72 research outputs found

    Deep Spin-Glass Hysteresis Area Collapse and Scaling in the d=3d=3 ±J\pm J Ising Model

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    We investigate the dissipative loss in the ±J\pm J Ising spin glass in three dimensions through the scaling of the hysteresis area, for a maximum magnetic field that is equal to the saturation field. We perform a systematic analysis for the whole range of the bond randomness as a function of the sweep rate, by means of frustration-preserving hard-spin mean field theory. Data collapse within the entirety of the spin-glass phase driven adiabatically (i.e., infinitely-slow field variation) is found, revealing a power-law scaling of the hysteresis area as a function of the antiferromagnetic bond fraction and the temperature. Two dynamic regimes separated by a threshold frequency ωc\omega_c characterize the dependence on the sweep rate of the oscillating field. For ω<ωc\omega < \omega_c, the hysteresis area is equal to its value in the adiabatic limit ω=0\omega = 0, while for ω>ωc\omega > \omega_c it increases with the frequency through another randomness-dependent power law.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Myoblasts and macrophages share molecular components that contribute to cell–cell fusion

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    Cell–cell fusion is critical to the normal development of certain tissues, yet the nature and degree of conservation of the underlying molecular components remains largely unknown. Here we show that the two guanine-nucleotide exchange factors Brag2 and Dock180 have evolutionarily conserved functions in the fusion of mammalian myoblasts. Their effects on muscle cell formation are distinct and are a result of the activation of the GTPases ARF6 and Rac, respectively. Inhibition of ARF6 activity results in a lack of physical association between paxillin and β1-integrin, and disruption of paxillin transport to sites of focal adhesion. We show that fusion machinery is conserved among distinct cell types because Dock180 deficiency prevented fusion of macrophages and the formation of multinucleated giant cells. Our results are the first to demonstrate a role for a single protein in the fusion of two different cell types, and provide novel mechanistic insight into the function of GEFs in the morphological maturation of multinucleated cells

    Molekularna epizootiologija jednodnevne groznice goveda u Turskoj

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    In this study, the molecular epidemiology of bovine ephemeral fever in Turkey was investigated, on the basis of a comparison of the nucleotide sequences of the virus that caused the last outbreak, between early August and late November 2012, with those of the strains from the 1985 and 2008 outbreaks in Turkey, as well as BEF virus (BEFV) strains from Far Eastern countries, Israel and Australia. In the NJ analysis, the BEF viruses from the 1985 and 2008 outbreaks in Turkey were placed in the same cluster as the Israel isolates, while the 2012-outbreak BEFVs were placed in a different cluster, with the East Asian strains.Istražena je molekularna epizootiologija jednodnevne groznice goveda u Turskoj. Nukleotidni slijed genoma virusa koji je uzrokovao posljednju epizootiju bolesti koja je u Turskoj harala od početka kolovoza do kraja studenoga 2012. godine bio je uspoređen s nukleotidnim sljedovima sojeva izdvojenih od 1985. do 2008. kao i sojeva iz dalekoistočnih zemalja, Izraela i Australije. Primjenom metode susjednog sparivanja, sojevi dokazani u Turskoj između 1985. i 2008. svrstani su u istu skupinu s izraelskim sojevima, dok su sojevi iz 2012. pripadali istočnoazijskoj skupini

    Geri Seken Malzeme İle Üretilmiş Parke Taşlarının Aşınma Dayanımlarının Yapay Sinir Ağları Yöntemi İle Tahmin Edilmesi

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    In today numerical methods developing parallel with the development of computer technology widely used in the estimation of test results. One these methods Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), which is a sub-branch of artificial intelligence method. In this study, tensile strength values of paving stone produced by rebound material was developed a model to predict using ANN. In study, 29 unit paving stone samples were produced using the rebound material during shotcrete applications in order to determine the tensile strength of the paving stone. On the produced paving stone samples were made abrasion resistance tests. The performance of the developed ANN model to predict the values of tensile strength was evaluated by the correlation coefficient and average absolute error values.As a result, when evaluating the performance of the ANN model developed, has been shown usable in the tensile strength of the paving stones of ANN approac

    Abstract B2-34: Model guided understanding of synergistic combination therapies in the DNA damage response pathway [Abstract]

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    Most commonly used anti-cancer therapies involve the systemic administration of anti-proliferative and DNA damaging agents. Deregulation of DNA damage response (DDR) pathways can cause resistance to DNA damaging therapies. Synergistic combination strategies of novel DDR pathway modulators promise to re-sensitize to and amplify currently used standard-of-care therapies. Our goal is to gain mechanistic understanding of the DDR pathway by developing a predictive computational model using single cell microscopy phenotypic data and signaling data from a panel of cancer cell lines. We focus on synergistic and potentiating effects of drug combinations using standard-of-care drugs such as doxorubicin, gemcitabine and irinotecan, and DDR pathway modulators. Our computational model explains the mechanisms of synergistic or additive phenotype that are observed for various modulators and was validated using DDR signaling data. The presented computational model rationalizes the design of novel combination therapies targeting the DDR pathway, includes heterogeneity of different cell lines and is an important step towards the design of a biomarker strategy

    Inference on homeostatic belief precision

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    Interoception and homeostatic/allostatic control are intertwined branches of closed-loop brain-body interactions (BBI). Given their importance in mental and psychosomatic disorders, establishing computational assays of BBI represents a clinically important but methodologically challenging endeavor. This technical note presents a novel approach, derived from a generic computational model of homeostatic/allostatic control that underpins (meta)cognitive theories of affective and psychosomatic disorders. This model views homeostatic setpoints as probability distributions ("homeostatic beliefs") whose parameters determine regulatory efforts and change dynamically under allostatic predictions. In particular, changes in homeostatic belief precision, triggered by anticipated threats to homeostasis, are thought to alter cerebral regulation of bodily states. Here, we present statistical procedures for inferring homeostatic belief precision from measured bodily states and/or regulatory (action) signals. We analyze the inference problem, derive two alternative estimators of homeostatic belief precision, and apply our method to simulated data. Our proposed approach may prove useful for assessing BBI in individual subjects. Keywords: Allostasis; Allostatic self-efficacy; Computational psychosomatics; Homeostasis; Interoception; Translational neuro-modeling

    Arçelik Firması reklamlarının sosyal ve ekonomik açıdan incelenmesi

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    Ankara : İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, 2013.This work is a student project of the The Department of History, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University.by Hasan Çolak.Çolak, Hasan. HIST 200-15ÇOLAK HIST 200-15/2 2012-1