1,362 research outputs found

    A Metodologia Nacional de Aquisição Equipamentos Militares para as Forças Armada, face à perspectiva do seu emprego nos cenários de evolução estratégica, durante o seu ciclo de vida

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    Este trabalho tem como objectivo identificar uma metodologia nacional de aquisição de equipamentos militares para as Forças Armadas face à perspectiva do seu emprego nos cenários de evolução estratégica, durante o seu ciclo de vida. Nos próximos 30 anos, antevê-se que cada aspecto da vida humana mude a uma razão sem precedentes, propiciando novas características, desafios e oportunidades, sendo vários os formatos e riscos que potenciam uma possível utilização militar. O equipamento é um dos elementos chave para o estabelecimento de capacidades militares que permitam ao Estado deter o poder efectivo. Contudo, muitos dos equipamentos actuais das Forças Armadas têm mais de 30 anos e para além de caminharem a passos largos para se tornarem obsoletos, apresentam sinais de fadiga, deterioração e corrosão, provocando um significativo aumento no número de reparações e de inspecções de rotina e em consequência tornaram-se menos eficazes e eficientes, com aumentos significativos dos custos de operação e manutenção. A complexidade e os custos envolvidos na aquisição e sustentação dos sistemas de armas são muito elevados e por isso não toleram métodos e processos adhoc e imaturos, requerem antes uma metodologia institucionalizada baseada em doutrina e processos de aquisição/produção maduros, disciplinados, eficazes e boas práticas comerciais, com pessoas devidamente formadas e treinadas. Como metodologia de trabalho, analisaremos os possíveis cenários de actuação das Forças Armadas, a história da aquisição de equipamentos militares portugueses e o processo de aquisição de alguns países detentores de metodologias de aquisição consideradas emblemáticas, visando identificar os critérios e requisitos a que deve obedecer uma metodologia que assegure o desenvolvimento de capacidades militares, com a necessária prontidão operacional, sustentáveis durante todo o ciclo de vida e que permitam responder aos sucessivos avanços tecnológicos e adaptar rapidamente a novos e mais complexos cenários. Abstract: The present work has the objective of identifying a national military equipment acquisition methodology for the Armed Forces in face of its employment in future strategic contexts during its life cycle. For the next 30 years, it is foreseen that every aspect of the human life will change at an unprecedented rate throwing up new features, challenges and opportunities, being multifaceted the shapes and risks that may require the intervention of a military force. The equipment is one of the key elements for the establishment of military capabilities that allow the State to uphold an effective power. However, many of the Armed Forces current equipment are more than 30 years old and swiftly becoming obsolete, portraying signals of fatigue, deterioration and corrosion, and in result generating a significant increase in maintenance activities and routine inspections and becoming less capable and effective, with a significant increase on the operation and support costs. The complexity and costs involved in the acquisition and support of weapons systems are too high and as a result, they do not tolerate immature methods and adhoc acquisition processes, instead they require an institutionalized methodology, based on doctrine and mature, disciplined and effective acquisition/production processes and additionally, good commercial practices, with people with knowledge, skills and trained to undertake their roles effectively. As a work methodology, we will evaluate the probable employment scenarios of the Armed Forces, the history of the Portuguese military equipment acquisitions and the acquisition processes of some countries considered having emblematic acquisition methodologies, aiming at identifying the criteria and requirements essentials to develop a methodology that guarantee affordable military capabilities with the needed support and operational readiness during the equipment life cycle and capable of responding to the successive technological advances and adapting quickly to new and more complexes scenarios

    Du Risque des Transactions au risque stratégique : l'audit en évolution

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    International audienceOn réunit les plus importants rapports concernant la problématique du reflet du risque dans les états financiers. On s'interroge sur la continuité du modèle d'audit fondé sur le cycle des transactions qui, à présent, est nettement en crise. On propose son recentrage dans le risque stratégique où le rôle de l'auditeur est de valider l'adresse du client pour créer de la valeur et gérer cash-flows

    Designing technologies for intimate care in women

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    PhD ThesisDesigning for intimate care remains an underexplored area of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI): while technologies for health and wellbeing might be plentiful, technologies for intimate care are limited. Intimate care is associated with personal hygiene, bodily functions and bodily products, and is a lifetime practice that requires well-defined interventions – by the self, or supported by others. With a move to experience, HCI has explored and responded to some of the concepts of intimate care in recent research, by addressing taboo and life disruptions. However, a wider understanding and conceptualization of intimate care work is missing from the broader HCI discourse on health and wellbeing, as well as a distinct framework for negotiating the design of technologies of intimate care. Addressing this space is noteworthy, within a field that designs technologies to support, enhance, and improve human life (Kannabiran et al. 2011). It is possible that this is related to uncertainty regarding the challenges that technology might bring to intimate interactions, particularly the challenges faced in practices that encompass bodywork and proximity to hidden parts of the body, and the impact of troublesome topics upon wellbeing education. The aim of this research is to enquire into the integration of digital technologies and intimate care towards the development of technologies for engagement with intimate care practices in women. I seek to investigate a methodological approach with a focus on the woman to understand the challenges of designing for and with intimate care; explore the qualities of such woman-centered approach in practice. In this thesis I present three case studies that incorporate empirical methods and new designs that I developed throughout this programme of research. These include 1) ethnographic observations of women’s health physiotherapy within a clinic to understand the components of intimate care within a professional setting; 2) a design toolkit that explores e-textiles for teaching female pelvic fitness, delivered through a series of workshops in which discussions that blended humour and laughter made it entertaining and less embarrassing to ask questions and to express curiosity about intimate bodies; 3) Labella, a probe/intimate wearable for self-learning about hidden parts of the female body and a technology which encompasses embodied interaction, that aims to contribute to breaking down the taboo of looking at oneself to help reduce the barrier of selfcare. Furthermore, Labella aims to support knowledge of the other, while exploring perceptions of esteem and reliance towards practices of care within the body. These three case studies begin to explore and offer insights on how designing for intimate care is entwined in woman-centered approaches to design. ! iv! This thesis contributes to interaction design research and outlines a framework for designing technologies for and with intimate care in women. The research highlights how intimate care pervades personal and professional settings, and its significance throughout the lifecourse. Specifically, I contribute to an underexplored area of HCI, women’s health (outside maternal health) by focusing on a woman-centered methodological approach. In doing this, I explore this approach in practice through challenging existing practices of care within women’s health and by offering novel design concepts and devices, in which I explore humour in design as a method to support learning of sensitive topics and as a tool to diminish the taboo nature of the interactions. Lastly, I propose woman-centered design as a novel form of inquiry in design practice research

    Du Risque des Transactions au risque stratégique : l'audit en évolution

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    On réunit les plus importants rapports concernant la problématique du reflet du risque dans les états financiers. On s'interroge sur la continuité du modèle d'audit fondé sur le cycle des transactions qui, à présent, est nettement en crise. On propose son recentrage dans le risque stratégique où le rôle de l'auditeur est de valider l'adresse du client pour créer de la valeur et gérer cash-flows.risque des transactions; risque stratégique; audit en évolution

    The German hegemony in the European Union: European Economic Integration as an Asymmetric Regime

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    In this paper we intend to analyze the hegemonic position of Germany within the European Union, examining, from a historical perspective, the process of economic integration of the continent, highlighting the haggling process among its Member States and the emergence of power relations among those. Primordially, the economic relations among the States and the circumstances that led European States to pursue the international cooperation, in order to build an international regime, will be analyzed, considering whether such an asymmetrical arrangement. In view of this, the present work has been organized into three sections and a conclusion where we state our opinion on the subject and point out suggestions and referrals on the theme.     Recebido em: agosto/2019. Aprovado em: agosto/2020

    Student Satisfaction in Polytechnic Higher Education: Assessment Model Based on the ECSI Index

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    The assessment of student satisfaction is an integral part of the concerns of those responsible for Higher Education Institutions. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to identify the determinants of students' satisfaction in Polytechnic Higher Education. The study was based on ECSI (European Customer Satisfac-tion Index). The methodology was based on the application of a survey with a sample of 361 Polytechnic students, in order to understand which attributes stu-dents most value in a higher education institution. The results show that the at-tributes that most contribute to the students' satisfaction are, in order of im-portance, the expectations, the quality and perceived values and the image, all pre-senting statistically significant values. In turn, satisfaction is the variable that most influences loyalty, which is also influenced by image and complaint resolution. The levels of global satisfaction towards the Higher Education Institutions ana-lysed are significantly lower than the levels of other sectors, also studied in Por-tugal through this same methodology.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cultural and religious tourism - the case of the Tesouro da Misericórdia Museum

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    This paper describes the process of implementation and development of “Tesouro da Misericórdia Museum”, a museum that was born in the building of the Misericórdia church in the city of Viseu (Portugal) and has contributed to improvement the tourism activity in the region. The methodology of the study was based on a structured interview with the director of the museum and on surveys of visitors of the museum, in order to perceive the profile of the tourist who visits the museum. A total of 101 questionnaires were collected and analyzed. Finally, future development strategies are presented in an interdisciplinary perspective, with the aim of showing how the cultural and religious heritage in the region of Viseu, specially the Misericórdia museum, is a fundamental axis to define a local and regional development strategy, driven by tourism

    Productive Structure and Income Distribution: the Brazilian Case.

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    This study deals with the impacts of structural changes on income distribution in Brazil in the period 1992-2002. A Pure Leontief Model and a Leontief-Miazawa Model were utilized to portray the structure of the economy in both years, and to perform counterfactual simulations on some important changes occurring during the period. The methodology allowed for the identification of the high and low inequality sectors in both years, and to their contribution to the increasing inequality during the period. It is interesting to notice that some sectors with low internal inequality ended-up provoking increased global inequality through their interaction pattern with other sectors in the economy,and through the consumption structure. The results also indicate that the change in sectoral shares in the period contributed to diminishing inequality. Therefore, the causes for increasing inequality remains within the distribution of wages within the sectors.