1,519 research outputs found

    Action Recognition in Videos: from Motion Capture Labs to the Web

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    This paper presents a survey of human action recognition approaches based on visual data recorded from a single video camera. We propose an organizing framework which puts in evidence the evolution of the area, with techniques moving from heavily constrained motion capture scenarios towards more challenging, realistic, "in the wild" videos. The proposed organization is based on the representation used as input for the recognition task, emphasizing the hypothesis assumed and thus, the constraints imposed on the type of video that each technique is able to address. Expliciting the hypothesis and constraints makes the framework particularly useful to select a method, given an application. Another advantage of the proposed organization is that it allows categorizing newest approaches seamlessly with traditional ones, while providing an insightful perspective of the evolution of the action recognition task up to now. That perspective is the basis for the discussion in the end of the paper, where we also present the main open issues in the area.Comment: Preprint submitted to CVIU, survey paper, 46 pages, 2 figures, 4 table


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    O propósito deste artigo é discutir a teoria dos ciclos longos de política internacional envolvendo os poderes marítimos ocidentais formulada por George Modelski e William Thompson. Discute-se um dos cinco ciclos analisados por esses pesquisadores, que representa o predomínio do poder marítimo britânico do século XIX ao XX. São discutidas as formulações teóricas e o embasamento histórico dos ciclos conforme imaginado pelos dois autores e procura-se apontar as fragilidades e qualidades dessa concepção

    Plutarco e as biografias vitorianas nos século da Hitória

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    Plutarco, nascido em Queronéia no século I, produziu um conjunto de pares de biografias de  personalidades  importantes  na  Antiguidade.  Por  sua  originalidade  e  importância  é considerado  o  pai  das  biografias  comparadas.  Seu  propósito  foi  enaltecer  as  virtudes,  as qualidades e até as máculas desses grandes homens,  representando um  típico exemplo do regime  de  historicidade  “Historia  magistra  vitae”.  O  elemento  moralizante  encontra-se permanente em seus relatos. As biografias do século XIX, o século da História, no período vitoriano,  tipificado  pela  influência  da  rainha  Vitória  da  Grã-Bretanha  marcaram  uma convergência com Plutarco. Autores como Robert Southey, John Knox Laughton e Alfred Thayer  Mahan,  embora  escrevessem  biografias  com  novas  metodologias,  evitando  a comparação,  tinham  também  o  fator  moralizante  como  fulcro  de  seus  relatos.  Embora vivessem  regimes  de  historicidade  distintos,  a  convergência  dos  dois  enfoques  pode  ser perfeitamente percebida.

    Riachuelo: uma batalha de controvérsias

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    The Naval Battle of the Riachuelo has been intensely discussed during the last 150 years. The interpretations of English-speaking authors have been particularly harsh on the actions of the Brazilian Navy. In this paper we intend to discuss the function of the historian and his professional instruments, in order to effectively analyze five controversies: the initial position of the imperial naval forces, the comparison between the warring powers, the beginning of the battle, Barroso’s performance in that combat, and, finally, how decisive that battle actually was

    Charles Baudelaire: contemporâneo do passado, do presente e do futuro

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    Este artigo procura discutir, a partir de uma afirmação de CharlesBaudelaire escrita em 1863, o conceito de contemporâneo que permeia as criações artísticas recentes. Isso é possível por meio de um diálogo com autores – filósofos, críticos, artistas, entre outros – que se dedicam ao tema, procurando identificar semelhanças e desacordos, em especial no que diz respeito ao regime de pensamento e sua relação com o passado. O contemporâneo, no caso, não se reduz a uma apreensão cronológica do espaço-tempo, mas ao conjunto de questões que permanecem relevantes para o melhor entendimento das pessoas e do contexto sócio-estético-político em que atuam, criam, pensam e transformam. Questões que têm origem na modernidade de Charles Baudelaire e que ainda hoje produzem ressonâncias


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    Classification of navies according to their relative power has been a challenge for the academic area that works with issues in the field of Security and Defense. Qualitative ratings have been presented by renowned researchers such as Colin Gray, Hervé Coutau-Begarie and Michael Morris, however these attempts have stumbled in its simplicity and little scope. From studies based on open access sources, this paper tries to develop a comparative methodology that would not only take into account qualitative but also quantitative factors. This innovative method was used to classify the navy of the different states in a ranking of power taking into account parameters such as the number of means, shipbuilding capacity, number of bases and arsenals, naval assets and availability of resources, among others, in order to rank naval powers. This methodology aims to reduce uncertainties in the classification of navies and serve as a reference for future works in the academic area that are dedicated to the fields of Security and Defense.A classificação de marinhas, segundo o seu poder relativo, tem sido um desafio para a área acadêmica que trabalha com temas no campo da Segurança e da Defesa. Classificações qualitativas têm sido apresentadas por pesquisadores do porte de Colin Gray, Hervé Coutau-Begarie e Michael Morris, no entanto essas tentativas têm esbarrado em sua simplicidade e pouca abrangência. A partir de estudos baseados em fontes de acesso aberto procurou-se estabelecer uma metodologia comparativa que não só levasse em consideração fatores qualitativos mas também quantitativos. Procurou-se com esse método inovador classificar as marinhas de guerra dos diferentes Estados em um ranking de poder levando-se em consideração parâmetros como o número de meios, capacidade de construção naval, quantidade de bases e arsenais, efetivos navais e disponibilidade de recursos, dentre alguns, de modo a hierarquizar esses poderes navais. Essa metodologia pretende diminuir as incertezas na classificação de marinhas e servir de referência para futuros trabalhos na área acadêmica que se dedicam aos campos de Segurança e Defesa

    Biochemical biomarkers in nile tilapias (Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus, 1758) of different weights exposed to contaminants

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    Nile tilapias (Oreochromis niloticus) of three groups with different weights (juvenile, adults of lower and higher weight) were exposed to benzo[a]pyrene (0.5 mg.L-1), cupper (0.5 mg.L-1), cadmium (0.5 mg.L-1) and diazinon (1.0 mg.L-1), for 72 h. In order to determine how animals of the same species respond to such contaminants over weight gain, biochemical biomarkers (glutathione S-transferase, superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, acetylcholinesterase, carboxylesterase and lipid peroxidation levels) were analyzed in liver and in gills. In the juvenile group the catalase was induced by exposure to cupper in gills, while lipid peroxidation levels were low. In the same group the glutathione S-transferase was induced in gills, likewise glutathione peroxidase was induced by diazinon in liver. In gills of the group of adults of lower weight the low lipid peroxidation levels, in exposure to diazinon treatment, may be related to inhibition of carboxylesterase. In the group of adults of higher weight was not observed adverse effect of contaminants, except for exposure to diazinon in esterases. Thus, this study prove clear evidence that it is necessary to take into account in biomonitoring programs, the weight, the tissue and the development, when using tilapia as tested organism


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    Projetos que possam auxiliar os alunos na superação dos desafios encontrados na universidade sãode suma importância no processo de aprendizagem. O objetivo deste projeto de monitoria foi colaborar noaprendizado dos alunos regularmente matriculados nas disciplinas de cálculo e física do curso de Zootecnia.O projeto mostrou-se eficiente na melhora da assimilação do conteúdo ministrado, ajudando de formasignificativa os discentes que participaram das atividades do projeto, resultando na redução do númeroreprovação dos discentes, assim como na evasão do curso

    A Primeira Guerra Mundial nas escolas: currículos e livros didáticos

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    In the year 1914, World War I began. A hundred years ago, Brazil participated in this great event that would undoubtedly change world history. Despite the great relevance, little has been studied on the subject, mainly, the participation of Brazil in this process. If in historiography the theme is rare, so does history teaching. In this article, we analyze two didactic books used in the Colégio Pedro II, as well as the program of the discipline of History of the college in relation to the theme. We verified that in the textbooks, or in the program, the participation of Brazil in World War I and its consequences is a theme now silenced, now analyzed in a restricted way

    The use of biomarkers to study the effects of the mixture of diuron and hexazinone on small and large O. niloticus

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    Pesticides have made possible a safer and plentiful supply of food; however, the ultimate sink for many of these contaminants is the aquatic environment. We analyzed the commercial mixture Velpar K® WG, which is composed of the pesticides diuron (46.8% m/m) and hexazinone (13.2% m/m), as well as inert ingredients (40.0% m/m). The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of the herbicide mixture on Oreochromis niloticus of different sizes. To this end, we analyzed biomarkers in small and large O. niloticus exposed to a mixture of herbicides at 125, 250 and 500 ug L-1 for 72h. EROD increased activity in small fish exposed to the herbicide mixture at 250 and 500 ug L-1. The GST activity and levels of the antioxidant enzymes GPx and CAT remained the same in the treated fish, compared with the control. The level of the antioxidant enzyme SOD measured in the fish gills was changed in animals exposed to the herbicide mixture at 250 ug L-1. MDA analysis did not show lipid peroxidation. The comet assay evidenced widespread DNA damage, but the micronucleus test did not show mutagenicity. Hepatosomatic (HSI) analysis did not indicate any alterations in liver morphology. The biomarkers response in the fish depended on the size of the individuals