191 research outputs found

    Defining and Regulating Cryptocurrency: Fake Internet Money or Legitimate Medium of Exchange?

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    Digitalization makes almost everything quicker, sleeker, and more efficient. Many argue cryptocurrency is the future of money and payment transfers. This paper explores how the unique nature of cryptocurrencies creates barriers to a strict application of traditional regulatory strategies. Indeed, state and federal regulators remain uncertain if and how they can regulate this cutting-edge technology. Cryptocurrency businesses face difficulty navigating the unclear regulatory landscape, and consumers frequently fall prey to misinformation. To reconcile these concerns, this paper asserts cryptocurrency functions as “currency” or “money” and should be treated as such for regulatory purposes. It also proposes each state implement a uniform cryptocurrency-specific framework following the Uniform Regulation of Virtual-Currency Business Act. Such a harmonious approach would reduce compliance costs for cryptocurrency businesses, protect consumers, and provide satisfactory state and federal oversight

    Analisis “Diseconomies of Scale” Dan Daya Saing Kawasan Gerbangkertosusila

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    During 2000-2005 period, Gerbangkertosusila Area (G-12 Area) in East Java Province has been growth rapidly. But, hypothetically, this area fall in diseconomies of scale and competitiveness decreasing at national level. Using the regional diseconomies of scale and regional competitiveness approachs, this paper analyzed the hypothetic of diseconomies of scale and competitiveness decreasing in G-12 Area. The result of analysis show that G-12 Area has been diseconomies of scale and competitiveness decreasing in many macroeconomic indicators, i.e. contribution of gross value added, income per capita, contribution of export, absorption of domestic and foreign investment, quantity of medium and large scale industries, and fiscal capacity

    Estimasi Kebutuhan Biaya Investasi Untuk Pembangunan Kawasan Perbatasan Antarnegara

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    The development of many aspects in most regencies/municipalities in cross-border area is left behind, compare with the development archieve in other regions inIndonesia. Indeed, cross-border area have an important role as a front gate (main entrance) of Indonesia. This phenomenon happened because of the limitted budget for cross-border area development. This budget allocation is smaller than the actually budget needed for increasing the cross-border area development. Using economic growth approach and fiscal capacities approach of every region, this paper estimates the investment needed for development in eight region of crossborder areas during 2006-2009

    Cultural Da'wah of Antar Pinang Pulang Memulangkan Tradition in Sambas Malay Society, West Kalimantan

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    Marriage is a basic human need, so in certain societies it becomes sacred tradition. The sacredness of marriage is manifested in the series of customs that are required to be carried out. The sacredness of the marriage is believed in society as the Sambas Malay community in West Kalimantan. In Sambas Malay, This tradition is popular as the tradition of Antar Pinang Pulang Memulangkan, which has been an important part in the customs of marriage until today. This tradition is not an empty tradition without meaning, instead it has a very high meaning and is a cultural da'wah with the internalization of Islamic teachings in everyday life. This research focuses on the design of cultural da'wah in the tradition of Antar Pinang Pulang Memulangkan. Using interpretive paradigms, with phenomenological methods and anthropological-sociological approach, this study found: first, the tradition of Antar Pinang Pulang Memulangkan is an effort to internalize Islamic teachings to strengthen four main aspects of the Muslim lives, namely 1) human relations with their creators. 2) suitable for human biological needs. 3) human relations in the family. 4) human relations with society in general. Second, an interesting approach by synergizing non-verbal messages through symbols and verbal messages through the language class in poetry, and suitable  to meet the fundamental interests of humans makes this tradition of Antar Pinang Pulang Memulangkan as a model in the development of cultural da’wah.Perkawinan merupakan kebutuhan mendasar manusia sehingga pada masyarakat tertentu menjadi tradisi yang sakral. Sakralitas perkawinan diantaranya diwujudkan dengan rentetan adat istiadat yang diharuskan untuk dilaksanakan. Sakralitas perkawinan tersebut diyakini oleh masyarakat Melayu Sambas Kalimantan Barat. Pada Melayu Sambas dikenal tradisi antar Antar Pinang Pulang Memulangkan yang hingga saat ini menjadi bagian penting dalam tahapan adat istiadat pernikahan. Tradisi ini bukan tradisi yang kosong tanpa makna, tetapi justru memiliki makna yang sangat tinggi dan merupakan dakwah kultural dengan adanya internalisasi ajaran Islam dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini terfokus pada desain dakwah kultural pada tradisi Antar Pinang Pulang Memulangkan. Menggunakan paradigma interpretif, dengan metode fenomenologi dan pendekatan antropologis-sosiologi, penelitian ini menemukan: Pertama, tradisi Antar Pinang Pulang Memulangkan merupakan upaya internalisasi ajaran Islam untuk memperkuat empat aspek utama dalam kehidupan umat Islam yaitu 1) hubungan manusia dengan penciptanya. 2) pemenuhan kebutuhan biologis manusia. 3) hubungan manusia dalam keluarga. 4) hubungan manusia dengan masyarakat secara luas. Kedua, pendekatan yang menarik dengan mensinergiskan pesan non verbal melalui simbol dan pesan verbal melalui bahasa kias dalam pantun, serta mampu menyentuh kepentingan mendasar manusia menjadikan tradisi Antar Pinang Pulang Memulangkan sebagai model dalam pengembangan dakwah kultural


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    Baitul Maal wat Tamwiil (BMT) Amanah merupakan sebuah lembaga keuangan simpan- pinjam syariah yang menyediakan jasa tabungan dan pinjaman dana untuk para nasabahnya. Dalam kegiatan simpan-pinjamnya, BMT Amanah memiliki beberapa jenis produk tersendiri, baik untuk tabungan maupun pinjaman dana. Dalam melayani kegiatan kerja sehari-hari, BMT Amanah masih melayani nasabahnya secara manual atau belum terkomputerisasi. Dengan demikian proses pengolahan data belum dapat dilalukan secara maksimal. Dalam pembuatan tugas akhir ini dibangun suatu sistem informasi keuangan dengan menggunakan Zachman Framework yang digunakan sebagai kerangka kerja dalam merancang sistem dan rational unified process (RUP) sebagai model proses pengembangan perangkat lunak. Zachman Framework digunakan untuk merancang arsitektur dari sistem secara mendetail sehingga dapat menghasilkan sebuah sistem diinginkan. Sistem dikembangkan dengan model proses RUP karena model proses tersebut bertindak sebagai mekanisme untuk mengidentifikasi kebutuhan-kebutuhan sistem. Dengan dibangunnya sistem informasi keuangan ini segala kegiatan transaksi yang dilakukan secara manual dapat dilakukan secara terkomputerisasi dan proses kegiatan simpan-pinjam yang dilakukan oleh BMT Amanah dapat dilakukan secara maksimal dan dapat membantu pegawai dalam pengelolaan dan pemrosesan data yang terkait dengan kegiatan kerja BMT Amanah

    The Influence of Religiosity, Trust, Knowledge and Location on People Interest in Saving at Bank Syariah Indonesia Sub-Branch Office Bengkalis

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    This study aims to determine the influence of religiosity, trust, knowledge and location on people interest in saving at Bank Syariah Indonesia Sub-Branch Office Bengkalis. The number of samples in this study was 100 respondents by distributing questionnaires to people who saved at Bank Syariah Indonesia Sub-Branch Office Bengkalis. The research method used is a quantitative approach using a non-probability sampling method with purposive sampling and the analysis method is multiple linear regression. The results of this study indicate that partially religiosity, trust, knowledge and location variables have a significant influence on people interest in saving at Bank Syariah Indonesia Sub-Branch Office Bengkalis. Simultaneously, the variables of religiosity, trust, knowledge, and location have a significant influence on people interest in saving at Bank Syariah Indonesia Sub-Branch Office Bengkalis. The coefficient of determination of religiosity, trust, knowledge and location is 66.1% of the interest in saving.Keywords: Religiosity, Trust, Knowledge and Location

    Contextualization of Hadith about Tolerance for Religious and Cultural Diversity

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    This study aims to understand the contextualization of hadith regarding tolerance to religious and cultural diversity with a focus on the meaning of the text, the historical context of tolerance at the time of the Prophet and the contextualization of hadiths . Data analysis was in the form of content analysis. It was found that first, there were six editorials of hadith tolerance using the word samaha which means compassion, generosity and is equated with the word patient. Second, the historical context of the prophet's tolerance attitude was recorded in building a pluralist society in the form of forgiveness, good prejudice, recognizing other religions and cooperate with each other. Third, the contextualization of the hadith that the basic concept of Islam in a pluralist society must be based on the principles of living in harmony, peace and prioritizing spirituality and humanity and ignoring group subjectivity. Departing from this finding, the universality of Islamic teachings is able to respond to the social reality of Indonesian society through religious tolerance in cultural and religious diversit

    The Influence Of Consumer Perceptions About Price, Product Quality And Service Quality Towards Purchasing Decisions (at Janji Jiwa Bengkalis)

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    This study aims to determine the relationship and influence of price variables, product quality, service quality on purchasing decisions at the Janji Jiwa cafe in Bengkalis partially and simultaneously, to determine the magnitude of the influence of the price variable, product quality, and service quality on purchasing decisions. This type of research is associative. From the test results using partial and simultaneous tests that the variable price, product quality and service quality have a relationship and influence on purchasing decisions. The test results of the coefficient of determination variable price, product quality and service quality affect purchasing decisions with a value of price (22.8%), product quality (44.5%) and service quality (36.7%). This shows that the influence of price, product quality and service quality variables affect purchasing decisions by 60.8%. While the remaining 39.2% (100% - 60.8%) is explained by other causes
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