61 research outputs found

    Precise Orbit Determination of CubeSats

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    CubeSats are faced with some limitations, mainly due to the limited onboard power and the quality of the onboard sensors. These limitations significantly reduce CubeSats' applicability in space missions requiring high orbital accuracy. This thesis first investigates the limitations in the precise orbit determination of CubeSats and next develops algorithms and remedies to reach high orbital and clock accuracies. The outputs would help in increasing CubeSats' applicability in future space missions

    The impact of precise inter-satellite ranges on relative precise orbit determination in a smart CubeSats constellation

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    The use of CubeSats is expanding in space and earth science applications due to the low costs of building and the possibility of launching them in a large low-earth orbits (LEO) constellation. Such constellation can serve as an augmentation system for positioning, navigation and timing. However, real-time precise orbit determination (POD) is still one of the challenges for this application. Real-time reduced-dynamic POD requires more processing capability than what is available in current CubeSats, and the kinematic POD highly depends on the number and the quality of the signals from Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). In this study, an approach is proposed to increase the orbital accuracy by implementing the precise inter-satellite ranges in the Kinematic POD. The precise orbits of a set of CubeSats from the Spire Global constellation that are determined using the reduced-dynamic POD is to be used to generate the precise inter-satellite ranges. These ranges vary from hundreds to thousands of kilometres and are constrained in the relative kinematic POD between the tested CubeSats. The results, which depend on the length of the inter-satellite ranges, show the improvement of the orbital accuracy in all directions. An initial architecture for implementing such a method in a smart CubeSats constellation is proposed and the limitations and remedies are discussed

    Phase centre variation of the GNSS antenna onboard the CubeSats and its impact on precise orbit determination

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    CubeSats as small Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) satellites are equipped with space-based receiver and antenna capable of tracking Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). These GNSS signals provide the possibility of precise orbit determinations (POD) of the CubeSats which is essential for different earth and space science applications. Examples of these applications are monitoring the movement of the Earth’s surface and oceans using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) and GNSS reflectometry, weather forecasting using GNSS Radio Occultation, satellites rendezvous and docking in orbits, and attitude and relative motion control of the CubeSats in a formation flying. The nominal antenna phase centre variations (PCV) as direction-dependent delays in the GNSS observations are generally determined using ground calibration methods such as the anechoic chamber and robotic tests. However, these methods do not consider the actual space environment and multipath effects due to the CubeSat structure, and neighboring space vehicles in orbit. In this contribution, the empirical PCV pattern for the GNSS antenna onboard a set of CubeSats that are flying in a mega-constellation are determined using the residual approach and compared with the nominal values derived from ground calibrations. The estimated PCV values based on in-flight GNSS observations more realistically represent the near-field effects than the ground calibrated values. The new bin-wise PCV pattern is used in an iteratively POD procedure to determine the precise orbits of the CubeSats. Internal validation methods such as those analyse the overlapping orbits, the posterior variance factors, and the observation residuals confirm the benefits of the proposed PCV patterns. The estimated orbits using these patterns have shown higher accuracies compared with the derived orbits using the nominal PCV values


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    Two approaches are discussed for the estimation and prediction of the orbits of low earth orbit (LEO) satellites that can be used for navigation. The first approach relays on using a ground monitoring network of stations. The procedures to generate the LEO orbital products in this approach are proposed at two accuracy levels to facilitate different positioning applications. The first type targets producing orbits at meter-level accuracy, defined here as LEO-specific broadcast ephemeris. The second type of products would produce orbits with an accuracy of cm as polynomial corrections to the first type of orbits. Real and simulated LEO satellite data is used for testing, mimicking LEO satellites that can be used for positioning. For the first type of products, it was found that orbital prediction errors play the dominant role in the total error budget, especially in cases of mid and long-term prediction. For the second type of products, the predicted orbits within a short period of up to 60 s generate errors at a few cm, and fitting the corrections with a quadratic polynomial reduced the fitting range errors to the cm level compared to the case of applying a linear polynomial. This level of accuracy can fulfill the requirement for precise point positioning (PPP). The second approach is computing the orbits in real time applying the kinematic or reduced-dynamic mode, where the orbits are computed in the PPP mode using GNSS observations collected onboard LEO satellites and the GNSS orbits and clock products are received through inter-satellite links such as the free-access SouthPAN service in Australia, Galileo HAS, or Beidou (BDS-3, PPP-B2b service). The limitations of this approach and preliminary results are given. Furthermore, the LEO satellite clocks determined together with the orbits in the reduced-dynamic LEO satellite orbit process in near-real-time are also analysed. Finally, the impact of possible orbital and clock errors in the range of decimetres to several meters of LEO satellites on positioning performance is analysed

    Estimating running safety factor of ballastless railway bridges using tail modelling

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    Excessive vertical acceleration of ballastless railway bridges subjected to vibrations induced by passing trains is one of the governing design criteria for bridges in high-speed lines. However, to the authors’ knowledge, the corresponding design limit is not based on a solid theoretical or experimental background. Moreover, the traditionally applied safety factor also suffers from these concerns. Therefore, in the present study, a crude probabilistic approach is adopted to evaluate the consistency and reliability of this safety factor. For this purpose, deterministically designed bridges (using conventional methods) with short to medium spans are considered. Then, their reliability is evaluated using simulation-based techniques and extreme value theory, i.e., tail approximation. Then, the existing safety factor is calculated to evaluate the consistency of the current approaches, and possible new values are proposed based on the desired target reliabilities

    Convective Heat Transfer and Pumping Power Analysis of MWCNT + Fe3O4/Water Hybrid Nanofluid in a Helical Coiled Heat Exchanger with Orthogonal Rib Turbulators

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    Utilizing nanofluids in heat exchangers can lead to improved thermal performance. Nanofluids with suspended carbon nanotubes are specifically desirable in thermal systems because of their unique capabilities. In this study, convective heat transfer and required pumping power are studied simultaneously for a helical coiled heat exchanger with laminar water flow while incorporating 0.1 and 0.3 percent volume fraction of the hybrid nanofluid MWCNT + Fe3O4/water. Two different geometries of bare and ribbed tubes are used for the heat exchanger part. The ribs are chosen to be orthogonal, i.e., 90° with respect to the inclined ones. Three different Reynolds numbers are selected for investigation, all in laminar flow regime based on the non-dimensional M number defined in coiled tubes. Computational fluid dynamics is used to study thermal and fluid behavior of the problem. The convective heat transfer coefficient can serve as a criterion to measure the effectiveness of utilizing nanofluids in heat exchangers by taking the pressure drop and pumping power of the system into consideration. Finally, the artificial neural network curve fitting tool of MATLAB is used to make a good fit in the data range of the problem. It is shown that for most cases of the study, the pumping power ratio is less than 1 that can be considered appropriate from energy consumption viewpoint.publishedVersio

    In-plane seismic performance of plain and TRM-strengthened rammed earth components

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    Raw earth is one of the most widely used building materials and is employed in different techniques, among which adobe and rammed earth are the most common. The respective structural systems, like in masonry buildings, acceptably withstand against gravity loads, though they are significantly vulnerable to earthquakes. Moreover, a great percentage of the World’s population is still inhabited in such environments, which are endangered by future earthquakes. The current article investigates the seismic in-plane performance of an I-shaped rammed earth component by means of advanced nonlinear finite element modelling. In this regard, conventional pushover analyses were conducted to evaluate load/displacement capacities and to assess probable failure modes. It was observed that the component fails mainly due to detachment of the wing walls from the web wall and due to occurrence of diagonal shear cracks at the web. Subsequently, the application of Textile Reinforced Mortar (TRM) strengthening solution to the component was studied and shown to be able to maintain the integrity of the component for larger lateral load levels. Finally, the reliability of the pushover analyses to predict the seismic response was evaluated by comparison with outcomes from incremental nonlinear dynamic analysis.This work was financed by FEDER funds through the Competitively Factors Operational Programme – COMPETE and by national funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of projects POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007633 and POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016737 (PTDC/ECMEST/2777/2014). The support from grant SFRH/BPD/97082/2013 is also acknowledged

    Numerical modeling of the seismic out-of-plane response of a plain and TRM-strengthened rammed earth subassembly

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    The importance of raw earth is highlighted by the millions of persons living in earthen buildings around the World and by numerous historical monuments made of this material. Its widely availability led to the development of a variety of building techniques, including rammed earth, which is the main focus of this study. Similarly to unreinforced masonry structures, rammed earth buildings acceptably withstand gravity loads, but are significantly vulnerable to earthquakes. In this regard, great attention has been put on the proposal of efficient, compatible, affordable and reversible strengthening solutions. However, very limited studies address either the experimental testing or modeling of the seismic response of such buildings. The current study investigates the seismic out-of-plane performance of a plain and subsequently strengthened rammed earth sub-assembly (U-shape) using an advanced finite element modeling approach calibrated based on previously conducted small-scale experiments. Here, failure mechanisms, corresponding capacity and efficiency of the adopted strengthening solution (low-cost textile-reinforced mortar) are evaluated by means of pushover analyses. Then, the reliability of the pushover analyses is assessed by comparing its outcomes with that of the incremental dynamic analyses. In general, the failure was found to be governed by overturning of the web wall due to its detachment from the wing walls, while the strengthening was found to increase the capacity and delay the damage development.This work was financed by FEDER funds through the Competitively Factors Operational Programme - COMPETE and by national funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of projects POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016737 (PTDC/ECM-EST/2777/2014) and POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007633. The support from grant SFRH/BPD/97082/2013 is also acknowledged
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