4,649 research outputs found

    Visual Responses in Mice Lacking Critical Components of All Known Retinal Phototransduction Cascades

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    The mammalian visual system relies upon light detection by outer-retinal rod/cone photoreceptors and melanopsin-expressing retinal ganglion cells. Gnat1(-/-); Cnga3(-/-); Opn4(-/-) mice lack critical elements of each of these photoreceptive mechanisms via targeted disruption of genes encoding rod alpha transducin (Gnat1); the cone-specific alpha 3 cyclic nucleotide gated channel subunit (Cnga3); and melanopsin (Opn4). Although assumed blind, we show here that these mice retain sufficiently widespread retinal photoreception to drive a reproducible flash electroretinogram (ERG). The threshold sensitivity of this ERG is similar to that of cone-based responses, however it is lost under light adapted conditions. Its spectral efficiency is consistent with that of rod opsin, but not cone opsins or melanopsin, indicating that it originates with light absorption by the rod pigment. The TKO light response survives intravitreal injection of U73122 (a phospholipase C antagonist), but is inhibited by a missense mutation of cone alpha transducin (Gnat2(cpfl3)), suggesting Gnat2-dependence. Visual responses in TKO mice extend beyond the retina to encompass the lateral margins of the lateral geniculate nucleus and components of the visual cortex. Our data thus suggest that a Gnat1-independent phototransduction mechanism downstream of rod opsin can support relatively widespread responses in the mammalian visual system. This anomalous rod opsin-based vision should be considered in experiments relying upon Gnat1 knockout to silence rod phototransduction

    A viral CTL escape mutation leading to immunoglobulin-like transcript 4-mediated functional inhibition of myelomonocytic cells

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    Viral mutational escape can reduce or abrogate recognition by the T cell receptor (TCR) of virus-specific CD8+ T cells. However, very little is known about the impact of cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitope mutations on interactions between peptide–major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I complexes and MHC class I receptors expressed on other cell types. Here, we analyzed a variant of the immunodominant human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-B2705–restricted HIV-1 Gag KK10 epitope (KRWIILGLNK) with an L to M amino acid substitution at position 6 (L6M), which arises as a CTL escape variant after primary infection but is sufficiently immunogenic to elicit a secondary, de novo HIV-1–specific CD8+ T cell response with an alternative TCR repertoire in chronic infection. In addition to altering recognition by HIV-1–specific CD8+ T cells, the HLA-B2705–KK10 L6M complex also exhibits substantially increased binding to the immunoglobulin-like transcript (ILT) receptor 4, an inhibitory MHC class I–specific receptor expressed on myelomonocytic cells. Binding of the B2705–KK10 L6M complex to ILT4 leads to a tolerogenic phenotype of myelomonocytic cells with lower surface expression of dendritic cell (DC) maturation markers and co-stimulatory molecules. These data suggest a link between CTL-driven mutational escape, altered recognition by innate MHC class I receptors on myelomonocytic cells, and functional impairment of DCs, and thus provide important new insight into biological consequences of viral sequence diversificatio

    From brand congruence to the ‘virtuous circle’: branding and the commercialization of public service broadcasting

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    In debates about the commercialization of public service broadcasting little attention has been paid to the ways in which the public might experience the commercial and public service activities of public service broadcasters and the impact that this may have on attitudes towards public service broadcasting. This is despite the fact that public service broadcasters increasingly depend on public support for their continued survival. Using the case study of the BBC, this article examines the ways in which the corporation has adopted strategic brand management to negotiate the relationship between its commercial and public service activities. Focusing on specific examples of the BBC’s commercial and public services, the article reveals a tension between the corporation’s attempts to ensure that all activities support its public purposes and its need to ensure separation between public and commercial work. Focusing on the consumer’s experience of the BBC brand, the article argues that rather than seeing commercial activity and public service broadcasting as inherently contradictory, we should be looking at the ways in which public service broadcasters can better communicate the relationship between their commercial and public service activities while continuing to argue for the social and cultural value of publicly funded broadcasting

    Metal-insulator transition in vanadium dioxide nanobeams: probing sub-domain properties of strongly correlated materials

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    Many strongly correlated electronic materials, including high-temperature superconductors, colossal magnetoresistance and metal-insulator-transition (MIT) materials, are inhomogeneous on a microscopic scale as a result of domain structure or compositional variations. An important potential advantage of nanoscale samples is that they exhibit the homogeneous properties, which can differ greatly from those of the bulk. We demonstrate this principle using vanadium dioxide, which has domain structure associated with its dramatic MIT at 68 degrees C. Our studies of single-domain vanadium dioxide nanobeams reveal new aspects of this famous MIT, including supercooling of the metallic phase by 50 degrees C; an activation energy in the insulating phase consistent with the optical gap; and a connection between the transition and the equilibrium carrier density in the insulating phase. Our devices also provide a nanomechanical method of determining the transition temperature, enable measurements on individual metal-insulator interphase walls, and allow general investigations of a phase transition in quasi-one-dimensional geometry.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, original submitted in June 200

    Environment influences on the aromatic character of nucleobases and amino acids

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    Geometric (HOMA) and magnetic (NICS) indices of aromaticity were estimated for aromatic rings of amino acids and nucleobases. Cartesian coordinates were taken directly either from PDB files deposited in public databases at the finest resolution available (≤1.5 Å), or from structures resulting from full gradient geometry optimization in a hybrid QM/MM approach. Significant environmental effects imposing alterations of HOMA values were noted for all aromatic rings analysed. Furthermore, even extra fine resolution (≤1.0 Å) is not sufficient for direct estimation of HOMA values based on Cartesian coordinates provided by PDB files. The values of mean bond errors seem to be much higher than the 0.05 Å often reported for PDB files. The use of quantum chemistry geometry optimization is strongly advised; even a simple QM/MM model comprising only the aromatic substructure within the QM region and the rest of biomolecule treated classically within the MM framework proved to be a promising means of describing aromaticity inside native environments. According to the results presented, three consequences of the interaction with the environment can be observed that induce changes in structural and magnetic indices of aromaticity. First, broad ranges of HOMA or NICS values are usually obtained for different conformations of nearest neighborhood. Next, these values and their means can differ significantly from those characterising isolated monomers. The most significant increase in aromaticities is expected for the six-membered rings of guanine, thymine and cytosine. The same trend was also noticed for all amino acids inside proteins but this effect was much smaller, reaching the highest value for the five-membered ring of tryptophan. Explicit water solutions impose similar changes on HOMA and NICS distributions. Thus, environment effects of protein, DNA and even explicit water molecules are non-negligible sources of aromaticity changes appearing in the rings of nucleobases and aromatic amino acids residues

    Antiproliferative effect of immunoliposomes containing 5-fluorodeoxyuridine-dipalmitate on colon cancer cells

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    We have investigated the antiproliferative action towards CC531 colon adenocarcinoma cells of target cell-specific immunoliposomes containing the amphiphilic dipalmitoyl derivative of 5-fluorodeoxyuridine (FUdR-dP). FUdR-dP incorporated in immunoliposomes caused a 13-fold stronger inhibition of CC531 cell growth in vitro, during a 72-h treatment, than FUdR-dP in liposomes without antibody, demonstrating that the prodrug is efficiently hydrolysed to yield the active drug, FUdR, intracellularly. The intracellular release of active FUdR was confirmed by determining the fate of H-3-labelled immunoliposomal FUdR-dP. Treatments shorter than 72 h with FUdR-dP in immunoliposomes resulted in anti-tumour activities comparable to, or even higher than, that of free FUdR. The shorter treatments reflect more closely the in vivo situation and illustrate the potential advantage of the use of immunoliposomes over non-targeted liposomal FUdR-dP or free FUdR. Association of tumour cell-specific immunoliposomes with CC531 cells was up to tenfold higher than that of liposomes without antibody or with irrelevant IgG coupled, demonstrating a specific interaction between liposomes and target cells which causes an efficient intracellular delivery of the drug. Since biochemical evidence indicates a lack of internalization or degradation of the liposomes as such; we postulate that entry of the drug most likely involves the direct transfer of the prodrug from the immunoliposome to the cell membrane during its antigen-specific interaction with the cells. followed by hydrolysis of FUdR-dP leading to relatively high intracellular FUdR-levels. In conclusion, we describe a targeted liposomal formulation for the anticancer drug FUdR, which is able to deliver the active drug to colon carcinoma cells with high efficiency, without the need for the cells to internalize the liposomes as such
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