553 research outputs found

    Multi-cell soft errors at the 16-nm FinFET technology node

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    Speeding up finite step-size updating of full QCD on the lattice

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    We propose various improvements of finite step-size updating for full QCD on the lattice that might turn finite step-size updating into a viable alternative to the hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm. These improvements are noise reduction of the noisy estimator of the fermion determinant, unbiased inclusion of the hopping parameter expansion and a multi-level Metropolis scheme. First numerical tests are performed for the 2 dimensional Schwinger model with two flavours of Wilson fermions and for QCD two flavours of Wilson fermions and Schr"odinger functional boundary conditions.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figur

    The 4D SU(3) gauge theory with an imaginary theta term

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    We study the scaling behavior of the 4D SU(3) lattice gauge theory in the presence of a theta term, by Monte Carlo simulations computing the topological properties at imaginary theta. The numerical results provide a good evidence of scaling in the continuum limit. The imaginary theta dependence of the ground-state energy turns out to be well described by the first few terms of related expansions around theta=0, providing accurate estimates of the first few coefficients, up to O(theta^6).Comment: 12 page

    Model of Inhomogeneous Impurity Distribution in Fermi Superfluids

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    The standard treatment of impurities in metals assumes a homogeneous distribution of impurities. In this paper we study distributions that are inhomogeneous. We discuss in detail the "isotropic inhomogeneous scattering model" which takes into account the spatially varying scattering on the scale of the superfluid coherence length. On a large scale the model reduces to a homogeneous medium with renormalized parameter values. We apply the model to superfluid 3He, where porous aerogel acts as the impurity. We calculate the transition temperature Tc, the order parameter, and the superfluid density. Both A- and B-like phases are considered. Two different types of behavior are identified for the temperature dependence of the order parameter. We compare the calculations with experiments on 3He in aerogel. We find that most of the differences between experiments and the homogeneous theory can be explained by the inhomogeneous model. All our calculations are based on the quasiclassical theory of Fermi liquids. The parameters of this theory for superfluid 3He in aerogel are discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, minor change

    Chiral symmetry restoration in linear sigma models with different numbers of quark flavors

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    Chiral symmetry restoration at nonzero temperature is studied in the framework of the O(4) linear sigma model and the U(N_f)_r x U(N_f)_l linear sigma model with N_f=2,3, and 4 quark flavors. We investigate the temperature dependence of the masses of the scalar and pseudoscalar mesons, and the non-strange, strange, and charm condensates within the Hartree approximation as derived from the Cornwall-Jackiw-Tomboulis formalism. We find that the masses of the non-strange and strange mesons at nonzero temperature depend sensitively on the particular symmetry of the model and the number of light quark flavors N_f. On the other hand, due to the large charm quark mass, neither do charmed mesons significantly affect the properties of the other mesons, nor do their masses change appreciably in the temperature range around the chiral symmetry restoration temperature. In the chiral limit, the transition temperatures for chiral symmetry restoration are surprisingly close to those found in lattice QCD.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figure

    Lattice QCD at the physical point: Simulation and analysis details

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    We give details of our precise determination of the light quark masses m_{ud}=(m_u+m_d)/2 and m_s in 2+1 flavor QCD, with simulated pion masses down to 120 MeV, at five lattice spacings, and in large volumes. The details concern the action and algorithm employed, the HMC force with HEX smeared clover fermions, the choice of the scale setting procedure and of the input masses. After an overview of the simulation parameters, extensive checks of algorithmic stability, autocorrelation and (practical) ergodicity are reported. To corroborate the good scaling properties of our action, explicit tests of the scaling of hadron masses in N_f=3 QCD are carried out. Details of how we control finite volume effects through dedicated finite volume scaling runs are reported. To check consistency with SU(2) Chiral Perturbation Theory the behavior of M_\pi^2/m_{ud} and F_\pi as a function of m_{ud} is investigated. Details of how we use the RI/MOM procedure with a separate continuum limit of the running of the scalar density R_S(\mu,\mu') are given. This procedure is shown to reproduce the known value of r_0m_s in quenched QCD. Input from dispersion theory is used to split our value of m_{ud} into separate values of m_u and m_d. Finally, our procedure to quantify both systematic and statistical uncertainties is discussed.Comment: 45 page

    Perturbation Theory with a Variational Basis: the Generalized Gaussian Effective Potential

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    The perturbation theory with a variational basis is constructed and analyzed.The generalized Gaussian effective potential is introduced and evaluated up to the second order for selfinteracting scalar fields in one and two spatial dimensions. The problem of the renormalization of the mass is discussed in details. Thermal corrections are incorporated. The comparison between the finite temperature generalized Gaussian effective potential and the finite temperature effective potential is critically analyzed. The phenomenon of the restoration at high temperature of the symmetry broken at zero temperature is discussed.Comment: RevTex, 49 pages, 16 eps figure

    Glueballs and the superfluid phase of Two-Color QCD

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    We present the first results on scalar glueballs in cold, dense matter using lattice simulations of two color QCD. The simulations are carried out on a 63×126^3 \times 12 lattice and use a standard hybrid molecular dynamics algorithm for staggered fermions for two values of quark mass. The glueball correlators are evaluated via a multi-step smearing procedure. The amplitude of the glueball correlator peaks in correspondence with the zero temperature chiral transition, ÎŒc=mπ/2\mu_c = m_\pi/2, and the propagators change in a significant way in the superfluid phase, while the Polyakov loop is mearly insensitive to the transition. Standard analysis suggest that lowest mass in the 0++0^{++} gluonic channel decreases in the superfluid phase, but these observations need to be confirmed on larger and more elongated lattices These results indicate that a nonzero density induces nontrivial modifications of the gluonic medium.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figures; discussions and one figure added; to appear in EPJ

    Pseudoscalar Glueball Mass: QCD vs. Lattice Gauge Theory Prediction

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    We study whether the pseudoscalar glueball mass in full QCD can differ from the prediction of quenched lattice calculations. Using properties of the correlator of the vacuum topological susceptibility we derive an expression for the upper bound on the QCD glueball mass. We show that the QCD pseudoscalar glueball is lighter than the pure Yang-Mills theory glueball studied in quenched lattice calculations. The mass difference between those two states is of order of 1/Nc1/N_c. The value calculated for the 0−+0^{-+} QCD glueball mass can not be reconciled with any physical state observed so far in the corresponding channel. The glueball decay constant and its production rate in J/ψJ/\psi radiative decays are calculated. The production rate is large enough to be studied experimentally.Comment: 18 pages, LaTex fil
