18,819 research outputs found

    Influence of Visual Feedback On Dynamic Balance Control in Chronic Stroke Survivors

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    Chronic stroke survivors have an increased incidence of falls during walking, suggesting changes in dynamic balance control post-stroke. Despite this increased incidence of falls during walking, balance control is often studied only in standing. The purpose of this study was to quantify deficits in dynamic balance control during walking, and to evaluate the influence of visual feedback on this control in stroke survivors. Ten individuals with chronic stroke, and ten neurologically intact individuals participated in this study. Walking performance was assessed while participants walked on an instrumented split-belt treadmill with different types of visual feedback. Dynamic balance control was quantified using both the extent of center of mass (COM) movement in the frontal plane over a gait cycle (COM sway), and base of support (step width). Stroke survivors walked with larger COM sway and wider step widths compared to controls. Despite these baseline differences, both groups walked with a similar ratio of step width to COM sway (SW/COM). Providing a stationary target with a laser reference of body movement reduced COM sway only in the stroke group, indicating that visual feedback of sway alters dynamic balance control post-stroke. These results demonstrate that stroke survivors attempt to maintain a similar ratio of step width to COM movement, and visual cues can be used to help control COM movement during walking post-stroke

    Solving large-scale dynamic systems using band Lanczos method in Rockwell NASTRAN on CRAY X-MP

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    The improved cost effectiveness using better models, more accurate and faster algorithms and large scale computing offers more representative dynamic analyses. The band Lanczos eigen-solution method was implemented in Rockwell's version of 1984 COSMIC-released NASTRAN finite element structural analysis computer program to effectively solve for structural vibration modes including those of large complex systems exceeding 10,000 degrees of freedom. The Lanczos vectors were re-orthogonalized locally using the Lanczos Method and globally using the modified Gram-Schmidt method for sweeping rigid-body modes and previously generated modes and Lanczos vectors. The truncated band matrix was solved for vibration frequencies and mode shapes using Givens rotations. Numerical examples are included to demonstrate the cost effectiveness and accuracy of the method as implemented in ROCKWELL NASTRAN. The CRAY version is based on RPK's COSMIC/NASTRAN. The band Lanczos method was more reliable and accurate and converged faster than the single vector Lanczos Method. The band Lanczos method was comparable to the subspace iteration method which was a block version of the inverse power method. However, the subspace matrix tended to be fully populated in the case of subspace iteration and not as sparse as a band matrix

    Giant Fluctuations of Coulomb Drag in a Bilayer System

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    We have observed reproducible fluctuations of the Coulomb drag, both as a function of magnetic field and electron concentration, which are a manifestation of quantum interference of electrons in the layers. At low temperatures the fluctuations exceed the average drag, giving rise to random changes of the sign of the drag. The fluctuations are found to be much larger than previously expected, and we propose a model which explains their enhancement by considering fluctuations of local electron properties.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Information Needs of Young Breast Cancer Patients with Early Menopause Symptoms

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    poster abstractBreast cancer treatments can cause amenorrhea, infertility, and many menopausal symptoms; there is increasing concern for improvements in quality of life for this population. Evidence suggests that premenopausal women with breast cancer do not get their information needs met regarding effects of treatment. The purpose of this study is to examine the information needs of this population, the best times to receive information, and how these two factors affect decision-making related to treatment. The gaps in research include no studies in the U.S. addressing the information needs of young breast cancer patients, and international data suggesting a lack of information for this population. The Ottawa Decision Support Framework (ODSF) is an evidence-based theory that acts as a guide for patients to use in decision-making regarding menopause. One of the components is relevant to my research: evaluating the needs of patients to discover needs relating to decision-making. It is necessary to understand the needs of patients in order to provide all necessary information and ease their individual decision-making processes. Using a qualitative, descriptive design, 5 women were enrolled who were: diagnosed and treated for breast cancer, premenopausal at diagnosis (aged 21 to 45), reporting hot flashes, night sweats or other menopausal symptoms, and English speaking. After screening eligible and consenting to the study, the women were asked to provide demographic and cancer treatment information and complete a semistructured interview. Interviews were tape-recorded and transcribed. A qualitative analysis of the data is currently underway. Results from this study are anticipated to provide an outline of information breast cancer patients will need before treatment decisions are made. These findings will help medical professionals deliver valuable education and treatment options to the individual patient at the most beneficial time

    Striped Magnetic Ground State of the Kagome Lattice in Fe4Si2Sn7O16

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    We have experimentally identified a new magnetic ground state for the kagome lattice, in the perfectly hexagonal Fe2+ (3d6, S = 2) compound Fe4Si2Sn7O16. Representational symmetry analysis of neutron diffraction data shows that below T_N = 3.5 K, the spins on 2/3 of the magnetic ions order into canted antiferromagnetic chains, separated by the remaining 1/3 which are geometrically frustrated and show no long-range order down to at least T = 0.1 K. Moessbauer spectroscopy confirms that there is no static order on the latter 1/3 of the magnetic ions - i.e., they are in a liquid-like rather than a frozen state - down to at least 1.65 K. A heavily Mn-doped sample Fe1.45Mn2.55Si2Sn7O16 has the same magnetic structure. Although the propagation vector q = (0, 1/2 , 1/2 ) breaks hexagonal symmetry, we see no evidence for magnetostriction in the form of a lattice distortion within the resolution of our data. We discuss the relationship to partially frustrated magnetic order on the pyrochlore lattice of Gd2Ti2O7, and to theoretical models that predict symmetry breaking ground states for perfect kagome lattices.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Tuning the electrically evaluated electron Lande g factor in GaAs quantum dots and quantum wells of different well widths

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    We evaluate the Lande g factor of electrons in quantum dots (QDs) fabricated from GaAs quantum well (QW) structures of different well width. We first determine the Lande electron g factor of the QWs through resistive detection of electron spin resonance and compare it to the enhanced electron g factor determined from analysis of the magneto-transport. Next, we form laterally defined quantum dots using these quantum wells and extract the electron g factor from analysis of the cotunneling and Kondo effect within the quantum dots. We conclude that the Lande electron g factor of the quantum dot is primarily governed by the electron g factor of the quantum well suggesting that well width is an ideal design parameter for g-factor engineering QDs

    Quantitative nucleotide level analysis of regulation of translation in response to depolarization of cultured neural cells

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    Studies on regulation of gene expression have contributed substantially to understanding mechanisms for the long-term activity-dependent alterations in neural connectivity that are thought to mediate learning and memory. Most of these studies, however, have focused on the regulation of mRNA transcription. Here, we utilized high-throughput sequencing coupled with ribosome footprinting to globally characterize the regulation of translation in primary mixed neuronal-glial cultures in response to sustained depolarization. We identified substantial and complex regulation of translation, with many transcripts demonstrating changes in ribosomal occupancy independent of transcriptional changes. We also examined sequence-based mechanisms that might regulate changes in translation in response to depolarization. We found that these are partially mediated by features in the mRNA sequence—notably upstream open reading frames and secondary structure in the 5′ untranslated region—both of which predict downregulation in response to depolarization. Translationally regulated transcripts are also more likely to be targets of FMRP and include genes implicated in autism in humans. Our findings support the idea that control of mRNA translation plays an important role in response to neural activity across the genome
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