3 research outputs found

    Chemical characterization of a hypoglycemic extract from Cucurbita ficifolia bouche that induces liver glycogen accumulation in diabetic mice

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    Background: The aqueous extract of Cucurbita ficifolia (C. ficifolia) fruit has demonstrated hypoglycemic effect, which may be attributed to some components in the extract. However, the major secondary metabolites in this fruit have not yet been identified and little is known about its extra-pancreatic action, in particular, on liver carbohydrate metabolism. Therefore, in addition to the isolation and structural elucidation of the principal components in the aqueous extract of C. ficifolia, the aim of this study was to determine whether or not the hypoglycemic effect of the aqueous extract of Cucurbita ficifolia (C. ficifolia) fruit is due to accumulation of liver glycogen in diabetic mice.Materials and Methods: The aqueous extract from fruit of C. ficifolia was fractionated and its main secondary metabolites were purified and chemically characterized (NMR and GC-MS). Alloxan-induced diabetic mice received daily by gavage the aqueous extract (30 days). The liver glycogen content was quantified by spectroscopic method and by PAS stain; ALT and AST by spectrometric method; glycogen synthase, glycogen phosphorylase and GLUT2 by Western blot; the mRNA expression of GLUT2 and glucagon-receptor by RT-PCR; while serum insulin was quantified by ELISA method. A liver histological analysis was also performed by H&E stain.Results: Chemical fingerprint showed five majoritarian compounds in the aqueous extract of C. ficifolia: p-coumaric acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, salicin, stigmast-7,2,2-dien-3-ol and stigmast-7-en-3-ol. The histological analysis showed accumulation of liver glycogen. Also, increased glycogen synthase and decreased glycogen phosphorylase were observed. Interestingly, the histological architecture evidenced a liver-protective effect due the extract.Conclusion: Five compounds were identified in C. ficifolia aqueous extract. The hypoglycemic effect of this extract may be partially explained by liver glycogen accumulation. The bioactive compound responsible for the hypoglycemic effect of this extract will be elucidated in subsequent studies.Keywords: Cucurbita ficifolia, Cucurbitaceae, liver glycogen, hypoglycemic plants, p-coumaric acid, salicin, p-hydroxybenzoic aci


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    Background: The aqueous extract of Cucurbita ficifolia (C. ficifolia) fruit has demonstrated hypoglycemic effect, which may be attributed to some components in the extract. However, the major secondary metabolites in this fruit have not yet been identified and little is known about its extra-pancreatic action, in particular, on liver carbohydrate metabolism. Therefore, in addition to the isolation and structural elucidation of the principal components in the aqueous extract of C. ficifolia, the aim of this study was to determine whether or not the hypoglycemic effect of the aqueous extract of Cucurbita ficifolia (C. ficifolia) fruit is due to accumulation of liver glycogen in diabetic mice. Materials and Methods: The aqueous extract from fruit of C. ficifolia was fractionated and its main secondary metabolites were purified and chemically characterized (NMR and GC-MS). Alloxan-induced diabetic mice received daily by gavage the aqueous extract (30 days). The liver glycogen content was quantified by spectroscopic method and by PAS stain; ALT and AST by spectrometric method; glycogen synthase, glycogen phosphorylase and GLUT2 by Western blot; the mRNA expression of GLUT2 and glucagon-receptor by RT-PCR; while serum insulin was quantified by ELISA method. A liver histological analysis was also performed by H&E stain. Results: Chemical fingerprint showed five majoritarian compounds in the aqueous extract of C. ficifolia: p-coumaric acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, salicin, stigmast-7,2,2-dien-3-ol and stigmast-7-en-3-ol. The histological analysis showed accumulation of liver glycogen. Also, increased glycogen synthase and decreased glycogen phosphorylase were observed. Interestingly, the histological architecture evidenced a liver-protective effect due the extract. Conclusion: Five compounds were identified in C. ficifolia aqueous extract. The hypoglycemic effect of this extract may be partially explained by liver glycogen accumulation. The bioactive compound responsible for the hypoglycemic effect of this extract will be elucidated in subsequent studies


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    Uno de los principales problemas de salud en M茅xico es la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DT2). La obesidad o el sobrepeso son factores de riesgo para desarrollar DT2. Existe una relaci贸n muy importante entre estas patolog铆as ya que se caracterizan por generar un estado de inflamaci贸n cr贸nica que se manifiesta como un incremento de marcadores inflamatorios, como el factor de necrosis tumoral tipo alfa (TNF-伪), la interleucina 6 (IL-6), la prote铆na C reactiva y elevaci贸n en los niveles plasm谩ticos del angiotensin贸geno, ocasionando el desarrollo de complicaciones vasculares. Particularmente las complicaciones macrovasculares presentes en los estados de obesidad y en los pacientes con DT2. Existen diversas alternativas terap茅uticas para el tratamiento y control de estas enfermedades. Se ha demostrado que la glicina, un amino谩cido con propiedades antiinflamatorias, disminuye la expresi贸n de IL-6 y TNF-伪 y aumenta la de IL-10 en cultivos de c茅lulas de Kupffer. El objetivo de la presente investigaci贸n fue determinar el efecto de la glicina sobre la expresi贸n de los genes de las adipocinas IL-6, TNF-伪, resistina (proinflamatorias) y adiponectina (antiinflamatoria) en c茅lulas 3T3-L1 de rat贸n y sobre las concentraciones plasm谩ticas de las mismas en ratones obesos. Los experimentos se realizaron en cultivos de fibroblastos de rat贸n (l铆nea 3T3-L1), los cuales fueron diferenciados a adipocitos y mantenidos bajo condiciones de alta concentraci贸n de glucosa durante el proceso de diferenciaci贸n; adicionando glicina a dosis de 10 mM. Al finalizar el tratamiento se cuantificaron los niveles de expresi贸n del RNAm de las adipocinas mencionadas. Por otro lado, la glicina se administr贸 durante 30 d铆as (dosis de 0.1 g/Kg en el agua de beber) a un modelo de ratones con obesidad experimental inducida con la administraci贸n neonatal de glutamato monos贸dico (rat贸n Ob/GMS) a partir de las 14 semanas de edad. Al finalizar el tratamiento se cuantificaron los niveles plasm谩ticos de las adipocinas. Los resultados muestran que la glicina, adem谩s de aumentar significativamente los niveles de la adiponectina, reduce la IL-6 y la resistina (P<0.05), tanto en los niveles de expresi贸n cuantificados por RT-PCR tiempo real como en los niveles plasm谩ticos de las prote铆nas. Adem谩s, en las c茅lulas tratadas con glicina se logr贸 detectar disminuci贸n significativa en los niveles de expresi贸n de TNF-伪 (P<0.05). Por lo anterior se puede concluir que la glicina tiene efecto antiinflamatorio, tanto in vitro como in vivo. Con estas evidencias experimentales se pueden plantear nuevas investigaciones referentes al balance energ茅tico que se da entre mol茅culas encargadas de la regulaci贸n de citocinas, principalmente aqu茅llas implicadas en el estado inflamatorio caracter铆stico de los individuos obesos y pacientes con diabetes tipo 2. Adem谩s, es importante destacar el valor terap茅utico que la glicina podr铆a tener en el tratamiento y control de los pacientes con DT2 ya que estos resultados apuntan a que se trata de una alternativa 煤til para controlar el proceso inflamatorio y disminuir el desarrollo de sus complicaciones vasculares