1,458 research outputs found

    Modified mean curvature flow of entire locally Lipschitz radial graphs in hyperbolic space

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    The asymptotic Plateau problem asks for the existence of smooth complete hypersurfaces of constant mean curvature with prescribed asymptotic boundary at infinity in the hyperbolic space Hn+1\mathbb{H}^{n+1}. The modified mean curvature flow (MMCF) was firstly introduced by Xiao and the second author a few years back, and it provides a tool using geometric flow to find such hypersurfaces with constant mean curvature in Hn+1\mathbb{H}^{n+1}. Similar to the usual mean curvature flow, the MMCF is the natural negative L2L^2-gradient flow of the area-volume functional I(Σ)=A(Σ)+σV(Σ)\mathcal{I}(\Sigma)=A(\Sigma)+\sigma V(\Sigma) associated to a hypersurface Σ\Sigma. In this paper, we prove that the MMCF starting from an entire locally Lipschitz continuous radial graph exists and stays radially graphic for all time. In general one cannot expect the convergence of the flow as it can be seen from the flow starting from a horosphere (whose asymptotic boundary is degenerate to a point).Comment: 22pages, 2 figure

    Temperature gradient driven heat flux closure in fluid simulations of collisionless reconnection

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    Recent efforts to include kinetic effects in fluid simulations of plasmas have been very promising. Concerning collisionless magnetic reconnection, it has been found before that damping of the pressure tensor to isotropy leads to good agreement with kinetic runs in certain scenarios. An accurate representation of kinetic effects in reconnection was achieved in a study by Wang et al. (Phys. Plasmas, volume 22, 2015, 012108) with a closure derived from earlier work by Hammett and Perkins (PRL, volume 64, 1990, 3019). Here, their approach is analyzed on the basis of heat flux data from a Vlasov simulation. As a result, we propose a new local closure in which heat flux is driven by temperature gradients. That way, a more realistic approximation of Landau damping in the collisionless regime is achieved. Previous issues are addressed and the agreement with kinetic simulations in different reconnection setups is improved significantly. To the authors' knowledge, the new fluid model is the first to perform well in simulations of the coalescence of large magnetic islands.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Approximate nearest neighbors for recognition of foreground and background in images and video

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    Problems in image matching, saliency detection in images, and background detection in video are studied. Algorithms based on approximate nearest-neighbor matching are proposed to solve problems in these related domains. Image patches are quantized into features using a special Walsh-Hadamard transform, and put into a propagation-assisted kd-tree for indexing and search. Image saliency and background-detection algorithms are then derived by looking at patch similarity over time and space

    The introduction of structure types into the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database ICSD

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    The approach used and the progress made in the assignment of structure types to the crystal structures contained in the ICSD database are reported

    Constraints on crustal attenuation and three-dimensional spatial distribution of stress drop in Switzerland

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    We employ two different methods to estimate attenuation-corrected source spectra and calculate Brune stress drops of small to medium earthquakes in Switzerland and the surrounding region. We test trade-offs between source and travel path contributions by comparing results between a data-driven and a model-dependent method of distinguishing between the two. Systematic differences between results from both methods can best be reconciled by assuming intrinsic whole-path attenuation to be frequency dependent. A two-parameter grid search based on a power-law Q( f ) function reveals trade-offs that prevent us from quantifying a more exact frequency dependence. However, a comparison of the two-source parameter inversion methods with synthetic tests provide evidence for a non-negligible frequency dependence of Q between 1 and 30 Hz. Consideration of these implications on the attenuation model, as well as consideration of lateral and vertical variations of velocity and quality factor reduces the scatter of the obtained stress drop estimates. Synthetic tests confirm that both methods are able to robustly resolve lateral variations of Brune stress drop with quantifiable uncertainty estimates. Resulting lateral variations show reduced stress drop along the Alpine deformation front. This pattern points to tectonic causes and may be due to variations in differential stres

    Automatic computation of moment magnitudes for small earthquakes and the scaling of local to moment magnitude

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    Moment magnitudes (MW) are computed for small and moderate earthquakes using a spectral fitting method. 40 of the resulting values are compared with those from broadband moment tensor solutions and found to match with negligible offset and scatter for available MW values of between 2.8 and 5.0. Using the presented method, MW are computed for 679 earthquakes in Switzerland with a minimum ML= 1.3. A combined bootstrap and orthogonal L1 minimization is then used to produce a scaling relation between ML and MW. The scaling relation has a polynomial form and is shown to reduce the dependence of the predicted MW residual on magnitude relative to an existing linear scaling relation. The computation of MW using the presented spectral technique is fully automated at the Swiss Seismological Service, providing real-time solutions within 10 minutes of an event through a web-based XML database. The scaling between ML and MW is explored using synthetic data computed with a stochastic simulation method. It is shown that the scaling relation can be explained by the interaction of attenuation, the stress-drop and the Wood-Anderson filter. For instance, it is shown that the stress-drop controls the saturation of the ML scale, with low-stress drops (e.g. 0.1-1.0 MPa) leading to saturation at magnitudes as low as ML=

    Portfoolio lapse arenguloost

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    Käesoleva raamatu eesmärgiks on anda ülevaade lapse portfooliotöö tähendusest ja praktilistest koostamisvõimalustest, tutvustada juba tehtut ja esitada uusi soovitusi lapse arengu hindamiseks. Portfooliotöö meetod on Eesti lasteaedades juba mõnda aega positiivset väljundit leidnud. Esimesed kokkupuuted uue meetodiga lapse kasvamise hindamiseks on Eestimaa lasteaednikel olnud juba 1996. aastal, kui Tallinna Pedagoogilises Seminaris esines loenguga Joensuu ülikooli professor Anneli Niikko. Sellele järgnesid koolitused lasteaiaõpetajatele teemal Kasvumapp lasteaias. Nii mõnigi sai esimese julgustava toetuse portfooliotööga algust teha Soome lasteaiaõpetaja Saara Temiseva loengutest. Ja nii see läks lasteaedadesse. Edasise tõuke portfooliotööks said lasteaednikud erinevatest allikatest: Hea Alguse metoodikast, Rootsi kolleegidelt, TPS kursustelt, oma lasteaia juhtkonnalt