7 research outputs found

    Diversité et structuration génétique des populations émergentes d’aleurodes vecteurs de maladies sur manioc en Afrique de l’Est (Malawi, Tanzanie, et Uganda)

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    High population of the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci Gennadius, a cryptic species complex had been associated with the vectoring and spread of viruses causing two diseases of cassava in East Africa: the cassava mosaic disease (CMD) and cassava brown streak disease (CBSD). Among the B. tabaci species, sub-Saharan Africa 2 (SSA2) was the vector associated with an epidemic of CMD since the 1990s in Uganda. However, this species is now replaced by the SSA1 and led to development of another epidemic by CBSD since the mid 2000s. The spread of both diseases toward South and West Africa is feared with this new supposed invader. In my thesis I have used ecological data and molecular approaches (mitochondrial and nuclear markers) to better understand the factors driving the presence of the superabundant whitefly populations on cassava in East Africa. We have analyzed: i) species abundance, diversity and distribution (geographic and host plants) along a transect survey over three East African countries: Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, ii) the genetic diversity and structure of current populations of B. tabaci species, and iii) comparing genetic changes between the old and new populations collected in 1997 and 2017, respectively.This study involving large number of samples provided insights of a more complex picture than expected. SSA1 was found to be the source of the some observed outbreaks although other species, notably IO and sub-group 3 of SSA1 (SSA1-SG3) have also shown this capability. The observed outbreaks are therefore not just related to a single species in East Africa. In addition, we showed that the species community and its genetic diversity differ from one country to another, involving different epidemiological situations, without any clear pattern of invasion detected between the countries. Analysis of old samples did not show the involvement of a new species or the emergence of a new population in 20 years, although the dynamics within the whitefly genetic groups was observed over time. Our results contributed new knowledge on the super abundant populations on cassava in Eastern Africa and help develop targeted control measures for the local populations.Des pullulations d’aleurodes du complexe d'espèces cryptiques de Bemisia tabaci ont été associées à la propagation de deux maladies frappant le manioc en Afrique orientale: la maladie de la mosaïque du manioc (CMD) et, plus récemment (2000), la maladie de la striure brune du manioc (CBSD). Parmi les espèces d’aleurodes de ce complexe, l’espèce SSA2 a été associée à la première épidémie de CMD au cours des années 1990 en Ouganda. Cependant, SSA2 aurait été remplacée par SSA1 dans les années 2000, provoquant une recrudescence de CMD et de CBSD, participant à leur propagation dans plusieurs pays voisins. L’hypothèse défendue à ce jour expliquant la propagation de ces maladies vers le sud et l'ouest de l'Afrique incrimine cette nouvelle espèce considérée comme émergente dans certains de ces pays. Dans ma thèse, j’ai utilisé des données écologiques et des approches moléculaires afin de mieux comprendre les facteurs à l'origine des pullulations de vecteurs en Afrique de l'Est. Nous avons ainsi analysé : i) l’abondance, la diversité et la répartition des espèces sur un transect comprenant : Ouganda, Tanzanie et Malawi, ii) la diversité génétique et la structure des populations actuelles des espèces de B. tabaci, iii) des échantillons des années 90 comparés aux populations actuelles (2017). Cette étude nous a permis d’avoir une image d’une situation plus complexe qu’attendue, en effet, l’espèce SSA1 a été détectée comme à l’origine dans certaines des pullulations observées mais également d’autres espèces, notamment IO et SSA1-SG3 ont aussi montrées cette capacité. Les pullulations observées ne sont donc pas uniquement liées à une seule espèce en Afrique de l’Est. En outre, nous avons pu montrer que la communauté d'espèces et sa diversité génétique diffère d'un pays à l'autre, impliquant des situations épidémiologiques différentes, sans aucun schéma d'invasion détecté entre pays. En outre, l’analyse des anciens échantillons n’a pas montré l’implication d’une nouvelle espèce ou population en 20 ans, toutefois, nous avons observé un changement de dynamique au sein des groupes génétiques représentés au cours du temps

    Evaluation of sweet potato genotypes for drought tolerance in the central zone of Tanzania

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    Drought is the most significant factor restricting crop growth and productivity in most agricultural fields of the world. The purpose of this study was to identify sweet potato genotypes tolerant for drought that could be used in breeding programs for improving sweet potato production in Tanzania. A field experiment involving 17 sweet potato genotypes was conducted at the Agriculture Research Institute (ARI) Hombolo, Dodoma between April and September 2012 (dry season). The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The genotypes were evaluated under well watered (WW) and water stress (WS) conditions where moisture level was maintained at field capacity until 60 days after planting (DAP). In the WW plots, supplementary irrigation was applied up to maturity at two days interval to maintain moisture level at field capacity while for WS irrigation was stopped at 60 DAP. Data was collected on yield, morphological parameters and level of antioxidant activity (catalase and peroxidase) and analyzed by GENSTAT, 13th Edition. Under WS conditions, the highest yield observed was 2.8 t ha-1 compared to 15 t ha-1 for WW. The study revealed that WS caused yield reduction of up to 97%. The five genotypes performed better under WS were SPKBH06/216, Simama, D12-02, SPKBH01/264 and Polista. On morphological parameters, the study revealed a reduction in plant size under WS. The level of antioxidant enzyme activities catalase and peroxidase showed to be higher under WS. Implying accumulation of reactive oxygen species. Thus such high levels could be used as an indicator for drought tolerant genotypes in sweet potato. From farmer’s participatory evaluation for culinary characteristics it was revealed that genotypes Polista, Simama, Pipi and SPKBH06/216 were the most preferred in terms of root taste, color and dry matter. The above genotypes could be used as breeding materials.Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) and SIDA-SARE

    Evaluation of sweet potato genotypes for drought tolerance in the central zone of Tanzania

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    Drought is the most significant factor restricting crop growth and productivity in most agricultural fields of the world. The purpose of this study was to identify sweet potato genotypes tolerant for drought that could be used in breeding programs for improving sweet potato production in Tanzania. A field experiment involving 17 sweet potato genotypes was conducted at the Agriculture Research Institute (ARI) Hombolo, Dodoma between April and September 2012 (dry season). The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The genotypes were evaluated under well watered (WW) and water stress (WS) conditions where moisture level was maintained at field capacity until 60 days after planting (DAP). In the WW plots, supplementary irrigation was applied up to maturity at two days interval to maintain moisture level at field capacity while for WS irrigation was stopped at 60 DAP. Data was collected on yield, morphological parameters and level of antioxidant activity (catalase and peroxidase) and analyzed by GENSTAT, 13th Edition. Under WS conditions, the highest yield observed was 2.8 t ha-1 compared to 15 t ha-1 for WW. The study revealed that WS caused yield reduction of up to 97%. The five genotypes performed better under WS were SPKBH06/216, Simama, D12-02, SPKBH01/264 and Polista. On morphological parameters, the study revealed a reduction in plant size under WS. The level of antioxidant enzyme activities catalase and peroxidase showed to be higher under WS. Implying accumulation of reactive oxygen species. Thus such high levels could be used as an indicator for drought tolerant genotypes in sweet potato. From farmer’s participatory evaluation for culinary characteristics it was revealed that genotypes Polista, Simama, Pipi and SPKBH06/216 were the most preferred in terms of root taste, color and dry matter. The above genotypes could be used as breeding materials.Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) and SIDA-SARE

    Spatio-temporal changes in endosymbiont diversity and composition in the African cassava whitefly, Bemisia tabaci SSA1

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    The data presented in the study are deposited and available in the GenBank repository, accession number from OP160970 to OP161013.International audienceSap-sucking insects, including whiteflies, are amongst the most devastating and widely distributed organisms on the planet. They are often highly invasive and endosymbiont communities within these insects help them adapt to new or changing environments. Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius; Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) whitefly species are vectors of more than 500 known plantviruses and harbour highly diverse endosymbionts communities. To date, however, whitefly-endosymbiont interactions, community structure and their spatio-temporal changes are still poorly understood. In this study, we investigated the spatio-temporal changes in the composition and diversity of bacterial endosymbionts in the agricultural crop pest whitefly species, Bemisia tabaci sub-Saharan Africa 1-subgroup 1 and 2 (SSA1-SG1 and SSA1-SG2). 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing analysis was carried out to characterise endosymbiont compositionsin field-collected SSA1 (SSA1-SG1 and SSA1-SG2) populations infesting cassava in Uganda in 1997 and 2017. We detected Portiera, Arsenophonus, Wolbachia, Hamiltonella and Hemipteriphilus, with Arsenophonus and Wolbachia infections being predominant. Hemipteriphilus and Hamiltonella frequencies were very low and were detected in seven and two samples, respectively. Bacterial diversity based on three independent parameters including Simpson index, number of haplotypes and Bray-Curtis dissimilarity matrix was significantly higher in 1997 than in 2017. This period also coincided with the advent of super-abundant cassava-whitefly populations on cassava crops in Uganda. We discuss how endosymbionts may influence the biology and behaviour of whiteflies leading to population explosions

    Spatio-temporal changes in endosymbiont diversity and composition in the African cassava whitefly, Bemisia tabaci SSA1

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    The data presented in the study are deposited and available in the GenBank repository, accession number from OP160970 to OP161013.International audienceSap-sucking insects, including whiteflies, are amongst the most devastating and widely distributed organisms on the planet. They are often highly invasive and endosymbiont communities within these insects help them adapt to new or changing environments. Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius; Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) whitefly species are vectors of more than 500 known plantviruses and harbour highly diverse endosymbionts communities. To date, however, whitefly-endosymbiont interactions, community structure and their spatio-temporal changes are still poorly understood. In this study, we investigated the spatio-temporal changes in the composition and diversity of bacterial endosymbionts in the agricultural crop pest whitefly species, Bemisia tabaci sub-Saharan Africa 1-subgroup 1 and 2 (SSA1-SG1 and SSA1-SG2). 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing analysis was carried out to characterise endosymbiont compositionsin field-collected SSA1 (SSA1-SG1 and SSA1-SG2) populations infesting cassava in Uganda in 1997 and 2017. We detected Portiera, Arsenophonus, Wolbachia, Hamiltonella and Hemipteriphilus, with Arsenophonus and Wolbachia infections being predominant. Hemipteriphilus and Hamiltonella frequencies were very low and were detected in seven and two samples, respectively. Bacterial diversity based on three independent parameters including Simpson index, number of haplotypes and Bray-Curtis dissimilarity matrix was significantly higher in 1997 than in 2017. This period also coincided with the advent of super-abundant cassava-whitefly populations on cassava crops in Uganda. We discuss how endosymbionts may influence the biology and behaviour of whiteflies leading to population explosions