3,186 research outputs found

    Statistics, distillation, and ordering emergence in a two-dimensional stochastic model of particles in counterflowing streams

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    In this paper, we proposed a stochastic model which describes two species of particles moving in counterflow. The model generalizes the theoretical framework describing the transport in random systems since particles can work as mobile obstacles, whereas particles of one species move in opposite direction to the particles of the other species, or they can work as fixed obstacles remaining in their places during the time evolution. We conducted a detailed study about the statistics concerning the crossing time of particles, as well as the effects of the lateral transitions on the time required to the system reaches a state of complete geographic separation of species. The spatial effects of jamming were also studied by looking into the deformation of the concentration of particles in the two-dimensional corridor. Finally, we observed in our study the formation of patterns of lanes which reach the steady state regardless the initial conditions used for the evolution. A similar result is also observed in real experiments involving charged colloids motion and simulations of pedestrian dynamics based on Langevin equations, when periodic boundary conditions are considered (particles counterflow in a ring symmetry). The results obtained through Monte Carlo numerical simulations and numerical integrations are in good agreement with each other. However, differently from previous studies, the dynamics considered in this work is not Newton-based, and therefore, even artificial situations of self-propelled objects should be studied in this first-principle modeling.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figure

    Variational Autoencoders for Regression: Recovering Fully Leptonic bbˉW+Wb\bar{b}W^+W^- in Di-Higgs Searches

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    The search for double Higgs production in bbˉW+Wb\bar{b}W^+W^-, where both WW bosons decay to leptons, has been rehabilitated as a good option to look for that key process to the Standard Model scalar sector study in the LHC. The missing neutrinos, however, hinder the reconstruction of useful information like the Higgs pair mass, which is very sensitive to the trilinear Higgs self-coupling. We present a solution to that problem using a Variational Autoencoder for Regression (VAER) to reconstruct the Higgs and top pairs decays hh,ttˉbbˉW+Wbbˉ+ννˉhh,t\bar{t}\to b\bar{b}W^+W^-\to b\bar{b}\ell^+\ell^{\prime -}\nu_\ell\bar{\nu}_{\ell^\prime}. The algorithm predicts the invariant mass of non-resonant hhhh irrespective of the trilinear coupling, even for events whose Higgs self-couplings were never presented to it. VAER is also able to identify a new Higgs resonance in an unsupervised way, showing generalization power for events not presented in its training phase. Finally, we demonstrate that VAER prediction is as useful to statistical inference as ground truth simulated distributions by computing a χ2\chi^2 between trilinear coupling hypotheses based on binned invariant mass distributions of bbˉ+ννˉb\bar{b}\ell^+\ell^{\prime -}\nu_\ell\bar{\nu}_{\ell^\prime}.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures, 2 table

    Development of Biomedical Dynamometer for Measurement of Grip Strength in Mice Modeled with Cerebral Palsy

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    This research aimed to develop a biomedical dynamometer capable of measuring the grip strength of the forepaws of laboratory mices to verify the posterior phase, the effect of modeled cerebral palsy in the animal. The equipment was developed using a stainless steel blade, two double strain gages, a signal conditioning circuit that was connected to a software for acquisition, processing and plotting of graphs and tables in Excel. The metal blade has a length of 18.5 cm, a width of 1.5 cm and a thickness of 2 mm and a double strain gage model pa-09-125ha-350-l8 from Excel Sensors (Brazil), was glued to each face. The two double strain gages were connected in a Wheatstone bridge, which produces an analog response due to mechanical deformation of the blade, with force applied by the mice. This response was submitted to a signal conditioning circuit developed with Arduino that modulated the input wave, generated 10000 times amplification and performed filtering 4th order using Butterworth filter. Finally, a software developed in Labview 2019 of National Instruments (USA) was used for acquisition, processing and plotting of graphs and tables in Excel of the measurements performed. In the next step, the dynamometer was calibrated for sequential loading of masses of 0, 15.48 g, 31.53 g, 46.88 g to 62.47 g and also for sequential unloading of the same masses. For this, the masses were hung on a nylon string that was attached to the free end of the metal sheet. The final test was to measure the response time of the dynamometer with a stopwatch, when hanging a mass of 62.47 g on the nylon thread that was cut abruptly with scissors. Some of the main results of the calibration were as follows: 15.48 g generated 3.70 V, 31.53 g generated 7.48 V and 62.47 g gene rated 14.80 V and the response time was 0.3 s. These answers show that the dynamometer can be used to measure the grip strength of mice and can be modified for use in humans

    Buscando o fenômeno: gênero, educação sexual e religião em sala de aula

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    Abstract: This article resulted from a master’s thesis, whose objective was to understand the phenomenon of theencounter between Science and Religion in a school environment during the teaching activities of teachers in the themes ofSexual and Gender Education. From the recording of their experiences, we arrived at texts that could be analyzed using thephenomenological method of Situated Phenomenon Analysis. Using this method, we searched for the main elementssignificant to the phenomenon in the texts, which, once worked and improved (phenomenological reductions), enabled theemergence of a discussion on the generalizations about the phenomenon. In short, our study shows the emergence, use anddebate of “Religion in the classroom” by students and teachers, by the analysis of the religious text, the recognition ofstudents’ religious dogmas and the reflection on the use of religious discourse in the classroom.Keywords: Science and religion. Phenomenology. Sexual education. Genre.Resumen: Este artículo fue el resultado de una investigación de maestría cuyo objetivo fue comprender el fenómenodel encuentro entre ciencia y religión en un ambiente escolar durante las actividades de enseñanza de los maestros sobrelos temas de “educación sexual” y “género”. Los textos que registran sus experiencias podrían analizarse utilizando elmétodo fenomenológico del análisis de fenómenos. Por medio de este método, se buscó los elementos principalessignificativos del fenómeno en los textos, que una vez trabajados y mejorados (reducciones fenomenológicas)permitieron emerger una discusión en torno a las generalizaciones sobre el fenómeno. En resumen, el trabajo revela elsurgimiento, uso y debate de la religión en el aula por parte de estudiantes y maestros, por medio del análisis del textoreligioso; el reconocimiento de los dogmas religiosos de los estudiantes; y de la reflexión sobre el uso del discursoreligioso en el aula.Palabras clave: Ciencia y religión. Fenomenología. Educación sexual. Género.Este artigo resultou de uma pesquisa de mestrado cujo objetivo foi compreender o fenômeno do encontro entre Ciência e Religião em meio escolar durante as atividades de ensino de professores nos temas da Educação Sexual e de Gênero. Por meio do registro de suas vivências, chegamos aos textos que puderam ser analisados por meio do método fenomenológico de Análise do Fenômeno Situado. Através desse método fomos à procura dos principais elementos significativos ao fenômeno nos textos, que, uma vez trabalhados e aprimorados (reduções fenomenológicas), possibilitaram o surgimento de uma discussão em torno das generalizações acerca do fênomeno. Em síntese, o trabalho revela o aparecimento, uso e debate da “Religião em sala de aula” por alunos e professores, por meio: da análise sobre o texto religioso; o reconhecimento dos dogmas religiosos dos alunos; a reflexão sobre a utilização do discurso religioso em sala de aula