248 research outputs found

    Influence of Nd on the magnetic properties of Nd1-xCaxMnO3

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    The role played by the Nd ions in the magnetic properties of Nd0.5Ca0.5MnO3 and Nd0.7Ca0.3MnO3 is studied using static magnetization, neutron diffraction and high frequency (9.4-475GHz) Electron Spin Resonance. We show that the Nd ions are weakly coupled to the Mn ions via ferromagnetic exchange and are responsible for the peculiar ferromagnetic resonance observed in the FM phase of both compounds (ground state below 120K for x=0.3, high field state for x=0.5). We then use ESR to look for magnetic phase separation in the low field, CO phase of Nd0.5Ca0.5MnO3. We show that there is no trace of the FM phase imbedded in the CO phase, contrary to what is observed in La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 or Pr0.5Sr0.5MnO3.Comment: to be published in phys.Rev.B as a Rapid Com

    Measuring the accuracy of software vulnerability assessments: experiments with students and professionals

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    Assessing the risks of software vulnerabilities is a key process of software development and security management. This assessment requires to consider multiple factors (technical features, operational environment, involved assets, status of the vulnerability lifecycle, etc.) and may depend from the assessor's knowledge and skills. In this work, we tackle with an important part of this problem by measuring the accuracy of technical vulnerability assessments by assessors with dierent level and type of knowledge. We report an experiment to compare how accurately students with dierent technical education and security professionals are able to assess the severity of software vulnerabilities with the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (v3) industry methodology. Our results could be useful for increasing awareness about the intrinsic subtleties of vulnerability risk assessment and possibly better compliance with regulations. With respect to academic education, professional training and human resources selections our work suggests that measuring the effects of knowledge and expertise on the accuracy of software security assessments is feasible albeit not easy

    Singling out the effect of quenched disorder in the phase diagram of cuprates

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    We investigate the specific influence of structural disorder on the suppression of antiferromagnetic order and on the emergence of cuprate superconductivity. We single out pure disorder, by focusing on a series of Yz_{z}Eu1z_{1-z}Ba2_2Cu3_3O6+y_{6+y} samples at fixed oxygen content y=0.35y=0.35, in the range 0z10\le z\le 1. The gradual Y/Eu isovalent substitution smoothly drives the system through the Mott-insulator to superconductor transition from a full antiferromagnet with N\'eel transition TN=320T_N=320 K at z=0z=0 to a bulk superconductor with superconducting critical temperature Tc=18T_c=18 K at z=1z=1, YBa2_2Cu3_3O6.35_{6.35}. The electronic properties are finely tuned by gradual lattice deformations induced by the different cationic radii of the two lanthanides, inducing a continuous change of the basal Cu(1)-O chain length, as well as a controlled amount of disorder in the active Cu(2)O2_2 bilayers. We check that internal charge transfer from the basal to the active plane is entirely responsible for the doping of the latter and we show that superconductivity emerges with orthorhombicity. By comparing transition temperatures with those of the isoelectronic clean system we deterime the influence of pure structural disorder connected with the Y/Eu alloy.Comment: 10 pages 11 figures, submitted to Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Special Issue in memory of Prof. Sandro Massid

    Electron localization and possible phase separation in the absence of a charge density wave in single-phase 1T-VS2_2

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    We report on a systematic study of the structural, magnetic and transport properties of high-purity 1T-VS2_2 powder samples prepared under high pressure. The results differ notably from those previously obtained by de-intercalating Li from LiVS2_2. First, no Charge Density Wave (CDW) is found by transmission electron microscopy down to 94 K. Though, \textit{ab initio} phonon calculations unveil a latent CDW instability driven by an acoustic phonon softening at the wave vector qCDW{\bf q}_{CDW} \approx (0.21,0.21,0) previously reported in de-intercalated samples. A further indication of latent lattice instability is given by an anomalous expansion of the V-S bond distance at low temperature. Second, infrared optical absorption and electrical resistivity measurements give evidence of non metallic properties, consistent with the observation of no CDW phase. On the other hand, magnetic susceptibility and NMR data suggest the coexistence of localized moments with metallic carriers, in agreement with \textit{ab initio} band structure calculations. This discrepancy is reconciled by a picture of electron localization induced by disorder or electronic correlations leading to a phase separation of metallic and non-metallic domains in the nm scale. We conclude that 1T-VS2_2 is at the verge of a CDW transition and suggest that residual electronic doping in Li de-intercalated samples stabilizes a uniform CDW phase with metallic properties.Comment: 22 pages, 10 Figures. Full resolution pictures available at http://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.89.23512

    2D THz-THz-Raman Photon-Echo Spectroscopy of Molecular Vibrations in Liquid Bromoform

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    Fundamental properties of molecular liquids are governed by long-range interactions that most prominently manifest at terahertz (THz) frequencies. Here we report the detection of nonlinear THz photon-echo (rephasing) signals in liquid bromoform using THz-THz-Raman spectroscopy. Together, the many observed signatures span frequencies from 0.5 to 8.5 THz and result from couplings between thermally populated ladders of vibrational states. The strongest peaks in the spectrum are found to be multiquantum dipole and 1-quantum polarizability transitions and may arise from nonlinearities in the intramolecular dipole moment surface driven by intermolecular interactions

    Coherent two-dimensional terahertz-terahertz-Raman spectroscopy

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    We present 2D terahertz-terahertz-Raman (2D TTR) spectroscopy, the first technique, to our knowledge, to interrogate a liquid with multiple pulses of terahertz (THz) light. This hybrid approach isolates nonlinear signatures in isotropic media, and is sensitive to the coupling and anharmonicity of thermally activated THz modes that play a central role in liquid-phase chemistry. Specifically, by varying the timing between two intense THz pulses, we control the orientational alignment of molecules in a liquid, and nonlinearly excite vibrational coherences. A comparison of experimental and simulated 2D TTR spectra of bromoform (CHBr_3), carbon tetrachloride (CCl_4), and dibromodichloromethane (CBr_2Cl_2) shows previously unobserved off-diagonal anharmonic coupling between thermally populated vibrational modes

    Real Estate Asset Management Companies’ Economies of Scale: Is It a Dream or Reality? The Italian Case

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    The research focuses on a sample of 26 Italian real estate asset management companies (Società di Gestione del Risparmio “SGR”)—whose asset management is totally linked to real estate funds—that considers a period of six years (2013–2018). Using some variables extrapolated from the internal accountability of each SGR, the analysis investigates possible relationships between them to verify the presence or absence of economies of scale of Italian real estate management companies by multivariate regressions. The results show that there is no single model for profit maximization and cost minimization, but all depends on the business model that each SGR decides to adopt

    High-field AFMR in single-crystalline La_{0.95}Sr_{0.05}MnO_3: Experimental evidence for the existence of a canted magnetic structure

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    High-field antiferromagnetic-resonance (AFMR) spectra were obtained in the frequency range 60 GHz < \nu < 700 GHz and for magnetic fields up to 8 T in twin-free single crystals of La_{0.95}Sr_{0.05}MnO_3. At low temperatures two antiferromagnetic modes were detected, which reveal different excitation conditions and magnetic field dependencies. No splitting of these modes was observed for any orientation of the static magnetic field excluding the phase-separation scenario for this composition. Instead, the full data set including the anisotropic magnetization can be well described using a two-sublattice model of a canted antiferromagnetic structure.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure