9 research outputs found

    Caulobacter Lon protease has a critical role in cell-cvcle cbntrol of DNA I methylation

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    CcrM, an adenine DNA methyltransferase, is essential for viability in Caulobacter crescentus. The CcrM protein is present only in the predivisional stage of the cell cycle, resulting in cell-cycle-dependent variation of the DNA methylation state of the chromosome. The availability of CcrM is controlled in two ways: (1) the ccrM gene is transcribed only in the predivisional cell, and (2) the CcrM protein is rapidly degraded prior to cell division. We demonstrate here that CcrM is an important target of the Lon protease pathway in C. crescentus. In a lon null mutant, ccrM transcription is still temporally regulated, but the CcrM protein is present throughout the cell cycle because of a dramatic increase in its stability that results in a fully methylated chromosome throughout the cell cycle. Because the Lon protease is present throughout the cell cycle, it is likely that the level of CcrM in the cell is controlled by a dynamic balance between temporally varied transcription and constitutive degradation. We have shown previously that restriction of CcrM to the C. crescentus predivisional cell is essential for normal morphogenesis and progression through the cell cycle. Comparison of the lon null mutant strain with a strain whose DNA remains fully methylated as a result of constitutive expression of ccrM suggests that the effect of Lon on DNA methylation contributes to several developmental defects observed in the lon mutant. These defects include a frequent failure to complete cell division and loss of precise cell-cycle control of initiation of DNA replication. Other developmental abnormalities exhibited by the lon null mutant, such as the formation of abnormally long stalks, appear to be unrelated to altered chromosome methylation state. The Lon protease thus exhibits pleiotropic effects in C. crescentus growth and development

    Identification of borinic esters as inhibitors of bacterial cell growth and bacterial methyltransferases, CcrM and MenH

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    As bacteria continue to develop resistance toward current antibiotics, we find ourselves in a continual battle to identify new antibacterial agents and targets. We report herein a class of boron-containing compounds termed borinic esters that have broad spectrum antibacterial activity with minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) in the low microgram/mL range. These compounds were identified by screening for inhibitors against Caulobacter crescentus CcrM, an essential DNA methyltransferase from gram negative alpha-proteobacteria. In addition, we demonstrate that borinic esters inhibit menaquinone methyltransferase in gram positive bacteria using a new biochemical assay for MenH from Bacillus subtilis. Our data demonstrate the potential for further development of borinic esters as antibacterial agents as well as leads to explore more specific inhibitors against two essential bacterial enzymes

    Identification of borinic esters as inhibitors of bacterial cell growth and bacterial methyltransferases, CcrM and MenH

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    As bacteria continue to develop resistance toward current antibiotics, we find ourselves in a continual battle to identify new antibacterial agents and targets. We report herein a class of boron-containing compounds termed borinic esters that have broad spectrum antibacterial activity with minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) in the low microgram/mL range. These compounds were identified by screening for inhibitors against Caulobacter crescentus CcrM, an essential DNA methyltransferase from gram negative alpha-proteobacteria. In addition, we demonstrate that borinic esters inhibit menaquinone methyltransferase in gram positive bacteria using a new biochemical assay for MenH from Bacillus subtilis. Our data demonstrate the potential for further development of borinic esters as antibacterial agents as well as leads to explore more specific inhibitors against two essential bacterial enzymes

    The roles of the multiple CheW and CheA homologues in chemotaxis and in chemoreceptor localization in Rhodobacter sphaeroides.

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    Rhodobacter sphaeroides has multiple homologues of most of the Escherichia coli chemotaxis genes, organized in two major operons and other, unlinked, loci. These include cheA1 and cheW1 (che Op1) and cheA2, cheW2 and cheW3 (che Op2). We have deleted each of these cheA and cheW homologues in-frame and examined the chemosensory behaviour of these strains on swarm plates and in tethered cell assays. In addition, we have examined the effect of these deletions on the polar localization of the chemoreceptor McpG. In E. coli, deletion of either cheA or cheW results in a non-chemotactic phenotype, and these strains also show no receptor clustering. Here, we demonstrate that CheW2 and CheA2 are required for the normal localization of McpG and for normal chemotactic responses under both aerobic and photoheterotrophic conditions. Under aerobic conditions, deletion of cheW3 has no significant effect on McpG localization and only has an effect on chemotaxis to shallow gradients in swarm plates. Under photoheterotrophic conditions, however, CheW3 is required for McpG localization and also for chemotaxis both on swarm plates and in the tethered cell assay. These phenotypes are not a direct result of delocalization of McpG, as this chemoreceptor does not mediate chemotaxis to any of the compounds tested and can therefore be considered a marker for general methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein (MCP) clustering. Thus, there is a correlation between the normal localization of McpG (and presumably other chemoreceptors) and chemotaxis. We propose a model in which the multiple different MCPs in R. sphaeroides are contained within a polar chemoreceptor cluster. Deletion of cheW2 and cheA2 under both aerobic and photoheterotrophic conditions, and cheW3 under photoheterotrophic conditions, disrupts the cluster and hence reduces chemotaxis to any compound sensed by these MCPs