey was performed using a previously validated questionnaire (Lung CAM). Multiple linear regression analysis was used to assess variables associated with deficiency in knowledge and awareness of risk factors and symptoms of lung cancer. Results: Majority of the 15,099 respondents were male (65%), aged between 18 and 30 years (53%), 50% of which were educated up to a bachelor’s degree level. Overall awareness of lung cancer signs and symptoms was 53%, with painful cough and coughing up blood being the best-known symptoms. Conversely, persistent shoulder pain (44%) and clubbing fingers (47%) were the least known lung cancer symptoms. Also, 60% of the respondents showed low confidence in identifying the signs and symptoms of lung cancer. The overall awareness of the risk factors for lung cancer development was 74%, with first-hand (74%) and second-hand (68%) smoking being the most known risk factors. However, only ≤ 62% know the other non-smoking risk factors. Awareness of the risk factors and symptoms of lung cancer depended on age, gender, education, marital and employment status (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Public awareness of the risk factors and symptoms of lung cancer in Saudi Arabia is inadequate and heavily dependent on education and socio-economic status. Awareness can be improved through campaigns to raise awareness about other lesser-known lung cancer risk factors and symptoms

    A population-based study of 15,000 people on Knowledge and awareness of lung cancer symptoms and risk factors in Saudi Arabia

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    Background: Lung cancer is currently the most fatal form of cancer worldwide, ranking as the fourth most prevalent type in Saudi Arabia, particularly among males. This trend is expected to increase with growing population, lifestyle changes, and aging population. Understanding the awareness of the Saudi population regarding the risk factors and symptoms of lung cancer is necessary to attenuate the predicted increase in cases. Method: A cross-sectional, population-based survey was performed using a previously validated questionnaire (Lung CAM). Multiple linear regression analysis was used to assess variables associated with deficiency in knowledge and awareness of risk factors and symptoms of lung cancer. Results: Majority of the 15,099 respondents were male (65%), aged between 18 and 30 years (53%), 50% of which were educated up to a bachelor’s degree level. Overall awareness of lung cancer signs and symptoms was 53%, with painful cough and coughing up blood being the best-known symptoms. Conversely, persistent shoulder pain (44%) and clubbing fingers (47%) were the least known lung cancer symptoms. Also, 60% of the respondents showed low confidence in identifying the signs and symptoms of lung cancer. The overall awareness of the risk factors for lung cancer development was 74%, with first-hand (74%) and second-hand (68%) smoking being the most known risk factors. However, only ≤ 62% know the other non-smoking risk factors. Awareness of the risk factors and symptoms of lung cancer depended on age, gender, education, marital and employment status (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Public awareness of the risk factors and symptoms of lung cancer in Saudi Arabia is inadequate and heavily dependent on education and socio-economic status. Awareness can be improved through campaigns to raise awareness about other lesser-known lung cancer risk factors and symptoms

    Evaluating Maximum Compensation Criteria for Property Developers According to The Interim Real Property Register in Dubai

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    This paper presents an assessment of the criteria for setting the maximum amount of compensation given to a property developer when a buyer breaches their contractual obligations according to the law of the Interim Real Property Register in the Emirate of Dubai. The register gives the developer the power to deduct a certain percentage of the amount paid to them by the buyer, without the need to resort to justice or arbitration. Such a power is one of certain exceptional powers granted to the developer under this law to encourage property investment in Dubai. This research aims to define the type of compensation that the property developer deserves, as well as present the criteria for the maximum amount of compensation and an evaluation of them. This was achieved by analyzing Article 11 of the mentioned law for accuracy and fairness on this issue, and its success in balancing the conflicting interests of both parties. One key result found was that the legislator had not succeeded in balancing the two parties of the off-plan sale. It is strongly recommended that the legislator abolish the three criteria on the maximum amount of compensation and adopt alternative criteria

    Effective strategies for optimizing the services marketing of Shahrazad restaurant Oy

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    The main purpose of this study was to give the sponsor company and other potential startups possibilities to determine the main factors that affect the performance of service quality in the food industry field. One intent was to understand in-depth knowledge of customers’ satisfaction from the current services quality of Shahrazad restaurant. It important to identify the key elements of internal and external marketing services of the company in order to improve the perceived service quality and minimize the main causes of the gap between customers’ perception and expectation of service quality which reflects considerable on the customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, and increasing profitability. The empirical study was executed based on data collected from the single case study to answer the phenomenon under the chosen case. The data collection was implemented on mixed methods through quantitative and qualitative methods of this study. The qualitative method has conducted with management and employees through employing semi-structured interview in order to gain the holistic views and explanation of what the outcomes from operational processes and HRM specification to deliver high service quality. Meanwhile, the quantitative has been gathering from non-probability and convenience samples of the questionnaire customers in order to comprehend the customers’ perspective toward their perception and expectation of the service quality in the Shahrazad restaurant. The analysis of the results and conclusion of the quantitative approach measured service quality through using the SERVQUAL instrument to recognize the gap between what customers experience and expect. The analyzing data of interviews has been revealed the interpretation of management and staffs according to results of operational process and the quality standard of the current services. To conclusions, this thesis provided demonstrative views of customers’ perceptions (satisfaction) and expectations of service quality in Shahrazad restaurant and it enables the commissionaire to estimate the gap between service providers and end customers through utilizing from SERVQUAL model in order to ensure customer satisfaction