9,876 research outputs found

    Kernel-based high-dimensional histogram estimation for visual tracking

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    ©2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.Presented at the 15th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, October 12–15, 2008, San Diego, California, U.S.A.DOI: 10.1109/ICIP.2008.4711862We propose an approach for non-rigid tracking that represents objects by their set of distribution parameters. Compared to joint histogram representations, a set of parameters such as mixed moments provides a significantly reduced size representation. The discriminating power is comparable to that of the corresponding full high dimensional histogram yet at far less spatial and computational complexity. The proposed method is robust in the presence of noise and illumination changes, and provides a natural extension to the use of mixture models. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms both full color mean-shift and global covariance searches

    Quasar broad absorption line variability measurements using reconstructions of un-absorbed spectra

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    We present a two-epoch Sloan Digital Sky Survey and Gemini/GMOS+William Herschel Telescope/ISIS variability study of 50 broad absorption line quasars of redshift range 1.9 < z < 4.2, containing 38 Si IV and 59 C IV BALs and spanning rest-frame time intervals of approximately 10 months to 3.7 years. We find that 35/50 quasars exhibit one or more variable BALs, with 58% of Si IV and 46% of C IV BALs showing variability across the entire sample. On average, Si IV BALs show larger fractional change in BAL pseudo equivalent width than C IV BALs, as referenced to an unabsorbed continuum+emission-line spectrum constructed using non-negative matrix factorisation. No correlation is found between BAL variability and quasar luminosity, suggesting that ionizing continuum changes do not play a significant role in BAL variability (assuming the gas is in photoionization equilibrium with the ionizing continuum). A subset of 14 quasars have one variable BAL from each of Si IV and C IV with significant overlap in velocity space and for which variations are in the same sense (strengthening or weakening) and which appear to be correlated (98% confidence). We find examples of both appearing and disappearing BALs in weaker/shallower lines with disappearance rates of 2.3% for C IV and 5.3% for Si IV, suggesting average lifetimes of 142 and 43 years respectively. We identify 5 objects in which the BAL is coincident with the broad emission-line, but appears to cover only the continuum source. Assuming a clumpy inhomogeneous absorber model and a typical size for the continuum source, we infer a maximum cloud radius of 10^13 to 10^14 cm, assuming Eddington limited accretion.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 22 pages, 12 figures, 7 table

    Visual Acuity does not Moderate Effect Sizes of Higher-Level Cognitive Tasks.

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    Background/study contextDeclining visual capacities in older adults have been posited as a driving force behind adult age differences in higher-order cognitive functions (e.g., the "common cause" hypothesis of Lindenberger &amp; Baltes, 1994, Psychology and Aging, 9, 339-355). McGowan, Patterson, and Jordan (2013, Experimental Aging Research, 39, 70-79) also found that a surprisingly large number of published cognitive aging studies failed to include adequate measures of visual acuity. However, a recent meta-analysis of three studies (La Fleur and Salthouse, 2014, Psychonomic Bulletin &amp; Review, 21, 1202-1208) failed to find evidence that visual acuity moderated or mediated age differences in higher-level cognitive processes. In order to provide a more extensive test of whether visual acuity moderates age differences in higher-level cognitive processes, we conducted a more extensive meta-analysis of topic.MethodsUsing results from 456 studies, we calculated effect sizes for the main effect of age across four cognitive domains (attention, executive function, memory, and perception/language) separately for five levels of visual acuity criteria (no criteria, undisclosed criteria, self-reported acuity, 20/80-20/31, and 20/30 or better).ResultsAs expected, age had a significant effect on each cognitive domain. However, these age effects did not further differ as a function of visual acuity criteria.ConclusionThe current meta-analytic, cross-sectional results suggest that visual acuity is not significantly related to age group differences in higher-level cognitive performance-thereby replicating La Fleur and Salthouse (2014). Further efforts are needed to determine whether other measures of visual functioning (e.g., contrast sensitivity, luminance) affect age differences in cognitive functioning

    Carrier-controlled ferromagnetism in SrTiO3

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    Magnetotransport and superconducting properties are investigated for uniformly La-doped SrTiO3 films and GdTiO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures, respectively. GdTiO3/SrTiO3 interfaces exhibit a high-density two-dimensional electron gas on the SrTiO3-side of the interface, while for the SrTiO3 films carriers are provided by the dopant atoms. Both types of samples exhibit ferromagnetism at low temperatures, as evidenced by a hysteresis in the magnetoresistance. For the uniformly doped SrTiO3 films, the Curie temperature is found to increase with doping and to coexist with superconductivity for carrier concentrations on the high-density side of the superconducting dome. The Curie temperature of the GdTiO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures scales with the thickness of the SrTiO3 quantum well. The results are used to construct a stability diagram for the ferromagnetic and superconducting phases of SrTiO3.Comment: Revised version that is closer to the published version; Fig. 2 correcte

    A low-stress-drop, low-magnitude earthquake with surface faulting: The Imperial, California, earthquake of March 4, 1966

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    Right-lateral surface displacement reaching 1 1/2 centimeters occurred over a ten-kilometer section of the Imperial fault in association with a magnitude 3.6 earthquake on March 4, 1966, the smallest known earthquake yet associated with surface displacement. The displacement is documented by field observations of en-echelon cracking in pavement and the offset of the white center line of Highway 80. The association of the observed displacement with the March 4 earthquake is supported by the shallow depth of the earthquake source, the high excitation of waves in the top layer of sediments, the high excitation of Love waves of period 8-15 seconds, the distribution of aftershocks, and the agreement between the source moment as calculated from the observed faulting and from the amplitudes of Love waves. Calculations based on faulting theory indicate a fault depth of 1.1 km, a net moment of 2 × 10^(22) dyne-cm, a stress drop of 1.1 bar and an energy release of 10^(17) ergs. The remarkable internal consistency of the various calculations provides strong support for the faulting mechanism. It is suggested that low stress drops and relatively large fault lengths may be associated with many other small earthquakes and that allowance must be made for a wide range in the stress drops and fault lengths for any given magnitude range

    Results from the LSND Neutrino Oscillation Search

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    The Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector (LSND) at the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility sets bounds on neutrino oscillations in the appearance channel nu_mu_bar --> nu_e_bar by searching for the signature of the reaction nu_e_bar p --> e^+ n: an e+^+ followed by a 2.2MeV gamma ray from neutron capture. Five e^{+/-} -- gamma coincidences are observed in time with the LAMPF beam, with an estimated background of 6.2 events. The 90\% confidence limits obtained are: Delta (m^2) < 0.07eV^2 for sin^2 (2theta) = 1, and sin^2(2theta) < 6 10^{-3} for Delta (m^2) > 20 eV^2.Comment: 10 pages, uses REVTeX and epsf macro

    Cattle Temporal and Spatial Distribution in Midwestern Pastures using Global Positioning (A Progress Report)

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    Previous research has shown that grazing cattle tend to congregate in riparian zones of pastures to obtain water and shade for thermoregulation. However, problems associated with thermoregulation may be increased because of the presence of endophyte-infected tall fescue in pastures. Defining relationships between cattle distribution, such pasture characteristics as size, shape, shade distribution, botanical composition, and climatic factors related to heat stress, will provide the basis for development and implementation of management practices that minimize nonpoint source pollution possibly associated with grazing cattle

    Targeted expression of truncated glued disrupts giant fiber synapse formation in Drosophila

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    Glued1 (Gl1) mutants produce a truncated protein that acts as a poison subunit and disables the cytoplasmic retrograde motor dynein. Heterozygous mutants have axonal defects in the adult eye and the nervous system. Here we show that selective expression of the poison subunit in neurons of the giant fiber (GF) system disrupts synaptogenesis between the GF and one of its targets, the tergotrochanteral motorneuron (TTMn). Growth and pathfinding by the GF axon and the TTMn dendrite are normal, but the terminal of the GF axon fails to develop normally and becomes swollen with large vesicles. This is a presynaptic defect because expression of truncated Glued restricted to the GF results in the same defect. When tested electrophysiologically, the flies with abnormal axons show a weakened or absent GF-TTMn connection. In Glued1 heterozygotes, GF-TTMn synapse formation appears morphologically normal, but adult flies show abnormal responses to repetitive stimuli. This physiological effect is also observed when tetanus toxin is expressed in the GFs. Because the GF-TTMn is thought to be a mixed electrochemical synapse, the results show that Glued has a role in assembling both the chemical and electrical components. We speculate that disrupting transport of a retrograde signal disrupts synapse formation and maturation