255 research outputs found

    Revaluing the behaviorist ghost in enactivism and embodied cognition

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    Despite its short historical moment in the sun, behaviorism has become something akin to a theoria non grata, a position that dare not be explicitly endorsed. The reasons for this are complex, of course, and they include sociological factors which we cannot consider here, but to put it briefly: many have doubted the ambition to establish law-like relationships between mental states and behavior that dispense with any sort of mentalistic or intentional idiom, judging that explanations of intelligent behavior require reference to qualia and/or mental events. Today, when behaviorism is discussed at all, it is usually in a negative manner, either as an attempt to discredit an opponent’s view via a reductio, or by enabling a position to distinguish its identity and positive claims by reference to what it is (allegedly) not. In this paper, however, we argue that the ghost of behaviorism is present in influential, contemporary work in the field of embodied and enactive cognition, and even in aspects of the phenomenological tradition that these theorists draw on. Rather than take this to be a problem for these views as some have, we argue that once the behaviorist dimensions are clarified and distinguished from the straw-man version of the view, it is in fact an asset, one which will help with task of setting forth a scientifically reputable version of enactivism and/or philosophical behaviorism that is nonetheless not brain-centric but behavior-centric. While this is a bit like “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” strategy, as Shaun Gallagher notes (2019), with the shared enemy of behaviorism and enactivism being classical Cartesian views and/or orthodox cognitivism in its various guises, the task of this paper is to render this alliance philosophically plausible. Doi: 10.1007/s11229-019-02432-

    Gender differences in perceptions of sexual and nonsexual cues in dating

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    This study was an initial attempt to understand how people evaluate their dating experiences. The primary objective was to determine whether males and females have different views about the behaviours that constitute positive, negative and typical dating experiences. Undergraduate students (50 males, 70 females) were asked to rate the likelihood of different sexual and nonsexual events in good , bad and typical date contexts as well as to provide written descriptions of their own best, worst and typical dates. For good and typical dates, many of the same events were identified as likely to occur by both men and women. However, sexual events were more salient for men in these contexts, as shown by the higher mean likelihood ratings men gave to sexual items and the more frequent references they made to sex in date narratives. Women were more inclined to locus on nonsexual issues in their best and typical date narratives. For bad dates, there was a striking gender difference in the behaviours judged likely to occur. Women incorporated sexually charged events in their schemata whereas men did not. Women also gave higher mean likelihood ratings to sexual events in bad dates and mentioned them more often in their narratives. In addition, individual difference variables such as number of sexual partners, amount of sexual experience and experience with sexual coercion also influenced men\u27s and women\u27s reporting of sexual events

    Diffraction-limited near-IR imaging at Keck reveals asymmetric, time-variable nebula around carbon star CIT 6

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    We present multi-epoch, diffraction-limited images of the nebula around the carbon star CIT 6 at 2.2 microns and 3.1 microns from aperture masking on the Keck-I telescope. The near-IR nebula is resolved into two main components, an elongated, bright feature showing time-variable asymmetry and a fainter component about 60 milliarcseconds away with a cooler color temperature. These images were precisely registered (~35 milliarcseconds) with respect to recent visible images from the Hubble Space Telescope (Trammell et al. 2000), which showed a bipolar structure in scattered light. The dominant near-IR feature is associated with the northern lobe of this scattering nebula, and the multi-wavelength dataset can be understood in terms of a bipolar dust shell around CIT 6. Variability of the near-IR morphology is qualitatively consistent with previously observed changes in red polarization, caused by varying illumination geometry due to non-uniform dust production. The blue emission morphology and polarization properties can not be explained by the above model alone, but require the presence of a wide binary companion in the vicinity of the southern polar lobe. The physical mechanisms responsible for the breaking of spherical symmetry around extreme carbon stars, such as CIT 6 and IRC+10216, remain uncertain.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures (one in color), to appear in the Astrophysical Journa


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    This study explores the relationship between civic and citizenship factors and the middle proficiency level of students’ civic knowledge in the Baltic countries: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The study uses large scale data from the IEA’s International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) 2016. According to ICCS 2016, 39% of students from the three Baltic countries and only 26% of students from the Nordic countries had a middle proficiency level of civic knowledge. This middle proficiency level is the largest group in comparison to other levels. Therefore, the study aims to recognise the differences between the highest and lowest achievements in the middle proficiency level of civic knowledge and to examine the relationship between factors such as background, values, behaviour, citizenship activities and attitudes. Multivariable linear regression was used for the data analysis, creating several models. The results show that there are different factors associated with the highest and lowest achievements in the middle proficiency level. For example, the results indicate that students with a lower proficiency level participated in illegal protest activities more often and had lower critical thinking skills. Moreover, the research investigates differences inside the middle proficiency level of civic knowledge and between the lowest middle-level students and students from the lower level of civic knowledge

    Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmijas, Latvijas Universitātes Astronomijas institūta populārzinātnisks gadalaiku izdevums

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    Contents: “ZVAIGŽŅOTĀ DEBESS” FORTY YEARS AGO: A.Alksnis. XIV General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (abridged) ; H.Strods. Jaunlaicene’s Watchmaker (abridged) ; I.Daube. At the Radioastrophysical Observatory of the Latvian Academy of Sciences (abridged). 50 YEARS SINCE GAGARIN’S SPACE FLIGHT: R.Misa. Dream about Cosmos ; A.Zalcmane. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky Astronautics Museum in Kaluga; E.Bērziņa. Outer Space in Pauls Stradins Museum of History of Medicine. NEWS: A.Alksnis. Different Faces of Whirpool Galaxy ; A.Alksnis. The Kleopatra’s Trio and other Minor Planets Groups. SPACE RESEARCH and EXPLORATION: V.Kalniņš. NASA Preparing Solar Probe Plus to Plunge into Sun's Atmosphere ; A.Alksnis. Spacecraft Stardust Travels from Comet to Comet ; M.Sudārs. Inflatable Vessels for Both – Lakes and Space. CONFERENCES and MEETINGS: J.Balodis. A New Space Policy for Europe: Conference Briefs. ACADEMIC STAFF of the UNIVERSITY of LATVIA: J.Jansons. Assistant Professor in Physics of the Latvian University Egons Zablovskis – 85. At SCHOOL: V.Flerov, A.Cēbers, D.Docenko, D.Bočarov, V.Kaščejev. The 35th Open Olympiad of Latvia in Physics ; Jānis Kauliņš. Let Us Collect Micrometeorites! MARS in the FOREGROUND: J.Jaunbergs. Polar Ice Valleys of Mars. For AMATEURS: M.Gills. Observations of Partial Solar Eclipse on January 4, 2011 ; M.Gills. Star Party at Mitaka Tokyo Observatory ; M.Krastiņš. Starry Night Tale in Nereta. Star Party Aquilae. COSMOS as an ART THEME: J.Štrauss. Universe as Philately Subject (11th continuation). CHRONICLE: Z.Kipere. 50 Volumes of Dabas un vēstures kalendārs on the Bookshelf. Juris Kauliņš. The STARRY SKY in the SPRING of 2011.Latvijas UniversitāteSaturs: Starptautiskās astronomu savienības 14.kongress ; Jaunlaicenes pulksteņtaisītājs ; Latvijas PSR Zinātņu akadēmijas Radioastrofizikas observatorijā ; R.Misa. Sapnis par kosmosu ; A.Zalcmane. Konstantīna Ciolkovska vārdā nosauktais kosmonautikas muzejs Kalugā ; E.Bērziņa. Kosmoss Paula Stradiņa Medicīnas vēstures muzejā ; A.Alksnis. Virpuļgalaktikas dažādās sejas ; A.Alksnis. Kleopatras trio un citi mazo planētu ansambļi ; V.Kalniņš. NASA gatavo Solar Probe Plus – zondi, kas ienirs Saules atmosfērā ; A.Alksnis. Kosmiskā zonde Stardust ceļo no komētas uz komētu ; M.Sudārs. Piepūšamās laivas – ne tikai ezerā, bet arī kosmosā ; J.Balodis. Īss pārskats par konferenci A New Space Policy for Europe ; I.P. Sveicam: Zaigai Kiperei – Artura Balklava balva; Ilgmāram Eglītim – 60 ; J.Jansons. LU fizikas docentam Egonam Zablovskim – 85 ; V.Fļorovs, A.Cēbers, D.Docenko, D.Bočarovs, V.Kaščejevs. Latvijas 35.atklātā fizikas olimpiāde ; Jānis Kauliņš. Vāksim mikrometeorītus! ; J.Jaunbergs. Marsa polārās ledus ielejas ; I.D. Šopavasar atceramies: Aleksandrai Briedei – 90 ; M.Gills. 2011.gada 4.janvāra Saules aptumsuma novērojumi Rīgā ; M.Gills. Debess demonstrējumu pasākumi Tokijas observatorijā ; M.Krastiņš. Zvaigžņota nakts pasaka Neretā ; I.D. Šopavasar atceramies: Eiženam Āriņam – 100; Rīgas Politehnikumam – 150 ; J.Štrauss. Visuma tēma filatēlijā (11.turpin.) ; Z.Kipere. 50 Dabas un vēstures kalendāra sējumi grāmatplauktā ; Konkurss „Mums pieder debesis 2011” ir sācies! ; A.A. Īsumā: Debess pētniecībai un mākslai veltīts festivāls ; Juris Kauliņš. Zvaigžņotā debess 2011.gada pavasarī; Pirmo reizi “ZvD”: Edīte Bērziņa, Zaiga Kipere, Agnese ZalcmaneСодержание: А.Алкснис. XIV Съезд Международного Астрономического союза ; Х.Стродс. Мастер часов в Яунлайцене ; И.Даубе. В Радиоастрофизической обсерватории Академии наук ЛатвССР ; Р.Миса. Мечта о космосе ; А.Залцмане. Музей космонавтики им. Константина Циолковского в Калуге ; Э.Берзиня. Космос в экспозиции Музея истории медицины им. Паула Страдиня ; А.Алкснис. Разные лица галактики Водоворот ; А.Алкснис. Трио Клеопатры и другие ансамбли малых планет ; В.Калниньш. NASA готовит Solar Probe Plus – зонд, который погрузится в солнечную атмосферу ; А.Алкснис. Космический корабль Stardust путешествует от одной кометы к другой ; М.Сударс. Надувные лодки не только в озере, но и в космосе ; Я.Балодис. Краткий обзор о конференции A New Space Policy for Europe ; Я.Янсонс. Доценту физики ЛУ Эгонсу Забловскису – 85 ; В.Флёров, А.Цеберс, Д.Доценко, Д.Бочаров, В.Кащеев. Латвийская 35-я открытая олимпиада по физике ; Янис Каулиньш. Соберём микрометеориты! ; Я.Яунбергс. Ледяные долины в марсианских полярных шапках ; М.Гиллс. Наблюдения частичного солнечного затмения 4-го января 2011 года ; М.Гиллс. Публичные наблюдения неба в Токио ; M.Крастиньш. Звёздная сказка в Нерете ; Е.Штраусс. Тема Вселенной в филателии (11-е продолж.) ; З.Кипере. 50 томов Dabas un vēstures kalendārs на книжной полке ; Юрис Каулиньш. Звёздное небо весной 2011 года

    Students’ Perceptions of Threats to their World\u27 Future: An Introduction to ICCS and Global Lesson Plan

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    This article explains the scope and value of the only international assessment (IEA The International Civic and Citizen Education Study, IEA ICCS) of “Civic Understanding” and a uses data from the international comparative study to create a global education lesson plan for U.S. social studies teachers to have their students consider their perceptions of threats to their world as compared to students in other countries. The lesson would most likely be used with middle and high school students


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    The most common method to determine the presence of clay in lakebed is coring method. This method requires survey of the whole lake area using stratified sampling method which is time and physical labour consuming process. To lessen the amount of coring samples and narrow the area of clay survey thus making the whole process faster and more effective, research was made to determine the possibility to indentify clay and its sediments using georadar survey or ground penetrating radar (GPR) method. GPR data analysis and coring studies in lake Zeiļu were used to evaluate GPR as potential method in lake clay sediment research. GPR method was tested in summer and winter during ice-covered period

    Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmijas, Latvijas Universitātes Astronomijas institūta populārzinātnisks gadalaiku izdevums

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    Saturs: Pēdējā "Apollo" ekspedīcija uz Mēnesi ; Vissavienības Astronomijas un ģeodēzijas biedrības Latvijas nodaļa ; M.Gills. ESON – astronomijas popularizēšanas tīkls ; S.Kropa. Dvēsele Atakamas tuksnesī ; M.G. Īsumā: ESO Astro Camp Eiropas vidusskolēniem 2013.gada decembrī ; A.Alksnis. Atklāta vēl viena no Saulei vistuvākajām kaimiņzvaigznēm ; A.Alksnis. Tuvēja zvaigzne, kas ir izveidojusies jau drīz pēc Lielā Sprādziena ; A.Alksnis. Čeļabinskas superbolīds – simtgades notikums ; A.Alksnis. Nevis pārsteidzoša nova, bet gan kvazāra uzliesmojums ; I.Eglītis. Orius – Baldones observatorijā atklātais centaurs ; R.Misa. Denisa Tito Marsa iedvesmas fonds ; A.A. Īsumā: Ap zvaigzni Gleznotāja Beta patiešām riņķo planēta ; I.Zagorska. Zem zvaigznēm, ledāju malā... ; J.Jansons. LU fizikas docents Valdis Rēvalds ; V.Balcers. Noteiktības princips ; I.D. Šovasar atceramies: Matīss Dīriķis (7.VIII 1923.) – 90, Bulīšu akmens meteorīts (2.VI 1863.) – 150 ; J.Dambītis. E.Grinberga uzruna 15.06.1978., aizvadot E.Āriņu pensijā ; A.Alksnis. LVU astronomijas studenti – 1952. gada diplomandi (5.turpin.) ; A.Alksnis. Šovasar atceramies: Zenta Alksne (29.VIII 1928.) ; K.Švarcs, I.Pundure. Homo sapiens: māksla-skaitļi-astronomija (nobeig.) ; Redakcijas kolēģija. Izlozes rezultāti Aptaujas’2012 dalībniekiem ; M.Avotiņa. Latvijas 63.matemātikas olimpiādes 3.posma uzdevumi ; M.Krastiņš. Otrais seminārs „Astronomijas izglītība Latvijā” ; A.A. Īsumā: XVIII Starptautiskā astronomijas olimpiāde Viļņā 6.-14.septembrī ; M.Krastiņš. „Ērgļa Hī” zem saltajām Suntažu debesīm ; J.Kauliņš. Pēc aptumsuma pāri pusei Austrālijas 11 dienās! (Nobeigums) ; D.Lapāne, S.Upesleja. Uz Piena Ceļa zvaigznes tiekas. Dzeja bērniem ; I.P. Īsumā: LRLL 54361 – mīklains regulāru uzliesmojumu avots ; I.Eglītis. LU Astronomijas institūts 2012. gadā ; M.Gills. Rīgas Stacijas laukuma saules laikrādis ; I.Vilks. Par pilnmēness fāzes un Mēness aptumsumu laikiem ; J.Kauliņš. Zvaigžņotā debess 2013. gada vasarā ; Pirmo reizi “ZvD”: Valdis Balcers, Sandra Kropa, Ilga ZagorskaLatvijas UniversitāteСодержание: Последняя экспедиция «Apollo» на Луну (по статье А.Алксне) ; Латвийское отделение Всесоюзного Астрономо-геодезического общества (по статье М.Дирикиса, Ю.Францмана, Я.Клетниэкса) ; М.Гиллс. ESON – сеть популяризации астрономии ; С.Кропа. Душа в пустыне Атакама ; А.Алкснис. Открыта ещё одна из ближайших соседних звёзд ; А.Алкснис. Близкая звезда, которая образовалась вскоре после Большого Взрыва ; А.Алкснис. Челябинский сверхболид – вековое событие ; А.Алкснис. Не новая звезда, а вспышка квазара ; И.Эглитис. Orius – центавр, открытый в Балдонской обсерватории ; Р.Миса. Фонд Денниса Тито «Вдохновение Марс» ; И.Загорска. Под звёздами, на краю света... Древнейшая заселённость Латвийской территории в палеолите ; Я.Янсонс. Доцент физики Валдис Ревалдс ; В.Балцерс. Принцип определённости ; Я.Дамбитис. Речь Э.Гринбергса 15 июня 1978 года, провожая Э.Ариньша на пенсию ; А.Алкснис. Студенты астрономии Латвийского Государственного университета – выпускники 1952 года (5-е продолж.) ; А.Алкснис. Вспоминаем Зенту Алксне... ; К.Щварц, И.Пундуре. Homo sapiens: искусство – числа – астрономия (окончание) ; М.Авотиня. Задачи Латвийской 63-ей олимпиады по математике ; М.Крастиньш. Второй семинар для учителей астрономии Латвии ; М.Крастиньш. Хи Орла под холодным небом в Сунтажи ; Ю.Каулиньш. За Солнечным затмением – через половину Австралии за 11 дней! (Окончание) ; Д.Лапане, С.Упеслея. На Млечном Пути звёзды встречаются (стихи для детей и рисунки); И.Эглитис. Институт Астрономии Латвийского Университета в 2012 году ; М.Гиллс. Новые аналемматические часы на привокзальной площади Риги ; И.Вилкс. О времени фазы полнолуния и Лунного затмения ; Ю.Каулиньш. Звёздное небо летом 2013 года ;Contents: “ZVAIGŽŅOTĀ DEBESS” FORTY YEARS AGO: Ā.Alksne. Final "Apollo" Expedition to the Moon (abridged) ; M.Dīriķis, J.Francmanis, J.Klētnieks. Latvian Branch of All-Union Astronomical-Geodetic Society (abridged) ; 50th ANNIVERSARY of EUROPEAN SOUTHERN OBSERVATORY: M.Gills. ESON – Extended Form of ESO Outreach Activities ; S.Kropa. Soul in Atacama Desert ; NEWS: A.Alksnis. Another Closest Neighbouring Star of Solar System Discovered ; A.Alksnis. A Neighbouring Star Formed Shortly after the Big Bang ; A.Alksnis. Chelyabinsk Superbolide – Event of the Century ; A.Alksnis. Not a Nova but an Outburst of Quasar ; I.Eglītis. Orius – Centaur Discovered at Baldone Observatory ; SPACE RESEARCH and EXPLORATION: R.Misa. Dennis Tito's Inspiration Mars Foundation ; ACHIEVEMENTS of LATVIAN SCIENCE in 2012: I.Zagorska. Under the Stars, at the Far End of Glacier... ; ACADEMIC STAFF of the UNIVERSITY of LATVIA: J.Jansons. Assistant Professor in Physics Valdis Rēvalds ; SCIENTIST and HIS WORK: V.Balcers. Certainty Principle ; FLASHBACK: J.Dambītis. Address by E.Grinbergs on the Occasion of E.Āriņš’s Retirement (15 June 1978) ; A.Alksnis. Astronomy Students of the Latvian State University – Graduates of 1952 (5th continuation) ; A.Alksnis. Remembering Zenta Alksne ; The WAYS of KNOWLEDGE: K.Schwartz, I.Pundure. Homo Sapiens: Art-Numbers-Astronomy (concluded) ; For SCHOOL YOUTH: M.Avotiņa. Problems of 63rd Latvian Olympiad in Mathematics ; M.Krastiņš. Second Seminar for Teachers of Astronomy in Latvia ; For AMATEURS: M.Krastiņš. Chi Aquilae under Cold Suntaži Sky ; J.Kauliņš. Chasing Solar Eclipse across Australia for 11 Days! (Concluded) ; COSMOS as an ART THEME: D.Lapāne, S.Upesleja. On the Milky Way Stars Are Meeting. (Children’s Poetry and Drawing) ; CHRONICLE: I.Eglītis. Institute of Astronomy of the University of Latvia in 2012 ; M.Gills. New Analemmatic Sundial in the Central Location of Riga ; READERS' QUESTIONS: I.Vilks. Full Moon Phases and Lunar Eclipse Times ; J.Kauliņš. The STARRY SKY in the Summer of 2013

    Cool carbon stars in the halo: new very red or distant objects

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    The goal of this paper is to present and analyse a new sample of cool carbon (C)stars located in the halo. Twenty three new C stars were discovered. Spectra are typical of N-type stars with C2 and CN bands and sometimes Halpha in emission. ... Four objects are particularly red with J-K > 3, with 2 located at more than 5 kpc. from the Galactic plane. Eight additional objects with similar properties are found in the literature and our previous works. These 12 C stars could be useful to study mass loss at low metallicity. Two objects are at distances of 95 and 110 kpc. They are located in the region with galactocentric Z < -60 kpc in which the model of Law et al. predicts the Sgr stream to have a loop. (Abstact abridged)Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, accepted by A