25 research outputs found

    Rosai-Dorfman disease affecting the maxilla

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    Rosai-Dorfman disease (RDD), formerly called sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy, is a non-neoplastic proliferative histiocytic disorder with behavior ranging from highly aggressive to spontaneous remission. Although the lymph nodes are more commonly involved, any organ can be affected. This study aimed to describe the features and the follow-up of a case of extranodal RDD. Our patient was a 39-year-old woman who was referred with an 11-month history of pain in the right maxilla. On clinical examination, some upper right teeth presented full mobility with normal appearance of the surrounding gingiva. Radiographic exams showed an extensive bone reabsorption and maxillary sinus filled with homogeneous tissue, which sometimes showed polypoid formation. An incisional biopsy demonstrated a diffuse inflammatory infiltrate rich in foamy histiocytes displaying lymphocytes emperipolesis. Immunohistochemistry showed positivity for CD68 and S-100, and negativity for CD3, CD20, and CD30. Such features were consistent with the RDD diagnosis. The patient was referred to a hematologist and corticotherapy was administrated for 6 months. RDD is an uncommon disease that rarely affects the maxilla. In the present case, the treatment was conservative, and the patient is currently asymptomatic after 5 years of follow-u

    Seven new records of Myrtaceae in Brazil

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    Calyptranthes conduplicata, C. vexata, Eugenia moritziana, E. pusilliflora, Marlierea suborbicularis, Myrcia crispa and M. subcordifolia are new records for the Brazilian flora. All species except Eugenia moritziana, recorded from Espírito Santo state, are reported for the first time in Brazilian Amazonia. © 2015 Check List and Authors

    Rosai-Dorfman disease affecting the maxilla

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    Rosai-Dorfman disease (RDD), formerly called sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy, is a non-neoplastic proliferative histiocytic disorder with behavior ranging from highly aggressive to spontaneous remission. Although the lymph nodes are more commonly involved, any organ can be affected. This study aimed to describe the features and the follow-up of a case of extranodal RDD. Our patient was a 39-year-old woman who was referred with an 11-month history of pain in the right maxilla. On clinical examination, some upper right teeth presented full mobility with normal appearance of the surrounding gingiva. Radiographic exams showed an extensive bone reabsorption and maxillary sinus filled with homogeneous tissue, which sometimes showed polypoid formation. An incisional biopsy demonstrated a diffuse inflammatory infiltrate rich in foamy histiocytes displaying lymphocytes emperipolesis. Immunohistochemistry showed positivity for CD68 and S-100, and negativity for CD3, CD20, and CD30. Such features were consistent with the RDD diagnosis. The patient was referred to a hematologist and corticotherapy was administrated for 6 months. RDD is an uncommon disease that rarely affects the maxilla. In the present case, the treatment was conservative, and the patient is currently asymptomatic after 5 years of follow-u

    Síntese de evidências sobre o acesso à saúde na atenção primária à saúde

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    Access to healthcare in Brazil is a persistent challenge, marked by regional and socioeconomic inequalities. In this sense, to guarantee universal access, Primary Health Care acts as the main link between users and services. However, limited infrastructure, lack of qualified professionals and long waiting lines remain significant obstacles. Inequality in access to healthcare reflects and perpetuates existing social disparities in the country, requiring continuous efforts to promote a more equitable distribution of healthcare resources and services. In this way, the study adopted a reflective and non-systematic approach, using the Evidence Synthesis methodology to reflect and synthesize some of the available evidence related to access to health in Primary Health Care, aiming to understand the main determinants, challenges and strategies to promote equitable, effective and comprehensive access to health services in this context. Divided into two distinct stages, the study initially analyzed the extent of the problem, followed by research, collection and organization of information on possible alternatives to support health policies. The results highlighted the importance of expanding the availability of daily consultations, monitoring carried out by multidisciplinary teams and coordination between different levels of care as key strategies to improve access to health in Primary Health Care. Keywords: Access to healthcare. Access to health services. Primary Health Care. Evidence-Informed Policy.O acesso à saúde no Brasil é um desafio persistente, marcado por desigualdades regionais e socioeconômicas. Neste sentido, para garantir o acesso universal a Atenção Primária à Saúde atua como o principal elo entre os usuários e os serviços. Contudo, a infraestrutura limitada, a falta de profissionais qualificados e as longas filas de espera continuam sendo obstáculos significativos. A desigualdade no acesso à saúde reflete e perpetua as disparidades sociais existentes no país, exigindo esforços contínuos para promover uma distribuição mais equitativa dos recursos e serviços de saúde. Desta forma, o estudo adotou uma abordagem reflexiva e não sistemática, utilizando a metodologia de Síntese de Evidências para refletir e sintetizar algumas das evidências disponíveis relacionadas ao acesso à saúde na Atenção Primária à Saúde, visando compreender os principais determinantes, desafios e estratégias para promover um acesso equitativo, eficaz e integral aos serviços de saúde nesse contexto. Dividido em duas etapas distintas, o estudo inicialmente analisou a extensão do problema, seguido pela pesquisa, coleta e organização de informações sobre possíveis alternativas para embasar políticas de saúde. Os resultados destacaram a importância da expansão da disponibilidade de consultas diárias, do acompanhamento realizado por equipes multidisciplinares e da coordenação entre os diferentes níveis de cuidado como estratégias-chave para melhorar o acesso à saúde na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Palavras-chave: Acesso à saúde. Acesso aos serviços de saúde. Atenção Primária à Saúde. Política Informada por Evidências

    Flora das cangas da Serra dos Carajás, Pará, Brasil: Schizaeaceae

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    Resumo Este estudo trata táxons da família Schizaeaceae registrados nas cangas da Serra dos Carajás, no estado do Pará, trazendo descrições, ilustração e comentários morfológicos. Uma única espécie da família Schizaeaceae foi registrada na área de estudo: Actinostachys subtrijuga

    Pteridófitas do Parque Estadual do Jacupiranga, SP, Brasil

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    Este trabalho refere-se ao levantamento da flora pteridofítica do Parque Estadual do Jacupiranga, localizado nos municípios de Barra do Turvo, Cajati, Cananéia, Eldorado, Iporanga e Jacupiranga, na região sul do Estado de São Paulo. As coletas foram realizadas em março e abril/2005 e os espécimes testemunho encontram-se depositados nos herbários BHCB, ESA, SPSF e UEC. Foram encontrados 212 táxons (207 espécies, uma subespécie e quatro variedades) distribuídas em 24 famílias e 65 gêneros. As famílias mais representativas foram Thelypteridaceae com 23 espécies e três variedades e Polypodiaceae com 23 espécies. Os gêneros mais ricos foram: Thelypteris com 22 espécies e três variedades e Asplenium com 18 espécies e uma variedade. Com relação à forma de vida, dos 212 táxons, 122 são terrestres, 65 epífitas, 17 rupícolas, três trepadeiras e cinco com mais de um hábitat. As espécies Diplazium rieddelianum Kunze, Stigmatopteris ulei (Christ) Sehnem e Thelypteris paranaensis Salino são aqui registradas pela primeira vez para o Estado de São Paulo

    Ferns and lycophytes from Serra dos Carajás, an Eastern Amazonian mountain range

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    Abstract In the state of Pará (Brazil), until the beginning of last decade little was known about the composition of the fern and lycophyte flora. The ferruginous mountains of Carajás are located in Southeastern Pará, mostly inserted in the Floresta Nacional de Carajás. The objective of this work is to present a complete and updated list of fern and lycophyte species occurring in all vegetation types from Carajás ferruginous mountains as a contribution to the knowledge of these plant groups from the Brazilian Amazon. The species list was based on specimens collected between 2007 and 2013. About 1068 specimens deposited in the BHCB Herbarium were studied. A total of 186 species of pteridophytes were recorded, 175 species of ferns distributed in 22 families and 68 genera, and 11 species of lycophytes distributed in three families and four genera. The fern and lycophyte flora of Serra dos Carajás region corresponds to 64% of the Pará state flora of these groups and 34% of the Brazilian Amazon fern and lycophyte flora. Seven taxa are presented as new records for Pará state: Asplenium abscissum, A. otites, A. praemorsum, Blechnum lanceola, Elaphoglossum minutum, Doryopteris collina, and Hemionitis tomentosa. Three species are endemic to Serra dos Carajás, Isoetes cangae, I. serracarajensis, and Selaginella stomatoloma

    Flora das cangas da Serra dos Carajás, Pará, Brasil: Polypodiaceae

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    Resumo Este estudo engloba os táxons de Polypodiaceae registrados nas cangas da Serra dos Carajás, no estado do Pará, trazendo descrições, ilustrações e comentários morfológicos. Foram registrados oito táxons para a área de estudo, distribuídos em seis gêneros: Campyloneurum centrobrasilianum, C. phyllitidis, Microgramma lycopodioides, M. persicariifolia, Pecluma plumula, Pleopeltis polypodioides var. burchellii, Phlebodium decumanum e Serpocaulon triseriale