41 research outputs found

    Primeiro registro de Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus no Estado do Amapá, Brasil

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    We report the first record of Aedes albopictus (DipteraCulicidae) in the state of Amapá, northern Brazil. Two female specimens were collected from a Shannon trap in the locality of Ilha de Santana, municipality of Santana, Amapá. The occurrence of the species was confirmed with the installation of ten ovitraps. Aedes albopictus is a species of epidemiological importance for the transmission of arboviruses. Amapá was one of two Brazilian states without any record of this species.Relatamos o primeiro registro de Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) no Estado do Amapá, no norte do Brasil. Dois espécimes foram coletados em uma armadilha de Shannon na localidade de "Ilha de Santana", município de Santana, no Amapá. O registro foi confirmado com a instalação de dez ovitrampas. Aedes albopictus é uma espécie com importância epidemiológica na transmissão de arboviroses. O Amapá era um de dois estados brasileiros sem registro dessa espécie


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    Relata-se a primeira ocorrência de Lutzomyia longipalpis, o mais importante vetor biológico do agente causador da Leishmaniose Visceral Americana (LVA), no município de Ferreira Gomes, estado do Amapá, Brasil e por tratar-se de uma espécie com grande importância epidemiológica, os autores alertam as autoridades locais.Palavras-chave: Amapá, Ferreira Gomes, Lutzomyia longipalpis, Leishmaniose Visceral Americana.This is a report the first occurrence of Lutzomyia longipalpis, the most important biological vector of the causative agent of American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL) in the town of Ferreira Gomes, Amapá, Brazil and because it is a kind of great importance epidemiology, the authors warn local authorities.Keywords: Amapá, Ferreira Gomes, Lutzomyia longipalpis, American visceral leishmaniasis

    Anopheles darlingi polytene chromosomes: Revised maps including newly described inversions and evidence for population structure in Manaus

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    Salivary gland polytene chromosomes of 4th instar Anopheles darlingi Root were examined from multiple locations in the Brazilian Amazon. Minor modifications were made to existing polytene photomaps. These included changes to the breakpoint positions of several previously described paracentric inversions and descriptions of four new paracentric inversions, two on the right arm of chromosome 3 and two on the left arm of chromosome 3 that were found in multiple locations. A total of 18 inversions on the X (n = 1) chromosome, chromosome 2 (n = 7) and 3 (n = 11) were scored for 83 individuals from Manaus, Macapá and Porto Velho municipalities. The frequency of 2Ra inversion karyotypes in Manaus shows significant deficiency of heterozygotes (p < 0.0009). No significant linkage disequilibrium was found between inversions on chromosome 2 and 3. We hypothesize that at least two sympatric subpopulations exist within the An. darlingi population at Manaus based on inversion frequencies. © Instituto Oswaldo Cruz - Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - Ministério da Saúde 2016

    A importância do Anopheles darlingi Root, 1926 e Anopheles marajoara Galvão e Damasceno, 1942 na transmissão de malária no município de Macapá/AP - Brasil

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    Malaria in the municipality of Macapá is mainly peri urban, which are characterized by flooding area, presence of forest fragments and disorganized settlements. The aim of this study was to determine the importance of Anopheles darlingi e Anopheles marajoara in the malaria transmission in Macapá. The study was carried out from October 2007 to September 2008, in the Lagoa dos Índios community, Macapá. It was collected 4,601 mosquitoes, from which 3,029 were Anopheles marajoara (65,8%), 917 Anopheles darlingi (19,9%), 429 Anopheles braziliensis (9,3%), 208 Anopheles triannulatus (4,5%), 18 Anopheles peryassui (0,4%) and 5 Anopheles nuneztovari (0,1%). Only 32.8% (1.511) of the adult mosquitoes were collected indoors and 67.2% (3.090) outdoors. The index of the bites by man and by hour for An. darlingi in the intradomicile had ranged from 0 to 6.5 and in the peridomicile from 0 a 22. As for the An. marajoara the range was from 0 to 22 in the intradomicile and from 0 to 175.5 in the peridomicile. The analysis of the exuvia and the genitalia dissecation had resulted in the confirmation of the two species, An. darlingi and An. marajoara, and that the An. marajoara is the only albitarsis complex specie that is circulating in the study area. The vectors abundance had flutuated associated with the sazonal pattern of the rain. An. darlingi is the most frequent at the beginning and end of the rain, while An. marajoara was present, in high density, during the rainy season. From the 4,601 tested mosquitoes, 100 were positive for human malaria parasites by the ELISA method with a infection index of 2.17%. The infection index for An. marajoara was 2,34% (71/3,029) and for An. darlingi 3.05% (28/917). This study had demonstrated that the two studied species are responsible for the malaria transmission maintenance during the whole year, thus confirming the importance of both.Projeto PIATAM MarA malária no município de Macapá é principalmente peri urbana, áreas estas caracterizadas por ressaca, pela presença de fragmentos de floresta e assentamentos desordenados (invasões). O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a importância dos Anopheles darlingi e Anopheles marajoara na transmissão de malária em Macapá. O estudo foi realizado de outubro de 2007 a setembro de 2008, na comunidade de Lagoa dos Índios, Macapá. Foram coletados 4.601 mosquitos, dos quais 3.029 foram Anopheles marajoara (65,8%), 917 Anopheles darlingi (19,9%), 429 Anopheles braziliensis (9,3%), 208 Anopheles triannulatus (4,5%), 18 Anopheles peryassui (0,4%) e cinco Anopheles nuneztovari (0,1%). Apenas 32,8% dos espécimes foram coletadas no intradomicilio (1.511) e 67,2% no peridomicilio (3.090). O Indice de Picada Homem Hora do An. darlingi no intradomicilio variou entre 0 a 6,5 e no peridomicilio de 0 a 22 picadas homem hora. Já para o An. marajoara a variaçao foi de 0 a 22 no intradomicilio e de 0 a 175,5 no peridomicilio. A analise das exúvias e da dissecção de genitália resultaram na confirmaçao das duas espécies estudadas, An. darlingi e An. marajoara, e que o An. marajoara é a única espécie do complexo albitarsis circulante na área. A abundância dos vetores flutuou associada com o padrão sazonal das chuvas. An. darlingi é mais abundante no final e inicio das chuvas, enquanto o An. marajoara esteve presente em alta densidade durante todo o período de chuvas. Dos 4.601 mosquitos testados, 100 foram positivos para plasmódios humanos pelo método de ELISA, resultando em uma taxa de infecção de 2,17%. Dos 3.029 An. marajoara testados 71 (2,34%) foram positivos e dos 917 An. darlingi, 28 (3,05%). Este estudo demonstrou que as duas espécies estudadas mantêm a transmissão de malária durante todo o ano, ratificando assim a importância das mesmas

    Larval control of Anopheles (Nyssorhinchus) darlingiusing granular formulation of Bacillus sphaericus in abandoned gold-miners excavation pools in the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest

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    INTRODUCTION: Use of a Bacillus sphaericus based mosquito larvicide was evaluated as an intervention for malaria vector control at a mining site in Amapá, Brazil. Impacts on larval and adult densities of the primary vector Anopheles darlingi were measured over the course of a 52 week study period.METHODS: In Calçoene, State of Amapá, gold mining activity occurs in 19 mining sites in gold-miners of Lourenço. Large pools are formed in mining sites and naturally colonized by Anopheles darlingi. During one year, the impact of applications of VectoLex(r) CG to these larval sources was evaluated. Applications of 20kg/ha were made as needed, based on 10 immature (3rd, 4th instars and pupae) surveillance of health and established thresholds. RESULTS: One hundred percent initial control was observed 48h after each treatment. The pools received from 2-10 (5.3±1.6) treatments during the year. The average re-treatment interval in productive pools was 9.4±4.3 weeks. During weeks 3-52 of the study, mean density of late stage larvae was 78% and pupae were 93% lower in the treated pools than in untreated pools (p< 0.0001, n=51) while reduction of adult mosquitoes was 53% in comparison to the untreated area during the last five months of the study, which were the rainy season (p<0.001).CONCLUSIONS:VectoLex(r) CG reduced immature Anopheles darlingi infestation levels during the entire study period, and reduced adult mosquito populations during the rainy season

    Phlebotomus (Diptera: Psychodidae) em um sistema hidroelétrico área afetada do norte da Amazônia Brasileira: insights sobre os efeitos das mudanças ambientais na ecologia de vetores

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    Instituto de Pesquisas Científicas e Tecnológicas do Estado do Amapá. Laboratório de Entomologia Médica. Macapá, AP, Brazil.Instituto de Pesquisas Científicas e Tecnológicas do Estado do Amapá. Laboratório de Entomologia Médica. Macapá, AP, Brazil.Instituto de Pesquisas Científicas e Tecnológicas do Estado do Amapá. Laboratório de Entomologia Médica. Macapá, AP, Brazil.Universidade Federal do Amapá - Campus Binacional. Oiapoque, AP, Brazil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil.During 2012-2015, an entomological survey was conducted as part of a phlebotomine (Diptera: Psychodidae) monitoring program in an area influenced by the Santo Antonio do Jari hydroelectric system (Amapá State, Brazil). The purpose was to study aspects of Amazon/Guianan American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) vectors subjected to stresses by anthropogenic environmental changes. For sampling, CDC light traps were positioned 0.5, 1, and 20 m above ground at five capture locations along the Jari River Basin. Fluctuations in phlebotomine numbers were analyzed to determine any correlation with rainfall, dam waterlogging, and/or ACL cases, from May 2012 to March 2015. We captured 2,800 individuals, and among 45 species identified, Bichromomyia flaviscutellata, Nyssomyia umbratilis, and Psychodopygus squamiventris s.l. were determined to be the main putative vectors, based on current knowledge of the Amazon/Guianan ACL scenario. Rainfall, but not complete flooding, was relatively correlated with phlebotomine fluctuation, mainly observed for Ps. squamiventris s.l., as were ACL cases with Ny. umbratilis. Behavioral changes were observed in the unexpected high frequency of Bi. flaviscutellata among CDC captures and the noncanopy dominance of Ny. umbratilis, possibly attributable to environmental stress in the sampled ecotopes. Continuous entomological surveillance is necessary to monitor the outcomes of these findings

    Increasing potential risk for American visceral leishmaniasis in Amapá, Brazil

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    Abstract: INTRODUCTION: The present note discusses some evidence on the increasing potential risk for American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL) transmission in the Northern Brazilian State of Amapá, the Guianan-Amazon biome. METHODS Early and present data about AVL were collected, including our recent entomological findings. RESULTS: The spread of the sand fly vector Lutzomyia longipalpis, and a sylvatic reservoir host, the crab-eating fox Cerdocyon thous in that region represents important findings related to the epidemiology of AVL in the Guianan-Amazon biome. CONCLUSIONS: These observations suggest that Brazilian authorities need to develop surveillance strategies in these risk areas

    Anopheles darlingi and Anopheles marajoara (Diptera: Culicidae) susceptibility to pyrethroids in an endemic area of the Brazilian Amazon

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    Abstract: INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to evaluate the susceptibility of Anopheles darlingi Root (1926) and Anopheles marajoara Galvão & Damasceno (1942) to pyrethroids used by the National Malaria Control Program in Brazil. METHODS: Mosquitoes from Amapá, Brazilian Amazon, were assessed for resistance to cypermethrin, deltamethrin, and alpha-cypermethrin. Insecticide-impregnated bottles were used as suggested by the CDC/Atlanta. RESULTS: Diagnostic dose for Anopheles darlingi was 12.5µg/bottle during 30 min of exposure. Concentrations for Anopheles marajoara were 20µg/bottle of cypermethrin and deltamethrin and 12.5µg/bottle of alpha-cypermethrin. CONCLUSIONS : No resistance was recorded for Anopheles darlingi , but Anopheles marajoara requires attention