244 research outputs found

    Doomed to Instability: Israel's West Bank Annexation Plan in a Turbulent Region

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    Israel's recent plan to annex parts of the West Bank threatens the stability of Jordan along with the Palestinian territories and Israel itself. To understand the repercussions of annexation, we must examine the positions of the relevant actors and their potential responses to the Israeli plan. Three constellations of actors can be singled out: de facto accepters, weak opposers, and militant revisionists. Despite the Gulf states' and Egypt's condemnation of the annexation plan, they will not take concrete measures to thwart it, due to their evolving relations with Israel and their reliance on the United States. This de facto acceptance by Egypt and the Gulf states weakens the position of the Kingdom of Jordan and the Palestinian Authority (PA) in advocating against the proposed plan. The prospective annexation will directly and negatively impact the Kingdom of Jordan and the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. However, because of their own internal challenges, the absence of regional Arab support, and their dependence on Israel and the United States on different issues, Jordan and the PA lack the capacity to offset the Israeli plan. The Islamist militant factions in the Palestinian territories oppose the annexation plan and seem capable of turning their escalatory rhetoric against Israel into violent action. The probability of this happening might increase if the Palestinian Authority collapses in the West Bank. The annexation plan runs counter to the EU's foreign policy vis-à-vis the Israeli–Palestinian peace process. The EU should work collectively to dissuade Israel from implementing the annexation plan by applying diplomatic and, if necessary, economic pressure. Additionally, the EU should support Jordan's anti-annexation diplomatic campaign. The Palestinian Authority should receive the EU's political and financial backing as long as the PA commits to comprehensive reforms

    Not a Storm in a Teacup: The Islamic State after the Caliphate

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    Despite the loss of its territorial "caliphate" in 2019, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (IS) still poses a daily threat to the societies of the region and beyond. To account for the resurgence of IS, we need to look at its dynamism, in addition to the domestic and regional complexities that facilitate its persistence in Iraq and Syria. The gradual, drastic loss of territorial control in Iraq and Syria since 2015 has deprived IS of crucial assets to launch large-scale terrorist attacks and compelled it to change its tactics. Since 2019, IS has intensified its guerilla warfare and, by destabilising large parts of Syria and Iraq, managed to maintain leverage in those areas. The organisational and ideological cohesion of IS has not deteriorated significantly, even after losing its territorial base and its "caliph," Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. IS exploits the political, security, social, and economic fragmentations that continue to plague both Iraq and Syria and that contributed to its rise in the first place. Refugee camps and detention centres, especially in northeast Syria, are currently being targeted by IS for infiltration and radicalisation. If these campaigns are successful, IS may be able to regain thousands of fighters. The EU should increase its support vis-à-vis the refugee camps in Syria and Iraq by providing humanitarian aid and adopting an institutionalised policy for repatriating its citizens who have joined IS, along with their families. This should be complemented by measures of prosecution, rehabilitation, and reintegration. If not addressed efficiently, today's legal conundrums and poor humanitarian conditions of European citizen detainees could become tomorrow's security challenges

    Auswirkungen einer Behandlung mit Chitosan sowie der Wasser- und Nährstoffversorgung auf den Ertrag und den Befall mit Phytophthora infestans von Kartoffeln (Solanum tuberosum L.)

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    Im Rahmen eines integrierten Konzepts zur Regulierung der Kraut- und Knollenfäule (Phytophthora infestans) gewinnt der Einsatz von Pflanzenstärkungsmitteln nicht nur im ökologischen Kartoffelbau an Bedeutung. Das Pflanzenstärkungsmittel ChitoPlant® (Inhaltsstoff: Chitosan 99,9 %) wurde in einem zweijährigen Parzellenversuch bezüglich seiner Wirkung auf Pflanzengesundheit und Ertrag der Kartoffelsorte Agria geprüft. Unter Freilandbedingungen beeinflussten neben den Prüffaktoren des Versuches exogene Faktoren wie Witterung bzw. Wasser- sowie Nährstoffversorgung die Versuchsergebnisse erheblich. Chitosan (ChitoPlant®) wurde im Versuch sowohl zur Krautbehandlung separat (1 g l-1) oder in Kombination mit chemischen Fungiziden (Acrobat®, Shirlan®) als auch zur Knollenbehandlung vor der Pflanzung eingesetzt(1 g l-1). Alle Varianten wurden gegen die unbehandelte Kontrolle und gegen die chemische Variante (Acrobat®, Shirlan®) geprüft. In den beiden Versuchsjahren 2008 und 2009 mit jeweils relativ geringem Befallsdruck konnten keine signifikanten Effekte des Einsatzes von Chitosan – weder nach Knollenbehandlung noch bei Krautbehandlung - nachgewiesen werden. Mit Hilfe dreifach-linearer Regressionsanalysen konnte gezeigt werden, dass der Phytophthorabefall die Ertragsvarianz lediglich zu 20% erklärt, dass aber die Wasserversorgung (Niederschlag) 60% der Ertragsvarianz und die Kaliumversorgung (K-Gehalt in der Krautmasse) weitere 12,5% der Ertragsvarianz erklären. Dies verdeutlicht, dass Versuchsergebnisse oftmals stark abhängig sind von exogenen, nicht zu beeinflussenden Faktoren (z.B. Witterung), die die eigentlichen Untersuchungsfaktoren stark überlagern können

    Neighbourhood Matters for Peacebuilding

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    Academic and political debates on peace and conflict dynamics increasingly acknowledge the relevance of the interaction between global and subnational or local dynamics but rather neglect the regional neighbourhood as an important intervening variable. The concept of "regional peace formations" either as an enabling or hindering factor for peacebuilding fills this gap. Empirical evidence from Latin America, the Middle East, and sub-Saharan Africa shows the added value of the concept for explaining regional differences. Peacebuilding is a complex undertaking shaped by a variety of factors such as the nature of conflicts, the actors involved, and local contexts. A regional perspective regarding patterns of conflict and violence shows high levels of variation between regions. The concept of regional peace formations is an important tool to analyse the region-specific variation in actors and conflict dynamics. It allows us to identify either convergent or divergent contexts for peacebuilding. Empirical evidence from Latin America, the Middle East, and sub-Saharan Africa identifies relevant differences and the need to incorporate regional factors into peacebuilding strategies. The regional level of peacebuilding offers the possibility for meaningful donor coordination and joint multilateral action. But a minimalistic approach seeking only the end of war or a certain degree of stabilisation is not enough. Initiatives need a clear focus on long-term peacebuilding, as a process of constructive conflict transformation. Regional economic and social networks are central to sustainable development, and to transforming structural conditions - leading either to the violent escalation of conflict or to the fostering of more peaceful societies

    Etude du tissage hybride multicouche : réalisation d’une machine par une approche multiaxes synchronisés

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    Woven fabric is basically produced by interlacing two set of threads, warp yarns, or ends, which run lengthwise in the fabric and the filling yarns (weft), or picks, which run from side to side. The traditional system of ends and picks interlacing is identified as a two dimensional weave or pattern. Involving woven fabrics into technical applications require the evolution of advanced patterns in which ends and picks can be interlaced to build a 3D woven fabric. Moreover, these advanced patterns can allow the integration of new elements other than textile yarns such as sensors, liquid-feeding tubes, electric wires, etc. The goal of this study is to develop a new concept of weaving machine that fill these requirements by moving the various mechanisms of weaving machine independently and replacing the mechanical synchronization by an electronic one. Such a new synchronization will take the timing diagram apart and thus to bring new functions. The new concept of the weaving machine lies on two parts; a mechanical part and an electronic part. The developed automation for this new concept is based on an advanced automation structure. This structure is composed of motion controller, IHM, a distance PLC connected to a CANmotion bus to meet the user's needs, this new concept of weaving machine based on electronic cams which is one of the strongest point. This new machine electronically synchronized allows a great flexibility and gives a great opportunity to develop a wide range of new woven fabric structuresUn tissu classique est réalisé par l’entrecroisement de 2 réseaux de fils (appelé armure), un longitudinal, la chaîne et un transversal, la trame. L’introduction des tissus dans les applications techniques a nécessité le développement de réseaux de fils beaucoup plus complexes permettant la réalisation d’entrecroisement en 3D. Toutefois, ces tissus complexes ne sont constitués que de fils textiles de même nature. Dans un futur proche, il sera nécessaire d’entrecroiser d’une part des fils textiles, mais aussi d’autres éléments tels que des capteurs, des tubes d’alimentation liquide, des fils électriques ou tout autre objet. Le but de notre travail est de développer un nouveau concept de machine pouvant répondre à ces nouvelles exigences. Dans le cadre du développement d’un nouveau concept de tissage, nous souhaitons mettre en mouvement les divers mécanismes de la machine à tisser de manière indépendante et remplacer la synchronisation mécanique de ces mécanismes, par une synchronisation électronique. Ce nouveau type de synchronisation permettra de « déstructurer » l’horloge de tissage et ainsi apporter de nouvelles fonctions. La réalisation de cette nouvelle machine a conduit à la conception d’une partie mécanique et d’une partie électronique.L'automatisation développée lors de la réalisation de cette machine est fondée sur la mise en place d'une structure avancée d'automatisation, constituée d’un contrôleur de mouvement, d’un IHM, d’une automate déporté, connectés sur un bus de terrain CANmotion, essayant de répondre au mieux aux besoins des utilisateurs. La flexibilité et la synchronisation électronique présente dans cette machine architecturée autour de cames électroniques, sont les points forts, et laisse la porte ouverte à l'utilisation de cette machine pour de nouvelles applications. En particulier la réalisation de tissus multicouches hybrides complexes

    Arap dünyasında modern Türk edebiyatının kabulü

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    Araştırma, modern Türk edebiyatının Arap dünyasında kabul görme konusunu ele almakta ve modern Türk edebiyatının başlangıcı olarak benimsediğimiz "Tanzimat Döneminden" yani 19. yüzyılın ikinci yarısından günümüze kadar olan alım sürecini tartışmaktadır. Çalışma, çeviri yolu ve araştırma ve eleştirel çalışmalar yolu olmak üzere iki yol aracılığıyla kabulü içerir. Türk edebiyatı ve öncüleri hakkında yapılan araştırma ve eleştiri çalışmalarının yanı sıra o tarihten bu yana Arapçaya tercüme edilen Türk edebiyatı eserlerini de izlemeye çalıştık. Araştırma bir giriş, altı bölüm, sonuçlar, öneriler ve sonuçtan oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde Türk edebiyatının başlangıcından modern döneme kadar olan tarihine genel bir bakış sunulmaktadır. İkinci bölüm, eleştirel kabulü ve kabul teorisinin tanımını, en önemli kavramlarını ve en ünlü öncülerini sunmaktadır. Üçüncü bölüm, modern Türk edebiyatının Arap dünyasında kabulünde çevirinin rolünü incelemektedir. Dördüncü bölümde ise modern Türk şiirinin Arap dünyasındaki kabulden ve bu kabulde Türk şairi Nazım Hikmet'in model alınmasından bahsedilmektedir. Beşinci bölüm, Türk hikâyesinin Arap dünyasındaki kabulünü anlatmaktadır ve yazar Aziz Nissen'i örnek almaktadır. Araştırma, bir dizi sonuç ve öneriyle ve ardından konuyla ilgili fikirleri toplayan ve özetleyen bir sonuçla sona ermektedir. Araştırmada kullanılan yaklaşım, edebiyatın alıcısı olarak daha çok "alıcıya" odaklanan ve yaratıcı edebi süreçteki üç unsurdan (yazar - edebi eser - alıcı) biri olan kabul ve alma yaklaşımıdır. Araştırmanın Türk edebiyatını başka bir ortamda, kişide ve dilde kabul süreci olması, kabul ve alma yaklaşımı, gereksinimlerini incelemek ve yerine getirmek için en uygun yaklaşımdır.The research discusses the topic of receiving modern Turkish literature in the Arab world, and monitors that reception process, starting with the "Tanzimat era," that is the second half of the nineteenth century, which we adopted as the beginning of modern Turkish literature until now. The study includes the reception process through two tracks: the track of translation, and the track of critical research and studies, where we tried to monitor the Turkish literary works that have been translated into Arabic since that date so far. In addition to the research and critical studies that were written about Turkish literature and its pioneers. The research consists of an introduction, six chapters, results, recommendations, and a conclusion. The first chapter provides an overview of the history of Turkish literature from its inception to the modern era. The second chapter introduces the theory of receiving and critical reception, its most prominent concepts and its most famous pioneers. The third chapter monitors the role of translation in the reception of modern Turkish literature in the Arab world. As for the fourth chapter, it talks about the reception of modern Turkish poetry in the Arab world, and the Turkish poet Nazim Hikmat takes as a model for that reception. The fifth chapter talks about the reception of the Turkish story and takes the writer Aziz Nissen as an example. The sixth and final chapter discusses the reception of the Turkish novel and takes the novelist Orhan Pamuk as an example. The research concludes with a set of results and recommendations, and then with a conclusion that gathers up and summarizes the ideas of the topic. The approach followed in the research is the method of receiving, which focuses more on the "recipient" as a receiver of literature, and one of the three elements in the creative literary process (author - literary work - receiver). Since the research monitors the process of receiving Turkish literature in another environment people, and language, receiving is the most appropriate method for the study and serving its requirements

    Assessing the association of physical inactivity with periodontal disease in NHANES

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    BACKGROUND: Periodontal disease is a major chronic disease worldwide and one of the most prevalent oral pathologies. Some factors that may lead to periodontal disease include poor nutrition, chronic illness, poor lifestyle choices, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption. Previous studies have also revealed a biological link between diabetes or obesity and periodontal health status. Because physical activity can reduce the risk of diabetes and obesity, it would follow that physical activity may also lead to improved periodontal health. However, to date, there has been limited research on the effects of physical activity on periodontal disease risk. Our investigation answers the following question: Do people who are more physically active have better periodontal health than those who are inactive? OBJECTIVE: The purpose of our research initiative was to evaluate the prevalence of periodontal disease among people who are physically inactive versus those who are physically active using data from NHANES. METHODS: In this study, we utilized the publicly available NHANES 2011-2012 datasets of 9756 observations before exclusions. Our study included individuals (30-80 years of age) consisting of 49.4% male and 50.6% female who provided demographic data, periodontal and dentition examination data, and self-reported smoking and physical activity data (Table 3). There were a total of 3327 observations meeting our inclusion criteria. Weighted prevalence estimates and odds ratios (OR) were calculated for physical activity adjusted by age, gender, race, education level, and economic status. Physical activity was categorized by domains of transportation physical activity, occupation physical activity, leisure time physical activity, and sedentary behavior. Physical activity was also categorized into a dichotomous total amount of physical activity by adding the three major physical activity domains. RESULTS: We observed higher rates of periodontal disease in men, in older adults, smokers, and individuals with diabetes mellitus. We also observed that individuals with higher total physical activity and leisure time physical activity and lower amount of total sedentary activity had lower periodontal disease rates. After adjusting for confounders, lower sedentary time was associated with lower periodontal disease rates (OR 1.18; 95% CI (Confidence Interval) 1.01,1.38; p=0.0416), but total physical activity and leisure time was not significantly associated with periodontal disease (OR 1.00; 95% CI 0.79,1.28; p=0.98) (OR 1.14; 95% CI 0.81,1.61; p=0.42) (Table 5). CONCLUSION: Our findings indicate sedentary time is associated with higher rates of periodontal disease. Future prospective longitudinal studies and strategies are needed to investigate implications further and define the magnitude of the association between physical activity and periodontal disease

    Many-to-Many Graph Matching: a Continuous Relaxation Approach

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    Graphs provide an efficient tool for object representation in various computer vision applications. Once graph-based representations are constructed, an important question is how to compare graphs. This problem is often formulated as a graph matching problem where one seeks a mapping between vertices of two graphs which optimally aligns their structure. In the classical formulation of graph matching, only one-to-one correspondences between vertices are considered. However, in many applications, graphs cannot be matched perfectly and it is more interesting to consider many-to-many correspondences where clusters of vertices in one graph are matched to clusters of vertices in the other graph. In this paper, we formulate the many-to-many graph matching problem as a discrete optimization problem and propose an approximate algorithm based on a continuous relaxation of the combinatorial problem. We compare our method with other existing methods on several benchmark computer vision datasets.Comment: 1

    Wirkung von Pflanzenstärkungs- und Pflanzenschutzmitteln auf den Phytophthora infestans Befall und Kartoffelertrag unter Freilandbedingungen

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    Die Regulierung der Kraut- und Knollenfäule (P. infestans), die wichtigste Krankheit bei Kartoffeln, nimmt eine bedeutende Stellung im Kartoffelbau ein. Das Interesse an der Reduktion der gesamten Aufwandmenge der chemischen Pflanzenschutzmittel ist sehr groß, da es ein Vorteil für Umwelt und Verbraucher ist. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es daher, die Wirksamkeit des Elicitors Chitosan sowie der Pflanzenstärkungsmittel Potavit und HKS (Testprodukt in der Entwicklungsphase) zur Regulierung des Befalls mit P. infestans bei der Kartoffelsorte Agria zu untersuchen

    Simultaneous Determination Of Modulation Types And Signal-To-Noise Ratios In Wireless Communication Systems

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    Signal parameters determination techniques can offer more reliability, larger bandwidth, and higher security to the modern wireless systems. However, the performance comparison of such determination techniques is not straightforward. This can be attributed to the lack of having benchmarks datasets in the wireless communication research community as compared to other research fields. Hence, there is a need to propose potentially-benchmark datasets that can be a future choice for researchers in the wireless communication domain, motivating the first contribution in this thesis. Most of the up-to-date solutions of signal parameters determination techniques focus on determining only one single parameter for example modulation type and assuming the other parameters e.g. signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) are known rather than on determining multiple signal parameters jointly. Hence, the desire to enable an autonomous capability of simultaneous determination of multiple signal parameters has motivated the second and third contributions that tackle the non-coherent and coherent receivers, respectively. Therefore, the objectives in this thesis are as follows, firstly, to construct three datasets for the aforesaid receivers to be utilized for joint determination of modulation types and signal-to-noise ratios, namely asynchronous amplitudes histograms (AAHs)-based Dataset, two-dimension alasynchronous sampling in-phase-quadrature histograms (2D-ASIQHs)-based Dataset 1 and 2D-ASIQHs-based Dataset 2. Secondly, to develop a scheme that cansimultaneously determine the modulation type and signal-to-noise ratio in non-coherent receivers by using one features’ type (AAHs-based features) under a multipath fading scenario. Lastly, to develop a scheme that can simultaneously determine the modulation type and signal-to-noise ratio in coherent receivers by employing 2D-ASIQHs features under Rician and Rayleigh fading. For datasets formation, the three datasets are developed under multipath fading channels and used to validate the proposed determination schemes in the second and third contributions. The simultaneous determination AAHs-based scheme enables a generic intelligent receiver to recognize various modulations that belong to different categories and reveals that the recognition capability can be extendable further to other more signal types. The scheme can also simultaneously estimate the SNR values accurately. The simultaneous determination 2D-ASIQHs-based scheme tackles the coherent receivers to jointly determine nine modulation types and a wide range of SNRs. The most significant features are extracted using principal component analysis (PCA) and then fed to a support vector machine (SVM) tool for the automatic learning process. In the simulation results, the samples of the datasets reflect 1D-envelope histograms and in-phase-quadrature-based images which comprise various modulation types and SNRs with different combinations of path gains and delays. In term of modulation recognition accuracy and mean SNR estimation error, the proposed AAHs-based scheme attains 99.83% and 0.79 dB, respectively. Similarly, the proposed 2D-ASIQHs-based scheme achieves 99.06% and 1.10 dB, respectively. The obtained results showed that the proposed schemes outperform the existing state-of-the-art work