314 research outputs found

    Fluctuations in the vicinity of the phase transition line for two flavor QCD

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    We study the susceptibilities of quark number, isospin number and electric charge in numerical simulations of lattice QCD at high temperature and density. We discuss the equation of state for 2 flavor QCD at non-zero temperature and density. Derivatives of lnZ\ln Z with respect to quark chemical potential (μq)(\mu_q) are calculated up to sixth order. From this Taylor series, the susceptibilities are estimated as functions of temperature and μq\mu_q. Moreover, we comment on the hadron resonance gas model, which explains well our simulation results below TcT_c.Comment: 3 pages, 5 figures, Talk presented at Lattice2004(non-zero

    Genesis Mission Bulk Metallic Glass Solar Wind Collector: Characterization of Return Samples Available for Re-Allocation

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    The Genesis mission collected solar wind atoms for 28 months with a variety of collectors mounted on a spacecraft. A total of fifteen pure materials were selected as collectors based on engineering and science requirements. One of the materials was the bulk metallic glass (BMG). It was intended for collecting noble gases and solar energetic particles (SEP). This material is an amorphous metal which was custom made by C.C. Hays at the California Institute of Technology. The final glass composition is Zr58.5Nb2.8Cu15.6Ni12.8Al10.3 (in atom percent). The BMG was located on top of the wafer array mechanism and was exposed for the entire time the science canister was open (~28 months). Fortunately, the BMG did not suffer any serious damage and was intact after the Genesis canisters hard-landing into the Utah desert (Fig. 1)

    Sample Return Missions Where Contamination Issues are Critical: Genesis Mission Approach

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    The Genesis Mission, sought the challenging analytical goals of accurately and precisely measuring the elemental and isotopic composition of the Sun to levels useful for planetary science, requiring sensitivities of ppm to ppt in the outer 100 nm of collector materials. Analytical capabilities were further challenged when the hard landing in 2004 broke open the canister containing the super-clean collectors. Genesis illustrates that returned samples allow flexibility and creativity to recover from setbacks

    Hadronic fluctuations in the QGP

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    We analyze fluctuations of quark number and electric charge, in 2-flavour QCD at finite temperature and vanishing net baryon number density. In the hadronic phase we find that an enhancement of charge fluctuations arises from contributions of doubly charged hadrons to the thermodynamics. The rapid suppression of fluctuations seen in the high temperature phase suggests that in the QGP quark number and electric charge are predominantly carried by quasi-particles with the quantum numbers of quarks.Comment: 4 pages, 6 EPS-files, talk presented at Quark Matter 2005, Budapes

    EoS of finite density QCD with Wilson fermions by Multi-Parameter Reweighting and Taylor expansion

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    The equation of state (EoS), quark number density and susceptibility at nonzero quark chemical potential μ\mu are studied in lattice QCD simulations with a clover-improved Wilson fermion of 2-flavors and RG-improved gauge action. To access nonzero μ\mu, we employ two methods : a multi-parameter reweighting (MPR) in μ\mu and β\beta and Taylor expansion in μ/T\mu/T. The use of a reduction formula for the Wilson fermion determinant enables to study the reweighting factor in MPR explicitly and heigher-order coefficients in Taylor expansion free from errors of noise method, although calculations are limited to small lattice size. As a consequence, we can study the reliability of the thermodynamical quantities through the consistency of the two methods, each of which has different origin of the application limit. The thermodynamical quantities are obtained from simulations on a 83×48^3\times 4 lattice with an intermediate quark mass(mPS/mV=0.8)m_{\rm PS}/m_{\rm V}=0.8). The MPR and Taylor expansion are consistent for the EoS and number density up to μ/T0.8\mu/T\sim 0.8 and for the number susceptibility up to μ/T0.6\mu/T \sim 0.6. This implies within a given statistics that the overlap problem for the MPR and truncation error for the Taylor expansion method are negligible in these regions. In order to make MPR methods work, the fluctuation of the reweighting factor should be small. We derive the equation of the reweighting line where the fluctuation is small, and show that the equation of the reweighting line is consistent with the fluctuation minimum condition.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures. Accepted to JHEP. Discussions are added. Figures for Taylor coefficients (Fig. 7) are modifie

    The QCD equation of state for two flavours at non-zero chemical potential

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    We present results of a simulation of 2 flavour QCD on a 163×416^3\times4 lattice using p4-improved staggered fermions with bare quark mass m/T=0.4m/T=0.4. Derivatives of the thermodynamic grand canonical partition function Z(V,T,μu,μd)Z(V,T,\mu_u,\mu_d) with respect to chemical potentials μu,d\mu_{u,d} for different quark flavours are calculated up to sixth order, enabling estimates of the pressure and the quark number density as well as the chiral condensate and various susceptibilities as functions of μu,d\mu_{u,d} via Taylor series expansion. Results are compared to high temperature perturbation theory as well as a hadron resonance gas model. We also analyze baryon as well as isospin fluctuations and discuss the relation to the chiral critical point in the QCD phase diagram. We moreover discuss the dependence of the heavy quark free energy on the chemical potential.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures, talk presented at Quark Matter 2005, Budapes

    Genesis Solar Wind Samples: Update of Availability

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    The Genesis mission collected solar wind atoms for 28 months with a variety of collectors. The array wafer collector availability is displayed in the online catalog. The purpose of this report is to update the community on availability of array wafer samples and to preview other collectors which are in the process of being added to the online catalog. A total of fifteen pure materials were selected based on engineering and science requirements. Most of the materials were semiconductor wafers which were mounted on the arrays

    Light Quark Masses with Dynamical Wilson Fermions

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    We determine the masses of the light and the strange quarks in the MSˉ\bar{MS}-scheme using our high-statistics lattice simulation of QCD with dynamical Wilson fermions. For the light quark mass we find mMSˉlight(2GeV)=2.7(2)MeVm^{light}_{\bar{MS}}(2 GeV) = 2.7(2) MeV, which is lower than in quenched simulations. For the strange quark, in a sea of two dynamical light quarks, we obtain mMSˉstrange(2GeV)=140(20)MeVm^{strange}_{\bar{MS}}(2 GeV) = 140(20) MeV.Comment: 10 pages (latex file, uses epsf-style

    Genesis Solar Wind Science Canister Components Curated as Potential Solar Wind Collectors and Reference Contamination Sources

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    The Genesis mission collected solar wind for 27 months at Earth-Sun L1 on both passive and active collectors carried inside of a Science Canister, which was cleaned and assembled in an ISO Class 4 cleanroom prior to launch. The primary passive collectors, 271 individual hexagons and 30 half-hexagons of semiconductor materials, are described in. Since the hard landing reduced the 301 passive collectors to many thousand smaller fragments, characterization and posting in the online catalog remains a work in progress, with about 19% of the total area characterized to date. Other passive collectors, surfaces of opportunity, have been added to the online catalog. For species needing to be concentrated for precise measurement (e.g. oxygen and nitrogen isotopes) an energy-independent parabolic ion mirror focused ions onto a 6.2 cm diameter target. The target materials, as recovered after landing, are described in. The online catalog of these solar wind collectors, a work in progress, can be found at: http://curator.jsc.nasa.gov/gencatalog/index.cfm This paper describes the next step, the cataloging of pieces of the Science Canister, which were surfaces exposed to the solar wind or component materials adjacent to solar wind collectors which may have contributed contamination

    High statistics calculations of quenched QCD spectrum using various quark sources

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    We present the results for the hadron spectrum calculated on 400 configurations using point source, wall source and 8-cubic sources, in quenched QCD with Wilson fermions at β=6.0\beta=6.0 and K=0.155K=0.155 on a 243×5424^3 \times 54 lattice. The results for the ground state masses obtained with three types of quark sources agree well with each other. Masses of the first excited states appear consistent with experimental values within large errors.Comment: 3 pages, 2 postscript figures, to appear in the Proceedings of LATTICE 93, Dallas, USA; preprint UTHEP-26